Most of the stories I hear regarding sexual misconduct in TWI directly involve either VPW or LCM. Obviously there were many other leaders involved in that activity.
A few confessed, either that they were some of those who engaged in misconduct,
or were part of the criminal cover-ups.
Some (like the "Moneyhands") have never admitted to their role in cover-ups.
(But we know anyway.)
With as many women as are alleged to be abused, it would have been very difficult to keep a lid on things. I just assume those in the know, knew.
A few top people were out of the loop. (Ralph D, maybe a few others,
plus people like Peter W who left before this was all in place.)
Donna Martindale had to have known Craig was engaged in that behavior. Did she just not care?
Eyewitnesses reported that she had said, before meeting lcm, that she was going to marry
a guy influential in twi.
lcm's own "vp and me" reported that-when lcm thought about marrying Donna
(read his account-it's cold, clinical, and he didn't really know her that well,
TO HEAR HIM TELL IT), vpw went off to tell her
A) lcm was thinking about marrying her
B) lcm was going to be a top dog in twi.
Eyewitnesses AFTER said Donna said she selected lcm because he was going to
be up there in rank.
Does one really need to be a detective to follow the arrows?
For her, other things were secondary considerations.
Political marriages often turn a blind eye to infidelity- among the unbelievers.
Among Christians, this is shocking, but remember twi was more about cold
business than about Christianity- when the inner circle was involved.
Were top leadership women approaching men or was it mostly just Men of God on the prowl? Was Donna, or any higher-ups, hopping in bed with a bunch of guys?
I know of the rumors concerning her lesbianity. If that is true, I wonder how she felt about Craig ranting, screaming, cursing, and spitting about how homosexuals and lesbians are possessed.
(Craig) "I've been looking all over for Donna, have you seen her???"
(Obedient Corp Submissive) :D "God bless you man of God, why you're looking spiritual today. As a matter of fact, I just saw Donna and the Fox trotting off into the Way woods.
(Craig) <_< (he thinks to himself) "Hmmm, that should give me just enough time for a quickie before Donna comes back".
.....meanwhile in the Way Woods....
(The Fox) :wub: "So what did you want to talk about Donna?"
(Donna) "I'm sick of Criag, he always thinks he's right!"
(The Fox) :wub: "Can I do anything to make you feel better? Wanna see something?"....
These are the people we served and obeyed.
About top women being unfaithful, there have been a few accounts- but none that I've read
involved rape. (Doesn't mean there weren't any-just that I haven't read them and they're
not as common if they exist.)
As to lcm and his knee-jerk TERROR of homosexuality,
perhaps part of it is due to his jock-athlete mentality.
Perhaps it's due to a family member of his, who IS reported to be gay.
(Who was never involved in twi and has not invited himself into these discussions.)
Perhaps it's due to some inner fear that HE had some homosexual thoughts-
although there's no evidence for that other than the tendency for some men
with homosexual thoughts to viciously attack and demonize homosexuals.
Perhaps it's because he felt at least partially emasculated that he was the top guy in twi,
and in his own mind equal to the US President (like vpw put around about himself when he
had the same office lcm now held),
and yet he was unable to assert his masculinity sufficiently to overcome any
lesbian acts in his OWN marriage.
Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps.
All are possibilities, some more likely, some less.
Actually, what I meant by "hungry" is sexual hunger. That's why I asked if there were women who were going through the guys like VPW and LCM were the ladies.
Actually, what I meant by "hungry" is sexual hunger. That's why I asked if there were women who were going through the guys like VPW and LCM were the ladies.
Lone Wolf
Heck, I didn't even know about what was going on with the guys much less with the gals. :blink:
I do know of one incident in particular where a female WC grad (Area Leader) had her designs set on a particular male subordinate. She constantly manipulated schedules and circumstances to ensure that she would be alone with him. This would have been in about 1977 or 1978. He was married and had a child. His wife was furious about the situation. The AL being discussed tried to use the situation to leverage her upward mobility in the organization. He was not the least bit interested in this particular woman and that really insulted her. She eventually got reasigned to another area and that was the end of the story.
I didn't place any significance on it that would have been unique to The Way. At the time, I saw it as the same type of thing that happens in countless other organizations.
I'm confident this kind of thing probably happened elsewhere because that is part of human nature.
But then again, I'm not the brightest bulb in the lamp when it comes to recognizing this type of thing.
I don't doubt that some females went after males, but the process was quite different, I think. The males were predatory, whereas the females were more seductive in nature. In other words, pretty normal as to females trying to attract a male. I was propositioned to "visit the woods" on occasion, "to talk". Never went, but it did give the old ego a boost! I never saw any predatory behaviour at all in the women while I was there.
Actually, with the head removed, and no restraining influences of logic or anything, biology says that the male mantis body still has some part of the central nervous system that will copulate to no end, and the female mantis finds "the best sex of her life"..
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A few confessed, either that they were some of those who engaged in misconduct,
or were part of the criminal cover-ups.
Some (like the "Moneyhands") have never admitted to their role in cover-ups.
(But we know anyway.)
A few top people were out of the loop. (Ralph D, maybe a few others,plus people like Peter W who left before this was all in place.)
Eyewitnesses reported that she had said, before meeting lcm, that she was going to marry
a guy influential in twi.
lcm's own "vp and me" reported that-when lcm thought about marrying Donna
(read his account-it's cold, clinical, and he didn't really know her that well,
TO HEAR HIM TELL IT), vpw went off to tell her
A) lcm was thinking about marrying her
B) lcm was going to be a top dog in twi.
Eyewitnesses AFTER said Donna said she selected lcm because he was going to
be up there in rank.
Does one really need to be a detective to follow the arrows?
For her, other things were secondary considerations.
Political marriages often turn a blind eye to infidelity- among the unbelievers.
Among Christians, this is shocking, but remember twi was more about cold
business than about Christianity- when the inner circle was involved.
About top women being unfaithful, there have been a few accounts- but none that I've read
involved rape. (Doesn't mean there weren't any-just that I haven't read them and they're
not as common if they exist.)
As to lcm and his knee-jerk TERROR of homosexuality,
perhaps part of it is due to his jock-athlete mentality.
Perhaps it's due to a family member of his, who IS reported to be gay.
(Who was never involved in twi and has not invited himself into these discussions.)
Perhaps it's due to some inner fear that HE had some homosexual thoughts-
although there's no evidence for that other than the tendency for some men
with homosexual thoughts to viciously attack and demonize homosexuals.
Perhaps it's because he felt at least partially emasculated that he was the top guy in twi,
and in his own mind equal to the US President (like vpw put around about himself when he
had the same office lcm now held),
and yet he was unable to assert his masculinity sufficiently to overcome any
lesbian acts in his OWN marriage.
Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps.
All are possibilities, some more likely, some less.
Take your pick.
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i think craigs rants about gays was\is because he is one himself
what do you say craig?
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what a weird topic title
i was hungry for love, perhaps god's even....
or maybe a father....
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hungry for love, okay, now I get it
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what do you get ?
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what the word "hungry" was for
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i'm not sure what the word "hungry" was for as far as the the poster who started this
but i can tell you what hungry was
and heartache
and way too much other stuff
ps. not directed at you
pps. lonewolf your original post was
oh never mind
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mc quade i'm being too hard on you
it's the way i'm seeing it
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Lone Wolf McQuade
Excathedra, no worries, I love ya! :-)
Actually, what I meant by "hungry" is sexual hunger. That's why I asked if there were women who were going through the guys like VPW and LCM were the ladies.
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Lone Wolf
Heck, I didn't even know about what was going on with the guys much less with the gals. :blink:
I do know of one incident in particular where a female WC grad (Area Leader) had her designs set on a particular male subordinate. She constantly manipulated schedules and circumstances to ensure that she would be alone with him. This would have been in about 1977 or 1978. He was married and had a child. His wife was furious about the situation. The AL being discussed tried to use the situation to leverage her upward mobility in the organization. He was not the least bit interested in this particular woman and that really insulted her. She eventually got reasigned to another area and that was the end of the story.
I didn't place any significance on it that would have been unique to The Way. At the time, I saw it as the same type of thing that happens in countless other organizations.
I'm confident this kind of thing probably happened elsewhere because that is part of human nature.
But then again, I'm not the brightest bulb in the lamp when it comes to recognizing this type of thing.
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I don't doubt that some females went after males, but the process was quite different, I think. The males were predatory, whereas the females were more seductive in nature. In other words, pretty normal as to females trying to attract a male. I was propositioned to "visit the woods" on occasion, "to talk".
Never went, but it did give the old ego a boost! I never saw any predatory behaviour at all in the women while I was there.
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someone wrote:
a female mantis bites off the head of the male before copulation
Is this predatory or the ultimate seduction?
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sounds like murder.... :unsure:
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Actually, with the head removed, and no restraining influences of logic or anything, biology says that the male mantis body still has some part of the central nervous system that will copulate to no end, and the female mantis finds "the best sex of her life"..
If only that would work on the human male..
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So he gets the greatest sex ever, and no responsibility with the kids?
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Actually, that is what happens.
but the short pleasure does not last very long..
but without a real brain (remember, it has been removed.), there is nothing to remember..
"I went to the bar last night, met the cutest girl, but dang, I can't remember a dagone thing.."
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but he dies happy? (i.e. no lmna lmna lama barack obama sabacthani?)
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In his dreams at best.. heheh. Well, no brain, no memory. Last thing he was aware of, he lost his head..
Like a friend of mine, he says he got hit on the head, the next thing, he was married..
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And God said "Let there be beer. . ."
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Lone Wolf McQuade
There are worse ways to go.
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Lone Wolf, This thread has been slightly derailed. . . sorry
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Lone Wolf McQuade
No problem, as long as there is good dialogue, that's what counts, even if it goes of course here and there.
That's how I feel about it anyway.

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Lone Wolf McQuade
Dying without having sex.
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