Yeah.. I question how many time you have to confront these I*()*(&'s, before you have to just leave a standing invitiation.
"When you get your **_* together, call me.."
ah, the response, "I've got a nice book.."
Even 17 grand or so a year to support the contiunation of their efforts, is way too much.
Something I read in the gospel says something like if you have an offering, and a problem with your brother, you'd better take care of your brother before thinking about presenting some kind of offering.
Well, it's ONLY the words of Jesus. Why should we worry about something so trite..
I guess my take on the matter is that Larry is not the issue here - Catcup is because she's the one feeling the pain. He seems to have his conscience seered like a steak on a grill. I'm not saying that Catcup shouldn't confront Larry - just that she shouldn't be surprised if she's not heard.
He'll try to sell his book no matter what. And he'll also try to ignore her and others as well.
Those that were salted in truth will find their way back to their calling - as will those that weren't salted but should have been.
Too much to say and too tired to say it well for now. I agree with you - just want to make myself clear.
I really think that most of us here are "at peace". We've left these numbnuts an open invitation.. those who truly ARE numbnuts have chosen not to accept the gracious offer.
So.. they are "marked".
If you think I haven't "moved on", you don't know me.
PB, you don't have to apologize for bringing up old hurt, and Paw knows there is no need to remove this thread. I'm a big girl with a thick skin have held my own against far worse.
Cappy, let's see, lemme think a bit... 1994 I was forced to sell my house in Indiana if I wanted to stay WC and take an assignment in Cleveland in 1995. Moved to Cleveland the summer of 1995 in preparation for beginning the assignment in September. Our assignment was to coordinate the Cleveland area. We had been functioning in our assignment here all of three weeks when at a Corps night, Martindale screamed that the entire state of Ohio was so screwed up he was going to have to bring three of his "best men" to the state to "clean it up." A few days later, the three stooges hit the buckeye state: Mark Wallace, Larry Panarello, and I believe, was it Terry Ginn? Yep, it was for sure, 1995. I had to go back and think a bit, but for sure, that is the year. So it was possible Panarello was in the big ATL but was then jerked out of that assignment and plugged into Ohio, as Wallace, I believe, was pulled out of Idaho for that purpose. I don't know where they dug up Ginn, or whoever it was they sent to I think, the Toledo area.
I have posted about this incident and others several times on WayDale and GSC, and have always made no bones about the fact that I am not holding my breath waiting for these men to apologize. They will never apologize for something they believe they were correct in doing. And if they realize they blew it but refuse to apologize, then they are bigger cowards than I first believed.
I myself have moved on from what happened to me at the hands of The Way International, which is, at least for me, why I come here on what could be described as a "seasonal" basis. I have other pursuits in my life that bring me joy, fulfilment, and give my life meaning, which keep me fairly busy most of the time.
However, like other folks here, I go through the effort to bring this up again for people who have no idea what men like Martindale, Wallace, and Panarello et al are capable of.
It is the fondest hope of TWI and men like Wallace and Panarello, that we will go away. That the information will eventually fade into the background. While I still have what is left of my own fulfilling life, I feel obligated to prevent others from making similar mistakes in getting involved with TWI and the likes of the Panarellos, and refuse to simply "fade away."
I will bear witness to my dying day what these vermin are capable of, and then someone else will take it up.
The victory for me is the fact that these people did not win.
They will not steal what is left of the rest of my life.
I am pursuing my own goals and dreams.
While I lost decades of my life to this organization,
They did not succeed in ultimately destroying the rest of my life.
Where there once was despair, there now is hope.
Where there was bitterness and disillusionment, there now is purpose.
But I will not surrender to any attempt to silence me.
You don`t think he KNOWS what he did? He knows, he just doesn`t GIVE a damn. If the guy cared, IF the guy had changed..if he had any inkling of what it meant to be a genuine Christian, not to mention a man of character and integrety....he would have contacted people and begged their forgiveness.
He would be attempting to make amends to those he so callously destroyed.
For him to write a book claiming insight about God or justice is blasphemy.
I`ll bet he feels that he has been treated unjustly now that he isn`t a big shot in twi any more. He needs people to feed that ego of his.
Welcome thankGodfinally.....They both have a lot to answere for one day.
As for Connie counseling women to seems that even the *nice* limb leaders wives pushed this solution mercelessly.
What did this fall into the wife catagory jobs? I know that my lc`s wife that pushed me, had been forced to do the same when she was in the early corpes.
If you google his name, the first two hits are GSC. Haha.
People do google wrtiers. In fact, in these modern times, most writers are expected to have websites, newsetters, myspace. Publishers want their writers to do promotion.
You don`t think he KNOWS what he did? He knows, he just doesn`t GIVE a damn. If the guy cared, IF the guy had changed..if he had any inkling of what it meant to be a genuine Christian, not to mention a man of character and integrety....he would have contacted people and begged their forgiveness.
He would be attempting to make amends to those he so callously destroyed.
For him to write a book claiming insight about God or justice is blasphemy.
I`ll bet he feels that he has been treated unjustly now that he isn`t a big shot in twi any more. He needs people to feed that ego of his.
No he's living in terror, one thing I notice about false ministers they are very good actors. Nope I don't agree he's living in great dispair and fear. His hell is knowing the problem won't go away until he sets things right.
It would make sense to me if he just came on here, apologized for all the nonsense, took a few beatings, and got it over with. A lot of the people he messed with are his age.. so the problems aren't going to just go away in a timely fashion.
I'll bet he prayed for it all to just go away. I would even venture further to say he likely invoked old way curses, trying to toss us to the devils..
These jokers may be good actors.. why can't they even ACT like they're sorry..
But noooo. Even those who get on here just drive by and say "yep I'm still God, buy my book.."
Maybe panarello is more cunning than you think. I think he's seen what happened to JL here..
Oh contrair captain....I don`t believe that he is in hell at all...I don`t think he cares one bit about what he has done to a matter of fact, I don`t even believe that he is a genuine Christian in SPITE what he thinks, or he wouldn`t be so devoid of a conscience.
THAT is what makes his attempt at a book so laughable.
He is devoid of character and conscience. Certainly not somebody I would trust to present Godly information. I hope that he doesn`t suck in anybody.
If you google his name, the first two hits are GSC. Haha.
People do google wrtiers. In fact, in these modern times, most writers are expected to have websites, newsetters, myspace. Publishers want their writers to do promotion.
Of course that is in commercial fiction markets.
Panarello's book qualifies as "commercial fiction."
This story (Catups Account-Ohio) just really ....ed me off last night. I know alot of older people have moved on going back into school working on careers rekindling earthly family relationships and so on but this is not right if God can't set the wrongs done in this life, behavior conducted by certain evil individuals, then Christianity is the breeding grounds for devils. Most of these stories and accounts - people gave maybe on a average 20-30 years of their lives in service. Some individuals don't have a decent retirement plan or a Security Savings Plan set up when they get older.
The Abundant Sharing was abused their kids got the best education the best of everything and most of God's people were living like dogs trying to make ends meet. . ( NO I am not tryin to suck up to Cat) I observed this with my own eyes. As a young man I looked up to these bastards.
I knew a young man who showed great promise. He was WC he was kind and very studious and was a tremendous minister for Jesus Christ.The jealousy thing is accurate. This WC perosn and me developed a close relationship. He would expound and teach me alot of things concerning Jesus Christ and God and his great love. Larry noticed that our friendship was developing and he did everything to bash this man a technique used by the miltary to get you second guessing your abilities if they desire to blackball the individual .The purpose is total loyal service to the leader in charge I remember Larry played cruel head games with this guy because most of the local TWI followers loved this young man with great ability and uncanny resolve to build people up. Larry P noticed that he wasn't getting the attention due him so he just crushed this young man via his little status, function and position in the TWI.
Why would a GOD allow that to happen why? So you tell me that this guy doesn't think about the wrongs he's done nope think again. If God is God and I do believe he is there is a day in this LIFE and at the BEMA when these men encluding me will have to give an account, if not then God is a monster and there is no hope. God is not a monster and there is hope
Cats incident and account sounds sooo similar to mine own accounts and things I observed back then. So somebody's a liar. Look at the stats so far I read the stories that Mr. Word Wolf suggested I made my assessment and final conclusion thank you all again for putting up with my many questions, this will be a great research paper one day on the " Authoritarian Personality" :)
With an in depth exploration of the Scriptures, author Lawrence A. Panarello offers you biblically based answers that will surprise even Christians familiar with the Old and New Testaments.
Yeah.. suprised. Unless they've heard the same droll stuff ten kazillion times like some of us.
CES version: "don't blame God". Same basic doctrine, but you can actually buy a paper copy if for some reason you may want to.
Panarello uniquely (?) combines the ideas from Genesis to Revelation to share...
I wonder who wrote this short "review".
So full of wayisms.
Combines the ideas from Genesis to Revelation, or in other words, all of the "administrations"
Maybe someone else can remember.. but what was it.. something in der vey about only an ordained by the almighty teacher or apostle were the only ones qualified to do this with any real accuracy or efficiency..
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polar bear
I'm not promoting his group and I don't belong to it but I just received a copy of a new book by Larry Panarello former twi clergy. One thing I do like about him is he never asks for money. It's
Since it was at one of his meetings that you and I met and you've been so upfront about him I feel I should be honest also. That was part of the reason we came here in the first place from Illinois
Did LP ever say why he left TWI? He seemed to be, and was held up to be by LCM, faithful and obedient to LCM's "leadership", and left after LCM was booted. Seems curious to me, but I don't know...s
Yeah.. I question how many time you have to confront these I*()*(&'s, before you have to just leave a standing invitiation.
"When you get your **_* together, call me.."
ah, the response, "I've got a nice book.."
Even 17 grand or so a year to support the contiunation of their efforts, is way too much.
Something I read in the gospel says something like if you have an offering, and a problem with your brother, you'd better take care of your brother before thinking about presenting some kind of offering.
Well, it's ONLY the words of Jesus. Why should we worry about something so trite..
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I guess my take on the matter is that Larry is not the issue here - Catcup is because she's the one feeling the pain. He seems to have his conscience seered like a steak on a grill. I'm not saying that Catcup shouldn't confront Larry - just that she shouldn't be surprised if she's not heard.
He'll try to sell his book no matter what. And he'll also try to ignore her and others as well.
Those that were salted in truth will find their way back to their calling - as will those that weren't salted but should have been.
Too much to say and too tired to say it well for now. I agree with you - just want to make myself clear.
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Captain Spiritural
ok you da man
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I really wish I wasn't.
godam bitter "victory" if you want to call it that.
Sadly, it's only for ME most of the time..
Somehow in all of this, I have found the path the lord wants me on.
I heard a speech at one of my daughter's graduation ceremonies..
the world is on fire. It's been on fire, for as long as it's been in existence..
"welcome friend, to a world on fire.."
what are you going to do..
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Captain Spiritural
is this the matrix are you telling me i can stop bullets?
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PB, you don't have to apologize for bringing up old hurt, and Paw knows there is no need to remove this thread. I'm a big girl with a thick skin have held my own against far worse.
Cappy, let's see, lemme think a bit... 1994 I was forced to sell my house in Indiana if I wanted to stay WC and take an assignment in Cleveland in 1995. Moved to Cleveland the summer of 1995 in preparation for beginning the assignment in September. Our assignment was to coordinate the Cleveland area. We had been functioning in our assignment here all of three weeks when at a Corps night, Martindale screamed that the entire state of Ohio was so screwed up he was going to have to bring three of his "best men" to the state to "clean it up." A few days later, the three stooges hit the buckeye state: Mark Wallace, Larry Panarello, and I believe, was it Terry Ginn? Yep, it was for sure, 1995. I had to go back and think a bit, but for sure, that is the year. So it was possible Panarello was in the big ATL but was then jerked out of that assignment and plugged into Ohio, as Wallace, I believe, was pulled out of Idaho for that purpose. I don't know where they dug up Ginn, or whoever it was they sent to I think, the Toledo area.
I have posted about this incident and others several times on WayDale and GSC, and have always made no bones about the fact that I am not holding my breath waiting for these men to apologize. They will never apologize for something they believe they were correct in doing. And if they realize they blew it but refuse to apologize, then they are bigger cowards than I first believed.
I myself have moved on from what happened to me at the hands of The Way International, which is, at least for me, why I come here on what could be described as a "seasonal" basis. I have other pursuits in my life that bring me joy, fulfilment, and give my life meaning, which keep me fairly busy most of the time.
However, like other folks here, I go through the effort to bring this up again for people who have no idea what men like Martindale, Wallace, and Panarello et al are capable of.
It is the fondest hope of TWI and men like Wallace and Panarello, that we will go away. That the information will eventually fade into the background. While I still have what is left of my own fulfilling life, I feel obligated to prevent others from making similar mistakes in getting involved with TWI and the likes of the Panarellos, and refuse to simply "fade away."
I will bear witness to my dying day what these vermin are capable of, and then someone else will take it up.
The victory for me is the fact that these people did not win.
They will not steal what is left of the rest of my life.
I am pursuing my own goals and dreams.
While I lost decades of my life to this organization,
They did not succeed in ultimately destroying the rest of my life.
Where there once was despair, there now is hope.
Where there was bitterness and disillusionment, there now is purpose.
But I will not surrender to any attempt to silence me.
And when I am gone, others will take my place
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polar bear
Go girl!
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Why don't you post your book Larry?
PDF will work.
What are you afraid of?
Just exactly what do you charge for your book?
How many times did Paul charge for his letters?
It's your book, your expense, what's it for? Your own pocket or others to learn?
Chicken Sh!t punks still Way branded.
How many chains are still wrapped around your heart?
How deep is the Christ buried and blocked by your own selfishness?
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You don`t think he KNOWS what he did? He knows, he just doesn`t GIVE a damn. If the guy cared, IF the guy had changed..if he had any inkling of what it meant to be a genuine Christian, not to mention a man of character and integrety....he would have contacted people and begged their forgiveness.
He would be attempting to make amends to those he so callously destroyed.
For him to write a book claiming insight about God or justice is blasphemy.
I`ll bet he feels that he has been treated unjustly now that he isn`t a big shot in twi any more. He needs people to feed that ego of his.
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I wish it were that simple.
Most of us here still have scars, if not wounds.
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Welcome thankGodfinally.....They both have a lot to answere for one day.
As for Connie counseling women to seems that even the *nice* limb leaders wives pushed this solution mercelessly.
What did this fall into the wife catagory jobs? I know that my lc`s wife that pushed me, had been forced to do the same when she was in the early corpes.
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Men and Women pouring their hearts out on these pages and someone comes along with a friggin book.
They don't know wtf they are writing about. How bout serving God as in helping his people?
FORGOT about that DIDN"T YOU!!!!
GreaseSpot Cafe has done more for people then the entire library of CES or CFF or anyone else.
You Larry and Connie, I am ashamed to have even heard of this.
Post the friggin book!
What??!!! You don't think we had anything to do with it???!!!
Without us there wouldn't be a you!!!
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If you google his name, the first two hits are GSC. Haha.
People do google wrtiers. In fact, in these modern times, most writers are expected to have websites, newsetters, myspace. Publishers want their writers to do promotion.
Of course that is in commercial fiction markets.
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Captain Spiritural
Thank for clearing this up for me Cat
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Captain Spiritural
No he's living in terror, one thing I notice about false ministers they are very good actors. Nope I don't agree he's living in great dispair and fear. His hell is knowing the problem won't go away until he sets things right.
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It would make sense to me if he just came on here, apologized for all the nonsense, took a few beatings, and got it over with. A lot of the people he messed with are his age.. so the problems aren't going to just go away in a timely fashion.
I'll bet he prayed for it all to just go away. I would even venture further to say he likely invoked old way curses, trying to toss us to the devils..
These jokers may be good actors.. why can't they even ACT like they're sorry..
But noooo. Even those who get on here just drive by and say "yep I'm still God, buy my book.."
Maybe panarello is more cunning than you think. I think he's seen what happened to JL here..

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Oh contrair captain....I don`t believe that he is in hell at all...I don`t think he cares one bit about what he has done to a matter of fact, I don`t even believe that he is a genuine Christian in SPITE what he thinks, or he wouldn`t be so devoid of a conscience.
THAT is what makes his attempt at a book so laughable.
He is devoid of character and conscience. Certainly not somebody I would trust to present Godly information. I hope that he doesn`t suck in anybody.
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Yeah.. what I wonder, how in the world did he even get a book published.. well, some people will do almost ANYTHING for money I suppose.
"oh, you say you were a minister. Where did you serve?"
"ummm, somewhere.."
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No prob Cappy.
And I was just reminded by someone--
The third stooge was Randy Ginn, of Canada....
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Very well said, and a great motto to have.
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Panarello's book qualifies as "commercial fiction."
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Thank You everyone for being here to set things straight; now that's really Love!!!!
Love You All more than You know, RainbowsGirl
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Captain Spiritural
This story (Catups Account-Ohio) just really ....ed me off last night. I know alot of older people have moved on going back into school working on careers rekindling earthly family relationships and so on but this is not right if God can't set the wrongs done in this life, behavior conducted by certain evil individuals, then Christianity is the breeding grounds for devils. Most of these stories and accounts - people gave maybe on a average 20-30 years of their lives in service. Some individuals don't have a decent retirement plan or a Security Savings Plan set up when they get older.
The Abundant Sharing was abused their kids got the best education the best of everything and most of God's people were living like dogs trying to make ends meet. . ( NO I am not tryin to suck up to Cat) I observed this with my own eyes. As a young man I looked up to these bastards.
I knew a young man who showed great promise. He was WC he was kind and very studious and was a tremendous minister for Jesus Christ.The jealousy thing is accurate. This WC perosn and me developed a close relationship. He would expound and teach me alot of things concerning Jesus Christ and God and his great love. Larry noticed that our friendship was developing and he did everything to bash this man a technique used by the miltary to get you second guessing your abilities if they desire to blackball the individual .The purpose is total loyal service to the leader in charge I remember Larry played cruel head games with this guy because most of the local TWI followers loved this young man with great ability and uncanny resolve to build people up. Larry P noticed that he wasn't getting the attention due him so he just crushed this young man via his little status, function and position in the TWI.
Why would a GOD allow that to happen why? So you tell me that this guy doesn't think about the wrongs he's done nope think again. If God is God and I do believe he is there is a day in this LIFE and at the BEMA when these men encluding me will have to give an account, if not then God is a monster and there is no hope. God is not a monster and there is hope
Cats incident and account sounds sooo similar to mine own accounts and things I observed back then. So somebody's a liar. Look at the stats so far I read the stories that Mr. Word Wolf suggested I made my assessment and final conclusion thank you all again for putting up with my many questions, this will be a great research paper one day on the " Authoritarian Personality" :)
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I looked at the advertisement.
it is an e-book exclusively. No prints in existence.
The adobe "settings"..
I don't know why I would want to anyway..
Part of the advertisement:
Yeah.. suprised. Unless they've heard the same droll stuff ten kazillion times like some of us.CES version: "don't blame God". Same basic doctrine, but you can actually buy a paper copy if for some reason you may want to.
I wonder who wrote this short "review".
So full of wayisms.
Combines the ideas from Genesis to Revelation, or in other words, all of the "administrations"
Maybe someone else can remember.. but what was it.. something in der vey about only an ordained by the almighty teacher or apostle were the only ones qualified to do this with any real accuracy or efficiency..
offering something to "suprise" christians.. hmm.
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