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New book by Larry Panarello

polar bear

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I knew the Panarellos from when I lived in south west Houston, TX and my future wife in Pasadena, TX back in the 80s. Larry function more like a Pastor back then. No room for Pastors in the LCM ministry. I'm sure Larry's true ministry was suppressed during his time with LCM and Rosie as president. It sounds like he is reverting back to his true ministry. I ordered the book and look forward to reading it.

Larry played a key roll in my wife and I meeting each other.

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Larry Panarello recommended that people don't post at GreaseSpot? I'm a freedom-of-speech person, too.

That's TWI talking...Larry, if this is true, you still have some mindset to get over...

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Maybe some here had bad experiences with past way leadership. People do change, haven't you changed since you left the way.

Larry P. was always kind to me.

Larry is not looking to get money, or start a big ministry. He sends a free cd out every week to those who want it and has never asked for a penny.

I know for a fact that he works 40 hours a week at a regular job.

He did this book on his own time.

Maybe he just wanted to demonstrate that God is all love, all the time, contrary to what twi teaches.

I say if it's of God it wil prosper, if not it won't.

If anyone is interested they can just order it at Barnes and Noble, it's called "The True Justice of a Just God".

Edited by polar bear
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  Eagle said:
Larry Panarello recommended that people don't post at GreaseSpot? I'm a freedom-of-speech person, too.

That's TWI talking...Larry, if this is true, you still have some mindset to get over...

Why would he recommend no posting? GS thus far has not promoted lies -(so far) most of the accounts I read concerning a great % of the stories can be confirmed by a common behavior abuse pattern of WC leadership; I don't understand this behavior! I thought he'd changed I guess the motive is still $$$

I am still reading the Stories and Cases of abuse pretty sad and shocking though :)

Thanks Eagle

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Perhaps we could look at Larry's side of the coin. I have a good relationship with him, and enjoy his heart.

The reason Larry asked not to be posted here is because he was top leadership at he way, and was put on the front page of the greasespot site. He never asked for his name to be used.

When he left the way after being on salary for years he could not rely on the way to support him for job references. He was on his own. When potential employers would look up his references, they would be led to the greasespot site and would not consider him on account of the negative feedback attributed to him leaving the way.

You do the math.

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Maybe some here had bad experiences with past way leadership. People do change, haven't you changed since you left the way.

Maybe I have, but Im also smart enough to realize, especially after my history and my experience to pretty much keep my yap shut when it comes to speaking (at least with any final certainty) about higher things, the mysteries of the universe and God.

I realize now that I was deadon wrong when I was absolutely certain that I was right....

What history, weight or experience does Mr. Panarello bring to us besides decades of supporting a very dubious, corrupt and abusive cult for much of his life?

and for this series of bad decisions I should believe him or buy a book by him?

His actions already speak loudly enough, I have no desire to get dragged back into the same old same old with some new veneer


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I was with Larry in Houston as well. He was a good guy back then. I don't know much about him now.

The way I see it - a person can change for the bad or the good. I can't see how anyone could survive in the conditions of TWI during the fog years without becoming hardened.

Hopefully, if that is the case, he is in the process of changing in many ways. Personally I wouldn't get involved with a ministry run by a person going through this process of change. It took Paul fourteen years to get over his thought patterns. I think an argument can be made for waiting at least three years before starting a ministry once you've been kicked out (in effect.)

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"Maybe some here had bad experiences with past way leadership. People do change, haven't you changed since you left the way".

"You do the math".

Religion/Change = He that will not apply new remedies must expect new evils. .0

Edited by Captain Spiritural
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Yep, PB, people can and do change, but there are still consequences for our actions and it sounds like Larry is realizing how dire the consequences can be when someone who is supposed to be protecting God's flock does just the opposite.

2 Peter 2:1

But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction.

There are a lot more verses about how God views false prophets and leaders who destroy lives. Larry has a lot to answer to God for. Good for him if he's really going about trying to change, but that doesn't mean he should be in any kind of ministry or pastoral role, especially one where people are entrusting him with their lives. It also doesn't mean we should forget where he came from and what he's capable of.

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Yeah, I'd love to avoid the consequences of any of the less-than-bright moves I've made over the last however many years.

However, real life often necessitates otherwise.

So another WayWorld hotshot is unhappy that some of his pigeons have come home to roost? Oh well...

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Yes, exie, you know that as soon as finals are over and I get a chance to catch my breath, I always stop by for a cup of coffee and catch up on what's going on. I'm in between finals and showing up for jury duty, so I decide I have a spare moment to stop in for some java and a cinnamon roll. I log on this morning just to hopefully look at some light stuff for a mental diversion from the intensity of academia, and what comes up but this poor excuse for what I would scrape off the bottom of my shoe.

Larry and Connie have always known who I am and how to get in contact with me if they really want to. I still live on the same street and have the same phone number I did when they coordinated the limb in Ohio. They just don't want to. Why? Because they can't stand to face up to what they did to the good people in Ohio, and neither one of them can look me in the eye.

Why does Larry not want people to show up on GSC? Because I already took his rear end apart in detail on here and he doesn't want people to see it. --Or run into people who can tell the truth of what this man and this woman are really like.

Larry and Connie Panarello are two of the most vicious and heartless people I have ever met, made in the image of Mark Wallace and Craig Martindale. They have had plenty of opportunity to reflect on what they did in Ohio and not ONE person I know of has received an apology. He's not man enough to admit what an idiot he was and own up to the damage he caused. And Connie is just plain bizarre. They particularly delight in playing mind games and power plays. Larry is a military man and familiar with the applications of certain of these tactics. They are very careful who they let get close to them. I always thought it odd that when they first introduced themselves to The Way Corps in this state, they both wore mirrored aviator sunglasses even indoors when being individually introduced to each person. They literally didn't want you to be able to look them in the eye. It was, at least to me, an obvious psychological intimidation tactic on their part at the time.

I have posted the details on WayDale and on GSC several times. It pains me to have to drag it up again, and I may not bring every detail out, but I'm gonna bring enough of it forward again just to make sure the lengths that the Panarellos will go to in order to harass innocent people are not forgotten.

Not long after taking over the limb assignment in the fall of 1995, Larry and Connie Panarello called a special meeting for anyone who had been dropped from active Way Corps in the State of Ohio. Those of us at the time who were full time staff were to of course come several hours ahead of time to clean the bathrooms and string the chairs. Larry ominously warned us to "be ready" for "whatever reactions might occur" during or after this meeting, implying that it was not beyond the realm of possiblilty that we might see some violence. This tells me he knew the degree of pain he was about to intentionally inflict on people. Recalling his tone and ominous demeanor, I would not have been surprised to know he was packing heat along with two or three other people present.

The people called to this meeting, some of whom probably drove 5 or 6 hours to get there, were no longer bound by any Way Corps responsibilities whatsoever. They were not obligated to TWI in any way. However, they still attended fellowships, and definitely supported TWI financially and every other way. When these DFAC and Corps "alumni" showed up to this meeting, Panarello launched into a two to two and a half hour tirade of verbal and emotional abuse, telling these people that they were the worst possible example of the believers, and called them every filthy name in the book, and every imaginable insinuation and accusation, sexually and otherwise was made regarding their lack of integrity and moral character. He let them know that they were absolute scum, and blamed them for making Craig Martindale physically ill every time he looked out into the audience on a Sunday night and saw their faces. And after that, he ordered each and every one of them, yes, ORDERED them, to "pack up their belongings and leave the state of Ohio, IMMEDIATELY."

Yes, he ordered these men and women to sell their houses (damn them for owning property) sell their businesses, (moneygrubbing louses) and leave their jobs (your stinking idols) and LEAVE THE STATE BECAUSE THEY MADE CRAIG PHYSICALLY ILL. You could have heard a pin drop. These folks who had already suffered the "disgrace" of being dropped from active Corps for such diabolical reasons as having fallen in love with and married a non-corps person, or had a mortgage on a house or lease on a car, were now told they were horrible examples and were responsible for the deterioration of the physical health of the man-o-gawd. One particular woman whom my husband and I were helping, had just arrived in Ohio within the past week after having fled an abusive marriage with nothing but the clothes on her back. When she painfully looked at me after all this was over, I said sarcastically, "Yeah, welcome to Ohio, now get out of Dodge!" That relieved at least some of her tension. But I found Panarellos behavior toward these people unconscionable. After the meeting, some people were in tears. Others had that "thousand yard stare" of shock. There was no hint of the violence that Panarello suggested might occur, but people were stunned, dejected, confused, depressed, and horrified.

Later on our family personally tasted the wrath of the Panarellos. During December my husband had been invited by the Cleveland Museum of Natural History to conduct a lecture in their planetarium on the Bethlehem Star. We notified the Wallaces and probably 20 TWI folk showed up along with the general public. The next day we were taken to task because we didn't "run the meeting" at the planetarium, sing, have manifestations, and introduce "guests" from TWI. Hell, it wasn't our show to run. JON was INVITED to speak by the planetarium curator. So this was a burr under Panarello's saddle about the Nessles.

Later on in the month of December, we were invited to what was labeled the Way Corps' Happy Household Holiday party. While there, my husband was cornered by three or four Corps people who had been assigned to teach on the Bethlehem Star that month in public explanations and they were informally asking him technical questions about the astronomical data so they could understand the material they were supposed to teach. That didn't sit too well with Panarello's ego. He apparently felt slighted. Jealousy? Who knows. He later told us it "chapped his foot." (well, he didn't say "foot." That's the censor's stand-in for a three-letter word). Jon was then FORBIDDEN by Panarello to submit any research to TWI or to do any research whatsoever. Just read your bible and "master" the TWI materials.

In January we were called to a Corps evaluation. We had teachings, then during a break, I was standing at a patio door looking outside when I heard my name mentioned. Just on the other side of an open door to the basement, I overheard Panarello and Wallace discussing me. Wallace demanded that "The Nessles have to go." Panarello agreed to "take care of it." When the meeting resumed, Panarello opened it by declaring that "Nothing was a foregone conclusion" regarding our Corps status. I knew then he was lying through his teeth straight to my face. In the ensuing evaluation, in the presence of the Wallaces, Connie, and two more Corps couples, we were taken apart by Panarello for the Planetarium incident and more.

Panarello picked Jon apart because he felt that at his birthday party (the party was represented to US as being the HHH party), several people gave Jon more attention than they allegedly gave him. The women also apparently did not like the fact that my husband had gone shopping for and picked out the dress my daugher wore to "his" party. What was the problem with the dress? Was it really about the dress? Such an odd, petty thing to bring up at a Corps evaluation. I could understand if it was some racy, low-cut, high-skirted, hot little red number, unfit for a 9 year old to wear. But it was a very simple black velvet skirt that came to the knees, with a plain white satin top and a plain pink satin ribbon at the waist. Very nice, yet conservative, and looked as if it could have come from a pricier store, but came from a discount house. I think Cheryl Watson was bothered when she discovered that it came from (GASP) K-Mart, and Connie was bothered that JON took her shopping for a dress, and not ME. The dress was simply a lead-in to what they felt was the real problem.

Why didn't I take Jenny shopping for her dress? Jon did it so I could stay off my ankle. I was limping around from what was still as yet a misdiagnosed injury that had occurred several months before at the Rock of Ages. I had stepped into an uncovered, unmarked trench near the shower tents and broke my ankle in several places. Another story of mismanagement by TWI delayed my visit to the ER where it was then misdaignosed as a sprain. At any rate, TWI was bothered by the fact that my ankle had not yet healed. I had followed their instructions on what they thought I should be doing to rehab the injury (later at the end of January finding out from The Cleveland Clinic that not only was my ankle broken in three places, but following TWI's advice simply splintered the bones into an infinite number of shards, making it worse), but it still did not improve.

Connie Panarello had the nerve to declare in this evaluation that,

"The reason your ankle has not yet healed is because your husband doesn't love you enough."

Yep, folks, that's the real reason my ankle didn't heal. Not that TWI left a trench uncovered and unmarked in an area where they knew THOUSANDS of people were going to be walking. Not that doing walking exercises and stationary bicycling as recommended by my immediate TWI-paid ministerial overseers, splintered my broken bones into so many pieces they couldn't remove all of them in microsurgery, but because...My husband just "doesn't love me enough." And from that point in the meeting Panarello and Wallace endeavored to to sow division between my husband and myself in an unsuccessful attempt to bust up our marriage.

And on that basis, Larry Panarello kept his promise to Mark Wallace that "the Nessles had to go." In all actuality, he was isolating and removing what he jealously felt was competition, and at the same time marginalized people TWI felt would be a financial liabilty because their grounds people screwed up that trench at the Rock of Ages.

Soon in 1996 the Panarellos made even more bizarre demands on the people in the state of Ohio. They designed a system of study that was enforced upon every believer in the state. We no longer could direct our own study of the bible. We were to set up a portable file box exactly like the Panarellos with a folder in it for every class or seminar currently being offerred by TWI. Each one was given a particular day of the week for study. And on that day, that is what you were to study. It was a systematic review of TWI materials, class syllabi, and notes. No self-directed perusing of scripture, but the assigned reading of the day. This portable file box went everywhere with the Panarellos. They had two people assigned to carry it in front of them wherever they went. As they walked into the OSC building with their lackeys carrying the box in front of them, they looked as if they were following the ark of the covenant.

The Panarellos later went around to all areas of the state of Ohio doing budget seminars and required everyone to set up a budget book the same way they did, and insisted on CARRYING THE BUDGET BOOK WITH YOU WHENEVER YOU GO OUT AND MAKE PURCHASES. You are carrying this huge 3 inch thick three ring binder with you to the mall or the grocery store, and writing your purchases down immediately. They also insisted we look at, VISUALLY INSPECT each and every checkbook and budget book of every person in our fellowship. This came from Larry Panarello to NE Ohio through Mark Wallace.

There's much more detail I could go into, but it tires me to think about it. It's been posted several times and you can probably find it in the archives.

Larry and Connie Panarello have an overly-inflated concept of self-importance, to put it mildly. Similar to both Craig Martindale and Mark Wallace, Larry himself is a mean, small, shallow, paranoid, jealous little man. Connie has delusional ideas, and is willing to carry out petty vendettas on behalf of her husband. As a result, they draw irrational conclusions about themselves and others. They are psychologically manipulative and therefore are in no shape to be directing entire groups of people, or to be entrusted with the care of the life of even one single human being.

I doubt things have changed any for either one of them. They are used to causing severe damage in one area, then picking up and moving on to the next area to do the same thing. If things had changed, they would have realized they owe a huge debt of apology to ANYONE they could reach in the state of OHIO. I've never held my breath waiting for an apology, nor will I. He knows where I am and who I am and how to get in touch with me. Simply none of those people can look me in the eye and tell the truth.

If he is really interested in changing, let him start with contacting me and apologizing for what he put me and my family through in 1996 and 1997. Then if I believed he was sincere, I could actually vouch for his honesty and sincerity to make right whatever wrongs he committed.

However, my phone will not ring, and I will not get that knock on my door, because this man is not interested in changing anything except his bottom line. He needs something to subsidize his lifestyle. Unlike many of us who have worked at honest jobs for decades to put a roof over our own heads and our finances were bled dry by TWI, all his adult life he greedily sucked TWIs teat, and when that was jerked out of his mouth he went looking for a new source of sustenance.

See to it that he doesn't suck you in. He's nothing but a parasite.

Edited by Catcup
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  polar bear said:
When he left the way after being on salary for years he could not rely on the way to support him for job references. He was on his own. When potential employers would look up his references, they would be led to the greasespot site and would not consider him on account of the negative feedback attributed to him leaving the way.

So he got a real life taste of what he put others through. For years I worked with dR. Rawlins taking care of her most fearful patients during labor, birth, and postpartum. She told me I was the best doula and CBE she had ever had and it was a privilege to work with me, and gave me a great letter of reference during my certification. When I left TWI, I was told by Ohio's leadership (Panarello and Wallace) that I could not contact her or use her for an employment reference, regardless of how she had viewed my service.

"The True Justice of a Just God" indeed.

I can only hope it was MY WORDS as a first hand witness of his despicable abusive behavior towards the Ohio Way Corps Alumni in that infamous meeting that potential employers read, and therefore and deprived him of procuring employment. That would have been some true justice.

Larry, my phone is still the same. My address is still the same. If you are interested in giving a GENUINE apology, you know what to do.

Edited by Catcup
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Now thats an interesting account Catcup...,

Maybe if Mr Panarello were to write a book on Severe Narcississtic Personality Disorder, or something else that he has a close personal experience and insider information about ( like ..Thoroughly Deranged Control Freakism Religion in the 21st Century..)I might consider buying it.....

But a book about the justice of God? :biglaugh::biglaugh:

I think I may buy a book on Kindness by Saddam Hussein, Nuclear War Tactics by Mother Theresa, Capitalism and Profiteering by St. Francis Of Assisi, or Caring for Orphans by Josef Stalin first--then maybe just maybe I'll get around to reading his spoof and mockery

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As I perused all of the replies to this discussion, I began to wonder why it took me so long to realize I didn't need an extwi person to teach me information that is freely available to anyone. The real answer is I don't know. All I know is I'm better now. Why I kept going back to my vomit and getting involved with the offshoots was probably because it felt familiar even though familiar should have been a bright red flag.

Catcup, I concur with your statements. How dare Panarella present himself as a minister when he hasn't done the second commandment by loving his neighbor as himself and asking forgiveness to those he knows he's wronged. The same goes for Connie. Lord only knows how many babies never took their first breath because she counseled their scared mamas to abort them. How many women are in pain everyday of their lives because a "Christian" minister's wife told them it was ok because it really wasn't a baby anyway. I know for a fact she counseled many in North Carolina to abort when she was down there. How many others since then? Is she still doing it? How many has she asked forgiveness from for sticking her nose where it didn't belong? What an egregious twisting of the scriptures.

I suppose as long as there are believers out there who are codependent like I used to be, then these "ministers" will have an audience and will continue to feed off the flock.

What a travesty.

Larry and Panarello are not new watering holes as someone stated above.

Speaking from experience, you don't need them but they have to have you and people like you to do what they do.

I'm glad I finally woke up and got away from all of the ex rev type parasites as Catcup said, and got better. I thank God everyday for everything He does for me and that I'm no longer substituting them for Him.

Edited by thankgodifinallywokeup
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"Not long after taking over the limb assignment in the fall of 1995, Larry and Connie Panarello called a special meeting for anyone who had been dropped from "

mmmm not tryin to be a yahole here but wasn't he in the big ATL?? durning that year? just wondering remember not disputing your story YOU were there. oo well ILL get back to reading these records...

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Paw, if you pull this thread off the site, I'll be really really disapointed.


So he just publishes a book.. as if that is going to fix anything. Same thing, rub some holy flesh on something nasty trying to make nasty holy..

Larry, if you have a SHRED of decency, you'll set this straight.

Catup confront him ! just do it what can he do ...nothing! his support chain is done, and you will feel better if you do

If you didn't read, she already DID.

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  Mr. Hammeroni said:
Paw, if you pull this thread off the site, I'll be really really disapointed.


So he just publishes a book.. as if that is going to fix anything. Same thing, rub some holy flesh on something nasty trying to make nasty holy..

Larry, if you have a SHRED of decency, you'll set this straight.

If you didn't read, she already DID.

yeah i read do you if she did then move on... if not then take care of it hell larry mess over lots of people lots not just wcs , maybe God will sort this out at the gathering maybe.

if its still a issue get in his face again until you are settled in your heart

Edited by Captain Spiritural
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Maybe Larry just needs to figure this out. Sometimes its just not worth the effort to confront someone face to face.

Sometimes it's really not about the confrontation as much as it about getting it all out and allowing yourself to go through all the emotions.

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  doojable said:
Maybe Larry just needs to figure this out. Sometimes its just not worth the effort to confront someone face to face.

Sometimes it's really not about the confrontation as much as it about getting it all out and allowing yourself to go through all the emotions.

Good point but these guys chewed up God's people and then threw them away like trash! this thing is bigger than GS wheres the justice? This guy needs to know the damage that was done you don't mess over people and than write a book are you kidding me? tell me am living in Leave it to Beaver land right.

You got people (WC) that believe that they were salted for various functions in the Body of Christ then these nutless leaders drop them because they had a god complex like some here give me a break. Get in his face and handle it again until u are at peace. We didn't live in the 80s or 90s its a new day what can he do ? tell Craig

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I really think that most of us here are "at peace". We've left these numbnuts an open invitation.. those who truly ARE numbnuts have chosen not to accept the gracious offer.

So.. they are "marked".

If you think I haven't "moved on", you don't know me.

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