The Way is going to get smaller and smaller until there is nothing left except the cabin in the Way woods. Craig will be in it. He'll have 2 schmucks who live nearby that attend his fellowship
would you be talking donnie and rosie ?
we need to bring tommy and arlene back to straighten up that place
The information i got today is that bob & dottie are comming back from europe to run camp gunninson. i was told that gunninson is becoming a way belivers resort for famlies & way classes !!!!
The information i got today is that bob & dottie are comming back from europe to run camp gunninson. i was told that gunninson is becoming a way belivers resort for famlies & way classes !!!!
I may be wrong......but I still think this is a cover-up for a dismal program that's gone belly-up.
And.....maybe ole bob & dots weren't well received in europe anyways.
The information i got today is that bob & dottie are comming back from europe to run camp gunninson. i was told that gunninson is becoming a way belivers resort for famlies & way classes !!!!
Europe was a bust, eh? Does that mean Europeans don't like being micro-managed?
Why weren't they able to "move the word" over there? What does that say about the TWI teachings on "Rise & Expansion"? <_<
Family camp at Gunnison? Are they going to increase the staff there to handle all the maintenance, upkeep and repairs? No horses? What are they going to be doing with the property year round? Camps are only a few weeks out of the summer, right?
How many "young" families are there in TWI? It seemed to me that TWI was becoming predominantly older folks with kids who have moved out and on from TWI. Even putting together classes using believer kids to meet the "new student" quota was getting more and more difficult when I left.
Europe was a bust, eh? Does that mean Europeans don't like being micro-managed?
Why weren't they able to "move the word" over there? What does that say about the TWI teachings on "Rise & Expansion"? <_<
From this distance...........the DOUBLE STANDARD is quite amusing. If low-ranking corps were sent over to europe and it "was a bust" then upper leadership would try to sniff out the corps' lack of spirituality. BUT.......when the esteemed
(cough, cough) bob and dottie go over there to "move the word" and it doesn't happen, then the bod quickly assigns them to another situation to save face.
C'mon Bob & Dottie.............WHERE IS YOUR BELIEVING?
Were the devil spirits bigger and darker over there? Or, was it the sparse adulation at your doorstep that made for a "bust" situation? Some of us see the hypocrisy that laces thru twi's bod and their decisions.
She proved to Bobby that she's got him right where she wants him. She can make him do ANY THING she wants and on a whim she can make his life miserable with one wiggle of her little finger.
He's so sold out to TWI that he'll put up with the worst conditions and humiliation just to keep that paycheck coming in. It can't be about God anymore with Bob - it's about prestige, power, position and money. He'll do anything Rosie tells him to.
Maybe the Europeans simply resent the condescending attitudes from the superior, know-how-to-do-everything-better-than-you Americans. There's no longer a strong, central MOG figure to wrap the Way organization around and, without that, they may not feel they need "direction" from a little town in Ohio. They might feel they can lead their own lives and Christian service.
That, and Americans are not generally well-received outside of America at this time. For various reasons.
Maybe the Europeans simply resent the condescending attitudes from the superior, know-how-to-do-everything-better-than-you Americans. There's no longer a strong, central MOG figure to wrap the Way organization around and, without that, they may not feel they need "direction" from a little town in Ohio. They might feel they can lead their own lives and Christian service.
That, and Americans are not generally well-received outside of America at this time. For various reasons.
Americans are perceived as superior, know-how-to-do-everything-better-than-you types already.
Then twi sends the "Moneyhands"-typical twi "do it my way or else" types, which confirm the worst
of the stereotypes.
The "Moneyhands" should be glad they weren't burned in effigy and run out of town on a rail.
Since TWI doesn't provide any numbers, we'll never know, will we?
I think the whole thing was just Rosie's way of reminding Bob who's in charge since it's common knowledge that the two can't stand each other. But the whole thing is off topic, and I'm sorry for the derail.
It will be interesting to see how many weeks out of the year they actually have any folks at Gunnison and how much it helps offset the expense and labor to maintain the place.
Wow, I was in TWI early enough on that I was there when Emporia, The Way Cultural House (or whatever it was called), Indiana Campus etc. were purchased.
It is so weird to hear them being discarded one by one. Good or bad VPW really built TWI up and LCM and R*sie have run it completely into the ground.
I'm curious, did ROA shut down because the masses weren't coming anymore?
Wow, I was in TWI early enough on that I was there when Emporia, The Way Cultural House (or whatever it was called), Indiana Campus etc. were purchased.
It is so weird to hear them being discarded one by one. Good or bad VPW really built TWI up and LCM and R*sie have run it completely into the ground.
I'm curious, did ROA shut down because the masses weren't coming anymore? 1995, Lcm publically stated that he was shutting down ROA because the parents weren't overseeing their children/teenagers properly and there was lots of sex in tent city. In so many words, Lcm said that he felt the ROA had run its course and was becoming an old wine skin....and turning the event "into a class" helped to salvage the rock that year.
Personally, I believe that the REAL reason for shutting down ROA was MONEY. In March/April of 1995, Lcm announced to the trustees that God gave him revelation to put all field corps on twi's payroll. By August, at corps week.......all field corps met with twi's Personel Department head and salary requirements were established for each corps, each couple. Since twi pays on a "need basis"......every year all the corps from coast to coast NEED to be at corps week and rock of ages. Lots of travel money, gas, car expense, vehicle maintenance, lodging, flights (?), etc. etc.
Lcm did NOT calculate the cost of putting all field corps on twi's payroll AND IT SOON BECAME OBVIOUS that this was decision would change all the dynamics of twi's future. Thus, ROA was cancelled......and by the second corps meeting (early September), only a short list of corps were assigned to work at WIB. Once again, all things changed. When twi had to foot the bill of corps expenditures, it changed everything.
Three crazy years of this......and martindale said that THE REVELATION CHANGED and the corps were no longer needed on payroll.
What about the "low level Corps" with them? (Please say they are going too)
The American way of doing things is such a turn-off in Europe. That's why CG didn't succeed (never mind his personality). VPW called Europe "spiritually dark" - pity he didn't see the darkness within. Nonetheless there are some very hot believers all over Europe whose lives are shining lights.
Now back to the regularly scheduled entertainment...
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would you be talking donnie and rosie ?
we need to bring tommy and arlene back to straighten up that place
Edited by excathedraLink to comment
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The information i got today is that bob & dottie are comming back from europe to run camp gunninson. i was told that gunninson is becoming a way belivers resort for famlies & way classes !!!!
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In hindsight, today's defunct corps program and poem rendition could more aptly read:
NOT wierwille's pleasure bus,
And lofty ideas of cornfield claim,
Where plagairism and fuss,
Mistake twi's legalistic mandates for life's fullest aim,
NOT the board's renown
Or wierwille heritage and its estate,
No, none of these can crown
Twi's cultdom with light and make it truly great.
But Christ as The Master, strong and wise,
Who teaches the meek of the earth, a spiritual task,
Finding God -- the richest prize
And eyes are then opened....and minds now ask.
The program's premise was wrong from the get-go.
And wierwille failed miserably.
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I may be wrong......but I still think this is a cover-up for a dismal program that's gone belly-up.
And.....maybe ole bob & dots weren't well received in europe anyways.
As wayworld turns and turns........
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Dot Matrix
They still have the corps?
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I confirm this info.
Way Family Camps all over again.
Bob hated England anyway. Europe was a bust.
He'll be back in his element.
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ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
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Which element is that? Helium?
'Cause, you know, it's, like, an inert gas.

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Twi is so ANTI-FAMILY in its structure, staff employment and sales promotions (ie way corps).
Just another wierwillism throwback in an effort to reinvigorate the "good ole days."
IMO, the long-standing innies are not that gullible anymore.
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I was thinking fire............................mixed in with a little horse poo
oh wait....they sold all the horses!
What the h are people going to do there now?
There is fishing. Rafting.
but without them horses, it wouldn't be worth it.
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Europe was a bust, eh? Does that mean Europeans don't like being micro-managed?
Why weren't they able to "move the word" over there? What does that say about the TWI teachings on "Rise & Expansion"? <_<
Family camp at Gunnison? Are they going to increase the staff there to handle all the maintenance, upkeep and repairs? No horses? What are they going to be doing with the property year round? Camps are only a few weeks out of the summer, right?
How many "young" families are there in TWI? It seemed to me that TWI was becoming predominantly older folks with kids who have moved out and on from TWI. Even putting together classes using believer kids to meet the "new student" quota was getting more and more difficult when I left.
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From this distance...........the DOUBLE STANDARD is quite amusing. If low-ranking corps were sent over to europe and it "was a bust" then upper leadership would try to sniff out the corps' lack of spirituality. BUT.......when the esteemed
(cough, cough) bob and dottie go over there to "move the word" and it doesn't happen, then the bod quickly assigns them to another situation to save face.
C'mon Bob & Dottie.............WHERE IS YOUR BELIEVING?
Were the devil spirits bigger and darker over there? Or, was it the sparse adulation at your doorstep that made for a "bust" situation? Some of us see the hypocrisy that laces thru twi's bod and their decisions.
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It wasn't a bust for Rosie, though, Sky.
She proved to Bobby that she's got him right where she wants him. She can make him do ANY THING she wants and on a whim she can make his life miserable with one wiggle of her little finger.
He's so sold out to TWI that he'll put up with the worst conditions and humiliation just to keep that paycheck coming in. It can't be about God anymore with Bob - it's about prestige, power, position and money. He'll do anything Rosie tells him to.
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his wife's money is not enough ?
well power and ego yeah i get it
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Maybe the Europeans simply resent the condescending attitudes from the superior, know-how-to-do-everything-better-than-you Americans. There's no longer a strong, central MOG figure to wrap the Way organization around and, without that, they may not feel they need "direction" from a little town in Ohio. They might feel they can lead their own lives and Christian service.
That, and Americans are not generally well-received outside of America at this time. For various reasons.
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They ought to turn it into a nursing home... er... I mean... retirement community.
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Americans are perceived as superior, know-how-to-do-everything-better-than-you types already.
Then twi sends the "Moneyhands"-typical twi "do it my way or else" types, which confirm the worst
of the stereotypes.
The "Moneyhands" should be glad they weren't burned in effigy and run out of town on a rail.
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I thought the Moynihans were only supposed to be in Europe for one year anyway. Was their tour-of-duty just up or was it really a bust?
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Since TWI doesn't provide any numbers, we'll never know, will we?
I think the whole thing was just Rosie's way of reminding Bob who's in charge since it's common knowledge that the two can't stand each other. But the whole thing is off topic, and I'm sorry for the derail.
It will be interesting to see how many weeks out of the year they actually have any folks at Gunnison and how much it helps offset the expense and labor to maintain the place.
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Old bob might even have to do something besides being the boss.
Have to even work.
Is that a four letter word?
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Wow, I was in TWI early enough on that I was there when Emporia, The Way Cultural House (or whatever it was called), Indiana Campus etc. were purchased.
It is so weird to hear them being discarded one by one. Good or bad VPW really built TWI up and LCM and R*sie have run it completely into the ground.
I'm curious, did ROA shut down because the masses weren't coming anymore?
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skyrider 1995, Lcm publically stated that he was shutting down ROA because the parents weren't overseeing their children/teenagers properly and there was lots of sex in tent city. In so many words, Lcm said that he felt the ROA had run its course and was becoming an old wine skin....and turning the event "into a class" helped to salvage the rock that year.
Personally, I believe that the REAL reason for shutting down ROA was MONEY. In March/April of 1995, Lcm announced to the trustees that God gave him revelation to put all field corps on twi's payroll. By August, at corps week.......all field corps met with twi's Personel Department head and salary requirements were established for each corps, each couple. Since twi pays on a "need basis"......every year all the corps from coast to coast NEED to be at corps week and rock of ages. Lots of travel money, gas, car expense, vehicle maintenance, lodging, flights (?), etc. etc.
Lcm did NOT calculate the cost of putting all field corps on twi's payroll AND IT SOON BECAME OBVIOUS that this was decision would change all the dynamics of twi's future. Thus, ROA was cancelled......and by the second corps meeting (early September), only a short list of corps were assigned to work at WIB. Once again, all things changed. When twi had to foot the bill of corps expenditures, it changed everything.
Three crazy years of this......and martindale said that THE REVELATION CHANGED and the corps were no longer needed on payroll.
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I agree,
but I also think a secondary consideration was that ROAs provided a free flow of information
before the internet was popular. You could meet face-to-face and ask how things were going
with friends from other places. That's bad for twi- they have to control all information in order
to pretend they make sense.
But yes, I believe the main reason was money.
lcm's stated reason was something that went back to the 70s and was never fixed, so the sudden
outrage 20 years later-without a lawsuit- was obviously a smokescreen.
And anyone know about the "Way Fine Arts and Historical Center"?
I only visited the thing once.
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What about the "low level Corps" with them? (Please say they are going too)
The American way of doing things is such a turn-off in Europe. That's why CG didn't succeed (never mind his personality). VPW called Europe "spiritually dark" - pity he didn't see the darkness within. Nonetheless there are some very hot believers all over Europe whose lives are shining lights.
Now back to the regularly scheduled entertainment...
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