Please at all times remember that if what, in black and white print in the Bible, you are reading is clearly understandable and that understanding is at varience with what VPW or LCM says or has said then you have left your spritual trapdoor open and are now infested with "debil spurts".
This is true of any situation that you may encounter.
For example if , as I did years ago, you take the Colon Cleanse, which involved drinking powdered volcanic ash (glass),and you find yourself bleeding from the rectum and coughing up blood how you handle this situation determines how well you are handling your "believing" and how much "spritual growth" you have gained
A senses based person, upon bleeding in such a manner, would immediately decide that ingesting material which could cut the walls of the stomach and intestines needed to be curtailed immediately and do so without being required to consult a "higher" authority.
As a believer you must first recognize that such a result is not the natural outcome of ingesting glass but the work of those "debil spurts" to undermine your believing you must then make the decision to continue on ignoring what your five senses are experiencing.
Then when, If as I eventually did, you call you Limb Leader and speak with his wife and explain that you can't take the continual bleeding, which has gone on for four days, any longer you ASK PERMISSION to quit.
After permission being granted you must continue your days having to admit, whenever the topic of the cleanse comes up, that you lacked the believing necessary to complete it. Thus admitting that you lack the believing to keep your spritual trapdoor closed which in turn clearly marks you as not being part of the "in the know" crowd
2. Do you think you suppressed analytical thinking skills during your initial involvement with TWI?
3. What methods do you currently use to help you to think clearly?
1. Is this a trick question?
This thoughtlessness was painful. To do the Word was suffering. Eternity was something to be feared. How could God create us and then say "Here, do this, this only, exactly this, nothing but this. When your done, report back for your next assignment."
First of all, thank you for you amazing presentation of God's Word and the practical application of it in my life.
Here are my answers to these most insightful questions.....
1. What are your thoughts on this topic?
I completely understood the material covered. Therefore I have no thoughts of my own anymore. Praise TWI. My brain is quite non-functional at present. Thank you.
2. Do you think you suppressed analytical thinking skills during your initial involvement with TWI?
After studying and methodically applying the keys learned in your presentation I can say, without reservation, that I have successfully eliminated any and all analytical thinking that may have poisoned my mind. Furthermore, I shall strive to continue protecting my mind from such dangerous thought processes. Mind off! Mind off! Mind off! Mind off!
3. What methods do you currently use to help you to think clearly?
Due to your masterful presentation of these keys, I have decided to memorize the class material completely, and thoroughly review it every day so that my mind can become purer and purer as I grow in spiritual matters. I practice Absorbing Without Question every minute of the day. What a GLORIOUS LIFE I HAVE FOUND!!! PFRT Rules!!!! Praise PFRT!!!
Can I have refreshments with my classmates now?? Please??? :huh: :wacko: :blink: :( ...before they eat it all???
It sounds to me like you don't listen to your instincts or if you believe a "sixth scence". just believe everthing they tell and your soul is saved and it helps get rid of your pain. Sound like rubbish to me.
Temple Lady – that’s awful what you went through! Leave it to TWIts to be so spiritual they’re no earthly good. I did the Cleanse when I was but a young lad in TWI – and remember having visual blackouts – as in somebody turned off the lights…weird.
Bolshevik – thanks for your responses – you’re on to something there with answer # 3 [a good night’s sleep]. Is it any wonder that sleep deprivation is a big part of in-residence Corps training? There must be something bad in mattresses and pillows that makes all that spiritual knowledge leak out.
Listener – needless to say, you are my prize student! And yes, you may now enjoy refreshments with the rest of the class – a fresh batch of Kool-Aid…made it myself. Just wait till you have our special wax bean on cracker hors d’oeuvres [got ‘em cheap at the ol’ Army Navy Store Survivalist's Markdown Table] around the middle of the class, the Sick Session: Battle of the Senseless.
NY Unknown – correctamundo!...and after seeing your Luke Skywalker avatar I feel I ought to warn you about Listener – the Farce is strong with this one .
Temple Lady – that’s awful what you went through! Leave it to TWIts to be so spiritual they’re no earthly good. I did the Cleanse when I was but a young lad in TWI – and remember having visual blackouts – as in somebody turned off the lights…weird.
Bolshevik – thanks for your responses – you’re on to something there with answer # 3 [a good night’s sleep]. Is it any wonder that sleep deprivation is a big part of in-residence Corps training? There must be something bad in mattresses and pillows that makes all that spiritual knowledge leak out.
Listener – needless to say, you are my prize student! And yes, you may now enjoy refreshments with the rest of the class – a fresh batch of Kool-Aid…made it myself. Just wait till you have our special wax bean on cracker hors d’oeuvres [got ‘em cheap at the ol’ Army Navy Store Survivalist's Markdown Table] around the middle of the class, the Sick Session: Battle of the Senseless.
NY Unknown – correctamundo!...and after seeing your Luke Skywalker avatar I feel I ought to warn you about Listener – the Farce is strong with this one .
Thanks for the tip. I can tell there are some phonies here on this board. Some are bitter ,some are spys here. they cannot accept the fact that there are clear minded people here who can think for themselves. and the way is no way to live! They would live better lives if they worked for the world weeky news!
NY Unknown and Listener – I’m assuming you both realize I was playing along with Listener’s humorous response to my questions. I don’t think Listener is a TWIt and certainly didn’t mean to insinuate that. My apologies to Listener or anyone else that may have misunderstood my remark.
Please!!......I'll swear on a stack of anything legal that I'm NOT a TWIt....maybe a twit, at times, but definitely not a TWIt!!! I left in late '86 and never looked back...thank God!!
T-Bone - You read me right. I was told by Yoda, at my evaluation, that the Farce was strong with me.....or was that farts???...been a long time ago...NO, it WAS Farce!
I get a big kick out of jokin' around...and I couldn''t resist your post! May the Farce be with you, brother!
Thats ok I am new here. as an outside I have my opnions as everyone else has. I am learning a lot here. no problem listner. I do not point my finger at anyone.
nyunknown, my friend, I'm new here too. I bump heads once in a while, you said, no problem. I'm looking forward to hearing your input and opinions, so jump in whenever you feel so inclined. I'm glad you're here.
That’s a big “Yup” from me too, Listener! This is an open forum, NY Unknown! Nobody is pushing an agenda here. Say whatever you want – hopefully, it will have something to do with the topic . You can agree/disagree, throw in your own viewpoint, say my point is a bunch of bs [note however when dealing with me you must submit a fifty page manuscript with lots of big words, diagrams, charts and pictures. I figure that’ll take you awhile and buy me some more time…besides my reading comprehension ain’t too good…I’ll get a lot more out of your diagrams, charts and pictures. ].
…I’m relatively new to GSC and an open forum website setting – but have found the experience more productive when people go with the flow of the topic and respect everyone’s input.
Even when it gets heated – if opposing parties attack the point and not the person – everyone can still get something out of it. Sometimes a person’s post gets me to re-assess something in my belief system. It has an effect – it may cause me to alter it, solidify it, suspend it, explore it, etc.
No problem t-bone and listener. The one thing I like about this forum is that we can disagree about a lot of things but still respect each other. I am here for a lot of reasons to make friends. reasearch. remember years ago when they use to say I disagree with what you said, but I will fight for your right to say it. Its pretty clear to me the TWI does not understand that.
I will give you one wise saying from "revenge of the sith". only a sith deals in absolutes! If you get my meaning.
...The one thing I like about this forum is that we can disagree about a lot of things but still respect each other. I am here for a lot of reasons to make friends...
Anyone wishing to be my friend must fill out a fifty page application [form # 2727-TWTBTBF – ask Temple Lady for a copy – if you can’t remember the form number just ask for the Those Wanting To Be T-Bone’s Friend form], answering all questions without questioning why, attaching documentation from reputable clinics that verify your height and IQ. Determination of friends is solely on the basis of being shorter than me, having an IQ lower than mine, and having answered all questions to my satisfaction [a sample of 3 of the questions is given in my first post].
…And Listener, while I do wish to commend you for being so prompt in submitting form # 2727-TWTBTBF and correctly answered every question [your post # 4 is most exemplary!] – Your application is still pending in regards to your height and IQ. You’re much taller than I expected and possess an average intelligence level. Hopefully, these items are negotiable. Would you be willing to submit to surgery [typically a few inches off the ol’ thigh bones does the trick] and participate in my Intelligence Adjustment Program? The program is nothing to be afraid of – no prescription or illegal drugs. Just imbibing Drambui in the amount and pace of my specifications.
T-Bone - Thank goodness you received my application! As per the 16 page instruction sheet that came with it, I immediately realized I was height challenged and IQ overloaded.
So, I called the doctor and said.......
"doctor, doctor....gimme the news......i got a...bad case...of height to loose!
Well, he said he could take care of both problems at once, and immediately scheduled me for surgery...he talked about some mumbo-jumbo medical stuff (which i don't believe - lesson 5)...:huh:...but when he's done, I will be a full 2 inches shorter than you, and will have no intelligence whatsoever!!.... ...the perfect friend!!
I hope that upon receipt of the documentation, you will accept my enrollment into TWTBTBF fellowship.
P.S. I've received lessons 9 and 10, and am very excited to dive into them. And to think, only 121 more to go and I will be at one with the universe and can create my own earth and stars just by thinking them into existence!!
Oh, and I just wanted to add a big THANK YOU for the clear instruction and warning concerning Bad Unseen Terestrial Things. A very important part of my daily life will, now, most certainly, be the discerning of all BUTTs in my viscinity!!
Wow – thank you Listener, for keeping me posted…and upon receipt of your documentation I’ll no longer be able to say, “When it comes to form # 2727-TWTBTBF – I have no friends.”…Oh and I go into much more detail about Bad Unseen Terrestrial Things in the Advanced Class on Power For Redundant Thinking. Most people don’t believe in such things since they don’t see them. Simply by using the keys to the interpretation of the Bible, like scripture screw-up I will show you how these invisible items traffic back and forth into our realm – through a portal that I call the Bu++ Hole. The session gets pretty intense – I’m usually wiped out afterwards.
Will you talk about how the Adversary sticks a permanent wedge in this "access" so that the invisible things can come and go as they please?
That would require the filling out of form AdversaryCenteredTeachingSeminar 666. By filling out this form you agree that you will spend 80% of your time concentrating on the adversary and his debil spurts. 19% of you time thinking on ways to increase your ABS. You are free to use the remaining 1% of your time in concentrating on Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ--if the Debil spurts will allow it
It sounds to me like you don't listen to your instincts or if you believe a "sixth scence". just believe everthing they tell and your soul is saved and it helps get rid of your pain. Sound like rubbish to me.
nyunknown, I think that was the whole point. Many (or maybe I should say I) allowed logic, instincts, good sense, and if you want to call it that, a sixth sense, get beat into submission under a cloud of emotional religious conviction, hoopla, false logic and posturing.
They guys that ran the place were NUTS. But vic could turn on the charm, sob about the "greatness" of the word one minute, and chew the leg off a fellow behind the scenes the next..
Enclosed please find my paperwork for Power for Redundant Living. I have taken a similar class and although superfluous it was unneeded. I look forward to duplicating my previous comatose subjection.
I am also enclosing the title to my house, and forwarding all worldly possessions as required. The session on deceiving equals believing sounds really characterless. Without question it should be droning and repetitive.
I thank you in advance for processing my application. Rest assured your efforts will be replicated and unintentional.
nyunknown, I think that was the whole point. Many (or maybe I should say I) allowed logic, instincts, good sense, and if you want to call it that, a sixth sense, get beat into submission under a cloud of emotional religious conviction, hoopla, false logic and posturing.
They guys that ran the place were NUTS. But vic could turn on the charm, sob about the "greatness" of the word one minute, and chew the leg off a fellow behind the scenes the next..
On stage they could appear pretty believable.
Thanks for the reply. I can't tell you how many times. I used my instincts and I got myself out of troble. and evey time I did not use my instincts. I did get into problems. That explains why the twi will be gone in time.
Anyone wishing to be my friend must fill out a fifty page application [form # 2727-TWTBTBF – ask Temple Lady for a copy – if you can’t remember the form number just ask for the Those Wanting To Be T-Bone’s Friend form], answering all questions without questioning why, attaching documentation from reputable clinics that verify your height and IQ. Determination of friends is solely on the basis of being shorter than me, having an IQ lower than mine, and having answered all questions to my satisfaction [a sample of 3 of the questions is given in my first post].
…And Listener, while I do wish to commend you for being so prompt in submitting form # 2727-TWTBTBF and correctly answered every question [your post # 4 is most exemplary!] – Your application is still pending in regards to your height and IQ. You’re much taller than I expected and possess an average intelligence level. Hopefully, these items are negotiable. Would you be willing to submit to surgery [typically a few inches off the ol’ thigh bones does the trick] and participate in my Intelligence Adjustment Program? The program is nothing to be afraid of – no prescription or illegal drugs. Just imbibing Drambui in the amount and pace of my specifications.
Ok but as long as I do not give my ss number, credit card number .finger printing picture Id. oh anything else required?
Anyone wishing to be my friend must fill out a fifty page application [form # 2727-TWTBTBF – ask Temple Lady for a copy – if you can’t remember the form number just ask for the Those Wanting To Be T-Bone’s Friend form], answering all questions without questioning why, attaching documentation from reputable clinics that verify your height and IQ. Determination of friends is solely on the basis of being shorter than me, having an IQ lower than mine, and having answered all questions to my satisfaction [a sample of 3 of the questions is given in my first post].
…And Listener, while I do wish to commend you for being so prompt in submitting form # 2727-TWTBTBF and correctly answered every question [your post # 4 is most exemplary!] – Your application is still pending in regards to your height and IQ. You’re much taller than I expected and possess an average intelligence level. Hopefully, these items are negotiable. Would you be willing to submit to surgery [typically a few inches off the ol’ thigh bones does the trick] and participate in my Intelligence Adjustment Program? The program is nothing to be afraid of – no prescription or illegal drugs. Just imbibing Drambui in the amount and pace of my specifications.
nyunknown, don't forget the above highlighted requirements.
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Please at all times remember that if what, in black and white print in the Bible, you are reading is clearly understandable and that understanding is at varience with what VPW or LCM says or has said then you have left your spritual trapdoor open and are now infested with "debil spurts".
This is true of any situation that you may encounter.
For example if , as I did years ago, you take the Colon Cleanse, which involved drinking powdered volcanic ash (glass),and you find yourself bleeding from the rectum and coughing up blood how you handle this situation determines how well you are handling your "believing" and how much "spritual growth" you have gained
A senses based person, upon bleeding in such a manner, would immediately decide that ingesting material which could cut the walls of the stomach and intestines needed to be curtailed immediately and do so without being required to consult a "higher" authority.
As a believer you must first recognize that such a result is not the natural outcome of ingesting glass but the work of those "debil spurts" to undermine your believing you must then make the decision to continue on ignoring what your five senses are experiencing.
Then when, If as I eventually did, you call you Limb Leader and speak with his wife and explain that you can't take the continual bleeding, which has gone on for four days, any longer you ASK PERMISSION to quit.
After permission being granted you must continue your days having to admit, whenever the topic of the cleanse comes up, that you lacked the believing necessary to complete it. Thus admitting that you lack the believing to keep your spritual trapdoor closed which in turn clearly marks you as not being part of the "in the know" crowd
Edited by templeladyLink to comment
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1. Is this a trick question?
This thoughtlessness was painful. To do the Word was suffering. Eternity was something to be feared. How could God create us and then say "Here, do this, this only, exactly this, nothing but this. When your done, report back for your next assignment."
2. Yes, yes, a thousand times yes.
3. Get a good nights sleep.
Edited by BolshevikLink to comment
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Dear Instructor Bone,
First of all, thank you for you amazing presentation of God's Word and the practical application of it in my life.
Here are my answers to these most insightful questions.....
1. What are your thoughts on this topic?
I completely understood the material covered. Therefore I have no thoughts of my own anymore. Praise TWI. My brain is quite non-functional at present. Thank you.
2. Do you think you suppressed analytical thinking skills during your initial involvement with TWI?
After studying and methodically applying the keys learned in your presentation I can say, without reservation, that I have successfully eliminated any and all analytical thinking that may have poisoned my mind. Furthermore, I shall strive to continue protecting my mind from such dangerous thought processes. Mind off! Mind off! Mind off! Mind off!
3. What methods do you currently use to help you to think clearly?
Due to your masterful presentation of these keys, I have decided to memorize the class material completely, and thoroughly review it every day so that my mind can become purer and purer as I grow in spiritual matters. I practice Absorbing Without Question every minute of the day. What a GLORIOUS LIFE I HAVE FOUND!!! PFRT Rules!!!! Praise PFRT!!!
Can I have refreshments with my classmates now?? Please??? :huh: :wacko: :blink:
...before they eat it all???
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It sounds to me like you don't listen to your instincts or if you believe a "sixth scence". just believe everthing they tell and your soul is saved and it helps get rid of your pain. Sound like rubbish to me.
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Temple Lady – that’s awful what you went through! Leave it to TWIts to be so spiritual they’re no earthly good. I did the Cleanse when I was but a young lad in TWI – and remember having visual blackouts – as in somebody turned off the lights…weird.
Bolshevik – thanks for your responses – you’re on to something there with answer # 3 [a good night’s sleep]. Is it any wonder that sleep deprivation is a big part of in-residence Corps training? There must be something bad in mattresses and pillows that makes all that spiritual knowledge leak out.
Listener – needless to say, you are my prize student! And yes, you may now enjoy refreshments with the rest of the class – a fresh batch of Kool-Aid…made it myself. Just wait till you have our special wax bean on cracker hors d’oeuvres [got ‘em cheap at the ol’ Army Navy Store Survivalist's Markdown Table] around the middle of the class, the Sick Session: Battle of the Senseless.
NY Unknown – correctamundo!...and after seeing your Luke Skywalker avatar I feel I ought to warn you about Listener – the Farce is strong with this one
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Thanks for the tip. I can tell there are some phonies here on this board. Some are bitter ,some are spys here. they cannot accept the fact that there are clear minded people here who can think for themselves. and the way is no way to live! They would live better lives if they worked for the world weeky news!
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NY Unknown and Listener – I’m assuming you both realize I was playing along with Listener’s humorous response to my questions. I don’t think Listener is a TWIt and certainly didn’t mean to insinuate that. My apologies to Listener or anyone else that may have misunderstood my remark.
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Please!!......I'll swear on a stack of anything legal that I'm NOT a TWIt....maybe a twit, at times, but definitely not a TWIt!!! I left in late '86 and never looked back...thank God!!
T-Bone - You read me right. I was told by Yoda, at my evaluation, that the Farce was strong with me.....or was that farts???...been a long time ago...NO, it WAS Farce!
I get a big kick out of jokin' around...and I couldn''t resist your post! May the Farce be with you, brother!
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Thats ok I am new here. as an outside I have my opnions as everyone else has. I am learning a lot here. no problem listner. I do not point my finger at anyone.
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nyunknown, my friend, I'm new here too. I bump heads once in a while, you said, no problem. I'm looking forward to hearing your input and opinions, so jump in whenever you feel so inclined. I'm glad you're here.
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That’s a big “Yup” from me too, Listener! This is an open forum, NY Unknown! Nobody is pushing an agenda here. Say whatever you want – hopefully, it will have something to do with the topic
. You can agree/disagree, throw in your own viewpoint, say my point is a bunch of bs [note however when dealing with me you must submit a fifty page manuscript with lots of big words, diagrams, charts and pictures. I figure that’ll take you awhile and buy me some more time…besides my reading comprehension ain’t too good…I’ll get a lot more out of your diagrams, charts and pictures.
…I’m relatively new to GSC and an open forum website setting – but have found the experience more productive when people go with the flow of the topic and respect everyone’s input.
Even when it gets heated – if opposing parties attack the point and not the person – everyone can still get something out of it. Sometimes a person’s post gets me to re-assess something in my belief system. It has an effect – it may cause me to alter it, solidify it, suspend it, explore it, etc.
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No problem t-bone and listener. The one thing I like about this forum is that we can disagree about a lot of things but still respect each other. I am here for a lot of reasons to make friends. reasearch. remember years ago when they use to say I disagree with what you said, but I will fight for your right to say it. Its pretty clear to me the TWI does not understand that.
I will give you one wise saying from "revenge of the sith". only a sith deals in absolutes! If you get my meaning.
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Anyone wishing to be my friend must fill out a fifty page application [form # 2727-TWTBTBF – ask Temple Lady for a copy – if you can’t remember the form number just ask for the Those Wanting To Be T-Bone’s Friend form], answering all questions without questioning why, attaching documentation from reputable clinics that verify your height and IQ. Determination of friends is solely on the basis of being shorter than me, having an IQ lower than mine, and having answered all questions to my satisfaction [a sample of 3 of the questions is given in my first post].
…And Listener, while I do wish to commend you for being so prompt in submitting form # 2727-TWTBTBF and correctly answered every question [your post # 4 is most exemplary!] – Your application is still pending in regards to your height and IQ. You’re much taller than I expected and possess an average intelligence level. Hopefully, these items are negotiable. Would you be willing to submit to surgery [typically a few inches off the ol’ thigh bones does the trick] and participate in my Intelligence Adjustment Program? The program is nothing to be afraid of – no prescription or illegal drugs. Just imbibing Drambui in the amount and pace of my specifications.
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T-Bone - Thank goodness you received my application! As per the 16 page instruction sheet that came with it, I immediately realized I was height challenged and IQ overloaded.
So, I called the doctor and said.......
"doctor, doctor....gimme the news......i got a...bad case...of height to loose!
Well, he said he could take care of both problems at once, and immediately scheduled me for surgery...he talked about some mumbo-jumbo medical stuff (which i don't believe - lesson 5)...:huh:...but when he's done, I will be a full 2 inches shorter than you, and will have no intelligence whatsoever!!....
...the perfect friend!! 
I hope that upon receipt of the documentation, you will accept my enrollment into TWTBTBF fellowship.
P.S. I've received lessons 9 and 10, and am very excited to dive into them. And to think, only 121 more to go and I will be at one with the universe and can create my own earth and stars just by thinking them into existence!!
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Oh, and I just wanted to add a big THANK YOU for the clear instruction and warning concerning Bad Unseen Terestrial Things. A very important part of my daily life will, now, most certainly, be the discerning of all BUTTs in my viscinity!!
May the Farce be with you.
Edited by ListenerLink to comment
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Wow – thank you Listener, for keeping me posted…and upon receipt of your documentation I’ll no longer be able to say, “When it comes to form # 2727-TWTBTBF – I have no friends.”…Oh and I go into much more detail about Bad Unseen Terrestrial Things in the Advanced Class on Power For Redundant Thinking. Most people don’t believe in such things since they don’t see them. Simply by using the keys to the interpretation of the Bible, like scripture screw-up I will show you how these invisible items traffic back and forth into our realm – through a portal that I call the Bu++ Hole. The session gets pretty intense – I’m usually wiped out afterwards.
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Will you talk about how the Adversary sticks a permanent wedge in this "access" so that the invisible things can come and go as they please?
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That would require the filling out of form AdversaryCenteredTeachingSeminar 666. By filling out this form you agree that you will spend 80% of your time concentrating on the adversary and his debil spurts. 19% of you time thinking on ways to increase your ABS. You are free to use the remaining 1% of your time in concentrating on Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ--if the Debil spurts will allow it
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nyunknown, I think that was the whole point. Many (or maybe I should say I) allowed logic, instincts, good sense, and if you want to call it that, a sixth sense, get beat into submission under a cloud of emotional religious conviction, hoopla, false logic and posturing.
They guys that ran the place were NUTS. But vic could turn on the charm, sob about the "greatness" of the word one minute, and chew the leg off a fellow behind the scenes the next..
On stage they could appear pretty believable.
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- people with this "permanent wedgie" are born again of the wrong seat.
Temple Lady

- thanks sister for always being there when I need yah!
Hammeroni –
thanks for your input – great post!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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another spot
Dear T-Bone:
Enclosed please find my paperwork for Power for Redundant Living. I have taken a similar class and although superfluous it was unneeded. I look forward to duplicating my previous comatose subjection.
I am also enclosing the title to my house, and forwarding all worldly possessions as required. The session on deceiving equals believing sounds really characterless. Without question it should be droning and repetitive.
I thank you in advance for processing my application. Rest assured your efforts will be replicated and unintentional.
From the Dark Side,
A. S.
P. S. I am short.
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Thanks for the reply. I can't tell you how many times. I used my instincts and I got myself out of troble. and evey time I did not use my instincts. I did get into problems. That explains why the twi will be gone in time.
Ok but as long as I do not give my ss number, credit card number .finger printing picture Id. oh anything else required?

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nyunknown, don't forget the above highlighted requirements.
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as long as they didn't use the laser thingy to map your retinas or something, I think you'll be fine

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