My neighborhood has a great approach to stop crime. Part of our homeowners association dues pay for our security monitoring, and all the builders in the area install security systems as part of the house by default. The advertisements for houses outside of the neighborhood list this as one of the features in big letters so any criminals passing by can see.
Theoretically, if you're looking to rob someone, you'd see the signs and drive away to some other neighborhood where alarm monitoring isn't on 100% of the houses. We also have off-duty cops that patrol the neighborhood at night as part of the HOA dues.
Of course, I also own guns, which is a backup just in case, but hopefully everything else prevents the necessity of it.
when I worked at a hospital in Dallas, one of our female single radiologists used to keep he bullseye (with very accurate shots) just inside the front door window for all to see.
when I worked at a hospital in Dallas, one of our female single radiologists used to keep he bullseye (with very accurate shots) just inside the front door window for all to see.
When we lived in Memphis, I had my target practice sheet taped to my back door leading to our garage. My nephew (big hunter) came down and could not believe that I had it on the door!!!
We also had a security system even though we lived in an exclusive area.
I am so glad to be back in my quiet little hometown!!
That's funny, WD, but not terribly far-fetched. When I used to go camping alone occasionally, I'd go to the local Goodwill and buy the biggest pair of men's shoes I could find so I could park 'em outside my tent. I also borrowed a friend's large dog. I'm still here to tell the story, so I guess it was a good plan. :)
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LOL I love it
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God first
Beloved WhiteDove
God loves you my dear friend
I got a home Security video Cam outside that I got at Wal-mart for $67.00 about
its in plan site for all to see it there
but I am not recording but no one knows that but us
I no longer have to answer the door for sales people or Witnessers if I am doing something
I watch it in picture in a picture at times on my TV
I watch for the mail if I am looking for something
I watch the trash men because they torn up my old trash can but they replaced it after I went to the BBB and let them know I had them on video
I had a $10.00 can and now I got a $100.00 can
thank you
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
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Me too! :D
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Mister P-Mosh
My neighborhood has a great approach to stop crime. Part of our homeowners association dues pay for our security monitoring, and all the builders in the area install security systems as part of the house by default. The advertisements for houses outside of the neighborhood list this as one of the features in big letters so any criminals passing by can see.
Theoretically, if you're looking to rob someone, you'd see the signs and drive away to some other neighborhood where alarm monitoring isn't on 100% of the houses. We also have off-duty cops that patrol the neighborhood at night as part of the HOA dues.
Of course, I also own guns, which is a backup just in case, but hopefully everything else prevents the necessity of it.
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I Love You imagination and ingenuity WhiteDove. It's so innovative, cost effecient and adjustable to various needs and circumstances!

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when I worked at a hospital in Dallas, one of our female single radiologists used to keep he bullseye (with very accurate shots) just inside the front door window for all to see.
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When we lived in Memphis, I had my target practice sheet taped to my back door leading to our garage. My nephew (big hunter) came down and could not believe that I had it on the door!!!
We also had a security system even though we lived in an exclusive area.
I am so glad to be back in my quiet little hometown!!
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Linda Z
That's funny, WD, but not terribly far-fetched. When I used to go camping alone occasionally, I'd go to the local Goodwill and buy the biggest pair of men's shoes I could find so I could park 'em outside my tent. I also borrowed a friend's large dog. I'm still here to tell the story, so I guess it was a good plan. :)
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