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three cult leaders met joke


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Three Cult leaders met at a local bar

The Way Ministry tells the other two they look at their poor members bank statements and paycheck studs to may sure their giving all they can

The Way Ministry - Then we sale the word of God in classes, books, tapes, meetings, and others things

The Way Ministry - we tell them they are not under the law then we make new laws if some complain we cast them out

The Mormon leaders jumps up and yells we got more money but I must keep quite about it because the law is after us just because of marriage

The Mormon - we are doing nothing wrong

The Jehovah's Witnesses jumps up and yells we have the best game in town After every few years of our members giving we set a date for the return of Christ

The Jehovah's Witnesses - Then we have our members sale everything they have and bring it to the church door we place the money in our banks then when some cry because they have no homes we cast them out - then we set a new date

Will you pray for these three crying drunks I will not

but I will pray that they changed and pay the money back

but how hard would cults get if these three could compare notes of how misslead

thank you

with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy

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A contractor from Ohio, a contractor from Pennsylvania, and a contractor from West Virginia died and appeared at St. Peter’s Gate, seeking entrance to Heaven.

Peter said to the fellow from Ohio, “We need some paving done around here. How much would you charge to do it?”

The Ohio contractor looked at the condition of things around the entrance to the gate for a while. “Four thousand dollars,” he said.

“That doesn’t sound bad.” “How about you?” Peter said to the fellow from Pennsylvania.

The Pennsylvania fellow asked for a tape measure, a pen, a pad, and a calculator. After some minutes of measuring and figuring, he said, “When on Earth, I would have charged forty-three hundred dollars to do this job.”

“That’s not bad, either,” said Peter. “And how about you?” Peter said to the contractor from West Virginia.

“Twelve thousand dollars!” said the West Virginia contractor without a moment’s hesitation.

“That seems rather high,” said Peter. “How did you arrive at such a figure?”

“It was easy,” said the West Virginia contractor. “Four thousand dollars for you, four thousand dollars for me, four thousand dollars to get the guy from Ohio over there to do the work.”

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