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Looking For Kay Scarzinski


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Dear Kay,

By any chance Kay1952 could you be Kay Scarzinski? I was in Milwaukee, Wisconsin from 1972 to 1980! If You are K.S. You ministered to me when I was pregnant or just after I can't exactly remember when it was. I was blown away in all kinds of ways that year....It was near 1975. Joshua was born in December 1976. I looked at your profile Kay1952 after reading your post on BowTwi's Heart breaking thread about her and her son's story...I wanted to respond to it but for some reason I just couldn't find the right words! It lead me to thinking about You Kay S., which is kind of amazing in itself! Since Kay1952 no longer frequents the forum... I hope someday you Kay S. will find this and read it! I hope You husband Tim is doing well and stayed in remission, kay1952; in case you are not the Kay S. I am hoping to find!

What you or K.S. said when ministering to me was so right on and so unexpected for me. It was this ".....Thank God for healing her damaged eggs....and what ever else was said" God had wanted me to stop feeling guilty about loving Josh's Father who seduced me and many other girls in our branch in the same manner that VPW and LCM did! I was so blessed and releaved after Kay S. ministered to me! I thought Josh's damage was due to my error with believing his father! If You are that Kay then, Thank You and God Bless You so very much for your love to believe God for revelation to help me! (((((((((Kay))))))))); and if your not that Kay, Hugs and God Bless you anyway!

Since I was relieved of the guilt I have been able to believe better for signs wonders and miracles in Josh's life. All the doctor's said that he would never live past 5 years tops with his remaining kidney. He had Kidney surgery at 4 months; incidently no anesthia was given to infants at that time. It was believed that their pain receptor were not mature enough for the brain to recieve the pain message in a way that an adult does. When he was finally able to breathe on his own they did the surgery. They also, The doctors, said that he would never walk or talk; just be a vegetable.They like TWI's leadership always has reinterated constantly, throughout our time in TWI, that I should give him up to an institution or other??? appriopriate place! Is it any wonder that one can feel so isolated even in a crowd?

Josh is doing well in his own special way! He walks and laughs and says some words and signs and has lots of friends.... and I Love him so! I thank You more than you know and always hold a special place for you in my heart for! You made a tupos impact in our lives! Otherwise my guilt may have caused Josh harm.

If You are Kay S. could You let me know? I am still in Wisconsin...Just not Milwaukee!

Love You Kay, RainbowsGirl

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How terrific to hold such fond memory and gratitude to your friend. How wonderful a God to work with us to aid and help each other in such a life-impacting way. Your recounting reminds me that signs, miracles, and wonders really did/do happen and often in ways we have forgotten or grown over (like a callous...).

In the midst of wondering why, where, and what God is in my life, an occassional "memory bump" causes me to get over myself long enuf to pursue honest discourse with the Big Guy, and remember the for-real miracles and blessings that have lined my life to this very day, even in the throes of heaviest turmoil.

I only hope my fleeting life has merited some and counts for something in the grand scheme of things. We have so much to be thankful for.

Thanks for the "bump;" I peeked in here cuz the name of the thread seemed familiar...hope you make a connection again, but if you don't, hug Josh again and give a lo shonta shout out skyward.



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  wrdsandwrks said:
Hi RainbowsGirl. I don't know where Kay is now, but she was my WOW sister in Richmond, VA in 1975-76. That was a nice testimony about her. She was a really sweet, beautiful girl. If you find her, tell her hi for me. (Karie)

Thanks(((((((((( Wrdsandwrks,)))))))))))))))

I know I cannot remember the correct time frame but I do remember her love and i really hope she finds this someday and then she may find you too

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  MATILDA said:

How terrific to hold such fond memory and gratitude to your friend. How wonderful a God to work with us to aid and help each other in such a life-impacting way. Your recounting reminds me that signs, miracles, and wonders really did/do happen and often in ways we have forgotten or grown over (like a callous...).

In the midst of wondering why, where, and what God is in my life, an occassional "memory bump" causes me to get over myself long enuf to pursue honest discourse with the Big Guy, and remember the for-real miracles and blessings that have lined my life to this very day, even in the throes of heaviest turmoil.

I only hope my fleeting life has merited some and counts for something in the grand scheme of things. We have so much to be thankful for.

Thanks for the "bump;" I peeked in here cuz the name of the thread seemed familiar...hope you make a connection again, but if you don't, hug Josh again and give a lo shonta shout out skyward.



Dear Matilda

Like as I barely know You Matilda, just yet; I hardly knew Kay. I only have had a small glimse of her life and the great extention of her heart and believing! And after, I Had Way more Joy and understanding than I had before I knew her. It is just astounding what great and lasting lessons are delivered in a twinkling of an eye. There is nothing that the love of God and God's Love cannot accomplish! Makes you see it bigger with every glimpse!

Your note here has touched my heart very deeply and has reassured me in that all the great and small things in this life build our trust in God and how much he loves us and finds ways and means to show us just how very much that He does love us; and how as you say to get over ourselves!

I am sure that your fleeting life has great merit and impact in the grand scheme of things! Whoever reads this will see you amazing heart and love! I will give Josh a hug and a lo shonta shout out skyward for you!

Love You (((((((((((((Matilda))))))))), RG and Josh

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That is an apt description of her! I sure hope she reads this everyone should know in ways how much they are loved and appreciated! Thanks ((((((((Rhino!)))))))))))) Hey maybe you could find her???

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