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I'm sorry but this thread creeps me out. I feel it's about judging people on too intimate of a level and it is something I don't feel edequate to do. I feel its sin to microscope lives this far or at least as far as this thread seems to be headed to.

Any comments you have I would appreciate.

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I don't think it goes where a person should not inquire. I'm not advocating using the magnifying glass to evaluate leadership based on their financial data, how often they have sex, when and where they go potty, along with requiring to to submit a minute, day to day schedule, disclosing where they are going, who they are going with, their planned route there and back, and what they are going to do.

That might creep me out. Or be going to far..

But all I am looking at is the general intelligence level of the last set of "leadership" I had to deal with.

I was submitting my life to people that I wouldn't trust to balance a check book.

Maybe you're seeing what was in their minds.. that might be enough to creep anybody out.

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I think I figured part of it out.

Why people were made to give accountability, and a schedule:

How often and when they planned to have sex.

Where they were going, and with whom, and why.

The directions they were taking to get there.

And back.

Properly sign out on the potty list..

disclose their financial information..

and to deviate from the agreed upon schedule, meant a fate worse than death.

I think rosie, loy and crowd knew the caliber of "leadership" they were "raising up".

People raised to be so friggin helpless, ignorant and inept, that they would even have to tell them when they were going potty..

maybe they were afraid they'd get lost on the way to the bathroom..

sheesh. You treat a three year old with more respect than that.

I don't know if you need that kind of supervision, "Mr." Li*der, but you might want to tell rosie that the rest of us REALLY DON'T .

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That"Mommie dearest" did creep me out.

One of the leaders a Mr John Chella$ was like a brick,first time I met him

he "critiqued" my twig,and proceeded to rip me a new one,why? Well he was the

"leader" We then somehow end in a physical tussle for what reason I know not.

If I would have listened to him I would not be working where I am now,as I was

taking classes I was requried to take to get hired,I told him to get screwed

no way was he or anyone else going to stop my future.

Well I was hired now some 16 plus years later,I am still there.

We got sucked into well we teach the word,you should remember we teach the word.

put your loaylty toward the ministry.You have no friends when it comes to the word

the word equals the ministry and the ministry the word.

With no friends life is a bitc@ I know I have been there so have you.

I arrive at this stage of my life.They sucked period.You can not control people,

you love people you have compassion on people.It was and is a cult We wised up

took our hard knocks still take them guess what?I t is better than being a lemming.

In the way its like Lemony spikets a series of unfortuente events you can not get free of it

it happens they dictate you obey,change plans get rid of friends ignore the needs of

people,let them die do not grieve ect ad naueseum........

Big rasberry phittttttttttttt!!!!!!!!!

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Well to rate myself, in 1973-74 I was a pretty smart TC, taught Bible, prayed for people, taught them to love Jesus and each other. In 1974-75 I was a smart WOW, believing in God and not TWI. In 1975-77 I was an average fellow laborer of Ohio, dipping a bit below the intellectual radar in 1976 when I took the advanced class. By the time 1993 rolled around and I was in the FWC for three months, I didn't know beans from barium. :rolleyes:


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The last batch of "leaders" that I had were a mixed bag.

  • Way Corps couple where the husband was functionally illiterate. Not bad overall, but would "confront" people seemingly at random.
  • Single Corps guy who was nice enough but didn't have a clue
  • Family Corps couple. Both pretty nice folks, can't think of anything bad to say about them. The husband was some kind of engineer, d*mn smart
  • New corps grad who liked to act smart, but it wasn't much more than an act. Liked to pretend that he was a big research guy...barely knew that that there was a difference between Aramaic and Greek. Was really into Martindale's "confrontation" of "unproductive evil" and loved "smoking out homos"

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Well to rate myself, in 1973-74 I was a pretty smart TC, taught Bible, prayed for people, taught them to love Jesus and each other. In 1974-75 I was a smart WOW, believing in God and not TWI. In 1975-77 I was an average fellow laborer of Ohio, dipping a bit below the intellectual radar in 1976 when I took the advanced class. By the time 1993 rolled around and I was in the FWC for three months, I didn't know beans from barium. rolleyes.gif


Well, don't beat yourself up.. I think your smarts grew back..

Same for me. I did/believed/practiced some pretty ingorant stuff..



Another brick was added to the clergy during the Special this past weekend.


Like a scene from an old Michael Douglas film, "welllll, less throw another brick on the fire.."


  Oakspear said:
The last batch of "leaders" that I had were a mixed bag.
  • Way Corps couple where the husband was functionally illiterate. Not bad overall, but would "confront" people seemingly at random.
  • Single Corps guy who was nice enough but didn't have a clue
  • Family Corps couple. Both pretty nice folks, can't think of anything bad to say about them. The husband was some kind of engineer, d*mn smart
  • New corps grad who liked to act smart, but it wasn't much more than an act. Liked to pretend that he was a big research guy...barely knew that that there was a difference between Aramaic and Greek. Was really into Martindale's "confrontation" of "unproductive evil" and loved "smoking out homos"

Mixed bag was my OVERALL experience too. But the last bunch, I wonder how they managed to survive through adolescence..

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That"Mommie dearest" did creep me out.

sorry friend, I should have put a warning label on this thing..


I'd like to see what Freud would do with this bunch..

Honestly, to me, it looks like they want to be "mommy". Of course, the motherhood is pretty bizarre. Want the "kids" (some of them well over forty) to stay two years old and dependent for the rest of their lives..

Accountable to the mommy figure, for what they eat, where they go, how they get there, and even- when they go potty.

But what's really twisted, to show the days and times they have scheduled sex in.. that is really disgusting. Oh, "we don't do that any more, we're a little nicer.."

hardly an admission of guilt or wrong. Besides, I've never personally seen these mandates reversed.

I'm REALLY GLAD I never went on staff. I really thought it was a dream job of sorts, but I never got in. Thank God for the "little" blessings.

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  Mr. Hammeroni said:
Hmmm. I have a pet rock. Genuine West Virginia river rock, weighs about three hundred pounds.

I'm thinking about getting it ordained..



so, in your opinion, a rock is smarter than a brick, or is it the size that matters, seeing as this rock is 300 pounds?

maybe the type, what departments would granite or marble work in?


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  frank123lol said:
One of the leaders a Mr John Chella$ was like a brick, first time I met him

he "critiqued" my twig, and proceeded to rip me a new one, why? Well he was the

"leader" We then somehow end in a physical tussle for what reason I know not.

Big raspberry phittttttttttttt!!!!!!!!!

Frank, is this the same John that broke his nose when he fell off the trampoline ?!?!?!?! (sure landed like a brick too...sorry,...... it's still SOOOO funny :biglaugh: )

omg!!! a physical tussle..... the reason?...Seems he did NOT take part in any "Anger Management Classes" :rolleyes:

(if you're here John... we won't hold the past against you :wave: )

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Naw, not here.. I think he is in one of the New England states somewhere.

At least running a limb.

Oh, I just remembered. "They" did put a four hundred pound rock in charge of "research", did they not?


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Rev. Brick Chell@r?

New Jersey

Chell@r was in New England briefly though.

Somehow I managed to follow him in his assignements. I remember getting reproved every five minutes in both regions.

My reply would be, "But Rev. Brick does it!"

They'd just shake their head, say "no" like I'm a dog, a procede with "loving" reproof.

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  Bolshevik said:

Another brick was added to the clergy during the Special this past weekend.


In the immortal words of Pink Floyd....


"We don't need no education

We dont need no thought control

No dark sarcasm in the classroom

Teachers leave them kids alone

Hey! Teachers! Leave them kids alone!

All in all it's just another brick in the wall.

All in all you're just another brick in the wall.

"Wrong, Do it again!"

"If you don't eat yer meat, you can't have any pudding. How can you

have any pudding if you don't eat yer meat?"

"You! Yes, you behind the bikesheds, stand still laddy!"

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Hmmmm, lets see. The LC's wife abused their son (proven fact) and I was admonished and told I needed to spend more time with her to learn how to be a leaders wife. Uh, I told him I wouldn't walk across the street to spit on his wife and to get the h*ll out of my house. HW told me (seriously) I needed to be a whore in the bedroom and a chef in the kitchen like his wife was. Oh, thank you for sharing!!!

LCM was an egotistical, loudmouthed fool who thought he was God's gift to the masses and he ruled like a Hitler. There is more than one way to kill people's spirits and lives (literally). RevT was also a demi-God to his people. Micromanaged people to h#ll and back. Told people God told him they should get an abortion, divorce their wives, husbands yada, yada, yada - terrible man, terrible leader. GK was HORRIBLE - like a little boy playing God with the people under his leadership. Euuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. My husband was having an affair with a woman and GK knew it and made her my husbands co-twig leader. I went HUHHHHHHH <_< :doh::confused::realmad:

Talk about a dysfunctional family - they took the cake. Well, Jim Jones took the koolaid - it's a miracle these people didn't follow suit. BUT, there were some really good people along the way too - VF was a great Corp leader. Glad I got out when I did. They could have made The Way into a reality show!!!

Edited by Edi
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  frank123lol said:

One of the leaders a Mr John Chella$ was like a brick,first time I met him

he "critiqued" my twig,and proceeded to rip me a new one,why? Well he was the

"leader" quote]

You mean John Cxelar. Yup still a brick, as far as I know he's in NJ. Poor NJ..............

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Mr. Ham...Michael's Smart Maxwell, a 16-year-old red and white cocker spaniel, resents your implication - he is way smarter than the last 3 leadership we had, all in the left upper corner of the USA.

The last BL was a vicious, obnoxious, ambitious, dishonest little LCM wannabe. He aped the Great Man's speech, mannerisms, and hatefulness. He was sarcastic and biting. He believed we should all serve him. One time his wife actually invited my husband and me over for dinner. I had to bring all the food, cook it at her house, and help her clean up. All this time her husband, The Man of God for the City of Everett Washington for That Day and for That Time and for That Hour, sat and watched a sports game on TV, utterly ignoring my husband. He was quite surprised that the meal I had cooked was so tasty. He was an utter a$$. I did realize his wife had invited us without asking permission from him first, and he was trying to gather evidence sufficient to M&A us, as we had been around a long time and were "old wineskins." But still, once someone is in my home, I would be courteous even I were the great and mighty man of God and those guests were unworthy of the privilege of my illustrious presence. I was just steaming the whole bitter evening, especially for the way D.M. shrugged off my husband as if he weren't even there.

This was not the guy who wanted my son executed, but he gave us the choice of the kid or the "ministry." I think we made the right choice.


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