movement made by lifting the foot and setting it down again in a new position, accompanied by a shifting of the weight of the body in the direction of the new position, as in walking, running, or dancing.
u funny Bol
Capt. S.
I noticed in your last post you used the phrase"Mark and Avoid".
Any insight on where you picked up that catchy phrase?
Just curious.
Peace out, Waysider
Dah Waydales i think no it was Craig last time i talked to him
Any way we can find out how Martin Luther was a "Jew hater?" Was it anywhere in his writings? I find that incredulous.
As far as Wierwille and the Nazis, he liked to say he got his Way Corps training ideas from the Marine Corps, although as the posts state, the Marines build their men up to be independent. The opposite occurred with the Way Corps.
I do believe the born-again Christians are chosen now. But I find it very hard to believe God persecutes the Jewish people either. Wierwille's facination on the Jews and their ancestral "stock" bothered me a lot.
What did that matter anyway?
The holocaust did happen the way history portrayed. Every now and then I like to lift a prayer about it for the Jewish people to God. I can't imagine the horror of those camps.
quote: I heard this as well although I was not in this class. I do know that VP always recommended those two books for reading, and I distinctly remember him telling us that the Jews that were in Isreal today are "frauds". (His words not mine) He said that they were not of a "pure" bloodline
The bloodline argument makes sense to me because even by the time of Christ only the 2 tribes of Judah and Benjamin could prove they were full blooded Israelites thanks to Ezra but the other 10 tribes had been mixed with their captors the Assyrians beginning 750 BC or so. So if their overall bloodline wasn't pure even then, how could it be 2000 years later?
I never heard VP himself say anything about Jews but Stanley Reahard posted on waydale that in 1981 she and Bo were at a night owl at HQ and VP said the US fought on the wrong side in WW2. She wanted to leave then as a result. Also, at my AC in 1984 LCM said the holocaust was a hoax and people left.
I think some TWI leadership leaned toward a conspiracy theory which had Jews out to get us or something, but even if that's true so what? In the book of Esther there was a guy who really was out to get the Jews. Esther and Mordecai didn't freak out and try to organize a Hitler youth movement of their own, they just believed God and got their deliverance. That's all anybody today can do. When I think of possible conspiracy theories, the Jews are way down on my list.
Captain Spiritual, there have been huge threads on the past of VP and his inclinations. He told my best friend, regarding the Jews in the motorcoach one day, that Hitler had the right idea, just went about it the wrong way. R*l** Du**ofs** said, at times VP made him feel like all jews were zionist pigs
He did sell those two books, the Twelfth Tribe, and "Myth of the 6 million - I forget the title, and another one. They were only sold by the Liberty Lobby's publishing arm (which has also been discussed - all of VP's advanced class tapes he played coming from them, and his involvement with the Liberty Lobby - which is a front for US white supremist groups).
Those books regarding the jews, and saying they are not "real" jews, have been proven false with modern DNA.
There's lots in the archives. You're new here, yes, I guess its surprising to hear. I'm not going over it again, if you do a search you should find the old threads.
LoneWolf, yes, I really believe what I said. Why do you marvel, do not Satan's ministers also appear as angels of light? From knowing him, and knowing the destruction he's left in his wake, yes, I do not believe he was born again. If you look at it from that point of view, everything he did and said, all the results and fruit make perfect sense. I'm not going to get drawn into an argument or elaborate more.
Any way we can find out how Martin Luther was a "Jew hater?" Was it anywhere in his writings? I find that incredulous.
Glad to accomodate:
Martin Luther: The Jews and Their Lies (excerpts of "Letters to Spalatin")
I had made up my mind to write no more either about the Jews or against them. But since I learned that these miserable and accursed people do not cease to lure to themselves even us, that is, the Christians, I have published this little book, so that I might be found among those who opposed such poisonous activities of the Jews who warned the Christians to be on their guard against them. I would not have believed that a Christian could be duped by the Jews into taking their exile and wretchedness upon himself. However, the devil is the god of the world, and wherever God's word is absent he has aneasy task, not only with the weak but also with the strong. May God help us. Amen.
I brief, dear princes and lords, those of you who have Jews under your rule-- if my counsel does not please your, find better advice, so that you and we all can be rid of the unbearable, devilish burden of the Jews, lest we become guilty sharers before God in the lies, blasphemy, the defamation, and the curses which the mad Jews indulge in so freely and wantonly against the person of our Lord Jesus Christ, this dear mother, all Christians, all authority, and ourselves. Do not grant them protection, safe-conduct, or communion with us.... .With this faithful counsel and warning I wish to cleanse and exonerate my conscience.
First to set fire to their synagogues or schools and to bury and cover with dirt whatever will not burn, so that no man will ever again see a stone or cinder of them. This is to be done in honor of our Lord and of Christendom, so that God might see that we are Christians, and do not condone or knowingly tolerate such public lying, cursing, and blaspheming of his Son and of his Christians. For whatever we tolerated in the past unknowingly - and I myself was unaware of it - will be pardoned by God. But if we, now that we are informed, were to protect and shield such a house for the Jews, existing right before our very nose, in which they lie about, blaspheme, curse, vilify, and defame Christ and us (as was heard above), it would be the same as if we were doing all this and even worse ourselves, as we very well know.
This is only one such source. It is well documented in German history that Hitler gleened a great deal of his "Jew hating material" from Martin Luther.
"There's lots in the archives. You're new here, yes, I guess its surprising to hear. I'm not going over it again, if you do a search you should find the old threads".
Yeah tryin find some records concerning this subject(inferior ethnic races) with Jesus Christ. Only thing I come up with is Roman Praetorian- Centurion/ Woman at well and Peter witnessing to the Italians in the Book of Acts; Philip witness to Ethiopian Offical also in book of Acts.
So far in reading records I see Jesus Christ standing against the Jewish version 1936 pure race doctrine was'nt just Germans/ Romans and Islam Nations also. I don't see God or his son Jesus Christ promoting this logic I see Jesus Christ so far crossing the culture boundries and stupid ethnic hang ups to get people the WORD. At the well Jesus Christ breaks down barriers of holiness, ethnicity, gender, and religion. Also in book of Acts I see the same thing, so if Dr.W did promote those things or conveyed various statements in confidence to people about the Judeans ... well thats just sad very sad day for people who loved Dr. Wierwille and his great accomplishments in the Spirit Field. Thanks Sunesis for post
Hi Captain Spiritual. I know, its sad. I know, in Revelation, at the end of the wrath, when Christ comes back and mankind is about to enter the millenial era, the nations are divided. This division is all based on how they treated the Jews during the tribulation. Those nations who treated them well, enter into the 1000 years of peace where the earth will give forth abundantly. Those who hated and persecuted them, enter into the abyss to await the final, great resurrection and judgment.
VP, with his dislike of Jews, affiliation with the Liberty Lobby and a subscriber to their Spotlight magazine, tapes, and monthly hotline call-in updates (most of the Advanced Class, Trilateral Commission, illuminati, etc. tapes he played came from them), conspiracy theories (remember mal-pack?) - I don't know, looking back, its weird. So much of his "revelation" or "inside knowledge" came from monthly briefings from the Liberty Lobby. Of course, us youngsters and loyal followers thought he was getting this from God since he was so "tapped in." What would we have done if we had known he was really getting his "inside" info from a white supremist conspiracy outfit, and palming it off to us "revelation." There's a sucker born every minute. This was the MOG for our day and time?
Wow... Interesting to know, can't say I even had the slightest bit of a clue.. And even after reading 2 biographies of Luther, I had never even heard of his hatred for the Jew, I must have just ignored it like so many other things.. Oh well.. Back to ignoring life too!
Hi Captain Spiritual. I know, its sad. I know, in Revelation, at the end of the wrath, when Christ comes back and mankind is about to enter the millenial era, the nations are divided. This division is all based on how they treated the Jews during the tribulation. Those nations who treated them well, enter into the 1000 years of peace where the earth will give forth abundantly. Those who hated and persecuted them, enter into the abyss to await the final, great resurrection and judgment.
'Sunesis' are you saying that all true History ALL history centers around the Nation of Isarel? throughout the many Biblical Adminstrations?
Its hard for me to believe that Dr.Wierwille was geting info from those groups(hate groups)
Did not God promise Dr.Wierwille that he (GOD) would teach him the Word? not like or since 1st Cent Church?
If God Commssion him why would a man of such ability open up to Hate Groups? or believe senses ethnic bs base on hate?
Last question has God turned his back on these Groups ... The WAY,CES,CFF etc etc ...?
Do you think the Church Age is coming to an end?
The dismanlting of these group is it a result of God's disapproval of how people were abused over the decades?
Of course he had his top 4 goons there in the room with me, staring me down and giving me the evil eye (no doubt they were operating discerning of spirits).
Lone Wolf
(not funny at the time I’m sure... too bad Craig didn’t start choking on his spit, making him a little quieter.. and those goons should have gotten one of those poky, clear threads in their eye, making them cry… ahh one can dream a little)
That whole scenario about God teaching Wierwille The Word like it hadn't been known for 2,000 years is a lengthy and disheartening path to explore. He took these "new" truths ( in some cases "word for word") from the likes of B.G. Leonard, Stiles,Bullinger,etc.,etc. The PFAL class, the Holy Spirit book, the figures of speech study,even the characters of Maggie Muggins and Henry Bulloco were "lifted" from the works of others who came before him. Hence, "Like it hadn't been known" was an outright fabrication. There is a ton of information here related to that very subject. I am not very proficient at helping someone navigate this site. If there is something in particular you would like to find, I'm sure you only need ask directions.
I never heard VP himself say anything about Jews but Stanley Reahard posted on waydale that in 1981 she and Bo were at a night owl at HQ and VP said the US fought on the wrong side in WW2. She wanted to leave then as a result. Also, at my AC in 1984 LCM said the holocaust was a hoax and people left.
I heard VP say that he felt that the US was on the wrong side in WWII. It was at a "Research Fellowship" at Rome City in the early 80s. He also denied that the Holocaust occurred and promoted such books at "The Myth of the 6 Million" which denies the Holocaust.
All I can say is that God blesses those who bless Israel.
Have you seen the book, "Jerusalem, Where Empires Die", by Lester Summerall? He shows how every empire from the Assyrians to the British have been irrestistably drawn to move against Jerusalem. "From that point in time, those empires have been judged by God and doomed to destruction." He asks the question, "Will America die at Jerusalem?"
Another more recent book is very enlightening on the history of Jerusalem and America's relationship to it: It's called "The Fight for Jerusalem" by Dore Gold.
God did sovereignly restore the nation of Israel, just as He promised to do. He will sovereignly fulfill every promise made to Israel.
Of all the egregious sins committed by TWI leadership, I'd have to put anti-semitism right up there.
That whole scenario about God teaching Wierwille The Word like it hadn't been known for 2,000 years is a lengthy and disheartening path to explore. He took these "new" truths ( in some cases "word for word") from the likes of B.G. Leonard, Stiles,Bullinger,etc.,etc. The PFAL class, the Holy Spirit book, the figures of speech study,even the characters of Maggie Muggins and Henry Bulloco were "lifted" from the works of others who came before him. Hence, "Like it hadn't been known" was an outright fabrication. There is a ton of information here related to that very subject. I am not very proficient at helping someone navigate this site. If there is something in particular you would like to find, I'm sure you only need ask directions.
I won't have any problems now, Sunesis gave good info tool on your search engine topics so ill be busy putting things together again thanks bro.
Hi Captain Spiritual. I know, its sad. I know, in Revelation, at the end of the wrath, when Christ comes back and mankind is about to enter the millenial era, the nations are divided. This division is all based on how they treated the Jews during the tribulation. Those nations who treated them well, enter into the 1000 years of peace where the earth will give forth abundantly. Those who hated and persecuted them, enter into the abyss to await the final, great resurrection and judgment.
'Sunesis' are you saying that all true History ALL history centers around the Nation of Isarel? throughout the many Biblical Adminstrations?
No, she said the answer to YOUR QUESTION was related to that.
(If she does think all true history reflects that, she hasn't posted it.)
Its hard for me to believe that Dr.Wierwille was geting info from those groups(hate groups)
It's difficult, but you can learn to accept it in time.
A number of people on-site were well aware he was on their mailing lists,
and had a hotline he would call periodically for information, and so on.
That's where "revelation" like the 1976 takeover of the US came from,
and twi's Y2K PANIC, and the "the Pope has an aircraft carrier" garbage
under lcm and on and on....
Did not God promise Dr.Wierwille that he (GOD) would teach him the Word? not like or since 1st Cent Church?
If God Commssion him why would a man of such ability open up to Hate Groups? or believe senses ethnic bs base on hate?
God did not promise vpw.
First of all, vpw's report of what happened that day in 1943 was never spoken until the early 1970s.
NEVER to anyone else.
Not even the Mrs the day it happened.
Second of all, his accounts of what happened that day kept changing-
what he said to God, whether or not he demanded proof,
how it looked when he saw snow.... all those changed in different accounts.
Third of all, the claim was that God would teach vpw God's Word like it hadn't been known
since the First Century", which is a claim that is dependent upon the hearer being as
ignorant of "First Century" history as vpw was and presumed his hearers to be.
In the First Century AD- before Gutenberg invented his printing press-
God's Word as known was the Torah- the Old Testament.
It wasn't until the SECOND Century AD that enough handwritten copies of the
New Testament Gospels, Letters, Acts and Revelation were distributed for Christians
to "know" them. What vpw taught didn't reflect their lack of copies of the New
Testament. Either he invented that claim, or the promise came from an ignorant god.
Fourth of all, vpw didn't teach the First Century church in ACTION.
REALLY look at Acts sometime.
They were SHORT on documentation. REALLY short on books.
There was a lot of prayer, considerable deliverance, and a level of NORMAL miracles
everyday such that the SPECIAL miracles with Paul went beyond them.
Authority was de-centralized, money was distributed among the poor as they
had need, everything was local, nothing was official, the few "leaders" travelled,
dealt with things in a "hands-on" fashion, and lived simply.
Compare that to twi.
HEAVY on reading, reading, reading. Deliverance levels painfully shy of Acts.
Authority was all concentrated to vpw, money funnelled to vpw- even when he had
to trash the Way East and Way West and stop local use of cash to do it.
LITTLE was local, EVERYTHING was official, the "leaders" stay in one spot
and enjoy their luxuries as you travel to them on your dime, and their
involvement is anything but personal- just a handful of verses, and some
Fifth of all,
the supposed promise was predicated on the concept that there was information
that was UNKNOWN from 101 AD- 1943, and God Almighty would supply
that information to vpw.
Few people who've been at the GSC awhile can't trace the sources of vpw's
information. Some came from BG Leonard and his class, some came from
JE Stiles, his book and his direct teaching, some came from EW Bullinger's
books, some came from EW Kenyon and his books.
(If you used your initials, vpw would plagiarize freely from you.)
So, this supposed "god" who promised him this should have known better.
The supposed 1943 promise was a complete fabrication,
composed of lie upon lie, predicated upon error, and propounded by the
ignorance and high degree of trust of his naive listeners.
Last question has God turned his back on these Groups ... The WAY,CES,CFF etc etc ...?
Do you think the Church Age is coming to an end?
The dismanlting of these group is it a result of God's disapproval of how people were abused over the decades?
God works with His people. After seeing what I've seen, I think it is error to think
that God works with ANY "GROUP" as such. If there's Christians IN a group, God works
with the Christians in that group.
I don't think God's approached any Christian organization like he approached the nation
of Israel and made a solemn covenant which he will honor (despite their rebellion)
for His own names' sake.
IS the Church Age coming to an end?
It's ALWAYS been coming to an end.
God will end it in his own time- be that in 20 minutes, 20 months, or 20 millenia.
But every minute, we are closer to the end of that age, and to the Apocalypse.
This affects nothing- you should be doing the same no matter which timeframe God's
got in the works.
"Jesus is coming- look busy."
Capt. S.
That whole scenario about God teaching Wierwille The Word like it hadn't been known for 2,000 years is a lengthy and disheartening path to explore. He took these "new" truths ( in some cases "word for word") from the likes of B.G. Leonard, Stiles,Bullinger,etc.,etc. The PFAL class, the Holy Spirit book, the figures of speech study,even the characters of Maggie Muggins and Henry Bulloco were "lifted" from the works of others who came before him. Hence, "Like it hadn't been known" was an outright fabrication. There is a ton of information here related to that very subject. I am not very proficient at helping someone navigate this site. If there is something in particular you would like to find, I'm sure you only need ask directions.
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Capt. S.
I noticed in your last post you used the phrase"Mark and Avoid".
Any insight on where you picked up that catchy phrase?
Just curious.
Peace out, Waysider
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Captain Spiritural
movement made by lifting the foot and setting it down again in a new position, accompanied by a shifting of the weight of the body in the direction of the new position, as in walking, running, or dancing.
u funny Bol
Dah Waydales i think no it was Craig last time i talked to him
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Any way we can find out how Martin Luther was a "Jew hater?" Was it anywhere in his writings? I find that incredulous.
As far as Wierwille and the Nazis, he liked to say he got his Way Corps training ideas from the Marine Corps, although as the posts state, the Marines build their men up to be independent. The opposite occurred with the Way Corps.
I do believe the born-again Christians are chosen now. But I find it very hard to believe God persecutes the Jewish people either. Wierwille's facination on the Jews and their ancestral "stock" bothered me a lot.
What did that matter anyway?
The holocaust did happen the way history portrayed. Every now and then I like to lift a prayer about it for the Jewish people to God. I can't imagine the horror of those camps.
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quote: I heard this as well although I was not in this class. I do know that VP always recommended those two books for reading, and I distinctly remember him telling us that the Jews that were in Isreal today are "frauds". (His words not mine) He said that they were not of a "pure" bloodline
The bloodline argument makes sense to me because even by the time of Christ only the 2 tribes of Judah and Benjamin could prove they were full blooded Israelites thanks to Ezra but the other 10 tribes had been mixed with their captors the Assyrians beginning 750 BC or so. So if their overall bloodline wasn't pure even then, how could it be 2000 years later?
I never heard VP himself say anything about Jews but Stanley Reahard posted on waydale that in 1981 she and Bo were at a night owl at HQ and VP said the US fought on the wrong side in WW2. She wanted to leave then as a result. Also, at my AC in 1984 LCM said the holocaust was a hoax and people left.
I think some TWI leadership leaned toward a conspiracy theory which had Jews out to get us or something, but even if that's true so what? In the book of Esther there was a guy who really was out to get the Jews. Esther and Mordecai didn't freak out and try to organize a Hitler youth movement of their own, they just believed God and got their deliverance. That's all anybody today can do. When I think of possible conspiracy theories, the Jews are way down on my list.
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I call "shenanigans" on that.
They were saying that back when nobody'd ever HEARD of Colin Powell.
And a search for this saying or anything like it came up blank.
The copyright on his only book is 1996.
Which means vpw, who died in 1985, was quoting a book that came out
11 years after he died.
Neat trick.
Bushwah, I say.
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I can atest to the fact that it was spoken of vp during his reign. No clue on the author, or who, exactly, started circulating it.
Can't even remember the circumstances when I first heard it...could have been an offhand comment that took on a life of it's own.
But, it was definitely used by people concerning vp and his "incredible spirituality"...I guess you just never knew if something he said was
actually revelation, 'cause he was soooo "tapped in" all the time. <_< what BS!!
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Captain Spiritual, there have been huge threads on the past of VP and his inclinations. He told my best friend, regarding the Jews in the motorcoach one day, that Hitler had the right idea, just went about it the wrong way. R*l** Du**ofs** said, at times VP made him feel like all jews were zionist pigs
He did sell those two books, the Twelfth Tribe, and "Myth of the 6 million - I forget the title, and another one. They were only sold by the Liberty Lobby's publishing arm (which has also been discussed - all of VP's advanced class tapes he played coming from them, and his involvement with the Liberty Lobby - which is a front for US white supremist groups).
Those books regarding the jews, and saying they are not "real" jews, have been proven false with modern DNA.
There's lots in the archives. You're new here, yes, I guess its surprising to hear. I'm not going over it again, if you do a search you should find the old threads.
LoneWolf, yes, I really believe what I said. Why do you marvel, do not Satan's ministers also appear as angels of light? From knowing him, and knowing the destruction he's left in his wake, yes, I do not believe he was born again. If you look at it from that point of view, everything he did and said, all the results and fruit make perfect sense. I'm not going to get drawn into an argument or elaborate more.
Yes, that's what I really believe.
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The books:
"The Hoax of the Twentieth Century", by Arthur R. Butz,
"The Myth of the Six Million," by David L. Hoggan,
"The Thirteenth Tribe, " by Arthur Koestler.
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Glad to accomodate:
Martin Luther: The Jews and Their Lies (excerpts of "Letters to Spalatin")
I had made up my mind to write no more either about the Jews or against them. But since I learned that these miserable and accursed people do not cease to lure to themselves even us, that is, the Christians, I have published this little book, so that I might be found among those who opposed such poisonous activities of the Jews who warned the Christians to be on their guard against them. I would not have believed that a Christian could be duped by the Jews into taking their exile and wretchedness upon himself. However, the devil is the god of the world, and wherever God's word is absent he has aneasy task, not only with the weak but also with the strong. May God help us. Amen.
I brief, dear princes and lords, those of you who have Jews under your rule-- if my counsel does not please your, find better advice, so that you and we all can be rid of the unbearable, devilish burden of the Jews, lest we become guilty sharers before God in the lies, blasphemy, the defamation, and the curses which the mad Jews indulge in so freely and wantonly against the person of our Lord Jesus Christ, this dear mother, all Christians, all authority, and ourselves. Do not grant them protection, safe-conduct, or communion with us.... .With this faithful counsel and warning I wish to cleanse and exonerate my conscience.
First to set fire to their synagogues or schools and to bury and cover with dirt whatever will not burn, so that no man will ever again see a stone or cinder of them. This is to be done in honor of our Lord and of Christendom, so that God might see that we are Christians, and do not condone or knowingly tolerate such public lying, cursing, and blaspheming of his Son and of his Christians. For whatever we tolerated in the past unknowingly - and I myself was unaware of it - will be pardoned by God. But if we, now that we are informed, were to protect and shield such a house for the Jews, existing right before our very nose, in which they lie about, blaspheme, curse, vilify, and defame Christ and us (as was heard above), it would be the same as if we were doing all this and even worse ourselves, as we very well know.
(He continues with a 7 point plan)
This is only one such source. It is well documented in German history that Hitler gleened a great deal of his "Jew hating material" from Martin Luther.
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Captain Spiritural
"There's lots in the archives. You're new here, yes, I guess its surprising to hear. I'm not going over it again, if you do a search you should find the old threads".
Yeah tryin find some records concerning this subject(inferior ethnic races) with Jesus Christ. Only thing I come up with is Roman Praetorian- Centurion/ Woman at well and Peter witnessing to the Italians in the Book of Acts; Philip witness to Ethiopian Offical also in book of Acts.
So far in reading records I see Jesus Christ standing against the Jewish version 1936 pure race doctrine was'nt just Germans/ Romans and Islam Nations also. I don't see God or his son Jesus Christ promoting this logic I see Jesus Christ so far crossing the culture boundries and stupid ethnic hang ups to get people the WORD. At the well Jesus Christ breaks down barriers of holiness, ethnicity, gender, and religion. Also in book of Acts I see the same thing, so if Dr.W did promote those things or conveyed various statements in confidence to people about the Judeans ... well thats just sad very sad day for people who loved Dr. Wierwille and his great accomplishments in the Spirit Field. Thanks Sunesis for post
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Hi Captain Spiritual. I know, its sad. I know, in Revelation, at the end of the wrath, when Christ comes back and mankind is about to enter the millenial era, the nations are divided. This division is all based on how they treated the Jews during the tribulation. Those nations who treated them well, enter into the 1000 years of peace where the earth will give forth abundantly. Those who hated and persecuted them, enter into the abyss to await the final, great resurrection and judgment.
VP, with his dislike of Jews, affiliation with the Liberty Lobby and a subscriber to their Spotlight magazine, tapes, and monthly hotline call-in updates (most of the Advanced Class, Trilateral Commission, illuminati, etc. tapes he played came from them), conspiracy theories (remember mal-pack?) - I don't know, looking back, its weird. So much of his "revelation" or "inside knowledge" came from monthly briefings from the Liberty Lobby. Of course, us youngsters and loyal followers thought he was getting this from God since he was so "tapped in." What would we have done if we had known he was really getting his "inside" info from a white supremist conspiracy outfit, and palming it off to us "revelation." There's a sucker born every minute. This was the MOG for our day and time?
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Wow... Interesting to know, can't say I even had the slightest bit of a clue.. And even after reading 2 biographies of Luther, I had never even heard of his hatred for the Jew, I must have just ignored it like so many other things.. Oh well.. Back to ignoring life too!
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Captain Spiritural
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Glad you're here Lone Wolf~
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Capt. S.
That whole scenario about God teaching Wierwille The Word like it hadn't been known for 2,000 years is a lengthy and disheartening path to explore. He took these "new" truths ( in some cases "word for word") from the likes of B.G. Leonard, Stiles,Bullinger,etc.,etc. The PFAL class, the Holy Spirit book, the figures of speech study,even the characters of Maggie Muggins and Henry Bulloco were "lifted" from the works of others who came before him. Hence, "Like it hadn't been known" was an outright fabrication. There is a ton of information here related to that very subject. I am not very proficient at helping someone navigate this site. If there is something in particular you would like to find, I'm sure you only need ask directions.
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I heard VP say that he felt that the US was on the wrong side in WWII. It was at a "Research Fellowship" at Rome City in the early 80s. He also denied that the Holocaust occurred and promoted such books at "The Myth of the 6 Million" which denies the Holocaust.
All I can say is that God blesses those who bless Israel.
Have you seen the book, "Jerusalem, Where Empires Die", by Lester Summerall? He shows how every empire from the Assyrians to the British have been irrestistably drawn to move against Jerusalem. "From that point in time, those empires have been judged by God and doomed to destruction." He asks the question, "Will America die at Jerusalem?"
Another more recent book is very enlightening on the history of Jerusalem and America's relationship to it: It's called "The Fight for Jerusalem" by Dore Gold.
God did sovereignly restore the nation of Israel, just as He promised to do. He will sovereignly fulfill every promise made to Israel.
Of all the egregious sins committed by TWI leadership, I'd have to put anti-semitism right up there.
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Captain Spiritural
I did find search engine for this site thanks and again thanks all for reply
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Captain Spiritural
I won't have any problems now, Sunesis gave good info tool on your search engine topics so ill be busy putting things together again thanks bro.
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No, she said the answer to YOUR QUESTION was related to that.
(If she does think all true history reflects that, she hasn't posted it.)
It's difficult, but you can learn to accept it in time.A number of people on-site were well aware he was on their mailing lists,
and had a hotline he would call periodically for information, and so on.
That's where "revelation" like the 1976 takeover of the US came from,
and twi's Y2K PANIC, and the "the Pope has an aircraft carrier" garbage
under lcm and on and on....
God did not promise vpw.
First of all, vpw's report of what happened that day in 1943 was never spoken until the early 1970s.
NEVER to anyone else.
Not even the Mrs the day it happened.
Second of all, his accounts of what happened that day kept changing-
what he said to God, whether or not he demanded proof,
how it looked when he saw snow.... all those changed in different accounts.
Third of all, the claim was that God would teach vpw God's Word like it hadn't been known
since the First Century", which is a claim that is dependent upon the hearer being as
ignorant of "First Century" history as vpw was and presumed his hearers to be.
In the First Century AD- before Gutenberg invented his printing press-
God's Word as known was the Torah- the Old Testament.
It wasn't until the SECOND Century AD that enough handwritten copies of the
New Testament Gospels, Letters, Acts and Revelation were distributed for Christians
to "know" them. What vpw taught didn't reflect their lack of copies of the New
Testament. Either he invented that claim, or the promise came from an ignorant god.
Fourth of all, vpw didn't teach the First Century church in ACTION.
REALLY look at Acts sometime.
They were SHORT on documentation. REALLY short on books.
There was a lot of prayer, considerable deliverance, and a level of NORMAL miracles
everyday such that the SPECIAL miracles with Paul went beyond them.
Authority was de-centralized, money was distributed among the poor as they
had need, everything was local, nothing was official, the few "leaders" travelled,
dealt with things in a "hands-on" fashion, and lived simply.
Compare that to twi.
HEAVY on reading, reading, reading. Deliverance levels painfully shy of Acts.
Authority was all concentrated to vpw, money funnelled to vpw- even when he had
to trash the Way East and Way West and stop local use of cash to do it.
LITTLE was local, EVERYTHING was official, the "leaders" stay in one spot
and enjoy their luxuries as you travel to them on your dime, and their
involvement is anything but personal- just a handful of verses, and some
Fifth of all,
the supposed promise was predicated on the concept that there was information
that was UNKNOWN from 101 AD- 1943, and God Almighty would supply
that information to vpw.
Few people who've been at the GSC awhile can't trace the sources of vpw's
information. Some came from BG Leonard and his class, some came from
JE Stiles, his book and his direct teaching, some came from EW Bullinger's
books, some came from EW Kenyon and his books.
(If you used your initials, vpw would plagiarize freely from you.)
So, this supposed "god" who promised him this should have known better.
The supposed 1943 promise was a complete fabrication,
composed of lie upon lie, predicated upon error, and propounded by the
ignorance and high degree of trust of his naive listeners.
God works with His people. After seeing what I've seen, I think it is error to thinkthat God works with ANY "GROUP" as such. If there's Christians IN a group, God works
with the Christians in that group.
I don't think God's approached any Christian organization like he approached the nation
of Israel and made a solemn covenant which he will honor (despite their rebellion)
for His own names' sake.
IS the Church Age coming to an end?
It's ALWAYS been coming to an end.
God will end it in his own time- be that in 20 minutes, 20 months, or 20 millenia.
But every minute, we are closer to the end of that age, and to the Apocalypse.
This affects nothing- you should be doing the same no matter which timeframe God's
got in the works.
"Jesus is coming- look busy."
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Captain Spiritural
Thanks for the answers W.Wolf ;thanks for your patience Sunesis and you concerning some of my questions. You guys are true Espirit de Corps
Patience and time do more than strength or passion
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