Thanks for giving us a place to hang our hats and hang up our nametags! Paw and all you moderators, I hope you like having us "disfunctional" folks as much as we like being had...hmmmm...that didn't quite come out right, but you get the idea...right?
The GreaseSpot Cafe is an oasis in the cyber world where former members of twi can congregate and connect. It is a place where people can vent, can reconnect with old friends and make new ones...where they can get answers...answers that are very important to them. There is no consensus here...there's a multitude of opinions and various comments concerning their experiences.
It's a place that exposes the lies and evils that twi assaulted people with...and so much more.
People get healed here...people get into arguments and have the opprotunity to speak their minds...
We can't see each other face to face but that's ok...because words convey heart ...and that means something.
I feel like I have made some real friends here...and I hope that you feel the same way. Some folks just pass through, other's your choice. I kinda like sitting at the counter and watching to see who will walk in.
Happy Anniversary! A heartfelt thanks to Paw and the moderating team for keeping this place open for us to drop in for coffee (oops, I don't drink coffee) Long Island iced tea and a muffin.
Paw, do hope you will do another podcast. I have loved all of them so far. Nice to put voices with the avatars here. Maybe have people volunteer to be on. Or select some you feel would contriubute a lot to the interview. Get a couple that met in or went through the corp, was assigned to the field, and how POP influenced them. How they handled it with their area. When, where, and how they decided an exit was necessary. What they did during the fog years. What are their current beliefs/disbeliefs and how did they come to those. Or people who still have family in, and what that is like. Or people who are still in, and the conflicts they have with being here and there, and what it's like on the fence. (Guess I could have responded earlier when you requested, but just thought of these now, sorry!).
Even though I'm a relative new comer here, I have found open arms and friendly people to enjoy. This is indeed a unique place in all the web, and I'm deeply thankful to Paw and the moderators for the hard work they do to keep this place running. I feel privledged to be here among all these fine people...even the ones I disagree with. It's refreshing to disagree and still be able to dialog in a civil manner.
GreaseSpot Cafe....where the men are strong, the women are beautiful, and the children are above average. ^_^
This place never ceases to amaze, amuse, delight and tick me off.
I remember when it was coming up on the first anniversary of GS. I had been working feverishly on putting a site up. The only thing that existed was the forum and a few html pages of something called the GreaseSpot After Midnight Gazette. Groucho had written the first article about his marriage. It was a very touching article. Not to diminish the article, but that was basically it.
I had been working on putting all the waydale articles into a cohesive form. I needed to put together some articles here and there. My dear friend, pamsandiego was helping me along with it. It was March and it seemed like everything would come together. Then on March 31st, I got a "Dear John" phone call. Just what I needed. I plugged away at the site and kept my mind busy. About a week later, I got a phone call from the police from my hometown to let me know that my house, which I was renting out, had burned down. Meanwhile, I get a call from Patrick Roberge and he wanted to let me know that he was putting up a site with the waydale docs also. I broke the news that I was weeks away from the same thing. I picked a fine time to give up sniffing glue!!!
I flew down to take care of the house and all of that stuff. And the following weekend, pamsandiego said, "why don't you fly down here and we'll write everything up?" I took her up on it. She was house-sitting and caring for a talkative bird. We had fun and got most everything written. I then had to put it all up on the new site. Did I mention that I was keeping it a surprise?
So at midnight east coast time, I was sitting at my computer, heart-broken; bad case of house-burn, and ready to unveil this labor of love. It was very well received and it was the site for about 5 and a half years.
I've had many people helping in the background over the years. Most of them have resigned numerous times. Resignations at GS are the equivalent of notches on a cowboy's gun. Somehow this place has managed to stay afloat. And we've had fun. I remember going to the CFF get together one year. I wanted to get some recent pics of TWI for the site. So Igotout and I went on a photo shoot and got to meet John Linder and the waygb mobile unit. One weenie roast, I seem to recall dumping a bunch of alcohol at a campground to avoid a night in jail. (One person was drinking it as we were dumping). Another time, I thought that I was going to get a karate chop from one of our posters because she actually thought that I was MIKE!
In my real life, I have a great love of music. I read and know alot about the 60's and 70's music. The late 60's was this magnificent quilt made up of patches of music from England, Canada, Los Angeles, San Francisco, New York and many other places, forming an unforgettable time in music. I look at what we have here in the same way. Over the past 7 years, everyone has contributed parts of themselves to make something that is greater than the sum of our parts. I am truly thankful for everyone that has passed through GreaseSpot for varying lengths of time.
This past year has been particularly special for me. For the most part, people that were involved in my "way" life have not passed through here. One day it happened. I was approving some registrations and there she was, "paws-exwife" (the names have been changed to protect the innocent). I had not been in contact with her for many years. And quite honestly, we had left an awful lot hanging when we divorced. I was somewhere between excited and terrified. A mutual friend that posts here had been the conduit to making this happen. My little world was being entered by someone that would probably figure out who the heck Pawtucket was. I thought of PMing her, but didn't want to put a stumbling block in her experience here. I had always wanted to be able to tell her about some of this stuff.
As fate would have it, one day I got a PM from Paws-ex. She had no idea it was me. She simply said that she had been married to a fellow from Pawtucket and that maybe our paths had crossed. I was terrified!! What would I say? If she knew it was me, would she leave the site and never find out stuff that may be helpful to her? So as I usually do in moments of terror, I wrote an answer and even taped it for effect (just imagine this in your best Darth Vader voice). "EX-WIFE I AM that FELLOW". I was going into chat and telling everyone to behave, in case she came in. I PMed people for talking rudely to her!! Ultimately, I just PMed back to her and told her who I was and hoped that that wouldn't deter from her experience at GS.
She stuck around and over a period of a few months, we went through a bunch of healing. Talked about stuff. She corrected me on some stuff that I had put on a podcast. But we got along and it meant alot to me. I still have to go in and straighten out the tables in the chat room every once in a while.
Then we did a face lift. I had been wanting to do one for a few years. GreasyTech was instrumental in making that a reality. And the moderators (Doowap, Dishwasher, Austin, Modcat5) really jumped in and did the day-to-day as the site was coming together. Kit Sober, who hates taking bows, has been instrumental in organizing sections of the forums. And another dozen or so people that lend an ear to me when I need it are really appreciated. Ultimately, it is everyone here that knits this place into the funkiest quilt the ex-way world will ever see.
It was was great to read your story and see your valiant heart and soul! Thanks to You and all the Mods, Staff, and Helpers you have had in making GRSC the premiere meeting place it is!
Just keep doing what you have been doing so far and this place will be around for a long, long time Paw. It's the best place online for ex TWI and present TWI people to come and read, learn from others, understand what didn't make sense in the past finally, to post their story for all to read and learn from when they are ready to put it down into words and know they have finally found the place where there are others who really DO understand their past, as they went thru it all too. The love found here is refreshing after the unloving TWI years we all had. :)
There aren't many people who could keep a forum such as this, with all it's demands and needs, running so smooth as you and your mods do. I'm honored to have met all of you in here.
I chat much more than I post. We have a great group of regulars in chat and it's always so wonderful when newbies to the forum stop in to meet us and decide to join our little chat family. Of course it's always a thrill to say hey to you when you have time to stop in for awhile and visit. :)
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Happy Aniversary Grease Spotters!
Thank You Pawtucket and all the Moderators for giving us a Home, a Voice, a cup of coffee and a hankie...and so much more!
A toast to all the good times with good friends and family!

Love to You All, RG
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when is it ?
paw thank you. it would have been just awful if waydale ended with no greasespot
even with all your quirks and being irish and all, i really love you
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polar bear
Paw's Irish? Top o the mornin' to ya.
This is a great place- and thanks to all you great posters (and poster girls)LOL
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Thanks for giving us a place to hang our hats and hang up our nametags! Paw and all you moderators, I hope you like having us "disfunctional" folks as much as we like being had...hmmmm...that didn't quite come out right, but you get the idea...right?
Edited by EyesopenLink to comment
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a very humble thank you from me Paw
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So is there going to be a party in chat tonight?
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what anniversary is it ? like 7 years ? i'm thinking greasy perfection or something
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Hey, what happened to the special edition of GSRadio?
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there didn't seem to be much interest. And the person doing the interview was not available
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Thanks Paw.
I found G/S thru Way-Dale and have enjoyed it very much over these 7 years.
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The GreaseSpot Cafe is an oasis in the cyber world where former members of twi can congregate and connect. It is a place where people can vent, can reconnect with old friends and make new ones...where they can get answers...answers that are very important to them. There is no consensus here...there's a multitude of opinions and various comments concerning their experiences.
It's a place that exposes the lies and evils that twi assaulted people with...and so much more.
People get healed here...people get into arguments and have the opprotunity to speak their minds...
We can't see each other face to face but that's ok...because words convey heart ...and that means something.
I feel like I have made some real friends here...and I hope that you feel the same way. Some folks just pass through, other's your choice. I kinda like sitting at the counter and watching to see who will walk in.
Thanks Paw...
Edited by GrouchoMarxJrLink to comment
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Happy Anniversary! A heartfelt thanks to Paw and the moderating team for keeping this place open for us to drop in for coffee (oops, I don't drink coffee) Long Island iced tea and a muffin.
Paw, do hope you will do another podcast. I have loved all of them so far. Nice to put voices with the avatars here. Maybe have people volunteer to be on. Or select some you feel would contriubute a lot to the interview. Get a couple that met in or went through the corp, was assigned to the field, and how POP influenced them. How they handled it with their area. When, where, and how they decided an exit was necessary. What they did during the fog years. What are their current beliefs/disbeliefs and how did they come to those. Or people who still have family in, and what that is like. Or people who are still in, and the conflicts they have with being here and there, and what it's like on the fence. (Guess I could have responded earlier when you requested, but just thought of these now, sorry!).
We do that every day here at the Greasespot Cafe.
XOXOXO to all,
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Kit Sober
Pawtucket, administrators, and everyone who adds their portion to this place.
Greasespot Cafe has been a lifechanging place.
Sincerely appreciated.
Kit Sober
Reno NV
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i left waydale for about 8 months because i had like a mini nervous breakdown
due to so many people yelling at me for what i said happened to me with wierwille
i got the courage to come back
and i've come a long way
thank you paw, i mean it
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Even though I'm a relative new comer here, I have found open arms and friendly people to enjoy. This is indeed a unique place in all the web, and I'm deeply thankful to Paw and the moderators for the hard work they do to keep this place running. I feel privledged to be here among all these fine people...even the ones I disagree with. It's refreshing to disagree and still be able to dialog in a civil manner.
GreaseSpot Cafe....where the men are strong, the women are beautiful, and the children are above average. ^_^
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This place never ceases to amaze, amuse, delight and tick me off.
I remember when it was coming up on the first anniversary of GS. I had been working feverishly on putting a site up. The only thing that existed was the forum and a few html pages of something called the GreaseSpot After Midnight Gazette. Groucho had written the first article about his marriage. It was a very touching article. Not to diminish the article, but that was basically it.
I had been working on putting all the waydale articles into a cohesive form. I needed to put together some articles here and there. My dear friend, pamsandiego was helping me along with it. It was March and it seemed like everything would come together. Then on March 31st, I got a "Dear John" phone call. Just what I needed. I plugged away at the site and kept my mind busy. About a week later, I got a phone call from the police from my hometown to let me know that my house, which I was renting out, had burned down. Meanwhile, I get a call from Patrick Roberge and he wanted to let me know that he was putting up a site with the waydale docs also. I broke the news that I was weeks away from the same thing. I picked a fine time to give up sniffing glue!!!
I flew down to take care of the house and all of that stuff. And the following weekend, pamsandiego said, "why don't you fly down here and we'll write everything up?" I took her up on it. She was house-sitting and caring for a talkative bird. We had fun and got most everything written. I then had to put it all up on the new site. Did I mention that I was keeping it a surprise?
So at midnight east coast time, I was sitting at my computer, heart-broken; bad case of house-burn, and ready to unveil this labor of love. It was very well received and it was the site for about 5 and a half years.
I've had many people helping in the background over the years. Most of them have resigned numerous times. Resignations at GS are the equivalent of notches on a cowboy's gun. Somehow this place has managed to stay afloat. And we've had fun. I remember going to the CFF get together one year. I wanted to get some recent pics of TWI for the site. So Igotout and I went on a photo shoot and got to meet John Linder and the waygb mobile unit. One weenie roast, I seem to recall dumping a bunch of alcohol at a campground to avoid a night in jail. (One person was drinking it as we were dumping). Another time, I thought that I was going to get a karate chop from one of our posters because she actually thought that I was MIKE!
In my real life, I have a great love of music. I read and know alot about the 60's and 70's music. The late 60's was this magnificent quilt made up of patches of music from England, Canada, Los Angeles, San Francisco, New York and many other places, forming an unforgettable time in music. I look at what we have here in the same way. Over the past 7 years, everyone has contributed parts of themselves to make something that is greater than the sum of our parts. I am truly thankful for everyone that has passed through GreaseSpot for varying lengths of time.
This past year has been particularly special for me. For the most part, people that were involved in my "way" life have not passed through here. One day it happened. I was approving some registrations and there she was, "paws-exwife" (the names have been changed to protect the innocent). I had not been in contact with her for many years. And quite honestly, we had left an awful lot hanging when we divorced. I was somewhere between excited and terrified. A mutual friend that posts here had been the conduit to making this happen. My little world was being entered by someone that would probably figure out who the heck Pawtucket was. I thought of PMing her, but didn't want to put a stumbling block in her experience here. I had always wanted to be able to tell her about some of this stuff.
As fate would have it, one day I got a PM from Paws-ex. She had no idea it was me. She simply said that she had been married to a fellow from Pawtucket and that maybe our paths had crossed. I was terrified!! What would I say? If she knew it was me, would she leave the site and never find out stuff that may be helpful to her? So as I usually do in moments of terror, I wrote an answer and even taped it for effect (just imagine this in your best Darth Vader voice). "EX-WIFE I AM that FELLOW". I was going into chat and telling everyone to behave, in case she came in. I PMed people for talking rudely to her!! Ultimately, I just PMed back to her and told her who I was and hoped that that wouldn't deter from her experience at GS.
She stuck around and over a period of a few months, we went through a bunch of healing. Talked about stuff. She corrected me on some stuff that I had put on a podcast. But we got along and it meant alot to me. I still have to go in and straighten out the tables in the chat room every once in a while.
Then we did a face lift. I had been wanting to do one for a few years. GreasyTech was instrumental in making that a reality. And the moderators (Doowap, Dishwasher, Austin, Modcat5) really jumped in and did the day-to-day as the site was coming together. Kit Sober, who hates taking bows, has been instrumental in organizing sections of the forums. And another dozen or so people that lend an ear to me when I need it are really appreciated. Ultimately, it is everyone here that knits this place into the funkiest quilt the ex-way world will ever see.
Edited by pawtucketLink to comment
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Nice post. Thanks, Paw.
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Thank You Paw,
It was was great to read your story and see your valiant heart and soul! Thanks to You and all the Mods, Staff, and Helpers you have had in making GRSC the premiere meeting place it is!
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Out of curiosity was trying to find
Can anyone help me locate it? Thanks.
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awwwww pawwwww what a nice post
hey remember when we were competing to get so many posts ? i can't remember now how many
but we were laughing and posting. garth and i were in the running
and then TWI (was that his name?) with the blue coffee cup won !!!!!
that was so much fun !!!!!
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Just keep doing what you have been doing so far and this place will be around for a long, long time Paw. It's the best place online for ex TWI and present TWI people to come and read, learn from others, understand what didn't make sense in the past finally, to post their story for all to read and learn from when they are ready to put it down into words and know they have finally found the place where there are others who really DO understand their past, as they went thru it all too. The love found here is refreshing after the unloving TWI years we all had. :)
There aren't many people who could keep a forum such as this, with all it's demands and needs, running so smooth as you and your mods do. I'm honored to have met all of you in here.
I chat much more than I post. We have a great group of regulars in chat and it's always so wonderful when newbies to the forum stop in to meet us and decide to join our little chat family. Of course it's always a thrill to say hey to you when you have time to stop in for awhile and visit. :)
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THAT is the understatement of the year!
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