Wow, it's been interesting reading everyone's responses on this subject. I do believe that Alec Baldwin has had a lot of problems with people, anger issues and verbal abuse. It's pretty well known that Kim Basinger left him because of his rages and abuse. Could it be that the mama is trying to protect her child?????
Alec Baldwin said (paraphrasing) that he was sorry the tape had been leaked to the public because it was not good for a child!!!! What in the h*ll is wrong with that statement! What was NOT good for the child was his verbal and emotional abuse to her.
Kim Basinger's lawyer releasing the tape to the media was bad for ALEC, not his daughter - HE was the one who was bad for his daughter - not the tape that proves how bad he is. He just got found out. For anyone who has lived with an abusive husband, wife, partner we all know how they treat the children. Alec who has the classic symptoms and manifestations of an abuser was probably being "nice" on this phone call. In person and in private it gets REALLY nasty.
Alec Baldwin has not only proven himself to his ex-wife and his daughter how abusive and rageful he can be but also to other people. Gee, did he not just go through a lawsuit from another party for his rageful, abusive tirade to them??? Uh, yeah. He's got a BIG problem and needs to seek some serious help. I'm surprised a judge hasn't made him go to anger management therapy. But he's too much in denial and too proud and egotistical to seek help. Gee, and he blames everything on everyone else - true characteristic of an abuser.
AGAIN, he said he was sorry the tape was leaked to the media because it wasn't good for a child. That statement should speak LOUDLY to a judge somewhere.
For those of you who have not had an abusive spouse you have no idea what it is really like to have to protect your children from the other person who emotionally and verbally abuses them - no matter what form that abuse takes, physical, mental and/or emotional. Abuse is horrible no matter what form it's dished out in. And the way he was talking TO his daughter and ABOUT his ex-wife was abusive. Gosh, do we think it's the first time????
I do believe that it is Alec who keeps taking Kim back to court all the time, not the other way around. I like what the other person said about he is the adult, she is the child. And yeah, raising kids are frustrating - get in line.
Oh, and didn't ya just love the comments Alec had to say about Kim to their daughter. Talk about abuse. The only thing I'm praying for is that there is a judge out there that wakes up and sees/hears the situation for how it really is and protects the child from the raging lunatic Alec. Sheesh.
I have never liked Alec Baldwin but I'm sure there is more to the story than what we know.
And if we have only heard part of it there is sure another part of the story.
Too bad the kid is caught in the middle. But usually if the kid is with one parent all the time and that parent is nasty about about the other parent then you can bet that the kid really acts up because she is being told things a kid should never be involved in.
I went through it with my son when I was trying to get custody. When he came to visit one time I had to throw him out because of his behavior (and I was not nice). Of course it was used against me, but I could not tolerate his disrespect. Now he lives with me and with counseling he has had his eyes opened and realized I'm really not a bad person after all. He was told so many things about me that were so untrue!!!!!
So, I can't except that its one sided here. It sounds like some things are being manipulated and he lost his temper.
I believe you have good insight on this type of problem situation.
I feel the sadness you must have experienced. Unfortunately, this very point/issue is well documented in professional literature regarding child custody matters. I too have experienced this very thing. That's why I'm sure there's more to it than we've been made privy to.
Emphatically, the child should NOT be subjected to what she experienced from EITHER parent.
Obviously, all of us here can related to this whole thing from completely different sets of experiences. Which likely accounts for the wide range of reaction. But the most likely thing happening is that BOTH parents are doing things they should not.
And Edi... could it be that Basinger is just trying to protect her child? NO. That scenario is highly implausible. IF that's ALL she wanted to do, she would NOT have had the recording leaked to the media. That Baldwin says what he says about Basinger leaking the recording certainly doesn't help his case, and that what he says -- about Basinger leaking it -- is true does NOT excuse what Baldwin said to his daughter.
And Eagle, your statement, the one regarding which you don't approve of my characterization... was and is absurd on its face. Further, it is MOST irrelevant to this thread, even in the unlikely event your claim is true. Therefore, my point, still quite valid, is that your statement/claim has NO place on this thread because it is probably NOT true, but even if it is true, it just doesn't belong in this discussion. Therefore, I reiterate -- it's B***S***. And if you don't like what I have to say, it won't hurt my feelings is you simply ignore it...
Rocky, no matter how you try to spin it, your post was nothing more than pure bullying. Eagle posted something he heard. And you tell him that what he posted is BS?
Eagle, that's complete B***S***
That was your first words to him on the subject of his post. You don't see that as rude and unnecessary? You could disagree with him without the insult.
Dude, I'm not saying we have to be a bunch of Pollyanna's but save the nasty jabs for someone who deserves it. Like Groucho when he's railing on Republican's.
Alec needs help and Kim was wrong to leak the tape but but but if and I mean if because I don't follow the couple she has been abused by him to the end that this was the last straw and she opted to make it public in an attempt to end his abuse. Well IF that were the case then I could understand her having done it. Was it still right to do? No! Because the child is the one that will have to carry the weight of having everyone know without a shadow of doubt that her parents are whackjobs.
Even if the daughter agrees with what her mother did couldn't that simply be the result of the daughter also having had enough of his abusive behavior.
He was wrong, dead wrong. Kim was wrong because of the cost to their daughter but I can still give her room in her mistake because I understand 'enough is enough'. The daughter will carry the sins of her parents in the public eye because people are people. Alec should be horse whipped.
I'd say there are moments in each of our lives that we wish we could get a "do-over" in.
For the sake of Ireland (their daughter) I hope that her parents both refret that this became a public matter. I hope they see that her welfare is at stake and that for them to be good parents they also need to be good adults. Unfortunately, I am also aware that the desire to put someone in their place can be so consuming that all logic and reason go out the window. People tend to show their underbelly at times like this.
I try real hard to keep my kids out of the fray. If they end up in the middle of what should really be between adults - I am quick to comfort them and put things in perspective without tearing down the other person.
Well, I do think it may be rough on the daughter now that the WHOLE WORLD knows about it. But if ever there a come uppance was, this is it! Sometimes for a person to change, they need to have their problems exposed to themselves so that they really and finally see it. And, this should leave no doubt in his mind as he listens to it. Maybe there is hope for him. And maybe now he'll be on the road to recovery and will at last begin to love his daughter. That would be nice.
Now, out of curiosity, was it posted on the internt? Or was it sent to some media outlet, and some computer savvy person after hearing it on radio or something posted it to the Net? I heard it on the Glen Beck show @ 0515 in the morning while sitting in my truck waiting for the ferry last Friday. And man! I couldn't believe my ears! I sat up so quickly I spilled my coffee! And yeah, I did have to think to myself; "So much for all of that "compassion" and Tolerance that he has publicly spoken about.
And hey, didja all know that his brother, actor Stephen Baldwin became a Christian believer? Yup, I heard him on the Glen Beck radio show this winter, talking about his moment of accepting Jesus as his Lord. It was way cool! At least to me anyway. And Beck, funny as always, asked him "what last Thanksgiving was like" as they sat at the table, with Alec a far Left kind of guy and Stephen, an excited new Christian kind of a guy. Stephen's reply was, if I remember correctly, that they kept things civil. But Beck had me laughing my butt off as he went through various possible scenarios at the dinner table.
Oh well, I hope Alec can get the best from this. He can either go after Basinger for pulling such a dirty trick (which it was-but Alec you do reap what you sow), or, he can take it all as a serious heads up and endeavor to change. I hope the latter, but, we'll see....
I try real hard to keep my kids out of the fray. If they end up in the middle of what should really be between adults - I am quick to comfort them and put things in perspective without tearing down the other person.
Here's to your continued success in doing that for your children.
IMHO Alex was talking to his ex-wife, not his daughter!
And what has Ireland learned over the years? That there is no safety; that whatever she does will bring down the rath of one of the parents; that she, herself, may have very little value or worth as a person. This is the biggest tragedy of all.
Both parents should be dealt with according to the degree each has contributed to the pawnship of their daughter.
I'm afraid you are mistaken. He refers to her age, 12 years old, in the course of the messaage. He was definitely talking to his daughter.
What a pathetic, sick individual he is.
I certainly do not speak for Krys, but my impression of her post is that she was indicating her belief that the frustration/anger so obviously apparent on the recording was due to his frustration with Basinger. I believe that very likely IS the source of the emotion we heard on it. And, to reiterate, I still do not excuse Baldwin for saying what he did to his daughter.
I think it was a good move to expose Baldwin. The daughter will get the support she needs because of it.
I agree. Had I been in Kim Basinger's shoes, I would have released it as well. Obviously Alec has anger issues which seem hard for him to control. Maybe this will be his wakeup call to not let his anger take over him. Maybe he will get help. Maybe he won't, and maybe another tape can be released to show the public that he truly is a BIG ARSE!!!
There are no winners in the sordid, never ending custody battle over Ireland Baldwin. In the aftermath of the voice mail message Alec Baldwin left for his daughter, which sounded as if Alec was addressing his agent or manager, the Basinger-Baldwin players were seen out and about this past weekend.
Baldwin was seen leaving a deli in the Hamptons, and Kim Basinger and Ireland were seen with a man reported to be a bodyguard according to TMZ.
There is a growing chorus of negative comments on web chat rooms, blogs and talkback commentaries to posted stories regarding the fact the mother, Basinger, did not keep the family business private and not expose the problems to a court of public opinion. Baldwin's frustrations turned to rageful anger at his loss of control in the lack of access to his daughter, and he wrongly took it out on her as if she were an unrelated adult Many wonder why the acrimony and ill will has grown to such an unmanageable level over a child both parents love and care for.
On May 4th, the judge will decide what kind of contact Baldwin will have in the long term. TMZ reports both Baldwin and Basinger will attend the hearing.
Rocky, I see your point. But, I can only go by what a poster says. While I often re-read such a post several times attempting to clearly understand it, in this case I saw no alternative meaning...I did try to be respectful, though, in case the posters meaning was other than what I thought it was.
I'm afraid you are mistaken. He refers to her age, 12 years old, in the course of the messaage. He was definitely talking to his daughter.
What a pathetic, sick individual he is.
Actually he refers to her age twice-- at one point he calls her 11 then he calls her 12 --apparently keeping up with how old his child actually is another area he falls short in,
I was thinking that the moderaters should move this thread to it's rightful place,but then I noticed greasespot doesn't have a "National Enquirer" section...
Couldn't basinger Just have given that recording to the a judge or her lawyer and handeled it that way?
Wouldn't a Judge see that Baldwin is possibley out of control with his fathering skills and wouldn't the judge do something to check into the situation (supervised visits for 6 months, loss of visitation or whatever they do)?
My question is: Couldn't a favorable result could have been gained by Kim for the kid without it going public?
If anything I say is BS in anyones opinion... please let me know, i am not offended by that term. I enjoy people who disagree with me it helps me re-think my positions, although I ignore ad hominem arguments as much as possible. Others may feel different and I respect that.
I agree. Had I been in Kim Basinger's shoes, I would have released it as well. Obviously Alec has anger issues which seem hard for him to control. Maybe this will be his wakeup call to not let his anger take over him. Maybe he will get help. Maybe he won't, and maybe another tape can be released to show the public that he truly is a BIG ARSE!!!
Good point. I guess it could turn out to be a positive.
You're wrong. I just saw Alec Baldwin recently in a movie called "Team America: World Police", so evidently he can still get parts in movies.
He didn't actually portray a character, but just came on as himself, so we'd all know what he was really all about.
I certainly do not speak for Krys, but my impression of her post is that she was indicating her belief that the frustration/anger so obviously apparent on the recording was due to his frustration with Basinger. I believe that very likely IS the source of the emotion we heard on it. And, to reiterate, I still do not excuse Baldwin for saying what he did to his daughter.
I agree with Rocky here. I think that what Krys meant was that even though he was addressing his daughter, he was really "speaking" to Basinger whom he no doubt believes is the root of their problems. That may or not be true, but I believe that this is what Krys was saying. Personally, it makes sense to me too. The problem is, he was actually addressing his little eleven year old girl in an inexcusable and dispicable manner.
Nandon said:
wait a second...
Couldn't basinger Just have given that recording to the a judge or her lawyer and handeled it that way?
Yes, she could have, and it may well have had enough impact for her to prove her point and cause Baldwin to get some help to change. But, and I heard Bill O'Rielly say this today, those two really hate eachother, and their hatred for each other far outweighs their love for their child. Which may be true also.
I just lost my whole post - aaakkkk doncha hate it when that happens?
Here was the main message in my previous post. Baldwin has had a nuumber of issues with Bassinger regarding this child. I know Ireland would listen to the voicemail, but in reality I think Baldwin was addressing the actions of his ex-wife. For all we know - Bassinger was listening to the voicemail clapping her hands saying I got him again! Yes!!
Of course the words he used for his daughter were terribly wrong. IMHO if Bassinger's concern were for Ireland only, she would have waited until she did see the judge and play the tape for him only. Somebody may regret leaking the tape (and hiring such a bruising body guard). It just seems to me that although Baldwin is no angel, he was set up on this one.
One thing for sure, Ireland is going to be one confused young lady. I hope she get's a good set of standards to follow in real life...most people need them. And I'm sorry I confused you. I haven't been around these parts in a while so you wouldn't have a clue about my posting style, not to worry!
In any court ordered visitation order, the parents must be responsible to have the child ready for the non-custidial spouce for visitation. Baldwin described how when it gets close to time for these phone visits he drops what he's doing and finds a phone at the designated time. It is Basinger's responsibility to be sure that Ireland is ready to recieve his call! That means the phone is on and the child has no other responsibilities at that time. If Ireland didn't pick up the phone, that responsibility falls on Basinger to settle so that she does. Ireland can't make any decisions regarding visitation until she is "of age" and that's usually about age 16.
As fickle as Hollywood is Alec and Kim will probably land some juicy roles after this performance.
Again I don't follow them but do we know that Kim has been abusive because he is without question?
The little girl continues to be the one in the middle but maybe now she will be protected more. I personally can hope so anyway.
Okay, abusive outside of this situation where she drew the public into what should have been a private issue and how that impacts the little girl.
You are seeing what I see in 'tacks way more than not. They enjoy each other and the fights and bantering is part of their communications with each other (I won't say friendship or relationship because one or more might scoff at those words).
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Wow, it's been interesting reading everyone's responses on this subject. I do believe that Alec Baldwin has had a lot of problems with people, anger issues and verbal abuse. It's pretty well known that Kim Basinger left him because of his rages and abuse. Could it be that the mama is trying to protect her child?????
Alec Baldwin said (paraphrasing) that he was sorry the tape had been leaked to the public because it was not good for a child!!!! What in the h*ll is wrong with that statement! What was NOT good for the child was his verbal and emotional abuse to her.
Kim Basinger's lawyer releasing the tape to the media was bad for ALEC, not his daughter - HE was the one who was bad for his daughter - not the tape that proves how bad he is. He just got found out. For anyone who has lived with an abusive husband, wife, partner we all know how they treat the children. Alec who has the classic symptoms and manifestations of an abuser was probably being "nice" on this phone call. In person and in private it gets REALLY nasty.
Alec Baldwin has not only proven himself to his ex-wife and his daughter how abusive and rageful he can be but also to other people. Gee, did he not just go through a lawsuit from another party for his rageful, abusive tirade to them??? Uh, yeah. He's got a BIG problem and needs to seek some serious help. I'm surprised a judge hasn't made him go to anger management therapy. But he's too much in denial and too proud and egotistical to seek help. Gee, and he blames everything on everyone else - true characteristic of an abuser.
AGAIN, he said he was sorry the tape was leaked to the media because it wasn't good for a child. That statement should speak LOUDLY to a judge somewhere.
For those of you who have not had an abusive spouse you have no idea what it is really like to have to protect your children from the other person who emotionally and verbally abuses them - no matter what form that abuse takes, physical, mental and/or emotional. Abuse is horrible no matter what form it's dished out in. And the way he was talking TO his daughter and ABOUT his ex-wife was abusive. Gosh, do we think it's the first time????
I do believe that it is Alec who keeps taking Kim back to court all the time, not the other way around. I like what the other person said about he is the adult, she is the child. And yeah, raising kids are frustrating - get in line.
Oh, and didn't ya just love the comments Alec had to say about Kim to their daughter. Talk about abuse. The only thing I'm praying for is that there is a judge out there that wakes up and sees/hears the situation for how it really is and protects the child from the raging lunatic Alec. Sheesh.
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I believe you have good insight on this type of problem situation.
I feel the sadness you must have experienced. Unfortunately, this very point/issue is well documented in professional literature regarding child custody matters. I too have experienced this very thing. That's why I'm sure there's more to it than we've been made privy to.
Emphatically, the child should NOT be subjected to what she experienced from EITHER parent.
Obviously, all of us here can related to this whole thing from completely different sets of experiences. Which likely accounts for the wide range of reaction. But the most likely thing happening is that BOTH parents are doing things they should not.
And Edi... could it be that Basinger is just trying to protect her child? NO. That scenario is highly implausible. IF that's ALL she wanted to do, she would NOT have had the recording leaked to the media. That Baldwin says what he says about Basinger leaking the recording certainly doesn't help his case, and that what he says -- about Basinger leaking it -- is true does NOT excuse what Baldwin said to his daughter.
And Eagle, your statement, the one regarding which you don't approve of my characterization... was and is absurd on its face. Further, it is MOST irrelevant to this thread, even in the unlikely event your claim is true. Therefore, my point, still quite valid, is that your statement/claim has NO place on this thread because it is probably NOT true, but even if it is true, it just doesn't belong in this discussion. Therefore, I reiterate -- it's B***S***. And if you don't like what I have to say, it won't hurt my feelings is you simply ignore it...
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Rocky, no matter how you try to spin it, your post was nothing more than pure bullying. Eagle posted something he heard. And you tell him that what he posted is BS?
That was your first words to him on the subject of his post. You don't see that as rude and unnecessary? You could disagree with him without the insult.
Dude, I'm not saying we have to be a bunch of Pollyanna's but save the nasty jabs for someone who deserves it. Like Groucho when he's railing on Republican's.
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Alec needs help and Kim was wrong to leak the tape but but but if and I mean if because I don't follow the couple she has been abused by him to the end that this was the last straw and she opted to make it public in an attempt to end his abuse. Well IF that were the case then I could understand her having done it. Was it still right to do? No! Because the child is the one that will have to carry the weight of having everyone know without a shadow of doubt that her parents are whackjobs.
Even if the daughter agrees with what her mother did couldn't that simply be the result of the daughter also having had enough of his abusive behavior.
He was wrong, dead wrong. Kim was wrong because of the cost to their daughter but I can still give her room in her mistake because I understand 'enough is enough'. The daughter will carry the sins of her parents in the public eye because people are people. Alec should be horse whipped.
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I'd say there are moments in each of our lives that we wish we could get a "do-over" in.
For the sake of Ireland (their daughter) I hope that her parents both refret that this became a public matter. I hope they see that her welfare is at stake and that for them to be good parents they also need to be good adults. Unfortunately, I am also aware that the desire to put someone in their place can be so consuming that all logic and reason go out the window. People tend to show their underbelly at times like this.
I try real hard to keep my kids out of the fray. If they end up in the middle of what should really be between adults - I am quick to comfort them and put things in perspective without tearing down the other person.
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J0nny Ling0
Well, I do think it may be rough on the daughter now that the WHOLE WORLD knows about it. But if ever there a come uppance was, this is it! Sometimes for a person to change, they need to have their problems exposed to themselves so that they really and finally see it. And, this should leave no doubt in his mind as he listens to it. Maybe there is hope for him. And maybe now he'll be on the road to recovery and will at last begin to love his daughter. That would be nice.
Now, out of curiosity, was it posted on the internt? Or was it sent to some media outlet, and some computer savvy person after hearing it on radio or something posted it to the Net? I heard it on the Glen Beck show @ 0515 in the morning while sitting in my truck waiting for the ferry last Friday. And man! I couldn't believe my ears! I sat up so quickly I spilled my coffee! And yeah, I did have to think to myself; "So much for all of that "compassion" and Tolerance that he has publicly spoken about.
And hey, didja all know that his brother, actor Stephen Baldwin became a Christian believer? Yup, I heard him on the Glen Beck radio show this winter, talking about his moment of accepting Jesus as his Lord. It was way cool! At least to me anyway. And Beck, funny as always, asked him "what last Thanksgiving was like" as they sat at the table, with Alec a far Left kind of guy and Stephen, an excited new Christian kind of a guy. Stephen's reply was, if I remember correctly, that they kept things civil. But Beck had me laughing my butt off as he went through various possible scenarios at the dinner table.
Oh well, I hope Alec can get the best from this. He can either go after Basinger for pulling such a dirty trick (which it was-but Alec you do reap what you sow), or, he can take it all as a serious heads up and endeavor to change. I hope the latter, but, we'll see....
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So sad, but unfortunately this junk happens. It made me cry.
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Here's to your continued success in doing that for your children.
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IMHO Alex was talking to his ex-wife, not his daughter!
And what has Ireland learned over the years? That there is no safety; that whatever she does will bring down the rath of one of the parents; that she, herself, may have very little value or worth as a person. This is the biggest tragedy of all.
Both parents should be dealt with according to the degree each has contributed to the pawnship of their daughter.
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I'm afraid you are mistaken. He refers to her age, 12 years old, in the course of the messaage. He was definitely talking to his daughter.
What a pathetic, sick individual he is.
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I certainly do not speak for Krys, but my impression of her post is that she was indicating her belief that the frustration/anger so obviously apparent on the recording was due to his frustration with Basinger. I believe that very likely IS the source of the emotion we heard on it. And, to reiterate, I still do not excuse Baldwin for saying what he did to his daughter.
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I agree. Had I been in Kim Basinger's shoes, I would have released it as well. Obviously Alec has anger issues which seem hard for him to control. Maybe this will be his wakeup call to not let his anger take over him. Maybe he will get help. Maybe he won't, and maybe another tape can be released to show the public that he truly is a BIG ARSE!!!
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From Monsters and
People News
Basinger backlash grows after Baldwin rant
By Stone Martindale
Apr 23, 2007, 16:13 GMT
There are no winners in the sordid, never ending custody battle over Ireland Baldwin. In the aftermath of the voice mail message Alec Baldwin left for his daughter, which sounded as if Alec was addressing his agent or manager, the Basinger-Baldwin players were seen out and about this past weekend.
Baldwin was seen leaving a deli in the Hamptons, and Kim Basinger and Ireland were seen with a man reported to be a bodyguard according to TMZ.
There is a growing chorus of negative comments on web chat rooms, blogs and talkback commentaries to posted stories regarding the fact the mother, Basinger, did not keep the family business private and not expose the problems to a court of public opinion. Baldwin's frustrations turned to rageful anger at his loss of control in the lack of access to his daughter, and he wrongly took it out on her as if she were an unrelated adult Many wonder why the acrimony and ill will has grown to such an unmanageable level over a child both parents love and care for.
On May 4th, the judge will decide what kind of contact Baldwin will have in the long term. TMZ reports both Baldwin and Basinger will attend the hearing.
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Rocky, I see your point. But, I can only go by what a poster says. While I often re-read such a post several times attempting to clearly understand it, in this case I saw no alternative meaning...I did try to be respectful, though, in case the posters meaning was other than what I thought it was.
My apologies, krysilis, if I misunderstood you.
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Ron G.
You're wrong. I just saw Alec Baldwin recently in a movie called "Team America: World Police", so evidently he can still get parts in movies.
He didn't actually portray a character, but just came on as himself, so we'd all know what he was really all about.
At least I THINK that was Alec Baldwin.
Sure did look, act, think and talk like him.
And it SAID it was.
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Actually he refers to her age twice-- at one point he calls her 11 then he calls her 12 --apparently keeping up with how old his child actually is another area he falls short in,
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I was thinking that the moderaters should move this thread to it's rightful place,but then I noticed greasespot doesn't have a "National Enquirer" section...
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wait a second...
Couldn't basinger Just have given that recording to the a judge or her lawyer and handeled it that way?
Wouldn't a Judge see that Baldwin is possibley out of control with his fathering skills and wouldn't the judge do something to check into the situation (supervised visits for 6 months, loss of visitation or whatever they do)?
My question is: Couldn't a favorable result could have been gained by Kim for the kid without it going public?
If anything I say is BS in anyones opinion... please let me know, i am not offended by that term. I enjoy people who disagree with me it helps me re-think my positions, although I ignore ad hominem arguments as much as possible. Others may feel different and I respect that.
Good point. I guess it could turn out to be a positive.
Very funny movie
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J0nny Ling0
Yes, she could have, and it may well have had enough impact for her to prove her point and cause Baldwin to get some help to change. But, and I heard Bill O'Rielly say this today, those two really hate eachother, and their hatred for each other far outweighs their love for their child. Which may be true also.
Edited by Jonny LingoLink to comment
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I just lost my whole post - aaakkkk doncha hate it when that happens?
Here was the main message in my previous post. Baldwin has had a nuumber of issues with Bassinger regarding this child. I know Ireland would listen to the voicemail, but in reality I think Baldwin was addressing the actions of his ex-wife. For all we know - Bassinger was listening to the voicemail clapping her hands saying I got him again! Yes!!
Of course the words he used for his daughter were terribly wrong. IMHO if Bassinger's concern were for Ireland only, she would have waited until she did see the judge and play the tape for him only. Somebody may regret leaking the tape (and hiring such a bruising body guard). It just seems to me that although Baldwin is no angel, he was set up on this one.
One thing for sure, Ireland is going to be one confused young lady. I hope she get's a good set of standards to follow in real life...most people need them. And I'm sorry I confused you. I haven't been around these parts in a while so you wouldn't have a clue about my posting style, not to worry!
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I must add this:
In any court ordered visitation order, the parents must be responsible to have the child ready for the non-custidial spouce for visitation. Baldwin described how when it gets close to time for these phone visits he drops what he's doing and finds a phone at the designated time. It is Basinger's responsibility to be sure that Ireland is ready to recieve his call! That means the phone is on and the child has no other responsibilities at that time. If Ireland didn't pick up the phone, that responsibility falls on Basinger to settle so that she does. Ireland can't make any decisions regarding visitation until she is "of age" and that's usually about age 16.
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O M G!
Now this is something - first Groucho agrees with Jonny - now this??!!!!
(Dooj starts looking to the clouds for a sign.....
Glad to see the olive branch making the rounds.
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As fickle as Hollywood is Alec and Kim will probably land some juicy roles after this performance.
Again I don't follow them but do we know that Kim has been abusive because he is without question?
The little girl continues to be the one in the middle but maybe now she will be protected more. I personally can hope so anyway.
Okay, abusive outside of this situation where she drew the public into what should have been a private issue and how that impacts the little girl.
You are seeing what I see in 'tacks way more than not. They enjoy each other and the fights and bantering is part of their communications with each other (I won't say friendship or relationship because one or more might scoff at those words).
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