Unfortunately some children do, and it is heartbreaking. In the message his primary concerns are how he feels like an a$$, how he has gone out of his way to get to a phone (he can't afford a cell phone? He thinks parenting should be convenient?), how she has embarrassed him. She's a thoughtless pig, so he's gonna straighten her out? Sounds to me like she treats him in a reciprocal manner to which he treats her. He is the father and adult. If he wants respect from his child, he must treat her that way. It's a two way street.
Unfrikkinbelievable! I hope her mother put a restraining order against that @$$hole, and I hope she knows someone in the mafia who can fly to NY to take care of his sorry @$$.
Gee, you wonder why Kim Basinger divorced that creep!!!
Legally speaking, if a child doesn't want to be with her father, can she be forced to visit with him anyway?
It seems that Baldwin is having visitation issues (which he ought to be directing towards the mother, doncha think?), and he's taking his frustrations out on her. He has no call to do that, and especially no call to expect her to 'be on call' for him to answer his calls when _he_ wants to call.
In any event, Baldwin is the self-centered and thoughtless pig here, and if I were the kid, I'd tell him to _make_ me 'honor' his visitation rights, and would then tell his sorry a** to get lost!
Baldwin can barely get any parts in Hollywood anymore. The guy also believes it is a legal right for people to have sex with animals. I kid you not. Not that he does, but this is where his mind is at.
Sorry, but couldn't disagree with you more, nandon. I what instances is it right to call your child a rude, thoughtless pig, that is less than human and threaten to straighten their a$$ out (suggesting aggression of an angry adult against a minor). And blame the child and the mother for all his problems? His message is evidence as to why there is a need for a custody battle.
Baldwin can barely get any parts in Hollywood anymore. The guy also believes it is a legal right for people to have sex with animals. I kid you not. Not that he does, but this is where his mind is at.
Eagle, that's complete B***S***
on the issue of whether he gets work as an actor, you do know he is a main character in a regular prime time TV program, don't you?
On the issue of what he believes, you speak (write) as if you have first hand knowledge. That seems most implausible, as does the accusations you made.
The man obviously has personal issues regarding his ex-wife and his daughter. Those issues apparently caused him to make a terrible recorded message for his daughter. THAT much is verifiable. The rest of what YOU said about him is completely irrelevant, besides being implausible.
I don't know who this guy is (I realize he's an actor or something),
but regardless of his status in life THAT WAS VERBAL ABUSE.
If I had heard him through an apartment wall or in public speaking that way ---
I'd have dialed 911 to report a domestic in progress.
It's good to know your RIGHTEOUS indignation is at full alert there Mr. Miller...
For the sake of discussion, I assume you meant that you'd report a domestic violence incident in progress. Is that what you meant?
Even though he was not in the same geographic location as his daughter?
Me thinks this publicity has (hopefully) a dampening effect on his (tendency?) to express his anger like that... It IS a form of public accountability, after all.
I know very little about this, but do it know it varies from state to state.
Legally speaking, if a child doesn't want to be with her father, can she be forced to visit with him anyway?
In some states, when the child is under 16, they can be forced to abide by visitation even if they do not want to be with the other parent. At 16 they have reached the "legal age of reason" in those states, and then can decide for themselves. Sure some of the single parents here could answer more fully. It's sad they can be forced against their will. But much sadder if one parent is pitting the children against the other, creating needless fear, etc., so that the child decides not to visit when there would be no harm. Just a pity when parents use the children as bargaining chips. So I'm sure there is an upside as well as a downside to the forced visitation issue.
Sorry, but couldn't disagree with you more, nandon. I what instances is it right to call your child a rude, thoughtless pig, that is less than human and threaten to straighten their a$$ out (suggesting aggression of an angry adult against a minor). And blame the child and the mother for all his problems? His message is evidence as to why there is a need for a custody battle.
When I was a kid, I did some bad stuff. Not criminal, but I ticked my parents off...
One of the best feelings I ever had was after my dad let me have it. He ripped into me, (much like alec baldwin just did to his girl). After he did that I was afraid, scared and upset. I hated my dad for saying those things and making me feel that way. I was sent to my room. The next day, my dad talked to me in the morning. He came up to me and told me he was sorry for being so upset and that he loved me.
THAT was one of the best feelings of my life. To hear my old man tell me he was wrong for being so mad at me. He made sure I knew that what I had done was wrong, but that he was wrong as well. He apologized and so did I. (God that felt good).
HAD someone taped that conversation (verbal tirade) and played it to others outside of MY FAMILY he would have looked like an abusive man.
IMO Alec Baldwin owes his girl an apology, maybe his girl probably owes him one too. But I am in no way going to judge him on his family issues, especially in such an emotional time of his life.
Giving that tape to the media was a rotten thing to do.
I don't know who this guy is (I realize he's an actor or something),
but regardless of his status in life THAT WAS VERBAL ABUSE.
If I had heard him through an apartment wall or in public speaking that way ---
I'd have dialed 911 to report a domestic in progress.
And you'd be wasting a cops or at least a 911 operators time on a non-crime.
As much as I dislike Alec Baldwin, I think some things are private and shouldn't be open to public scrutiny. After all, I'm sure the appropriate PTB heard it before any of us did.
I kinda think it's disrespectful to the little girl (not to mention her mom) although I don't know if she knows or can comprehend or understand that THE WHOLE DAMN WORLD now knows how her daddy did her. I would think that would be very painful in and of itself.
All the while, there are probably MILLIONS of kids out there who get the same treatment and the world knows not nor would it care.
I may be way off base here, but it all just doesn't set right.
I agree it was tasteless to post it on the internet. And Ms. Basinger may have a high price to pay for it, which wouldn't be a bad idea. I can clearly see the need to play it for the authorities, but making it public was horrendous imo. Poor child, neither parent seems to have their head completely on their shoulders.
Hey there Nandon. Domestics may be a *non-crime* initially,
but they have this nagging tendency to escalate into SERIOUS acts of violence.
I know a few cops. I have a police scanner that I usually listen to for background *noise*.
Both the cops I know, and hearing others on the scanner (when a *domestic* is involved)
are all in agreement that it is one of the WORST ---
(I did NOT say THE worst -- but ONE of the worst) calls to have to go to.
Why?? Because both parties involved (sometimes more than two),
are completely convinced that THEY are in the right. The cop is the outsider.
He doesn't know the family disputes like the family does.
He's only there to see that aggravated assault (or something like that) doesn't happen,
and try to cool tempers before that turns uglier than it is.
Those *injustices* suffered by one family member at the hands of another (be it verbal or physical),
create a VERY volatile situation where each family member is ready to protect THEIR viewpoint.
And there's the cop standing in the middle of it, trying to prevent it from becoming a *real crime*.
You've got a bubbling volcano about to erupt, and a call to 911 is preventive medicine.
It's neither a wasted phone call, nor a waste of their time.
I could give you stories about domestics called in that have been resolved and those that turned tragic,
but suffice it to say -- it is NEVER a waste of time to call if you think something serious is going on.
But it was a phone call. No argument back and forth. It just seems a bit ridiculous to call 911 and say... my neighbor is having an intense phone conversation.
I don't know, does a phone call count as a domestic dispute? whats the cop going to do, pick up the other phone and listen?
I could see if it was 1:00am or something, you'd probably want to check that out. but it was 10:30... or 11:00... or whatever he said.
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Unfortunately some children do, and it is heartbreaking. In the message his primary concerns are how he feels like an a$$, how he has gone out of his way to get to a phone (he can't afford a cell phone? He thinks parenting should be convenient?), how she has embarrassed him. She's a thoughtless pig, so he's gonna straighten her out? Sounds to me like she treats him in a reciprocal manner to which he treats her. He is the father and adult. If he wants respect from his child, he must treat her that way. It's a two way street.
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He told her exactly when to NOT be around for his visit.....
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I thought that was him sitting in pfal!
oh oh oh wait, he's got an explanation.
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Unfrikkinbelievable! I hope her mother put a restraining order against that @$$hole, and I hope she knows someone in the mafia who can fly to NY to take care of his sorry @$$.
Gee, you wonder why Kim Basinger divorced that creep!!!
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Legally speaking, if a child doesn't want to be with her father, can she be forced to visit with him anyway?
It seems that Baldwin is having visitation issues (which he ought to be directing towards the mother, doncha think?), and he's taking his frustrations out on her.
He has no call to do that, and especially no call to expect her to 'be on call' for him to answer his calls when _he_ wants to call.
In any event, Baldwin is the self-centered and thoughtless pig here, and if I were the kid, I'd tell him to _make_ me 'honor' his visitation rights, and would then tell his sorry a** to get lost!
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Baldwin + Martindale = separated at birth
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Baldwin can barely get any parts in Hollywood anymore. The guy also believes it is a legal right for people to have sex with animals. I kid you not. Not that he does, but this is where his mind is at.
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I don't have a problem with what he said, reason being , I don't know the whole situation.
(hey, it's friday the 20th.)
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Sorry, but couldn't disagree with you more, nandon. I what instances is it right to call your child a rude, thoughtless pig, that is less than human and threaten to straighten their a$$ out (suggesting aggression of an angry adult against a minor). And blame the child and the mother for all his problems? His message is evidence as to why there is a need for a custody battle.
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Hey MarkO... we miss you over in the politics forum...
and on the subject of this thread... it's obviously dreadful that Baldwin left such a horrible message for his daughter.
I can only hope that someday he's able to apologize to her in a way that will be meaningful to her.
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I don't know who this guy is (I realize he's an actor or something),
but regardless of his status in life THAT WAS VERBAL ABUSE.
If I had heard him through an apartment wall or in public speaking that way ---
I'd have dialed 911 to report a domestic in progress.
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Eagle, that's complete B***S***
on the issue of whether he gets work as an actor, you do know he is a main character in a regular prime time TV program, don't you?
On the issue of what he believes, you speak (write) as if you have first hand knowledge. That seems most implausible, as does the accusations you made.
The man obviously has personal issues regarding his ex-wife and his daughter. Those issues apparently caused him to make a terrible recorded message for his daughter. THAT much is verifiable. The rest of what YOU said about him is completely irrelevant, besides being implausible.
It's good to know your RIGHTEOUS indignation is at full alert there Mr. Miller...
For the sake of discussion, I assume you meant that you'd report a domestic violence incident in progress. Is that what you meant?
Even though he was not in the same geographic location as his daughter?
Me thinks this publicity has (hopefully) a dampening effect on his (tendency?) to express his anger like that... It IS a form of public accountability, after all.
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If only he had left the country when Bush became president like he said he was going to.
The child is not even in her preteens and even if she were a handful I would think that being the daughter of him has something to do with it.
He needs to reserve his mellow drama for the screen.
If that is the worst of his concerns he's incredibly privileged.
What a jerk.
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My thoughts exactly!
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I know very little about this, but do it know it varies from state to state.
In some states, when the child is under 16, they can be forced to abide by visitation even if they do not want to be with the other parent. At 16 they have reached the "legal age of reason" in those states, and then can decide for themselves. Sure some of the single parents here could answer more fully. It's sad they can be forced against their will. But much sadder if one parent is pitting the children against the other, creating needless fear, etc., so that the child decides not to visit when there would be no harm. Just a pity when parents use the children as bargaining chips. So I'm sure there is an upside as well as a downside to the forced visitation issue.
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Dooj was right. He told his daughter when NOT to be home.
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Thanks. But the horse died a long time ago.
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I've killed a pony or two over there lately. :(
Good to see you here though Mark.
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When I was a kid, I did some bad stuff. Not criminal, but I ticked my parents off...
One of the best feelings I ever had was after my dad let me have it. He ripped into me, (much like alec baldwin just did to his girl). After he did that I was afraid, scared and upset. I hated my dad for saying those things and making me feel that way. I was sent to my room. The next day, my dad talked to me in the morning. He came up to me and told me he was sorry for being so upset and that he loved me.
THAT was one of the best feelings of my life. To hear my old man tell me he was wrong for being so mad at me. He made sure I knew that what I had done was wrong, but that he was wrong as well. He apologized and so did I. (God that felt good).
HAD someone taped that conversation (verbal tirade) and played it to others outside of MY FAMILY he would have looked like an abusive man.
IMO Alec Baldwin owes his girl an apology, maybe his girl probably owes him one too. But I am in no way going to judge him on his family issues, especially in such an emotional time of his life.
Giving that tape to the media was a rotten thing to do.
And you'd be wasting a cops or at least a 911 operators time on a non-crime.
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Ahhh, get another horse already.
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Hey there Nandon. Domestics may be a *non-crime* initially,
but they have this nagging tendency to escalate into SERIOUS acts of violence.
I know a few cops. I have a police scanner that I usually listen to for background *noise*.
Both the cops I know, and hearing others on the scanner (when a *domestic* is involved)
are all in agreement that it is one of the WORST ---
(I did NOT say THE worst -- but ONE of the worst) calls to have to go to.
Why?? Because both parties involved (sometimes more than two),
are completely convinced that THEY are in the right. The cop is the outsider.
He doesn't know the family disputes like the family does.
He's only there to see that aggravated assault (or something like that) doesn't happen,
and try to cool tempers before that turns uglier than it is.
Those *injustices* suffered by one family member at the hands of another (be it verbal or physical),
create a VERY volatile situation where each family member is ready to protect THEIR viewpoint.
And there's the cop standing in the middle of it, trying to prevent it from becoming a *real crime*.
You've got a bubbling volcano about to erupt, and a call to 911 is preventive medicine.
It's neither a wasted phone call, nor a waste of their time.
I could give you stories about domestics called in that have been resolved and those that turned tragic,
but suffice it to say -- it is NEVER a waste of time to call if you think something serious is going on.
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Ron G.
Why are we listening to it on the internet?
As much as I dislike Alec Baldwin, I think some things are private and shouldn't be open to public scrutiny. After all, I'm sure the appropriate PTB heard it before any of us did.
I kinda think it's disrespectful to the little girl (not to mention her mom) although I don't know if she knows or can comprehend or understand that THE WHOLE DAMN WORLD now knows how her daddy did her. I would think that would be very painful in and of itself.
All the while, there are probably MILLIONS of kids out there who get the same treatment and the world knows not nor would it care.
I may be way off base here, but it all just doesn't set right.
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I agree it was tasteless to post it on the internet. And Ms. Basinger may have a high price to pay for it, which wouldn't be a bad idea. I can clearly see the need to play it for the authorities, but making it public was horrendous imo. Poor child, neither parent seems to have their head completely on their shoulders.
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But it was a phone call. No argument back and forth. It just seems a bit ridiculous to call 911 and say... my neighbor is having an intense phone conversation.
I don't know, does a phone call count as a domestic dispute? whats the cop going to do, pick up the other phone and listen?
I could see if it was 1:00am or something, you'd probably want to check that out. but it was 10:30... or 11:00... or whatever he said.
RON G--- i agree with you.
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