That's great, Eyes, thanks about the cut and paste thing...and......Thanks for "the rest of the story"......finally!
Oh, hey.....that reminds me....I meant to mention this one, little, ity, bity, thing you said.......
Michael and I had a rough time getting back to Emporia. At one point we ended up on a deserted highway and had no idea where we were (but that's another story all in itself, and right now I cant for the life of me remember how we got there on that highway in the middle of no where.) We spent our $10 on what I don't remember but on the last leg of the trip home, and we were cutting it way too close, we got picked up by a local Emporian. He asked us how much time we had and we told him, so he sped up. He asked if we still had our money, we had to tell him that we did not, he gave us $10 and dropped us off at the gate with about 25 minutes to spare. He wished us Gods speed and drove away. (You think that was cool, just wait for the deserted highway adventure...that was really cool!)
Note the highlighted words......YOUR words!! What are you trying to do here!!! It's been TWO SLEEPLESS DAYS now, reading your story....and before you even finish it......
YOU SET US UP FOR ANOTHER ONE??? Well......there go.. ...(snort) :unsure: ...uuhhhh...what?...oh, yeah....there goes ...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Many thanks for an exceptional accounting of those events.
That's great, Eyes, thanks about the cut and paste thing...and......Thanks for "the rest of the story"......finally!
Oh, hey.....that reminds me....I meant to mention this one, little, ity, bity, thing you said.......
Note the highlighted words......YOUR words!! What are you trying to do here!!! It's been TWO SLEEPLESS DAYS now, reading your story....and before you even finish it......
YOU SET US UP FOR ANOTHER ONE??? Well......there go.. ...(snort) :unsure: ...uuhhhh...what?...oh, yeah....there goes ...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Many thanks for an exceptional accounting of those events.
Suspense is wonderful...have to keep my ratings up!
Never fear I will give you a few days or weeks to catch up on your beauty sleep.
Thanks EyesOpen for a great story, too bad it's not fiction, but I really appreciate your telling it! I hope those guys that were injured got lots of money from a settlement, but it sure doesn't replace lost body parts. I always was glad that I was sent LEAD in warm weather, how awful was that to not take better care of people. What incredible courage K. had, reminds me of the guy who got his arm caught in a rock while hiking alone and amputated his own arm to save his life. (Of course his story differs from this one because he was acting alone and should have known better than to hike alone. You guys were entrusting your lives to people who should have know better how to take care of people in that environment.)
Great story telling. Can't wait for the next episode.
WTF ??????????? they lost the ability to be CIVILIZED ? WHAT ? i'll be they have all their toes !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i can't stand it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
TWI (THE WAY INTERNATIONAL BIBLICAL RESEARCH AND TEACHING "MINISTRY"_ lost its ability to be civilized the day it opened its doors to NO MEMBERS with the BIG BASTAD SHEET who had no ability to BE CIVILIZED. he onlylost his stinkin EYE
Now that is an interesting proposition...let me ponder it over night.
I actually would have loved LEAD, or could have loved LEAD. I had been looking forward to it, all except the hitchhiking part because my parents had taught me to never hitchhike because it was just too dangerous. I really wrestled with that. But anyway...I love the snow and have been known to slide head first on my back all the way down the second tallest mountain in Nevada (13065 ft). No it is nowhere near Lake Tahoe, those are the other mountains, we climbed the Snake range and the Rubies on the other side of the state just a little over a year before. Just to see the oldest living trees in the world. Almost lost one of our party when he mistepped in the snow and went through where there was no ground. But we were tied together so we just anchored up and pulled him back. It was kind of scary but once we got back down to the lake we all had a good laugh about it. We teased him that there was certainly some yellow snow on the mountain with his name on it now. It was fun and novel, we signed our names on the ledger in the mailbox at the top, took some really great pictures and had the best slide of my life, on my back, head first, I only bounced off of a couple of rocks all the way down till we ran out of snow. It was awsome!
eeeeeeeeeuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. That is so spiritually disgusting. Makes me want to spit in their face. They are nuts and have troubles spiritually I don't even know how they live with themselves. Uh, my bible says, "They will know you are my disciples by how you love one another".
Oh, yeah, putting people in a position of having to cut off their toes - yeah, that's REAL love! Sheesh.
GS, is a good place to come and talk of all our "journeys" we experienced throughout the way so we don't sit around the rest of lives thinking Hey was what that whirlwind in our youth.
EWO thanks for sharing this story again as there was much slid under the carpet to keep THEIR image.
Now that is an interesting proposition...let me ponder it over night.
I actually would have loved LEAD, or could have loved LEAD. I had been looking forward to it, all except the hitchhiking part because my parents had taught me to never hitchhike because it was just too dangerous. I really wrestled with that. But anyway...I love the snow and have been known to slide head first on my back all the way down the second tallest mountain in Nevada (13065 ft). No it is nowhere near Lake Tahoe, those are the other mountains, we climbed the Snake range and the Rubies on the other side of the state just a little over a year before. Just to see the oldest living trees in the world. Almost lost one of our party when he mistepped in the snow and went through where there was no ground. But we were tied together so we just anchored up and pulled him back. It was kind of scary but once we got back down to the lake we all had a good laugh about it. We teased him that there was certainly some yellow snow on the mountain with his name on it now. It was fun and novel, we signed our names on the ledger in the mailbox at the top, took some really great pictures and had the best slide of my life, on my back, head first, I only bounced off of a couple of rocks all the way down till we ran out of snow. It was awsome!
LEAD could have been like that, but it wasn't.
Thanks for sharing your story. I too was taught that hitchhiking was bad and Illegal in some areas and I had a real hard time with that. I did not enjoy lead. It seemed like people were just being judged on whether or not they can be rock jocks. There was little to no compassion when I went in 1985. They wanted us to squirm at our evaluations on our duo. I told them that I didn't care what evalution they gave me because God Almighty knows my heart and that's all that mattered to me. I'm so sickened by the lack of love and evil that took place.
I am personally most surprised at the cover up. Guess I shouldn't be. I can relate to blocking it out of your mind. I've done a lot of that too. Human life didn't have much value in twi, did it?
I agree...just when I think I have "heard it all" as far as TWI (and in particular on this topic, LEAD) ... then I hear something else. My time at LEAD was ten of the most horrible days of my life ... whenever anything difficult has come up in my life, I think: "I survived LEAD, I can survive this." That wasn't exactly what they had in mind, I would guess, when they talked about LEAD building an "unalterable I Can Do attitude." What it DID do is make rock jocks think they were spiritual and make any of us who were NOT rock jocks think we were sub-human. It took years for me to get over the things that were said to me by one G*ni*e McH*n*y on my evaluation ... and yet, here I stand, still standing with God (and not the Way) 35 years after I first did Romans 10:9 in what was a Way fellowship. I daresay she was wrong when she made the comment, "I feel sorry for anyone who's ever in your Twig." The folks in the home church I belong to are, rather, quite blessed with my life and love ... and have never once asked me to climb a rock to prove my spirituality. I think one of the things that made GM so angry is that I didn't take "the rocks" seriously enough ... I had a relationship with God not affected by rocks and rock jocks, and I still do.
Reading about how folks had to amputate parts of toes and suffer lifetime debilitating injuries, all while the Way was covering up, making their lives more difficult, separating them .. makes me very, very angry. I suspect it makes God a lot MORE angry ... his heritage is His people. He gave his only begotten Son for those very people that the Way treated so poorly.
As an aside, I think Ms. Martindale spells her name Kerry. Not that it matters ... I just spell a lot better than I climb rocks! :-)
thank you for sharing your story... my lead experience was certainly NOT on my TOP 10 things to do in my life.
I remember coming off that mountain and thinking (I was 21 at this time) that I NEVER wanted to have children. I had heard that bearing children was one of the hardest things a woman could physically do in her life. If it was ANYTHING like LEAD, I wanted no part of it!
I did have children later on (3 to be exact) and each delivery was treated with love and care. I handled each delivery like a trooper and they were all natural deliveries... with the help of a bit of gas and a few pain injections. What a difference that was to my 'YELL, CONFRONT, INTIMIDATE AND HUMILIATE TREATMENT I received on those rocks. I was treated like the biggest whimp, idiot, looser and failure there was. We climbed to the top of Mt. Capitan and down pretty much running since they didn't want us walking at night. I had blisters the size of .50 cent coins on my feet and was told I was selfish and inconsiderate since I had said I could help with the dinner as long as I could sit down since my feet where bleeding at this point where my blisters had burst.
There's lots more, but I find this exhausting and it brings up still too much rage in me when I recall all the details.
BTW.... I could not figure out for the life of me... who was Rev. Lardbutt????
Thank you all so much for your high praise of my humble efforts at writing.
Dog Lover, I think that you may be right, she probably did spell it that way. Frankly I cannot remember ever seeing it written. She was just someone that I knew. I never actually looked at her nametag because I didn't need to. I could hear her coming, didn't even have to look. Even for the '80's her hair was far and above (literally) everyone elses. (I couldn't find a smiley guy with any hair)
FW and WW, you are right things just keep coming up and we here at GS are just a small fraction of the people that were once involved with TWI. The possibilities are mind boggling! :wacko:
A la prochaine (Little froggie girl), and everyone else that isn't so good at climing's ok...'cause you are good at something that rock climbers can't do. Their entire premise was a little wacked. At least it was by the time I went LEAD and it sounds like it was when some of you did as well. Froggie girl, I am sorry to hear about the treatment that you endured. Blisters are no joke. They can cripple a person until they heal.
I remember asking God to please not let them send me out LEAD again in my last year in res. Came about that I had no last year in res. So I guess he answered that one clear enough. I think they canned the program by then as well.
Anyway, I am pleased that ya'll liked the way I told my story. And thanks for your patience (or impatience 'Listener') in letting me write it. One thing I like about this place is that here we can take off our nametags and interact like a family should, each according to his/her gifts or strengths. Truly a fellowship.
Eyes-Thanks for the great storey. You could be a writer.
I got sent LEAD 3 times. One time Vince Fin--- super ego maniac was riding beside me in the car. He found out I had been 2 times before and said to me "what the hell are you doing here". ( Like if I would have spoken up would they have listened. No way they would have reamed me out for questioning them too). Well Vince just kept on taking up the whole conversation, like he always did. It was always about him.
Then when we got out there the leadership got us lost and we walked for two days with no food, just to keep from freezing. I guess they weren't that civilized yet.
Eyes-Thanks for the great storey. You could be a writer.
I got sent LEAD 3 times. One time Vince Fin--- super ego maniac was riding beside me in the car. He found out I had been 2 times before and said to me "what the hell are you doing here". ( Like if I would have spoken up would they have listened. No way they would have reamed me out for questioning them too). Well Vince just kept on taking up the whole conversation, like he always did. It was always about him.
Then when we got out there the leadership got us lost and we walked for two days with no food, just to keep from freezing. I guess they weren't that civilized yet.
Ahh, Mr. Fin...Mr. there are no traffic lights in America longer than 5 seconds. Whatever! <_<
They got you lost? Amazing! Perhaps not so much...maybe just ridiculous is more appropriate. :wacko:
As for being a writer believer it or not I find it very difficult writing fiction. It always sounds so juvenile to me. But my posts here of my stories will probably someday be a book, and I have actually written a cookbook that will be out before Christmas this year,(barring any more complications) and once my Masters is completed I am going to publish another book of a more serious nature that is waiting for the spit and polish and a few pictures (and I need to triple verify some facts before I publish). Should be mid 2008. I have begun work on my second serious book, ie not a cookbook. My second cookbook will begin as soon as the first is published. Lots of books on the near horizon, but none like this story. This one is a piece of me. I have been saving all of my posts and some of my emails to a specific file and when the time comes I will compile them.
I wish I could write fiction, it always sounds so wonderful in my head but I just cant seem to get it to come together on the page. Oh well...
A la prochaine (Little froggie girl), and everyone else that isn't so good at climing's ok...
I wasn't WANTING to be GOOD at climbing rocks... and I don't believe that was the intent of LEAD... because if it had been, there would have been a test or questionnaire and maybe a Doctor's note and some sort of BILL of Health you should have been required to pass before attempting the death defying things they asked us to do especially older people. Putting our lives and health at risk like that ... darn right shameful!
If I remember correctly, it was suppose to build LEADERSHIP skills. Right... the only thing I learned about being a leader on LEAD was .. what NOT to do if you want to be a loving, empathetic and caring minister.
They have soooooo much to answer for!
HECK!!!! I remember LCM laughing at the fact that when he was sent out on that PRE-LEAD thing out in CA ... one night it rained really heavily and they were out on their solo...and LCM ended up running into the bathrooms for shelter and met up with other leaders who had also escaped the rain such as REV. Moneyhands and others.
GRrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.... I'm feeling that boiling thing happening again... I better go
I wasn't WANTING to be GOOD at climbing rocks... and I don't believe that was the intent of LEAD...
It wasn't the intent of LEAD. The advertised intent was Leadership, Education, Adventure and Direction. But I think that it became a vehicle for TWI to "make or break" people much as the interim Corps assignments. As I said "the entire premise was wacked". People were supposed to believe God to know how to climb rocks, what by osmosis? Revelation? Word of Wisdom or Knowledge? Whatever....
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That's great, Eyes, thanks about the cut and paste thing...and......Thanks for "the rest of the story"......finally!
Oh, hey.....that reminds me....I meant to mention this one, little, ity, bity, thing you said.......
Note the highlighted words......YOUR words!! What are you trying to do here!!! It's been TWO SLEEPLESS DAYS now, reading your story....and before you even finish it......
YOU SET US UP FOR ANOTHER ONE??? Well......there go..
...(snort) :unsure: ...uuhhhh...what?...oh, yeah....there goes
Many thanks for an exceptional accounting of those events.
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Suspense is wonderful...have to keep my ratings up!

Never fear I will give you a few days or weeks to catch up on your beauty sleep.
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Thanks EyesOpen for a great story, too bad it's not fiction, but I really appreciate your telling it! I hope those guys that were injured got lots of money from a settlement, but it sure doesn't replace lost body parts. I always was glad that I was sent LEAD in warm weather, how awful was that to not take better care of people. What incredible courage K. had, reminds me of the guy who got his arm caught in a rock while hiking alone and amputated his own arm to save his life. (Of course his story differs from this one because he was acting alone and should have known better than to hike alone. You guys were entrusting your lives to people who should have know better how to take care of people in that environment.)
Great story telling. Can't wait for the next episode.
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WTF ??????????? they lost the ability to be CIVILIZED ? WHAT ? i'll be they have all their toes !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i can't stand it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
TWI (THE WAY INTERNATIONAL BIBLICAL RESEARCH AND TEACHING "MINISTRY"_ lost its ability to be civilized the day it opened its doors to NO MEMBERS with the BIG BASTAD SHEET who had no ability to BE CIVILIZED. he onlylost his stinkin EYE
just plain sickening
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Eyes would you co-aurthor Lead Christmas 1980?
The short story is the Corps coordinators were suppose to
go Lead during HoHo.
They took a van from HQ Bob was driving when motor blew up.
They slept in chalet every night.
And when they couldn't get home from N.M. with no van they flew back.
VP blew a gasket.
Of course they ate good and showered every day.
Who do you think would write there evaluation?
Like that would be job suicide.
Lead staff was suppose to come back to HQ by hitching.
Yes they were late. Randy g was to be made to look like a fool.
Public humiliation to the max. He would of felt better if it was a hanging.
Living at HQ you saw way to much dirty laundry.
I guess they taught I or we would forget and when someone else did the same
thing they did it wasn't ok.
I personally LOVED lead. I was raised in the out doors. it was a way of life as a kid.
Second nature. To see the things of the desert southwest.
But to see what they did to my brothers and sisters. Sin would be a nice word.
And to write an evaluation on someone lack.
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Eyes You are one brave lady. what a story keep up the good work!

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did veepee go LEAD ?
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No Tommy went Craiggy and Donna Bobby and his love.
Pat and her tag along. and there step children Foster and his belle
Who ever the step children from Emporia.
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Now that is an interesting proposition...let me ponder it over night.
I actually would have loved LEAD, or could have loved LEAD. I had been looking forward to it, all except the hitchhiking part because my parents had taught me to never hitchhike because it was just too dangerous. I really wrestled with that. But anyway...I love the snow and have been known to slide head first on my back all the way down the second tallest mountain in Nevada (13065 ft). No it is nowhere near Lake Tahoe, those are the other mountains, we climbed the Snake range and the Rubies on the other side of the state just a little over a year before. Just to see the oldest living trees in the world. Almost lost one of our party when he mistepped in the snow and went through where there was no ground. But we were tied together so we just anchored up and pulled him back. It was kind of scary but once we got back down to the lake we all had a good laugh about it. We teased him that there was certainly some yellow snow on the mountain with his name on it now. It was fun and novel, we signed our names on the ledger in the mailbox at the top, took some really great pictures and had the best slide of my life, on my back, head first, I only bounced off of a couple of rocks all the way down till we ran out of snow. It was awsome!
LEAD could have been like that, but it wasn't.
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eeeeeeeeeuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. That is so spiritually disgusting. Makes me want to spit in their face. They are nuts
and have troubles spiritually
I don't even know how they live with themselves. Uh, my bible says, "They will know you are my disciples by how you love one another".
Oh, yeah, putting people in a position of having to cut off their toes - yeah, that's REAL love! Sheesh.
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GS, is a good place to come and talk of all our "journeys" we experienced throughout the way so we don't sit around the rest of lives thinking Hey was what that whirlwind in our youth.
EWO thanks for sharing this story again as there was much slid under the carpet to keep THEIR image.
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I've been waiting until I had something to add before responding.
All I can say is,
Every time I think I've read the WORST thing vpw or twi people have ever done,
someone else posts something WORSE that they were an eyewitness to.
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Thanks for sharing your story. I too was taught that hitchhiking was bad and Illegal in some areas and I had a real hard time with that. I did not enjoy lead. It seemed like people were just being judged on whether or not they can be rock jocks. There was little to no compassion when I went in 1985. They wanted us to squirm at our evaluations on our duo. I told them that I didn't care what evalution they gave me because God Almighty knows my heart and that's all that mattered to me. I'm so sickened by the lack of love and evil that took place.
Thanks again for sharing with all of us.
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another spot
I am personally most surprised at the cover up. Guess I shouldn't be. I can relate to blocking it out of your mind. I've done a lot of that too. Human life didn't have much value in twi, did it?
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I agree...just when I think I have "heard it all" as far as TWI (and in particular on this topic, LEAD) ... then I hear something else. My time at LEAD was ten of the most horrible days of my life ... whenever anything difficult has come up in my life, I think: "I survived LEAD, I can survive this." That wasn't exactly what they had in mind, I would guess, when they talked about LEAD building an "unalterable I Can Do attitude." What it DID do is make rock jocks think they were spiritual and make any of us who were NOT rock jocks think we were sub-human. It took years for me to get over the things that were said to me by one G*ni*e McH*n*y on my evaluation ... and yet, here I stand, still standing with God (and not the Way) 35 years after I first did Romans 10:9 in what was a Way fellowship. I daresay she was wrong when she made the comment, "I feel sorry for anyone who's ever in your Twig." The folks in the home church I belong to are, rather, quite blessed with my life and love ... and have never once asked me to climb a rock to prove my spirituality. I think one of the things that made GM so angry is that I didn't take "the rocks" seriously enough ... I had a relationship with God not affected by rocks and rock jocks, and I still do.
Reading about how folks had to amputate parts of toes and suffer lifetime debilitating injuries, all while the Way was covering up, making their lives more difficult, separating them .. makes me very, very angry. I suspect it makes God a lot MORE angry ... his heritage is His people. He gave his only begotten Son for those very people that the Way treated so poorly.
As an aside, I think Ms. Martindale spells her name Kerry. Not that it matters ... I just spell a lot better than I climb rocks! :-)
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WORDWOLF, I agree. The more I read here the more I learn I aint seen nothing yet.
The novel unfolds. Unfortunately we were in this novel.
With the cover up stuff. This may the tip of the iceberg, namely we are only seeing 10% of the magnitude of coverup.
Stay tuned.
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A la prochaine
Eyes Open,
thank you for sharing your story... my lead experience was certainly NOT on my TOP 10 things to do in my life.
I remember coming off that mountain and thinking (I was 21 at this time) that I NEVER wanted to have children. I had heard that bearing children was one of the hardest things a woman could physically do in her life. If it was ANYTHING like LEAD, I wanted no part of it!
I did have children later on (3 to be exact) and each delivery was treated with love and care. I handled each delivery like a trooper and they were all natural deliveries... with the help of a bit of gas and a few pain injections. What a difference that was to my 'YELL, CONFRONT, INTIMIDATE AND HUMILIATE TREATMENT I received on those rocks. I was treated like the biggest whimp, idiot, looser and failure there was. We climbed to the top of Mt. Capitan and down pretty much running since they didn't want us walking at night. I had blisters the size of .50 cent coins on my feet and was told I was selfish and inconsiderate since I had said I could help with the dinner as long as I could sit down since my feet where bleeding at this point where my blisters had burst.
There's lots more, but I find this exhausting and it brings up still too much rage in me when I recall all the details.
BTW.... I could not figure out for the life of me... who was Rev. Lardbutt????
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Thank you all so much for your high praise of my humble efforts at writing.
Dog Lover, I think that you may be right, she probably did spell it that way. Frankly I cannot remember ever seeing it written. She was just someone that I knew. I never actually looked at her nametag because I didn't need to. I could hear her coming, didn't even have to look. Even for the '80's her hair was far and above (literally) everyone elses. (I couldn't find a smiley guy with any hair)
FW and WW, you are right things just keep coming up and we here at GS are just a small fraction of the people that were once involved with TWI. The possibilities are mind boggling! :wacko:
A la prochaine (Little froggie girl), and everyone else that isn't so good at climing's ok...'cause you are good at something that rock climbers can't do. Their entire premise was a little wacked. At least it was by the time I went LEAD and it sounds like it was when some of you did as well. Froggie girl, I am sorry to hear about the treatment that you endured. Blisters are no joke. They can cripple a person until they heal.
I remember asking God to please not let them send me out LEAD again in my last year in res. Came about that I had no last year in res. So I guess he answered that one clear enough. I think they canned the program by then as well.
Anyway, I am pleased that ya'll liked the way I told my story. And thanks for your patience (or impatience 'Listener') in letting me write it. One thing I like about this place is that here we can take off our nametags and interact like a family should, each according to his/her gifts or strengths. Truly a fellowship.
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Rev. L@rry L@rson
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polar bear
Eyes-Thanks for the great storey. You could be a writer.
I got sent LEAD 3 times. One time Vince Fin--- super ego maniac was riding beside me in the car. He found out I had been 2 times before and said to me "what the hell are you doing here". ( Like if I would have spoken up would they have listened. No way they would have reamed me out for questioning them too). Well Vince just kept on taking up the whole conversation, like he always did. It was always about him.
Then when we got out there the leadership got us lost and we walked for two days with no food, just to keep from freezing. I guess they weren't that civilized yet.
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what a bunch of losers
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Ahh, Mr. Fin...Mr. there are no traffic lights in America longer than 5 seconds. Whatever! <_<
They got you lost? Amazing! Perhaps not so much...maybe just ridiculous is more appropriate. :wacko:
As for being a writer believer it or not I find it very difficult writing fiction. It always sounds so juvenile to me. But my posts here of my stories will probably someday be a book, and I have actually written a cookbook that will be out before Christmas this year,(barring any more complications) and once my Masters is completed I am going to publish another book of a more serious nature that is waiting for the spit and polish and a few pictures (and I need to triple verify some facts before I publish). Should be mid 2008. I have begun work on my second serious book, ie not a cookbook. My second cookbook will begin as soon as the first is published. Lots of books on the near horizon, but none like this story. This one is a piece of me. I have been saving all of my posts and some of my emails to a specific file and when the time comes I will compile them.
I wish I could write fiction, it always sounds so wonderful in my head but I just cant seem to get it to come together on the page. Oh well...
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A la prochaine
I wasn't WANTING to be GOOD at climbing rocks... and I don't believe that was the intent of LEAD... because if it had been, there would have been a test or questionnaire and maybe a Doctor's note and some sort of BILL of Health you should have been required to pass before attempting the death defying things they asked us to do especially older people. Putting our lives and health at risk like that ... darn right shameful!
If I remember correctly, it was suppose to build LEADERSHIP skills. Right... the only thing I learned about being a leader on LEAD was .. what NOT to do if you want to be a loving, empathetic and caring minister.
They have soooooo much to answer for!
HECK!!!! I remember LCM laughing at the fact that when he was sent out on that PRE-LEAD thing out in CA ... one night it rained really heavily and they were out on their solo...and LCM ended up running into the bathrooms for shelter and met up with other leaders who had also escaped the rain such as REV. Moneyhands and others.
GRrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.... I'm feeling that boiling thing happening again... I better go
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It wasn't the intent of LEAD. The advertised intent was Leadership, Education, Adventure and Direction. But I think that it became a vehicle for TWI to "make or break" people much as the interim Corps assignments. As I said "the entire premise was wacked". People were supposed to believe God to know how to climb rocks, what by osmosis? Revelation? Word of Wisdom or Knowledge? Whatever....
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