Sort of off topic, but have you ever thought of trying to make money off of spam? There have been some successful lawsuits against spammers recently.
Also just barely on topic, there's this one jerkoff that I forgot the name of, but he's been getting rich off of sending spam for companies. An article was written about him on Wired or ZDnet, which was read by some people on Slashdot. Eventually, the people discovered his home address, phone number, etc. and started ordering crap sent to his house. He was getting lots of junkmail and telemarketer calls. Unfortunately, the guy didn't understand that he is guilty of doing the same thing, and complained about all these "stalkers" who are sending him that crap. He claims to be just an honest businessman trying to make a living.
I just downloaded and installed POPFile this morning. Apparently its one of those programs that you have to work with to teach it to become an effective spamkiller. But if its as good as you (and its website) say, the effort will be well worth it. :)-->
Garth: I'm surprised how fast it "learns." I set up different buckets for Personal, Good-Ads, Spam, and Porn emails, and POPFile is already at about 70% accuracy with only twelve emails sorted. It just gets better as it goes. Very neat!
This POPFile spam killer beats anything I've ever seen. A spam filter that has true intelligence that just requires a little bit o' tweeking to get it started (make sure you read and follow along with the easy to read documentation) and some adjustments along the way, but like Zix says, and I've seen for myself, this thing 'learns' FAST.
I am amazed at just how it can figure out what category your emails go in. And you can even set more categories than just 'spam' and 'regular' email too. Zix is figuring that out already.
My hats off to the folks who developed this spam killer app. And if they are asking for some $$$, if you can do it (and I know I am when I get into a better financial situation), send it to them. They have done a Great Service for Humanity with something like this. :)-->
And I rarely gush about any product unless it really impresses me, and this impresses me!
I did it the hard way. I have painstakenly created email rules containing lots and lots of words such as ADV in the subject line, all kinds of words (I can't repeat them here :D-->)in the body of the email and as well as some blocked senders lists.
When I get a spam message I try to make it a challenge to find something that will block all such future emails. Spammers are getting tricky by making almost the entire email a hyperlink with no real text in the email.
However, I have managed to block about 90%-95% of all spam.
But what I don't like is that I still get them.
Even though they are sent to the deleted items folder which is emptied automatically upon each exit of OL Express, I still get them and that offends me.
Something has to be done sooner or later.
I wish our wonderful federal government had taken all the billions they spent suing Microsoft and used it for a spam fighting solution instead.
John: POPFile works by analyzing the occurrence of all words in emails you throw into the various buckets. It learns quickly how to classify emails before passing them on to Outlook.
What you do is set up folders in your inbox with the various bucket names. I have Personal, Spam, Good-Ads, and Porn set up as examples. The first time I get a batch of emails, POPFile just passes them through, but keeps a record of them. You log into the POPFile process and sort them how you would classify them. The next time you get emails, it tries to classify them. You go into POPFile again and correct any it misclassified, and so on.
It doesn't take many iterations of the process to build up a surprisingly accurate classification system. I think I've gone through 30 emails and it already has a 79% success rate which will only go up with time. Even closely-related categories, like my "Good-Ads" and "Spam" are no problem for POPFile. It learns I want to keep Amazon ads in Good-Ads and ads in Spam.
This is all without setting up all those message rules that only look for specific words. You train POPFile a little, and it sorts through everything before it even hits your Outlook rules. Once you have the accuracy good enough, you reroute unwanted mails to the trash can instead of their own folder. I don't have to block every African country now to get rid of those annoying "let me transfer $25 million through you" scams. POPFile learns the similarity between Senegal and Sierra Leone all by itself.
Yeah, I gotta try that. I hope Spammers are doomed.
I am sick of hearing about "penis size" and "working from home" and "come see my
We can send a "smart missle" through an open window from miles away. Can't we figure out a way to kill spam?
Then again, it took almost 100 years for us to figure out a way to quit losing our gas caps at the gas station. Those simple dangling gas cap attachments we all use. I drove an old car the other day that didn't have one. It was strange.
Igotout, I agree I am getting the impression that all males have small penises with the number of advertisements I get on a daily basis. And where is all of this viagra coming from I get two to three advertisements a day. There must be pyramids of it to sell. I am going to try this new program as I have children that are tired of looking at porn advertisements. Thanks for telling us about this site.
Another thing you can do is just change your email address frequently. Also you can use email at free online email services like or others. They have Spam filters in place. Yes, you can still get a lot of spam on those too but I find that w=hen I create a new email address it is spam free for a while.
With kids it is ruining things. Who wants their children to even have email anymore? It is not a good idea unless you pre-check all their email. They will ultimately get exposed to porn and all kinds of other crap which is not a good thing for children!
There are ways to defeat this but it is hard work.
Outlook 2002 & 2003 (the full blown version) has some pretty good spam filtering ability built in. You just have to learn how to configure it.
I have heard of a few Christian Interntet Service providers who take it upon themselves to filter and censor content at the server level. That might be good for kids.
This is a growing problem that I would like to see addressed with legislation. Hell, divert some of the billions of dollars in war money to make sure our children are not bombarded by XXX rated advertisers!
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Mister P-Mosh
Sort of off topic, but have you ever thought of trying to make money off of spam? There have been some successful lawsuits against spammers recently.
Also just barely on topic, there's this one jerkoff that I forgot the name of, but he's been getting rich off of sending spam for companies. An article was written about him on Wired or ZDnet, which was read by some people on Slashdot. Eventually, the people discovered his home address, phone number, etc. and started ordering crap sent to his house. He was getting lots of junkmail and telemarketer calls. Unfortunately, the guy didn't understand that he is guilty of doing the same thing, and complained about all these "stalkers" who are sending him that crap. He claims to be just an honest businessman trying to make a living.
Spammers are scumbags, ugh.
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I just downloaded and installed POPFile this morning. Apparently its one of those programs that you have to work with to teach it to become an effective spamkiller. But if its as good as you (and its website) say, the effort will be well worth it.
We'll see.
Prophet Emeritus of THE,
and Wandering CyberUU Hippie,
Garth P.
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Garth: I'm surprised how fast it "learns." I set up different buckets for Personal, Good-Ads, Spam, and Porn emails, and POPFile is already at about 70% accuracy with only twelve emails sorted. It just gets better as it goes. Very neat!
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Yup people,
This POPFile spam killer beats anything I've ever seen. A spam filter that has true intelligence that just requires a little bit o' tweeking to get it started (make sure you read and follow along with the easy to read documentation) and some adjustments along the way, but like Zix says, and I've seen for myself, this thing 'learns' FAST.
I am amazed at just how it can figure out what category your emails go in. And you can even set more categories than just 'spam' and 'regular' email too. Zix is figuring that out already.
My hats off to the folks who developed this spam killer app. And if they are asking for some $$$, if you can do it (and I know I am when I get into a better financial situation), send it to them. They have done a Great Service for Humanity with something like this.
And I rarely gush about any product unless it really impresses me, and this impresses me!
Prophet Emeritus of THE,
and Wandering CyberUU Hippie,
Garth P.
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You know, you could even run the GSC archives through it and tell if certain posters used to use other handles by analyzing new posts...
Bayesian analysis--math that is actually good for something!
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Sounds great, Zixar. I have heard of another popular one called "I Hate Spam" that is getting good reviews. Cost is about $20.
I Hate Spam Link
I did it the hard way. I have painstakenly created email rules containing lots and lots of words such as ADV in the subject line, all kinds of words (I can't repeat them here
:D-->)in the body of the email and as well as some blocked senders lists.
When I get a spam message I try to make it a challenge to find something that will block all such future emails. Spammers are getting tricky by making almost the entire email a hyperlink with no real text in the email.
However, I have managed to block about 90%-95% of all spam.
But what I don't like is that I still get them.
Even though they are sent to the deleted items folder which is emptied automatically upon each exit of OL Express, I still get them and that offends me.
Something has to be done sooner or later.
I wish our wonderful federal government had taken all the billions they spent suing Microsoft and used it for a spam fighting solution instead.
Now that would be a real benefit for conusmers.
John R.
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John: POPFile works by analyzing the occurrence of all words in emails you throw into the various buckets. It learns quickly how to classify emails before passing them on to Outlook.
What you do is set up folders in your inbox with the various bucket names. I have Personal, Spam, Good-Ads, and Porn set up as examples. The first time I get a batch of emails, POPFile just passes them through, but keeps a record of them. You log into the POPFile process and sort them how you would classify them. The next time you get emails, it tries to classify them. You go into POPFile again and correct any it misclassified, and so on.
It doesn't take many iterations of the process to build up a surprisingly accurate classification system. I think I've gone through 30 emails and it already has a 79% success rate which will only go up with time. Even closely-related categories, like my "Good-Ads" and "Spam" are no problem for POPFile. It learns I want to keep Amazon ads in Good-Ads and ads in Spam.
This is all without setting up all those message rules that only look for specific words. You train POPFile a little, and it sorts through everything before it even hits your Outlook rules. Once you have the accuracy good enough, you reroute unwanted mails to the trash can instead of their own folder. I don't have to block every African country now to get rid of those annoying "let me transfer $25 million through you" scams. POPFile learns the similarity between Senegal and Sierra Leone all by itself.
Extremely cool!
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Yeah, I gotta try that. I hope Spammers are doomed.
I am sick of hearing about "penis size" and "working from home" and "come see my
We can send a "smart missle" through an open window from miles away. Can't we figure out a way to kill spam?
Then again, it took almost 100 years for us to figure out a way to quit losing our gas caps at the gas station. Those simple dangling gas cap attachments we all use. I drove an old car the other day that didn't have one. It was strange.
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Igotout, I agree I am getting the impression that all males have small penises with the number of advertisements I get on a daily basis. And where is all of this viagra coming from I get two to three advertisements a day. There must be pyramids of it to sell. I am going to try this new program as I have children that are tired of looking at porn advertisements. Thanks for telling us about this site.
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Another thing you can do is just change your email address frequently. Also you can use email at free online email services like or others. They have Spam filters in place. Yes, you can still get a lot of spam on those too but I find that w=hen I create a new email address it is spam free for a while.
With kids it is ruining things. Who wants their children to even have email anymore? It is not a good idea unless you pre-check all their email. They will ultimately get exposed to porn and all kinds of other crap which is not a good thing for children!
There are ways to defeat this but it is hard work.
Outlook 2002 & 2003 (the full blown version) has some pretty good spam filtering ability built in. You just have to learn how to configure it.
I have heard of a few Christian Interntet Service providers who take it upon themselves to filter and censor content at the server level. That might be good for kids.
This is a growing problem that I would like to see addressed with legislation. Hell, divert some of the billions of dollars in war money to make sure our children are not bombarded by XXX rated advertisers!
(Off my soapbox)
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