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In residence "corps jobs"


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When twi first bought Emporia, there was a lot of work to do...I think it was the 6th corps that had plenty of legitimate work at that place when they first got underway...by the time that I got there, in the 10th corps, the place was fairly well streamlined...oh sure, there was maintainence work to do...mowing grass, fixing broken stuff...kitchen work, etc...but there were over 500 people there who needed to work 4 hours a day!...

...It was a real challenge for them to find stuff for us to do...some of the jobs were really stupid.

For quite awhile I was sent from building to building with a screwdriver in my hand...my job was to look for loose screws on chairs. It was an awesome responsibility..and of course I had to be prepared to "shift gears" because after lunch, I would be facing the challenge of STRINGING chairs before the meetings...

I often wonder what would have happened had they given people work to do that was actually consistant with Christian ministry?...such as sending people out into the community volunteering at hospitals, retirement homes, soup kitchens, setting up programs to help the disabled or the poor...reaching out and contributing to the community...

what were some of the stupid jobs you had in residence?

Edited by GrouchoMarxJr
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Well, since you already mentioned stringing chairs, I'll just add to that: making sure the chairs, tables, plants and plaquards in the dining room were all lined up not just with each other, but with the carpet on the floor and the patterns on the walls.

My other favorite "is this really what we are here for?" job is cleaning the dorm bathrooms, hallways and public areas... for the second time in a day, and the fifth day in a week. Yeah... I don't care who you are, now that's being spiritual!!

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The toothbrush thing is funny.

I had head table where I got to see them upclose in all their glory, housekeeping, and I must have been in a coma as I cannot recall anything else right now-- oh yeah, I agree the chair stringing thing. Cause the crooked chairs might injure the movement of the Word. Not the crooked leader.... Mmmmmm

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I think they sprayed all those Kenyon bricks with some sealant or something, which was darn near impossible to get off all those little windows. So that kept a crew busy for a long time.

Restoring all those Kenyon stained glass windows took some time.

Whatever happened to that Allen Gym project?

Volunteering in the community would have played hell with the brainwashing program :blink:

I am so much more spearchal after sitting through hundreds of hours of mind numbing Corps night blather. It would have been more fair if when VP sipped drambouie, everyone sipped drambouie ... one spirit kinda thingy ...

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  rhino said:
Whatever happened to that Allen Gym project?

I think we used it for storage...

Ya'll were obviously more spiritual than we were. Emporia was all beautified by the time we got there. So we did lots of housekeeping. Everything was cleaned at least twice a day, except dining that was three times a day.

I remember some very spiritual person suggesting we string the dining room benches to line up with the head table and each other in some geometric spiritual design. I'm so glad I was in the kitchen when that one was suggested. My spitting coffee might have hit a person. :biglaugh:

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Well folks I was there (6th Corps) I know BFD.

My job was to clean out the damn basement of Irwin Hall. It was a Chemistry Center for the old college.

There were chems down there that would have made Saddam proud. Bottles and bottles of acid and other crap.

We (under direction of staff) just dump them down the drain and threw the other stuff in the trash.

My God the Way would have been indicted today by a grand jury and Jack McCoy would have charged "Depraved Indifference"

But all in all it was fun cause the late night work gave us a chance to pantie raid the girls upstairs.

Yeah we did and they loved it.

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I was never there but my brother KJ was there the first year or two.

He has some wild stories he could tell that are more about being kids in a far away place than anything else.

He doesn't post here because he doesn't have easy access to a computer.

I have to wonder how many others there are out there who would frequent this place if they had a way to get here.

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My first job in residence was in "Sewing"

We sewed new curtains for the auditorium and did alterations that year. I got REAL good at altering pants for those guys who dropped 4" in their wasteline.

One guy told me I'd make a good wife someday......whatever.

I was also in "Window cleaning" - we cleaned the same glass every day - EVERY DAY! I guess that devil spirits can gain access through glass via a fingerprint.....

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I thought Allen Gym had a pool in it with a bunch of flooring on top. That is were we would put all of our stuff to be moved to the next campus. I was in A/V so we were always behind the scene of things. I once heard my 9th Corps Scottish sister cleaned all of the threshold bottom door plates of a building entering the auditorium where the stain glass windows were and it was totally brass shining as you walked into the auditorium. What was the name of that building?

Didn't they once drain the pond and find refridgerators on the bottom?

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I wasn't at Emporia until 15/13th corps days, so I'm not sure what Allen Gym project you are referring to... they never did do anything with the swimming pool. Said it was too expensive to fix the cracks vs the use the corps would get out of it. (you know, it didn't cost them anything to make us run our fannies off around the track)

I honestly can't remember if they refinished the gym floor on the second level... probably because it was used all the time for basketball, and the corps under JL had a team that played in the townie league.

Of course, the gym is no longer there at all... neither is Emporia Hall or Kipp Hall ((sigh)).

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The Kenyon-scrubbing episode was actually with a small wire brush AND a toothbrush, and Mah Main Man Harvey got the wire brush. The Men of God knew that I would see the intricate detail of each piece of stone or brick and its need for single-bristle scouring. I had beads of perspiration teaming on my upper lip area from the intense brushing I was administering. Even tempest-driven dirt or snow couldn't adhere to the sterling finish of those stones after I finished with them.

I also scrubbed bricks out on some field just outside town. The townie owner had a brick house knocked down and had offered the bricks to the way c of e. David Thomas and I froze our butts off "bristling the bricks" for maany afternoons, returning for a deliciously fulfilling dinner of salad or a half baked potato.

I had the blessing also of taking old metal bunk bed frames out of the pool in Allen Gym and setting them up in some of the dorms. Must have been for the room-mates of the married corps...

I forget what our hourly wage was back then, seems like nothing today...

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