I'll let you know Belle. it sounds like a grand time. For some reason Im getting work in Mississippi lately so it may work out--or hell --I just may go anyway
As it is I'll "
" at Highways 61 and 49 in Clarksdale, MS in homage to Robert Johnson sometime next week, which should be good in and of itself. I'll see for myself if Legba shows up or if my playing improves Edited by mstar1
Well this started out about Dan Stevens --sorry to derail the thread, but seeing James Montgomery in Clarksdale will be a treat.
I was a huge James Montgomery fan in the early 70's and used to see him regularly in the Boston area, weve both changed some since then, it seems appropriate to see him again for the first time in along time'at the crossroads'.
Rocky -- I never claimed it was *ALL-INCLUSIVE*. (sheesh!) <_<
Get a life, will ya???
I've seen it posted here that in actuality you're a very nice person in real life.
Why do you continue to rebuff that observation by your asinine statements online??
Your detrimental comments (i.e. -- *getting the last word in*), add NOTHING to the conversation.
If you don't know music, or musicians -- shut up. :)
I provided a list from another site, nothing more, nothing less.
Perhaps you can argue with them about it's *lack* of completeness.
Bless me Father, for I have sinned! I have offended by clarifying -- for those reading this thread that I started -- that Mr. Miller's list was NOT exhaustive.
Thank You (((((((((((((((((((dMiller))))))))))))))))))))))))),
God Bless you Precious heart!!!!! I love You so much!!!!!!!!!
I am so happy to have this list I am going to save up and buy as many as I can. I have searched for years for these. I wanted them so badly when I was young, but I couldn't afford very many of them. Rarely was I able to go to the bookstore! It will be so exciting for me, as some I have never even heard yet.
I guess this is something I might never understand...By that I mean when I hear some throw these away and they no longer care about them; it really amazes me. I always loved all the music. It's a beautiful priceless treasure. All the songs are so full of Heart and Love and God's Word. I am so grateful for all the people that have shared what they have left with us, and for the musicians that saved their music and didn't let it die out! Thank You ((((Michael and Carole))) particularily for what you have shared with us. Thank you again Dave!
Right now I am listening to the songs I have of the TWI Children singing. It brings back so many wonderful times. I taught our Twigs Children's Fellowship...it was one of the best times ever for me...I played all the children's songs in the background. We play music in our home day and night; In MHO all the musicans of TWI days were and are worth all my time!
I have seen how much they have blessed my son throughout his life! It is His way to know God!!!! Everytime we recieve a song or CD to replace our old worn out tapes. Josh's eyes light up the whole room and my heart soars. He remembers every word and chimes in on the last few words of every line. I just don't care if they are perfectly rightly divided or anything else. I care about their hearts. The musicians hearts and Josh's heart! I care that he will alway have a way to understand God's heart love and comfort!
I had him sit through PFAL; as difficult as it was...even in a room in the back. He's a grad and he SIT's. I know he would have been able to recieve eternal life elsewhere and other music else where too; But not this music, we learned to love so much and hold so dear. PFAL was a real challenge as His attention span is about 2 minutes or less (unless it is music). For those who don't know this Josh has a rare chromosome deletion: He has fine and gross motor and speech processing damage and has some autistic traits and tendancies. He is constantly moving and on medication to help him stablize his moods...Music truly is for Him the very best of medicines
RG I am so thrilled you have found another place to acquire the music Josh loves so much.
Radar I looked at Danny's profile and yes he is still a hottie. I remember cuddling with him at lead thinking OMG what will Marlene think, not knowing they had already broken off their engagement. Then a couple Rocks later he and I went to a "dance" together but he was on his way out and I was still gung ho wayfer then. I often think about him and wonder how he is. It's good to hear he's doing well.
RG I am so thrilled you have found another place to acquire the music Josh loves so much.
Radar I looked at Danny's profile and yes he is still a hottie. I remember cuddling with him at lead thinking OMG what will Marlene think, not knowing they had already broken off their engagement. Then a couple Rocks later he and I went to a "dance" together but he was on his way out and I was still gung ho wayfer then. I often think about him and wonder how he is. It's good to hear he's doing well.
Then I'd figure that Ramblin' Dan would remember you... and probably enjoy hearing from you/knowing you're doing alright post-twi... his email addy is on his web site...
Rocky -- I never claimed it was *ALL-INCLUSIVE*. (sheesh!) :dry:
Get a life, will ya???
I've seen it posted here that in actuality you're a very nice person in real life.
Why do you continue to rebuff that observation by your asinine statements online??
Your detrimental comments (i.e. -- *getting the last word in*), add NOTHING to the conversation.
If you don't know music, or musicians -- shut up. :smile:
I provided a list from another site, nothing more, nothing less.
Perhaps you can argue with them about it's *lack* of completeness.
Bless me Father, for I have sinned! I have offended by clarifying -- for those reading this thread that I started -- that Mr. Miller's list was NOT exhaustive.
Rocky -- My point was to (and only to) provide a list (that I knew of),
offering a link to the past of music that some of us loved, and looked for.
Sorry I came down hard on you. I shoulda kept my *yap* shut with the personal comments.
If there was an *exhaustive* list, it would have been my preference to post that one instead.
Thanks for adding one more, to the list.
I figured most folks here are like me ---
wanting to keep in touch with the ex-twi musicians that have posted their personal info,
and music --- out here in cyber-space.
Given the response I have gotten about the BELIEVER MUSIC,
I see it doesn't need to be *exhaustive*, to be a blessing.
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I'll let you know Belle. it sounds like a grand time. For some reason Im getting work in Mississippi lately so it may work out--or hell --I just may go anyway
As it is I'll "
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thanks for letting us know you won't be seeing him
to see Dan i mean
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Not this time-it just didnt work out--next time through
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There is a juke in Clarksdale called Ground Zero Blues Club which is co-owned by Morgan Freeman.
On 4/25, Bill Perry will be there and on 4/26, James Montgomery will be crankin' it up.
You can't miss with either one.
Ps. Someone asked Morgan Freeman why, with his financial well being, he would live in Clarksdale.
His reply was simply" Because I can."
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Well this started out about Dan Stevens --sorry to derail the thread, but seeing James Montgomery in Clarksdale will be a treat.
I was a huge James Montgomery fan in the early 70's and used to see him regularly in the Boston area, weve both changed some since then, it seems appropriate to see him again for the first time in along time'at the crossroads'.
thanks for the tip
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I lived in Greenville for a year (80 -81). It was my Corps Assignment. Neat little southern town.
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Bless me Father, for I have sinned! I have offended by clarifying -- for those reading this thread that I started -- that Mr. Miller's list was NOT exhaustive.
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I never knew that Our own Rock Jock Mountain man was a musician. I went on a date with the guy once. I can say I knew him when. lol
Just curious I never saw him perform for the Way. Did anyone ever see him perform? He sure made LEAD a little bit of a nicer experience for me.
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Thank You (((((((((((((((((((dMiller))))))))))))))))))))))))),
God Bless you Precious heart!!!!! I love You so much!!!!!!!!!
I am so happy to have this list I am going to save up and buy as many as I can. I have searched for years for these. I wanted them so badly when I was young, but I couldn't afford very many of them. Rarely was I able to go to the bookstore! It will be so exciting for me, as some I have never even heard yet.
I guess this is something I might never understand...By that I mean when I hear some throw these away and they no longer care about them; it really amazes me. I always loved all the music. It's a beautiful priceless treasure. All the songs are so full of Heart and Love and God's Word. I am so grateful for all the people that have shared what they have left with us, and for the musicians that saved their music and didn't let it die out! Thank You ((((Michael and Carole))) particularily for what you have shared with us. Thank you again Dave!
Right now I am listening to the songs I have of the TWI Children singing. It brings back so many wonderful times. I taught our Twigs Children's Fellowship...it was one of the best times ever for me...I played all the children's songs in the background. We play music in our home day and night; In MHO all the musicans of TWI days were and are worth all my time!
I have seen how much they have blessed my son throughout his life! It is His way to know God!!!! Everytime we recieve a song or CD to replace our old worn out tapes. Josh's eyes light up the whole room and my heart soars. He remembers every word and chimes in on the last few words of every line. I just don't care if they are perfectly rightly divided or anything else. I care about their hearts. The musicians hearts and Josh's heart! I care that he will alway have a way to understand God's heart love and comfort!
I had him sit through PFAL; as difficult as it was...even in a room in the back. He's a grad and he SIT's. I know he would have been able to recieve eternal life elsewhere and other music else where too; But not this music, we learned to love so much and hold so dear. PFAL was a real challenge as His attention span is about 2 minutes or less (unless it is music). For those who don't know this Josh has a rare chromosome deletion: He has fine and gross motor and speech processing damage and has some autistic traits and tendancies. He is constantly moving and on medication to help him stablize his moods...Music truly is for Him the very best of medicines
I Love You Dmiller, RG
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RG I am so thrilled you have found another place to acquire the music Josh loves so much.
Radar I looked at Danny's profile and yes he is still a hottie. I remember cuddling with him at lead thinking OMG what will Marlene think, not knowing they had already broken off their engagement. Then a couple Rocks later he and I went to a "dance" together but he was on his way out and I was still gung ho wayfer then. I often think about him and wonder how he is. It's good to hear he's doing well.
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And that's a right nice place, too! Mr. Freeman can be found there quite frequently, which is really nice.
Darn that's in the middle of the week or I'd try to make my way up there for it and to meetcha MStar.
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Then I'd figure that Ramblin' Dan would remember you... and probably enjoy hearing from you/knowing you're doing alright post-twi... his email addy is on his web site...
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Yeah I know and I did send him an email telling him I was happy that he did alright for himself.
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Rocky -- My point was to (and only to) provide a list (that I knew of),
offering a link to the past of music that some of us loved, and looked for.
Sorry I came down hard on you. I shoulda kept my *yap* shut with the personal comments.
If there was an *exhaustive* list, it would have been my preference to post that one instead.
Thanks for adding one more, to the list.
I figured most folks here are like me ---
wanting to keep in touch with the ex-twi musicians that have posted their personal info,
and music --- out here in cyber-space.
Given the response I have gotten about the BELIEVER MUSIC,
I see it doesn't need to be *exhaustive*, to be a blessing.
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Yep... I very much agree with you on this point.
I personally do not care what your point was either in your comments to me, or in posting the link.
I saw nothing bad in you posting the link. I was NOT criticizing you in ANY way for doing so.
I ONLY made the point that it was NOT an exhaustive list. Nothing more, nothing less.
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As socks would say -- coolness!
Rock and roll!
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