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do you understand the notes you made in your bible?


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every once in a while i pick up the ole bible and read a few chapters

i did it every night during lent

old time r.c. you know.

back in twi daze,most of us took many notes.

while reading them in the margines this last month i realized i did not understand what to hell i was noteing about!!

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Great posts everyone !!!!!!!!!!!!!! And let me throw in a big "Yup" to what's already been said…CoolChef – I did a terrible thing…criminal really…I sold my old Bible plum full of TWI notes in multi-colored ink at a garage sale not long after we left TWI…I feel like I should track down that buyer and tell them there's been a factory recall…or maybe just direct them to the nearest hazardous waste facility. :evilshades:

...Ha - this is funny - I meant this to be on the other thread - but guess I'll leave it here - shows yah I don't really read what's in front of me anyway...What a maroon!

Edited by T-Bone
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I felt that all the note taking was a waste of time, but I wanted it to look like I really paid attention so I wouldn't be called out on it. When I first took PFAL, my mom even marked a lot of stuff for me such as the different meanings of the word "spirit".

People really prided themselves on how many notes they could take, as if there was some God-declared quota. "Thou shalt mark up at least 65% of thine margins...lest the Lord thy God smite thee with a plague of boll weevils."

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Note taking isn't bad. It helps with learning (as a college student I know). I admire good and faithful notetakers.

making notes in the bible helps you interact with what's on the pages, not just mindlessly going through and saying uh-huh, yep

in twi, what was being learned (spoken, then written, then reading the bible), and therefore what notes were written, errr. . .

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  waysider said:
Now, Now Mister P-Mosh-------

I believe you may be exagerating a bit.

We all know it was only 64.62%.

Dead on about the boll weevils, though.

You're right, because of the meanings of the numbers. Oh crap, I just realized I forgot what 6 meant in TWI. I know 4 was the number of the world, 2 was in reference to something being established. I forgot six but I think it's something not good.

If only I had taken more notes.

Edited by Mister P-Mosh
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  Mister P-Mosh said:
You're right, because of the meanings of the numbers. Oh crap, I just realized I forgot what 6 meant in TWI. I know 4 was the number of the world, 2 was in reference to something being established. I forgot six but I think it's something not good.

If only I had taken more notes.

(E.W Bullinger number in scripture)

lcm really took of when he started using multiples. "Now theres 24 uses of that word in this passage, that's 3 times 8, a complete new beginning. . ."

oh, and always top of a teaching with "AAHHHHHHH!!!!! Malarky! AAAHHHHH!!!!"

A frend of mine snuck an old corps tape out of somewhere and we listened to lcm chewing out the corps for not flipping through the pages fast enough. lol

anyway I'm rambling

"AAHHHHHHH!!!!! Malarky! AAAHHHHH!!!!"

Edited by Bolshevik
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  fellowshipper said:
I can't believe how small my notes were either. I need a gereatric size print now adays.

I hear you there! Can you believe that I wrote out, in tiny print mind you in perfect lines with margins of its own the entire "literal according to usage" of I Thessalonians? Not to be outdone by myself I typed up in small type the "Variations of the sense of the word Spirit in the NT" so I could cut and paste it into my LEAD Bible. (I just wrote the entire thing in my other Bible.)

I swear it is a good thing that water does not really screw up onion skin paper. My Bible would look like a giant square bruise! I'm pretty certain I went way beyond the required 64.62%. Now arent I godly? :biglaugh:

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I understand them (as Whitey said...I wrote them, why wouldn't I?) I just don't always agree with them :biglaugh:

I never put notes directly into my bible margins. If I had notes that I wanted in there, I did it in pencil, so I could change them if I found out there was an error.

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A couple years after I left the grand old cult, I took a razor knife to my old, cheap "Cambridge" wide margin Bible - which was beginning to fall apart anyways - and separated

the section of the 4 Gospels (they weren't marked up too much anyways), and glued a new cover to it. So becoming my "Gospel Study Bible", into which margins I glued typewritten notes I had taken from Matthew Black's Aramaic reconstructions.

Then I took an old Gideon NT that I paid a dollar for at a used bookstore, and with a bottle of "white-out" retitled the spine "THEORIES OF INTERPOLATION", throughout which text I applied color pencils around various sections corresponding to the different theories of critical scholars I had reviewed -with annotations providing details as to how certain sections might have been originally arranged - and what material comprised interpolations added later.

It was fun. Things I used to do before the "computer age"...

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There are some pages in my Companion Bible that are almost illegible with notes, tiny tiny pencil notes (pen bleeds through the pages). But many of those were things that I had studied for myself.

Decided to ignore all of those. I've just started using a Companion that was given to me at Corps graduation but never really used hitherto. New beginning, and all that. I can always refer back to my old Companion - and other reference books, yes, I do look at those now - if there is a driving need to know.

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I understand them (as Whitey said...I wrote them, why wouldn't I?) I just don't always agree with them

Whitey who you calling Whitey? I'm outraged at this racial slur, I think Oakman should be banned from Greasespot for his insensitive remark. I'm ruined and discouraged for life and I will never be able to rise above this image of me that was thrust upon me (although I might feel better if I had a little cash) Where is Al and the rainbow man when I need him? How long must I suffer this outrage?

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