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TWI was never like this

another spot

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At least not for me…

I’ve been going to church lately. I live in a small town and the Presbyterian Church

has about 35 people. The people there are nice and loving from the heart. They are

peaceable and peaceful. They treat me like a puppy and mother me about the littlest things.

And they are always GLAD to see me. Really glad.

I got invited to play chimes by the choir director. I went to practice last night. I made

some mistakes, but after a few songs, the director laughed and clapped and thought it

was the greatest thing I came and did as well as I did.

There is no ego. Not even with the elders who I know pretty well now. No one

(not even the minister) lords anything over anyone else.

They don’t act like they know everything. They don’t act judgmental. It isn’t performance

based at all. They get it that all come short of perfection, and therefore one person isn’t

better than another, regardless of their "position."

I wish I were more articulate so I could really describe the difference from twi. And for all

the time I have spent on waydale and grease spot, nothing brought it home to me what a

dark awful place twi really was/is until I came to this church and saw the stark contrast.

And pretty perverse church was put down as being run by seed boys. As far as I am

concerned that is a case of calling light darkness. I am sure some churches aren't so great,

but this one is.

Twi was like a diet of moldy bread and sewer water, and it seemed right and great at the

time, but at the time that was all I knew. Whatever good there was, whatever was taught

that was actually correct, was poisoned by the heart of the place.

Well, I am home now.

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(((spot))) I understand.

My husband and I had a long talk about this recently. I told him that I would far rather fellowship with the people who understood the greatest law...that of love...regardless of their doctrine.....than to ever again have to deal with a bunch of sounding brass and tinkling cymbles.

The knowledge in twi tended to puff us up ..make us arrogant.

The difference between the genuine and the counterfit are glaring.

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I think the key here is it's a small one. I'm sure there are many small congregations run by very loving people out there.

Good for you especially if you are happy.

It doesn't always have to be a church though. There are many fine groups out there were folks can involved in community.

We joined a boat club and found that we can minister and help in many ways. In fact the people there are more loving and forgiving than what we found in twi also.

Once big numbers, big bucks and big egos get involved you have to run.

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I have had good experiences in large churches also...

There is a great church near nashville. I would attend more often if it wasn`t such a drive....many in our area do any way. It is huge....they have to have 3 services in the morning and 3 in the evening to handle everybody who wishes to come. The one I attended had almost 2000 people in it alone....The youth group is enormous with a couple of bands....during the week the buildings are used for community projects like scouts and stuff. They have all sorts of programs to help people. I have been there a time or two and am just floored by the people and dynamic teaching.

It is huge and growing ...they cannot build to handle the overflow or expand fast enough. There are an awfull lot of really sharp people who are looking for the spirit of God in their messages and services...it was a privilege to fellowship with them.

I wouldn`t discount a church just because of it`s size or lack there of.

Edited by rascal
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Isn't it the imperfections that give something character and charm?

I remember sitting at Founder's Hall reading about King Louis XIV of France and his Versailles. The description was of perfection everywhere you look. Perfectly trimmed gardens, elegantly dressed people, clean and artful buildings. At the same time though, the book described that there was a sense of. . .i dunno decay? (the decription was clear when I read it, something very sad) Anyway, I looked up and realized what I was reading about was all around me.

and heck, I feel more love from a televangilist than at twi.

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I'm glad for you - I mean that honestly.

I've been floundering here and checking out various churches. I can't do the trinity thing - I didn't believe in it pre-TWI and still don't/won't. A good ol' fashioned pentacostal would even be refreshing, but New Englanders are notible stotic people... no luck here.


...A bad church service still beats a good day in TWI!

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ChasU...I hope you find it.

I don't really care what their doctrines are, including the trinity. I just ignore what I don't agree

with (currently). This frees me up to accept them as is and look at their hearts. For me, the

most important thing was to get competely away from fundamentalism (performance based).

In general, I don't care about doctrine anymore. I don't trust my waybrain on those issues

at this time, and I figure God can and will clue me in when and if He wants, if it really matters.

Watered Garden...yep, that's what I found. And yep, it is really amazing.

One of Twi's lies is that "liked-minded" is a requirement for fellowship. In the first place, it is

an impossibility to be completely like-minded with anyone, even in a group think cult. There are

still personality differences.

Thanks, Rascal. It sure is difficult to put things into words sometimes and really nail what I am

trying to say.

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