I would like to see what people think it means and compare it to the scripture and experience.
I don't use scripture much anymore so I'll mainly be shooting from memory.
How many times is "Born again" use in the Bible? I think it is better seen as "Born from above".
A heavenly birth.
A Spirit birth.
Now from experience I say get born again as many times as it takes.
We can have a re-birth daily.
A re-inspired by Spirit.
I've never been a "once saved always saved" Guy.
Salvations come when needed.
On the other hand we can know that we know that we know..........that we have the Spirit of God and that God talks to us and teaches us and is always with us..................it comes with experience of continually turning to the Spirit, even when we don't feel the Spirit would be seen with us in a place, time like this.
God loves us........first and most important premise of Christianity.
Seems to me that the birth of one thing is the death of another in an individual.
So the bible says some are dead in sins...
Kind of better then alive in them.
born born born born.............
out of death comes the spirit from above death which is life
born more then once yes p&s
that would mean a birthing process into more life
and Roy, yes the embryo is as alive as the fully mature
with ALL the elements of maturity already there
to break out of the 'self' into spiritual readyness and awareness
a baby is born with a little eye sight growing in love can see more as maturity occurs
what has been seen as this happens, not looking for actual responses, just reflection
although i'm not against responses of course..
Born from above meaning heaven........Heaven is only understood in the spiritual.....to me as part of now.....heaven is now.....heaven is part of us.....heaven is a state of mind.......God inside minded
Paul said "To be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritual minded is life and peace".
Our first birth is carnal........though it could not have happened if the Spirit where not involved.
Dead in sins............Dead because we are not where the life is.....in the spirit.
I believe the life has always been there for all...........but we see not. We live not..................Then one day...........Bam! We breath it in.......we get effected by the life.......We get bumped by love...........We get born to the new possibilities of the real life that has always been there......we get born again......................
Now we can take part in the effecting, bumping, living in such a way that life emits from us for the birthing of more life and more life and more life......................
I see the sonship right of Ministry of reconciliation there.
It is more like being born into a new state of mind.
It was always there...the possibilities were always there, but you put away the old and put on the new.
The spiritual things like fruit of the spirit were not impossible before making Jesus lord of your life. What does that mean anyway? Commiting to doing the things Jesus wants you to do, doing the things Jesus would do. Just the way anyone would do what their lord told them to do. You are saying you will purposefully live a different better life and strive for that the best you can.
Doing something like that can be a major change in a person. You could become a different person, a new person, a new creature. Do it enough and the old things will pass away and you will feel like that was a different life, another life.
It is just as radical and unradical as that.
The problem I see with a new spiritual creation in you at the moment of the typical born again birth is that it is in some way seperate from you the person. You the body and soul person lives 10, 20, 50 years as a "two part being" and then one day you get "born again". You get this new part of you, this third part of you that you can't really notice or feel or see in any of those first two parts, and that is the part that lives forever. That part goes on after the first two 50 year old parts have died. How is that you? The "you" you and I have known and loved the past five decades.
You either have a soul or spirit or what have you and you tap into it or realize it or one doesn't exist. If you make an intermediate stage it gets somewhat confusing. Then again, since we can't really prove it one way or the other, we might as well make up whatever we want and make it as confusing as possible.
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Patrick and Sarah
I don't use scripture much anymore so I'll mainly be shooting from memory.
How many times is "Born again" use in the Bible? I think it is better seen as "Born from above".
A heavenly birth.
A Spirit birth.
Now from experience I say get born again as many times as it takes.
We can have a re-birth daily.
A re-inspired by Spirit.
I've never been a "once saved always saved" Guy.
Salvations come when needed.
On the other hand we can know that we know that we know..........that we have the Spirit of God and that God talks to us and teaches us and is always with us..................it comes with experience of continually turning to the Spirit, even when we don't feel the Spirit would be seen with us in a place, time like this.
God loves us........first and most important premise of Christianity.
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God first
Beloved cman
God loves you my dear friend
you asked?
What does Born Again mean?
Ok lets talk about being born again but the first time you were born the seed was ferized and place in the womb or egg, or seed first
there is a lot of verses talking about planting seeds
so if a seed is planted there will be a time before birth
Christ in you is the seed
you were in the womb for about nine fleshly months
so how long is the spiritual seed growing in the womb of God or in your heart
I say birth does not come until you come out of the flesh like Christ did at his death
first you need to be in the womb or in God like Christ was while in the flesh
then Christ changed by putting on a new body like we will when we put on a new body
so I see being born again as the end of having a seed planted, then growing spiritually in the womb, and then birth come and only then
we all look forward to the birth as if it has happen but if we are still walking in the flesh it has not came yet
thank you
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
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So to be born from above...hmmm...
above what?
Seems to me that the birth of one thing is the death of another in an individual.
So the bible says some are dead in sins...
Kind of better then alive in them.
born born born born.............
out of death comes the spirit from above death which is life
born more then once yes p&s
that would mean a birthing process into more life
and Roy, yes the embryo is as alive as the fully mature
with ALL the elements of maturity already there
to break out of the 'self' into spiritual readyness and awareness
a baby is born with a little eye sight growing in love can see more as maturity occurs
what has been seen as this happens, not looking for actual responses, just reflection
although i'm not against responses of course..
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Patrick and Sarah
Born from above meaning heaven........Heaven is only understood in the spiritual.....to me as part of now.....heaven is now.....heaven is part of us.....heaven is a state of mind.......God inside minded
Paul said "To be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritual minded is life and peace".
Our first birth is carnal........though it could not have happened if the Spirit where not involved.
Dead in sins............Dead because we are not where the life is.....in the spirit.
I believe the life has always been there for all...........but we see not. We live not..................Then one day...........Bam! We breath it in.......we get effected by the life.......We get bumped by love...........We get born to the new possibilities of the real life that has always been there......we get born again......................
Now we can take part in the effecting, bumping, living in such a way that life emits from us for the birthing of more life and more life and more life......................
I see the sonship right of Ministry of reconciliation there.
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good stuff there Patrick
the endless unlimited heaven
is within
but also all around us
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I believe born again means born from above, the creation of the new man which is the same as being sealed with the holy spirit of promise.
This is why, I believe there is nothing the old man can do to kill the new man. Its a new, eternal creation in Christ.
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One other thing, I believe being "born again of incorruptible seed", as opposed to corruptible seed which would be human life.
Incorruptible means incorruptible. Ya can't kill it.
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Yes Oldies, the incorruptible seed that is in every person.
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This is how I read it...
It is more like being born into a new state of mind.
It was always there...the possibilities were always there, but you put away the old and put on the new.
The spiritual things like fruit of the spirit were not impossible before making Jesus lord of your life. What does that mean anyway? Commiting to doing the things Jesus wants you to do, doing the things Jesus would do. Just the way anyone would do what their lord told them to do. You are saying you will purposefully live a different better life and strive for that the best you can.
Doing something like that can be a major change in a person. You could become a different person, a new person, a new creature. Do it enough and the old things will pass away and you will feel like that was a different life, another life.
It is just as radical and unradical as that.
The problem I see with a new spiritual creation in you at the moment of the typical born again birth is that it is in some way seperate from you the person. You the body and soul person lives 10, 20, 50 years as a "two part being" and then one day you get "born again". You get this new part of you, this third part of you that you can't really notice or feel or see in any of those first two parts, and that is the part that lives forever. That part goes on after the first two 50 year old parts have died.
How is that you? The "you" you and I have known and loved the past five decades.
You either have a soul or spirit or what have you and you tap into it or realize it or one doesn't exist. If you make an intermediate stage it gets somewhat confusing. Then again, since we can't really prove it one way or the other, we might as well make up whatever we want and make it as confusing as possible.
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I don't think we are in parts lindy.
I do believe in change though.
If one gets 'born from above', what changes?
Putting on the new and putting of the old is work.
Nothing to do with birth or birthing.
It's something that occurs at the lords timing not mine or anyone's.
You don't have to be born again to put on new good qualities.
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Mark Clarke
Rather than rewriting a whole article, I will just post the link:
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