Well, Ham, as far as your brain goes.....uhhh......well.......OK, it's a little funny. But, in a nice way.
I remember vp bragging about how he had contingency plans in the event of nuclear war or a major catastrophe. But, I never saw or heard of any evidence that indicated that it was anything more than a "plan". He loved to brag about "off the wall" stuff that he figured out, or had received revelation about...like how to set snow on fire...no kidding.
I do know he, and the BOT stockpiled tons of money, though. So, knowing him, the "plan" was probably to escape, in that big mixmaster he called an airplane, to a secluded resort and wait for the smoke to clear. I can almost hear him now......"Believers???.....oh, yeah,....well.....they can believe their way out of it, I taught them how!!".....Ha!! <_<
Yeah, no airplane now though, that I know of. They sold "ambassador one" a number of years ago.
Just makes me wonder though. If things REALLY went "south", "they" and their precious resources would not be very safe, unless they buried themselves under twenty feet of cement or something.
It would be almost a scene out of Dr. Strangelove.
The board, anxiously waiting for the word, "Mssss. President, what can we do?"
Dr. Strangeloy would wheel up into the light.
In his best german accent..
"vellll. Eeeets notsa bad. Staff's pets could be bred, and shlaughered.."
I hear staff will be even smaller next year. (2 people to mow all of HQ). It may go to local government for help as individuals and not as a ministry.
No, no, they will bury underground and make a cacoon of their own saliva, wait a decade or two, and reimerge with bibles in hand to bring deliverence to the delivered.
During LCM's Y2K extravaganza they seemed to think they were so well prepared for a world melt down that their believing preparation Saved the Whole World from mass destruction..
I wondered what kind of "preparations" they REALLY had at old hq. With a meltdown, you'd hafta have a lot of ammo or something to disuade local looters and such from making claims.
Maybe they had a couple gallons of distilled water and a few cans of beans they could store away in a locked closet..
I still like the bunker theory.
"As civilization and her 'army' falls to the allies, rosie is hiding in her downtown Berlin titantic bunker. Your mission is to infiltrate and eliminate her, bringing an end to her mad reign of terror.."
There was a lot of Red Cross Disaster prep stuff floating around, survivalist type info. I'm sure some people at HQ were kept very busy. People in my fellowship were buying guns.
We were supposed to have supplies for a month. Now think about that. A gallon a water a day per person for a MONTH. Plus food, medicine sanitary supplies etc etc. Cash. Stock pile perscription meds.
Yeah.. I heard about that.
I wondered what kind of "preparations" they REALLY had at old hq. With a meltdown, you'd hafta have a lot of ammo or something to disuade local looters and such from making claims.
Maybe they had a couple gallons of distilled water and a few cans of beans they could store away in a locked closet..
I still like the bunker theory.
"As civilization and her 'army' falls to the allies, rosie is hiding in her downtown Berlin titantic bunker. Your mission is to infiltrate and eliminate her, bringing an end to her mad reign of terror.."
Bwhahahahaha. Oh yes, I can see it now. I go to my pain doctor and our visit goes something like this:
"Doc, the cult I'm in wants us to be totally prepared and requires me to stock up on everything I need on a daily basis. Now I know I'm on a schedule 2 drug, which the law says no refills are allowed on and you may only write for one month's use at a time, but I'm sure the DEA and my insurance company will understand why the cult are insisting you give me more than my normal amount. It makes perfect sense, since you can't give refills on triplicate scripts, they will know you have no other choice *but* to give me the whole stock supply on one prescription slip.
I normally get 270 pills a month to take for my pain, so to help I did the math for you before coming in to this appointment. 12 months worth will only be 3240 pills. See how simple and how intelligent it is for me to have a stock pile of these very addictive and dangerous drugs (that I will have to do my best to securely hide from thieves). Now when the clock hits midnight soon on Jan. 1st, 2000, I will be more than covered while our government gets everything fixed and working correctly again that breaks."
LOL, I have an appointment next week to get my montly refill script. I think I'll try to remember to bring this up and ask what would have been said back to me, in real life, had I still been in TWI and forced to ask for such an outrageous amount of painkillers at one time. The nurse practitioner that I normally see is great and has a good sense of humor. If I get her again this month, I'll run it past her.
Yeah, I figured that suggestion must have come down from HQ where they had their little pocket doctors. Sure, my family doc was going to prescribe all kinds of antibiotics just in case of Y2K melt down?
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Well, Ham, as far as your brain goes.....uhhh......well.......OK, it's a little funny. But, in a nice way.
I remember vp bragging about how he had contingency plans in the event of nuclear war or a major catastrophe. But, I never saw or heard of any evidence that indicated that it was anything more than a "plan". He loved to brag about "off the wall" stuff that he figured out, or had received revelation about...like how to set snow on fire...no kidding.
I do know he, and the BOT stockpiled tons of money, though. So, knowing him, the "plan" was probably to escape, in that big mixmaster he called an airplane, to a secluded resort and wait for the smoke to clear. I can almost hear him now......"Believers???.....oh, yeah,....well.....they can believe their way out of it, I taught them how!!".....Ha!! <_<
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How would they be worse off then the rest of us? Don't they have more resources anyway?(including manpower)
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Thanks for the kind comments, heheh.
Yeah, no airplane now though, that I know of. They sold "ambassador one" a number of years ago.
Just makes me wonder though. If things REALLY went "south", "they" and their precious resources would not be very safe, unless they buried themselves under twenty feet of cement or something.
It would be almost a scene out of Dr. Strangelove.
The board, anxiously waiting for the word, "Mssss. President, what can we do?"
Dr. Strangeloy would wheel up into the light.
In his best german accent..
"vellll. Eeeets notsa bad. Staff's pets could be bred, and shlaughered.."
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How old is Rosie?
isn't H.A. in his seventies?
Will they live to see a disaster like that?
I hear staff will be even smaller next year. (2 people to mow all of HQ). It may go to local government for help as individuals and not as a ministry.
No, no, they will bury underground and make a cacoon of their own saliva, wait a decade or two, and reimerge with bibles in hand to bring deliverence to the delivered.
Edited by BolshevikLink to comment
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During LCM's Y2K extravaganza they seemed to think they were so well prepared for a world melt down that their believing preparation Saved the Whole World from mass destruction..
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Yeah.. I heard about that.
I wondered what kind of "preparations" they REALLY had at old hq. With a meltdown, you'd hafta have a lot of ammo or something to disuade local looters and such from making claims.
Maybe they had a couple gallons of distilled water and a few cans of beans they could store away in a locked closet..
I still like the bunker theory.
"As civilization and her 'army' falls to the allies, rosie is hiding in her downtown Berlin titantic bunker. Your mission is to infiltrate and eliminate her, bringing an end to her mad reign of terror.."
well, it would make an interesting computer game.

Edited by Mr. HammeroniLink to comment
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There was a lot of Red Cross Disaster prep stuff floating around, survivalist type info. I'm sure some people at HQ were kept very busy. People in my fellowship were buying guns.
We were supposed to have supplies for a month. Now think about that. A gallon a water a day per person for a MONTH. Plus food, medicine sanitary supplies etc etc. Cash. Stock pile perscription meds.
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polar bear
Hammy-They have enough money to get them through for years. What a waste.
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Bwhahahahaha. Oh yes, I can see it now. I go to my pain doctor and our visit goes something like this:
"Doc, the cult I'm in wants us to be totally prepared and requires me to stock up on everything I need on a daily basis. Now I know I'm on a schedule 2 drug, which the law says no refills are allowed on and you may only write for one month's use at a time, but I'm sure the DEA and my insurance company will understand why the cult are insisting you give me more than my normal amount. It makes perfect sense, since you can't give refills on triplicate scripts, they will know you have no other choice *but* to give me the whole stock supply on one prescription slip.
I normally get 270 pills a month to take for my pain, so to help I did the math for you before coming in to this appointment. 12 months worth will only be 3240 pills. See how simple and how intelligent it is for me to have a stock pile of these very addictive and dangerous drugs (that I will have to do my best to securely hide from thieves). Now when the clock hits midnight soon on Jan. 1st, 2000, I will be more than covered while our government gets everything fixed and working correctly again that breaks."
LOL, I have an appointment next week to get my montly refill script. I think I'll try to remember to bring this up and ask what would have been said back to me, in real life, had I still been in TWI and forced to ask for such an outrageous amount of painkillers at one time. The nurse practitioner that I normally see is great and has a good sense of humor. If I get her again this month, I'll run it past her.
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Yeah, I figured that suggestion must have come down from HQ where they had their little pocket doctors. Sure, my family doc was going to prescribe all kinds of antibiotics just in case of Y2K melt down?
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I think the instructions they gave their followers amounted as much as..
"Find a nice clean place to sit on the floor.
carefully remove all sharp, potentially hazardous items from your pockets.
firmly pull yourself tightly into a ball,
and kiss your *** goodbye"
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"What is the response to asking to speak with Rev. Rivenbark?"
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well ol rosie and donna won't need silk sea sponges
my bad
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Apparently he didn't have a very good "plan" for occular cancer.
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