Re:"Sudo- How are you doing so far? Are you peeing on sticks?"
I'm doing pretty good, Dot, and yes, I've been dousing the sticks pretty regularly. Turning 'em all purple, I dare say. I've lost 7 lbs now and the rest of the time will be slow, as all the water weight is now gone. From now on out it'll be the hard to fight fat cells that have to give up their contents. And they don't wanna'!! Still.. I'm the fattest I've ever been in my LIFE!! 205 lbs on a 5'10" frame. I weighed 155 lbs in college and in dental school.
This watching TV on the couch nearly every night has taken its toll and I'm gonna' get rid of most of tht baggage!
Dot, if you are blood type A , you do NOT need alot of red meat. Please look up the "eat right for your type". My sister is an A and has been on this diet since May. She is so much better physically than she has been in years. She didnt do it to lose weight but to get healthier. This diet is so much easier than anything I have ever tried.
Sudo, do you have that lazer machine in your office that makes your teeth white?
In Feb. Daddyhoundog and I are getting 44 and him 48...never had our cholesteral checked....
I am at least 35 pounds heavier than I should be and he is maybe 40 more than should be.
We are gearing up to do Bill Phillip's 12 week thing..Body-for-Life...Strength training is a must at our age anyhow...need to protect the bone mass...overall, we have read his books and stuff, and will use the 12 weeks to develop changes in diet and excersice habits...more as a catylyst, not as the only way to be.
Re:"Sudo, do you have that lazer machine in your office that makes your teeth white?"
Nope. I still prefer what we call the "walk-around" bleach. That's where we take impressions of your teeth.. pour up a model.. and make custom bleach trays. Then, the person puts the bleach in their trays at home and wears them for 30 minutes twice a day. Some folks like to sleep in them.
It's cheaper and easier on the teeth. The downside is that it takes two weeks whereas the office procedure is immediate.
Thank you Goey for stating the correct answer to this subject: EXERCISE!!!!!
The Masterherbalist has been sitting back and reading all these suggestions, just smiling.
Back when I was just a baby-herbalist, I took nutrition classes. They taught us the simpliest formula- Intake Calories-Burn Calories= Weight Loss.
No other info needed- no blood "types:"; no counting food values; no high carbs; etc.
I thought to myself- gee, the Creator could not have made it more simple.
But no, "We" have a better idea. Let's try the starvation diet. No Calories-No exercise= Weight Loss? or how 'bout even better No Calories - Exeercise= More Weight Loss. The answer is NO!!! You were created with a body whose #1 priority is to sustain life. The first formula results in the body sensing starvation and will do what it needs to do to survive/ This includes lowering the metabolism and resorting to stored food and if needed to canabalize.
I could get into why meat and dairy stinks because it contains the very hormones that caused the animal you took it from to become the size that animal is supposed to be. I could explain why these diets such as the Zone and Atkins are actually bad for your long term heath. (John Robbins in his book Diet for A New America does this rather eloquently).
When I am personally consulted about a weight loss program- I analyze everything you currently eat, drugs that you take, activities, etc. Then we work together to customize a program just for you. No two humans are alike so why should one diet plan fit all?
Have you actually READ the Atkins book? He doesn't advocate NO build them in as you go along...with leafy veggies and berries.
My mom was a nutritionist and basically raised me on the Zone type diet. My health is excellent. The "flu" and "common cold" isn't even in my repetoire...I'm never sick...and have had awesome building blocks for my body.
I still think that everyone's body is different. When I wasn't dieting...and just working out 2 hours a day (which I did for 10 years after abandoning my cigarettes and coffee) I didn't lose an ounce of weight. I do believe the saunas I took helped bleed the disgusting nicotine residue out of my pores, but, other than that, I toned...didn't lose a pound. My metabolism has always been slow...runs in the family.
Exercise is fantastic, but alone it doesn't work for everyone...especially women. As we all know, mens' metabolisms are always faster and most lose weight with less effort than women.
Dot. I have lost 7's been 10 days. However, I am not exercising (except a few sit ups) due to my sprained foot, which I need to get an x-ray for tomorrow, because it isn't healing and is still swollen. :(-->
I hesitate losing anymore, due to the "hail storm" effect goey was talking about ;)-->. So, I may increase some veggies, just to slow the process.
My pee sticks? I covet Sudo's sticks. Mine are NEVER deep purple, but still a light plum. That's ok tho...the slower the weight loss, the better, I'm not complaining. At least I am building some better eating habits then sitting here in GS eating ice cream and/or cheez-its.
How are you doing?'s the super bowl...and I'm craving something different...may get me some fried chicken a special treat, but, I won't veer that far from the basic diet.
Happy Eating!!!
P.S. After losing, I plan on more organic salads with my protein...and keep the carbs whole grains. Atkins isn't forever...but, it sure helps find the balance or protein/carbs for me.
P.P.S. I also take the special vitamins Atkins promotes. They seem to help. I feel pretty perky and healthy.
Okay I have not lost one pound and it is nearly two weeks!
I am on anti-biotics for two weeks the same two weeks of this dam n diet. Think that is messing me up? I am about choking on protein and I go to the scale to see the same numbers...
I thought maybe I would see the difference in my clothes but they are EXACTLY the same!
I am happy for you wacky and Sudo and all for whom it is working but I dunno....
Think it is the pills? My friend thinks I am retaining water.... Who knows...
One thing is abundantly clear, I have not had any results.
So does food. If you are not taking in the correct nutritional values that build a body, it will look for it elsewhere.
My formula is not just a lose weight scheme. My personal teaching this year is titled "Building a Better Me". The focus should be on the nutritional values, proper hydration, and, yes, exercise- why? Because toned muscle takes up less space that muscle that is lazy. Consequently, there are people I know that once they started seeing the toning effect, were much more encouraged on working on their, gulp, diet. Exercise helps the bones, the immune system, the lymph, etc. THIS should be the prime goal, because the weight loss will automatically happen. One of my herbal teachers worked with models and Hollywood actresses that wanted fad ways of "getting in shape" including taking laxatives and diuretics. At what price to their health and vitality??
Funny that weight problems affect affluent countries, like the US. Peoples who eat their native food and work as their people always do, do not diet.
What I am saying is that this sort of project requires a little research. Relying on Atkins and the Zone (both authors are overweight) were not paid to write books because they found the cure all to weight loss. Sure you can glean a thing or two, but, all in all, the word diet has a negative connotation. It breeds the thought process of starvation, doomed to fail, etc. Think vitality, health and nutrition. This is a program that you can live with for the rest of your life.
Okay, I am also on Blood pressure meds. I just read they will affect the diet.
What should I do? Other than garlic or celery how do I get the BP under control? Funny loosing weight will help - but the medicine for BP inhibits weight loss ---
Dot: It REALLY depends on the type of BP medicine you're on.
Of course, I'm no doctor, so you should discuss this with your physician.
Some BP meds are diuretics--they reduce blood pressure by reducing blood volume--you pee it out. Some others are vasodilators--they reduce BP by relaxing blood vessels to make them larger--larger blood vessels, less pressure. Still others are called ACE-inhibitors. There is a two-enzyme axis that has a great effect on BP (much like the balance between insulin and glucagon affects blood sugar) and these two are renin (a kidney enzyme) and angiotensin (an enzyme that makes the blood vessels constrict.) Diuretics and vasodilators work on this dynamic too, but there are undesirable side effects. (like pounding headaches on vasodilators) ACE inhibitors directly target an enzyme called ACE, for angiotensin-conversion enzyme, which produces much of the same effect without interfering so much with the kidneys. Unfortunately, ACE-inhibitors can be hepatotoxic (liver-damaging) in some individuals, so their use must be monitored carefully, with urinalysis and blood work 3-4 times a year.
Different folks respond to the different meds, er, differently. :)--> That's why there are so many BP meds on the market, some combinations of ingredients. My wife and I are on two different ones (she's on a diuretic, I'm on an ACE-inhibitor) and our HBP has been reduced significantly, back down to normal levels.
Talk to your doctor and express your concerns that your meds might be part of the problem.
I had great difficulty losing weight when I had to take blood pressure drugs. I don't know about the second one, but the first one was a calcium channel blocker and I had such fatique that I could not bear it and told the Dr. either change the meds, or I'm stopping it!
He listened, thankfully, but I could never lose weight on that medicine.
Dot, are you getting any exercise at all? I stopped taking blood pressure meds when I was exercising very strenuously building a house. I lost almost 20 pounds without batting an eye and I ate like a horse!
Since I quit smoking my body has gone bonkers! It is not the same body I've lived in all these many years.
I agree with Wacky about Atkins in general. The serious "no carb" phase is supposed to last a short time...then you're supposed to add carbs back slowly while you lose the rest of the weight...then when you've finished losing weight, your carbohydrate quantity should remain stable.
I cannot explain why. However there were 2 times in my life when I felt really well. Strong, energetic, good balanced mood etc....they were....on the Atkins diet and when I was building that house.
Could it be that not everything works equally well for every person?
Also - when I saw Dr. Atkins on Larry King a couple of weeks ago, he didn't appear to be overweight...was I not looking in the right place?
For what it's worth, I'm of the opinion that whatever we do to keep ourselves feeling well, energized, clear headed, alert and calm, is what we should be doing. The hell with measuring pounds on a scale. If I achieve the former and I have a bulge in my tummy....tuff! I'm 60 years old, I'm grateful to be here as vitally as I am....and I personally don't care if you don't think I look great in a bikini! (Bikinis are for cute twiggy types anyway! Who are much younger than me!)
Minor correction, I'm on a slightly-different type of drug called an angiotensin II-receptor antagonist. (Diovan) It's these drugs that have possible hepatotoxicity problems.
No Dot - I don't want to wear a bikini! that was partly my point. It's not that I'm going to pot and I don't care what I look like....I just care more about other things in life than an exquisitly carved body (if there even is such a thing).
I think you are possibly the most intelligent person I know. You know stars and crashing comets and the components in drugs....
Geez, you could probably write a diet book based on body chemistry.
What is your degree in? Or degrees? You are very bright. So, many times you will post and I feel kinda like I am talking to the President about politics. Out of my element by comparison to some of the things you know.
Now this is freaky. I posted above about how bright you are! I go back to the "open" area for threads and you are talking about intelligence and I saw your IQ.
Dot: Don't believe everything you read... :D--> I studied up on HBP meds when I started having to take them, and my wife is on Ziac, that's how I knew so much about it. Anyone can Google the rest of it... ;)-->
As far as degrees go, I was once studying Electrical Engineering at Georgia Tech, then someone came along with this little green card...whoops!
After that little detour, I took the credits I had accumulated in the classes I had actually attended, and converted them into a quick two-year Computer Science degree from a local college, got a job as a programmer and never had the time or money to go back and finish any further degrees. Never really had the inclination to either, as everything I had learned in my Comp Sci courses was obsolete by the time I graduated.
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Re:"Sudo- How are you doing so far? Are you peeing on sticks?"
I'm doing pretty good, Dot, and yes, I've been dousing the sticks pretty regularly. Turning 'em all purple, I dare say. I've lost 7 lbs now and the rest of the time will be slow, as all the water weight is now gone. From now on out it'll be the hard to fight fat cells that have to give up their contents. And they don't wanna'!! Still.. I'm the fattest I've ever been in my LIFE!! 205 lbs on a 5'10" frame. I weighed 155 lbs in college and in dental school.
This watching TV on the couch nearly every night has taken its toll and I'm gonna' get rid of most of tht baggage!
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Dot, if you are blood type A , you do NOT need alot of red meat. Please look up the "eat right for your type". My sister is an A and has been on this diet since May. She is so much better physically than she has been in years. She didnt do it to lose weight but to get healthier. This diet is so much easier than anything I have ever tried.
Sudo, do you have that lazer machine in your office that makes your teeth white?
The decisions we make today form our future.
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In Feb. Daddyhoundog and I are getting 44 and him 48...never had our cholesteral checked....
I am at least 35 pounds heavier than I should be and he is maybe 40 more than should be.
We are gearing up to do Bill Phillip's 12 week thing..Body-for-Life...Strength training is a must at our age anyhow...need to protect the bone mass...overall, we have read his books and stuff, and will use the 12 weeks to develop changes in diet and excersice habits...more as a catylyst, not as the only way to be.
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I think the candy bar you might be looking for is Pure De-Lite.
So far we have only found them at Wal Greens and Walmart. Walmart is cheaper!!
To me most of the low carb products are HORRIBLE! But these.......are great....(even if you were NOT on a low carb diet.!!!!...
Also Wasa crackers are pretty good---- low carb.
(oh --- and those psyllium husks............)
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Re:"Sudo, do you have that lazer machine in your office that makes your teeth white?"
Nope. I still prefer what we call the "walk-around" bleach. That's where we take impressions of your teeth.. pour up a model.. and make custom bleach trays. Then, the person puts the bleach in their trays at home and wears them for 30 minutes twice a day. Some folks like to sleep in them.
It's cheaper and easier on the teeth. The downside is that it takes two weeks whereas the office procedure is immediate.
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Thank you Goey for stating the correct answer to this subject: EXERCISE!!!!!
The Masterherbalist has been sitting back and reading all these suggestions, just smiling.
Back when I was just a baby-herbalist, I took nutrition classes. They taught us the simpliest formula- Intake Calories-Burn Calories= Weight Loss.
No other info needed- no blood "types:"; no counting food values; no high carbs; etc.
I thought to myself- gee, the Creator could not have made it more simple.
But no, "We" have a better idea. Let's try the starvation diet. No Calories-No exercise= Weight Loss? or how 'bout even better No Calories - Exeercise= More Weight Loss. The answer is NO!!! You were created with a body whose #1 priority is to sustain life. The first formula results in the body sensing starvation and will do what it needs to do to survive/ This includes lowering the metabolism and resorting to stored food and if needed to canabalize.
I could get into why meat and dairy stinks because it contains the very hormones that caused the animal you took it from to become the size that animal is supposed to be. I could explain why these diets such as the Zone and Atkins are actually bad for your long term heath. (John Robbins in his book Diet for A New America does this rather eloquently).
When I am personally consulted about a weight loss program- I analyze everything you currently eat, drugs that you take, activities, etc. Then we work together to customize a program just for you. No two humans are alike so why should one diet plan fit all?
The Masterherbalist has spoken.
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Dot Matrix
2 life
Thanks for the candy!
Thanks everyone!
How are all you Atkins types doing?
Herbalist- thanks for your input! I may try you next but I amy just stick with Atkins
Dot Matrix
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Wacky Funster
Have you actually READ the Atkins book? He doesn't advocate NO build them in as you go along...with leafy veggies and berries.
My mom was a nutritionist and basically raised me on the Zone type diet. My health is excellent. The "flu" and "common cold" isn't even in my repetoire...I'm never sick...and have had awesome building blocks for my body.
I still think that everyone's body is different. When I wasn't dieting...and just working out 2 hours a day (which I did for 10 years after abandoning my cigarettes and coffee) I didn't lose an ounce of weight. I do believe the saunas I took helped bleed the disgusting nicotine residue out of my pores, but, other than that, I toned...didn't lose a pound. My metabolism has always been slow...runs in the family.
Exercise is fantastic, but alone it doesn't work for everyone...especially women. As we all know, mens' metabolisms are always faster and most lose weight with less effort than women.
Dot. I have lost 7's been 10 days. However, I am not exercising (except a few sit ups) due to my sprained foot, which I need to get an x-ray for tomorrow, because it isn't healing and is still swollen.
I hesitate losing anymore, due to the "hail storm" effect goey was talking about
;)-->. So, I may increase some veggies, just to slow the process.
My pee sticks? I covet Sudo's sticks. Mine are NEVER deep purple, but still a light plum. That's ok tho...the slower the weight loss, the better, I'm not complaining. At least I am building some better eating habits then sitting here in GS eating ice cream and/or cheez-its.
How are you doing?'s the super bowl...and I'm craving something different...may get me some fried chicken a special treat, but, I won't veer that far from the basic diet.
Happy Eating!!!
P.S. After losing, I plan on more organic salads with my protein...and keep the carbs whole grains. Atkins isn't forever...but, it sure helps find the balance or protein/carbs for me.
P.P.S. I also take the special vitamins Atkins promotes. They seem to help. I feel pretty perky and healthy.
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Dot Matrix
Okay I have not lost one pound and it is nearly two weeks!
I am on anti-biotics for two weeks the same two weeks of this dam n diet. Think that is messing me up? I am about choking on protein and I go to the scale to see the same numbers...
I thought maybe I would see the difference in my clothes but they are EXACTLY the same!
I am happy for you wacky and Sudo and all for whom it is working but I dunno....
Think it is the pills? My friend thinks I am retaining water.... Who knows...
One thing is abundantly clear, I have not had any results.
Dot Matrix
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Antibiotics can work on the way the body works.
So does food. If you are not taking in the correct nutritional values that build a body, it will look for it elsewhere.
My formula is not just a lose weight scheme. My personal teaching this year is titled "Building a Better Me". The focus should be on the nutritional values, proper hydration, and, yes, exercise- why? Because toned muscle takes up less space that muscle that is lazy. Consequently, there are people I know that once they started seeing the toning effect, were much more encouraged on working on their, gulp, diet. Exercise helps the bones, the immune system, the lymph, etc. THIS should be the prime goal, because the weight loss will automatically happen. One of my herbal teachers worked with models and Hollywood actresses that wanted fad ways of "getting in shape" including taking laxatives and diuretics. At what price to their health and vitality??
Funny that weight problems affect affluent countries, like the US. Peoples who eat their native food and work as their people always do, do not diet.
What I am saying is that this sort of project requires a little research. Relying on Atkins and the Zone (both authors are overweight) were not paid to write books because they found the cure all to weight loss. Sure you can glean a thing or two, but, all in all, the word diet has a negative connotation. It breeds the thought process of starvation, doomed to fail, etc. Think vitality, health and nutrition. This is a program that you can live with for the rest of your life.
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Sudo, thanks for the info on teeth cleaning.
Do you know Dr. Wood or Dr. Cook who practice in W. Memphis, AR?
Dot, sorry to derail your thread. I wish you the best on your diet.
The decisions we make today form our future.
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Re:"Do you know Dr. Wood or Dr. Cook who practice in W. Memphis, AR?"
Sorry, no.. we have little to nothing to do with West Memphis.
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Dot Matrix
Okay, I am also on Blood pressure meds. I just read they will affect the diet.
What should I do? Other than garlic or celery how do I get the BP under control? Funny loosing weight will help - but the medicine for BP inhibits weight loss ---
So glad I chased my tail for two weeks!
Dot Matrix
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Dot: It REALLY depends on the type of BP medicine you're on.
Of course, I'm no doctor, so you should discuss this with your physician.
Some BP meds are diuretics--they reduce blood pressure by reducing blood volume--you pee it out. Some others are vasodilators--they reduce BP by relaxing blood vessels to make them larger--larger blood vessels, less pressure. Still others are called ACE-inhibitors. There is a two-enzyme axis that has a great effect on BP (much like the balance between insulin and glucagon affects blood sugar) and these two are renin (a kidney enzyme) and angiotensin (an enzyme that makes the blood vessels constrict.) Diuretics and vasodilators work on this dynamic too, but there are undesirable side effects. (like pounding headaches on vasodilators) ACE inhibitors directly target an enzyme called ACE, for angiotensin-conversion enzyme, which produces much of the same effect without interfering so much with the kidneys. Unfortunately, ACE-inhibitors can be hepatotoxic (liver-damaging) in some individuals, so their use must be monitored carefully, with urinalysis and blood work 3-4 times a year.
Different folks respond to the different meds, er, differently.
:)--> That's why there are so many BP meds on the market, some combinations of ingredients. My wife and I are on two different ones (she's on a diuretic, I'm on an ACE-inhibitor) and our HBP has been reduced significantly, back down to normal levels.
Talk to your doctor and express your concerns that your meds might be part of the problem.
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I had great difficulty losing weight when I had to take blood pressure drugs. I don't know about the second one, but the first one was a calcium channel blocker and I had such fatique that I could not bear it and told the Dr. either change the meds, or I'm stopping it!
He listened, thankfully, but I could never lose weight on that medicine.
Dot, are you getting any exercise at all? I stopped taking blood pressure meds when I was exercising very strenuously building a house. I lost almost 20 pounds without batting an eye and I ate like a horse!
Since I quit smoking my body has gone bonkers! It is not the same body I've lived in all these many years.
I agree with Wacky about Atkins in general. The serious "no carb" phase is supposed to last a short time...then you're supposed to add carbs back slowly while you lose the rest of the weight...then when you've finished losing weight, your carbohydrate quantity should remain stable.
I cannot explain why. However there were 2 times in my life when I felt really well. Strong, energetic, good balanced mood etc....they were....on the Atkins diet and when I was building that house.
Could it be that not everything works equally well for every person?
Also - when I saw Dr. Atkins on Larry King a couple of weeks ago, he didn't appear to be overweight...was I not looking in the right place?
For what it's worth, I'm of the opinion that whatever we do to keep ourselves feeling well, energized, clear headed, alert and calm, is what we should be doing. The hell with measuring pounds on a scale. If I achieve the former and I have a bulge in my tummy....tuff! I'm 60 years old, I'm grateful to be here as vitally as I am....and I personally don't care if you don't think I look great in a bikini! (Bikinis are for cute twiggy types anyway! Who are much younger than me!)
But, of course, that is my opinion.
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Dot Matrix
ZIX- Thanks. I do not know if mine is an ace or not It is Bisoprolol generic for Ziac
***I just called the pharmacy and mine has a diuretic in it
Kryslis- You go girl - wear that little bathing suit if you want! At 60 you get to do what you want!
Dot Matrix
[This message was edited by Dot Matrix on January 28, 2003 at 13:11.]
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Dot: Okay, Ziac is a combo drug, beta-blocker and diuretic.
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Minor correction, I'm on a slightly-different type of drug called an angiotensin II-receptor antagonist. (Diovan) It's these drugs that have possible hepatotoxicity problems.
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No Dot - I don't want to wear a bikini! that was partly my point. It's not that I'm going to pot and I don't care what I look like....I just care more about other things in life than an exquisitly carved body (if there even is such a thing).
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Dot Matrix
I think you are possibly the most intelligent person I know. You know stars and crashing comets and the components in drugs....
Geez, you could probably write a diet book based on body chemistry.
What is your degree in? Or degrees? You are very bright. So, many times you will post and I feel kinda like I am talking to the President about politics. Out of my element by comparison to some of the things you know.
Dot Matrix
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Dot Matrix
Now this is freaky. I posted above about how bright you are! I go back to the "open" area for threads and you are talking about intelligence and I saw your IQ.
WOW, you must have never tried pot in your youth!
Dot Matrix
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Dot: Don't believe everything you read...
:D--> I studied up on HBP meds when I started having to take them, and my wife is on Ziac, that's how I knew so much about it. Anyone can Google the rest of it...
As far as degrees go, I was once studying Electrical Engineering at Georgia Tech, then someone came along with this little green card...whoops!
After that little detour, I took the credits I had accumulated in the classes I had actually attended, and converted them into a quick two-year Computer Science degree from a local college, got a job as a programmer and never had the time or money to go back and finish any further degrees. Never really had the inclination to either, as everything I had learned in my Comp Sci courses was obsolete by the time I graduated.
See? Not quite so miraculous now...
"Pay no attention to the Zix behind the curtain!"
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Dot Matrix
I love this:
Dot Matrix
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