I say this not knowing who you are or what kind of health you're in. If I'm off base, please forgive me.
My wife, Anna, had a disease called Cushing's Syndrome. We didn't know about it until we were married about 15 years. Turns out she had this ailment since her early 20s.
For years, she would gain pounds VERY quickly, and diet them off, almost starvation style, V E R Y s l o w l y. It didn't matter what diet she tried, what foods she ate (she always had a craving for oranges), or even diet and exercise together. Nothing seemed to work, or if it did work, the weight came back in 1/4 the time it took to get rid of it.
When she was diagnosed with Cushings Syndrome, the Doctor explained that this disease causes rapid, trunkal (only in the middle of the body, not in the arms and legs) weight gain and prevents the body from loosing weight.
I'm not sure what causes it, but the symptoms include the trunkal weight gain, and the person's face is bright red (almost like rosatia, only without the scaring) most all of the time. Body wide acne is another symptom (by body wide, I mean you get zits all over, including places you don't want to hear about).
Once the problem was identified, the Doctor removed a small beneign growth from one of her adrenal glands, and she was able loose weight through dieting, and lived out her life normally. BTW, she dropped from 425lbs to 298lbs before she died (of something else) last year.
All of that said, there are other ailments that can cause folks to gain weight as well, but I don't know what they are.
My point? If you know you're in good health, all of the above advice should help you flatten those ABS, and shrink those thieghs, and all of that stuff. However, if you're in that category where normal dieting doesn't seem to work (2 to 3 pounds loss per week is a good sign), I recommend you see your Doctor to see if there may be other problems.
Mike and I did the Atkins diet. Lost almost over 50 lbs each. We walk a lot!
I love butter! I love cheese. W/ Atkins you can have 'all ya want'!! Ya right---- but there is NOTHING you can put it on --- so whats the point!!
So--- I sort of do a modified version of the whole thing--- low carbs---- lots of veggies--- nothing 'white'.
W/ Atkins--- it also helps to take physillum husks. With all that protien-- well-- there come other 'problems'!!
Also-- when that sweet tooth hits-------- there is a candy bar that is delicious----Called
Pure De Lite. This is real Belgium Chocolate---but with a sweetner that doen not affect your insulan levels. We went nuts until we found this candy bar!! (we can only find it at Walmart or Wal Greens)
I know ---- Atkins is not really good for ya--- but neither is all the weight!
Dot: I used to work in a fitness club where the yoga was very popular, especially so with the seniors. I think that's supposed to stretch your organs or something. They loved it though. Water aerobics was popular too. The main teacher there had lost something like 200 lbs doing that.
I still think you should look into light weight training. Weight training not only burns calories while your working out. But even AT REST. See that? AT REST. Muscle burns something like 3 times more calories than fat does.
Steve - I am very sorry! I think I am in okay health. My problem is that I had a hysterectomy and the gave me hormones. The Dr. gave me something like 8 times the amount I should have had.
But I did go to an internist and they said the Over Dose of hormones may have messed up my metabolism a bit.
What a shame your wife tried so hard to just have all that happen to her. It must have bee very depressing for her. I have less to loose than she did and it still bothers me. Bless her heart.
God Bless you Steve. I am sorry for your loss.
Rottie: Thanks for the info I think I may get a Richard Simmons video and a yoga one. I do like to swim and was swimming early this year 3 times a week.
2 life - glad to hear about how well it worked for you. I bought some Atkins bread which is the WORSE tasting bread I have ever eaten. I can not believe where carbs are -- carrots have them, banana's are loaded...
oh gosh Dot: I don't mean to badger you. But I fear I'm not making meeself clear.
Aerobics (i.e. richard simmons) is wonderful for your cardiovascular system and general health, and it does burn calories while you're working out.
BUT Weight training,(dumbells,barbells,machines) burns calories while your working out (not as high as an aerobics workout, perhaps) but the muscle you build burns fat while you are at REST.
I hate to seem like I'm pushing this, but weight training is like a miracle for many people cause you can work out 20 minutes 3 times a week and be burning your calories while sitting on your butt doing nothing but watching t.v. as your muscles are firming.
Anyway, sorry if I seem pushy! I just think too many women overlook this simple..oh so simple...practicality in their dieting programs! And really miss out an a very simple way to lose those pounds and firm up!
...It's hard to be humble when you own a Rottweiler...
When my oldest son was in high school, he made the comment that, "of all the girls he knew I was the only one that wasn't on a diet."
And I had done a lot of different weight loss diets with my friends, such as WW, Atkins and others, but when I went on a diet, with the added stress of thinking about food so much I just gained weight.
Recently the same thing happened when I joined the 24-hour fitness health club. My trainer gave me the spiel about eating right things at the right time, and I gained 6 pounds right off the bat.
The best way of eating for me is to make sure I have good stuff in the house, and eat as carefully as I can. I try to think of birds that fly, they are resting on the breath of the wind.
I try to live by Holy Spirit. (He is always capital to me!)
I've never found in my reading that Atkins doesn't promote veggies and fruits!!! That is a misconception.
The first 2 weeks are strict on proteins and fats, but, then starting the 3rd week he advocates adding green leafy veggies...pee on the pee sticks (so you know what the safe carbo intake for YOUR body is)...then from the 4th week on, it's maintenance and FINDING THE BALANCE of protein and carbs for YOUR PARTICULAR BODY.
People read him wrong.
And...recent research has praised him...and he's been on all the talk shows recently readvocating his findings.
He's not unhealthy.
Atkins is no different from the zone...it just gives you a jump start.
I am on day 3. I'm getting the carbo cravings now, and am resisting like all get out.
Did anyone mention the 10 glasses of water a day? Aerobic exercise is needed too...and anaerobic so all the inchage of skin doesn't turn to a flabby muck...heheheheheh
I must have missed that chapter or flipped past it....pee sticks? Where do you buy them and what are they called? WOW! I have been peeing right in the toliet no sticks here! Bad Bad Dot!
His fruit stuff is so small though -- like a 1/4 cup of berries -- what is that? 8 berries?
I am a big fruit consumer -- I miss my banana and strawberry, OJ smoothie!
You were very clear. I was just ignoring the weight thing because I am lazy and do not want to do that. You are not pushing. I am pretending I do not have to do any excercise
and Weight lifting sounds like something that committed gym people do. I am so not into it. Rottie I am not like you. I hate to sweat.
I know that is part of the problem but I guess I do not want to look at it right now. I even have purple little dumb bells and wrist weights.
You are wonderful Rottie! I am a bad girl!
Dot Matrix
[This message was edited by Dot Matrix on January 20, 2003 at 13:03.]
Sure, Dot...you're gonna have to sacrifice your smoothies...
In fact, that smoothie is probably 4x the intact of carbos you need for one day, not to mention all the sugar!!! Fruit is nice...but...it's fattening for certain body types.
pee sticks = urine reagent strips
You can get those at any local pharmacy. They're rather expensive, about $12 for a month or 2 suppy. It measures the ketone in your urine. The darker the color of the stick (after you've peed on it), the more fat you are burning...
When you start to add the carbos slowly, it will register EXACTLY what amount of carbo intact you can take in and not gain weight.
They are the key to this diet, if you make this diet (which eventually turns into the Zone diet) a way of life. Atkins teaches you how to stay in YOUR zone. Everyone's zone is different, that's why the strips are so valuable. I, for one, feel much more vital and happy when I eat high protein. Starch seems to weight me down.
Atkins in a minute: (plus mega liters of water)
Phase 1: 2 weeks- below 20 grams of net carbs per day. Eat lots of meat and fats.
Phas 2: Ongoing weight loss- gradually increase your carbo intake in increments of 5 grams (non starchy veggies, berries)
The first week here, moveup to 25 grams of net carbs per day. If the strips tell you you are still losing weight, increase to 30 grams and so forth until weight loss stops for a few days in a row.
Stay at this level until 5-10 pounds from your target weight.
Phase 3: Pre Maintenance. When within 5-10 pounds of your target weight, each week, add more grams (as much as 10 carbs)...gradually introduce other fruits, grapefruit, kiwi, melon, whole grains and yams...
Maintain this for a month til you have gradually lost those last few pounds.
Phase 4: Stay within this 40-120 gram range as a way of life. Increased physical activity will allow you to raise the amount.
I am on day 5 right now...the first few days are murder, because you crave carbos mucho. But, today I'm barely hungry. Just had a can of white albacore tuna and mayo...yummmmmmm :)-->
I have sprained my foot, so can't exercise along with it. The strips aren't measuring me losing weight yet, but...it's coming.
Zix- How true to wait until one is actually hungry. I do think eating has become mechanical to me. I like the half a piece of pie tastes as good as a whole one!
Also, do you think it is all the preservatives in American food vs. Italy? I can not drink beer in the USA as I turn red and find it hard to breath. But in Canada I can drink a LaBatt's and I am fine. Someone there told me we put preservatives in our food/drinks that other countries BAN the use of! That some cerial companies in the US actually make a different cerial to be exported! I do not know if all that is true. All I know is I can drink beer in Canada.
Not sure about beer additives...I know some folks are sensitive to the sulfites in wines, but I don't think that's the case with beer. Personally, I think BHA and BHT got a bad rap when they were discontinued. Oh well.
I think a big difference may have to do with the prevalence of a single food item in American culinary culture--french fries. In the Weight Watchers POINTS book, you can eat two whole Wendy's "Single" hamburgers for less points than one Single and an order of fries. Potatoes of any sort send your blood sugar higher than if you ate pure table sugar itself, (i.e., potatoes and white rice both have a glycemic index greater than 100) and to add all the grease from frying to that is just asking for trouble.
Unfortunately, like all good little Americans, I love the damned things. It's the hardest food for me to cut out when I'm dieting, but also the food whose removal causes the most dramatic effect on my weight. I lost 15 lbs in 3 months just by switching to Diet Coke and cutting out fries at lunch.
Dot you're funny! :)--> I hate working out too. And I hate ankle weights. The reason I liked weight machines is cause I'm lazy too when it comes to working out, and you don't have to do much to see results quickly. The machines really do a lot of the work for you. Even the old ladies do them! I'm talking like 20 minutes 3 times a week. At a family gym, not Bally's thank you.
Anyway I just had to add that! LOL. Good luck whatever you decide on! PS. I like Richard Simmons also cause he has normal people on his show, not beauty queens, and he does seem sincere!
Wacky It has now been a week for me. Monday thru Monday. Aren't I suppose to see some movement on the scale? GEEZ!
Sudo- How are you doing so far? Are you peeing on sticks?
Act2 - I am A= blood. I think I am eating too much meat on this Atkins for me. But I am giving it at least 2 weeks to see about it.
I reread this thread looking for the candy bar and can not find it. IT was good and low carbs? I was going to write that person and ask where to buy it -- now I have to ask you to repeat its name as well!
Abagail - I have been avoiding the hot dog thread.
Golly Gee, Dot...I just lost 6 pounds in 6 days!!! I'm sure it's all water, and I can't exercise at the moment, but, I have 15 to go...the toning is the key, for me.
I find the longer I eat meat, the less I crave food period.
Today I had cream with diet polar double chocolate fudge soda. It's a real treat and zero carbs.
Anyone have any special food concoctions to help us through the tough times?
Keep doing, Dot...one day at a time. Have you done ham and swiss cheese roll ups yet? Yummmm
I have not lost an ounce! I am doing it all correctly including the water!
I eat tuna with mayo no bread. I have steak with buttered mushrooms and a green salad with oil and vinegar, omlete's with cheese and sausage -- I use splenda! I have not found any no carb soda -- I drink water and decaf coffee.
Oh my God! I am really upset right now!
Congrats on the 6 pounds, I'll be back after I slit my wrist..........
Dot: Don't lose heart. Regardless of what plan you're on, if you do not reduce your TOTAL calorie intake, you aren't going to lose weight fast. Instead of no-fat or no-carb or all-meat diets, you might try a more balanced approach like the Zone diet.
I'm such an Atkins fan. I'm preparing to start the diet too. Have been trying to get motivated since the beginning of the month. It looks like I'll be starting the beginning of next month.
It seems so easy for me, once I get started. To me, the first few days are the hard part. It seems like it's all downhill from there for me.
I love to scramble a couple eggs and top them wiht shredded cheese and a Tblsp of salsa for breakfast. I either have bacon or sausage with the eggs every other day or so, for variety.
For lunch I like to either roll up a slice of roast beef, ham or turkey with a slice of cheese in a romaine lettuce leaf. Three of those satisfies me quite nicely. Otherwise, I have a salad with the meat cut up in it with a little fat-full dressing, (watching the carbs). Sometimes I'll eat a half can of tuna with my salad instead of the sliced meat.
If I'm still hungry in the afternoon after drinking two glasses of water in a row, I have another meat and cheese rollup.
For supper I alternate between either two cheeseburgers, pork chops, or a steak and chicken breasts. Depending on my carb count, I really enjoy a baked chicken breast with spinach covered by a slice of provolone.
I'm a diet pepsi drinker, so I have a couple glasses a day, but I make sure to drink 8-10 glasses of water every day. This diet is the only time I ever needed help keeping things moving along, if you know what I mean.
I also drink a cup of coffee most every day, black when I'm on the diet.
For me, the first couple weeks seem to fly by, cause I'm in my glory eating all that meat.
Dot, don't worry about how much you haven't lost yet. You really will, by the end of your second week. I've seen that happen before several times, to ladies. Don't give up. If you've made it through a whole week of the Atkins plan, you are so on your way!
I know the pee sticks are a good visual aid, but for me, the ultimate proof before I start feeling my clothes loosening, is the breath. There is a distinct odor to the breath when one is in ketosis, which I find unpleasant, but it smells like success to me, so I live with it. The Wrigley's sugarfree gum in the bright blue pack has 2 grams of carbs per slice, and I figure that into my daily count. I usually chew a half slice at a time...
I've discussed this diet with a few doctors, who have advised me that it's not the best they can think of, but since I can really stick to this plan, as long as I don't go past 6 months of this plan, it's okay for me.
I have no trouble with kidney stones or high blood pressure.
I definitely recommend keeping at least one of Dr. Atkins' books around at all times while on the diet. There is so much info in them!
NOOOOOOOOO...NO PILLS!!!! They'll kill ya, I tell ya!!!
Dot...don't lose heart...those last 10 pounds are the hardest...You're doing good if you lose 1/2 pound a week for that.
Sorry, Zix...balanced diets don't work for alot of women. I hear ya, but, it just doesn't work.
You may wanna break up that salad...
Are you exercising too?
Don't lose heart, Dot, or slit your wrists...actually, the slower you lose, the better it is for you anyways, and the more likely you'll be able to keep it off.
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Dot Matrix
Gee Larry
"So tell me, how come all you women are so fat?"
Gosh, that was not a line from How to Win Friends and Influence People
Dot Matrix
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Steve Swenton
About dieting, that is.
I say this not knowing who you are or what kind of health you're in. If I'm off base, please forgive me.
My wife, Anna, had a disease called Cushing's Syndrome. We didn't know about it until we were married about 15 years. Turns out she had this ailment since her early 20s.
For years, she would gain pounds VERY quickly, and diet them off, almost starvation style, V E R Y s l o w l y. It didn't matter what diet she tried, what foods she ate (she always had a craving for oranges), or even diet and exercise together. Nothing seemed to work, or if it did work, the weight came back in 1/4 the time it took to get rid of it.
When she was diagnosed with Cushings Syndrome, the Doctor explained that this disease causes rapid, trunkal (only in the middle of the body, not in the arms and legs) weight gain and prevents the body from loosing weight.
I'm not sure what causes it, but the symptoms include the trunkal weight gain, and the person's face is bright red (almost like rosatia, only without the scaring) most all of the time. Body wide acne is another symptom (by body wide, I mean you get zits all over, including places you don't want to hear about).
Once the problem was identified, the Doctor removed a small beneign growth from one of her adrenal glands, and she was able loose weight through dieting, and lived out her life normally. BTW, she dropped from 425lbs to 298lbs before she died (of something else) last year.
All of that said, there are other ailments that can cause folks to gain weight as well, but I don't know what they are.
My point? If you know you're in good health, all of the above advice should help you flatten those ABS, and shrink those thieghs, and all of that stuff. However, if you're in that category where normal dieting doesn't seem to work (2 to 3 pounds loss per week is a good sign), I recommend you see your Doctor to see if there may be other problems.
Just a thought...
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Mike and I did the Atkins diet. Lost almost over 50 lbs each. We walk a lot!
I love butter! I love cheese. W/ Atkins you can have 'all ya want'!! Ya right---- but there is NOTHING you can put it on --- so whats the point!!
So--- I sort of do a modified version of the whole thing--- low carbs---- lots of veggies--- nothing 'white'.
W/ Atkins--- it also helps to take physillum husks. With all that protien-- well-- there come other 'problems'!!
Also-- when that sweet tooth hits-------- there is a candy bar that is delicious----Called
Pure De Lite. This is real Belgium Chocolate---but with a sweetner that doen not affect your insulan levels. We went nuts until we found this candy bar!! (we can only find it at Walmart or Wal Greens)
I know ---- Atkins is not really good for ya--- but neither is all the weight!
Have fun!!!
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I just went back and re read this thread.
I am so sorry about your wife. That had to be very difficult to watch someone you love go through that.
You made a good point--- About looking for other medical conditions.
When I see people that are overwieght----- I just want to go up and hug them-------
we never know the story they can tell.
I hope you are doing well.
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Dot: I used to work in a fitness club where the yoga was very popular, especially so with the seniors. I think that's supposed to stretch your organs or something. They loved it though. Water aerobics was popular too. The main teacher there had lost something like 200 lbs doing that.
I still think you should look into light weight training. Weight training not only burns calories while your working out. But even AT REST. See that? AT REST. Muscle burns something like 3 times more calories than fat does.
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Dot Matrix
Steve - I am very sorry! I think I am in okay health. My problem is that I had a hysterectomy and the gave me hormones. The Dr. gave me something like 8 times the amount I should have had.
But I did go to an internist and they said the Over Dose of hormones may have messed up my metabolism a bit.
What a shame your wife tried so hard to just have all that happen to her. It must have bee very depressing for her. I have less to loose than she did and it still bothers me. Bless her heart.
God Bless you Steve. I am sorry for your loss.
Rottie: Thanks for the info I think I may get a Richard Simmons video and a yoga one. I do like to swim and was swimming early this year 3 times a week.
2 life - glad to hear about how well it worked for you. I bought some Atkins bread which is the WORSE tasting bread I have ever eaten. I can not believe where carbs are -- carrots have them, banana's are loaded...
I miss fruit.
Dot Matrix
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oh gosh Dot: I don't mean to badger you. But I fear I'm not making meeself clear.
Aerobics (i.e. richard simmons) is wonderful for your cardiovascular system and general health, and it does burn calories while you're working out.
BUT Weight training,(dumbells,barbells,machines) burns calories while your working out (not as high as an aerobics workout, perhaps) but the muscle you build burns fat while you are at REST.
I hate to seem like I'm pushing this, but weight training is like a miracle for many people cause you can work out 20 minutes 3 times a week and be burning your calories while sitting on your butt doing nothing but watching t.v. as your muscles are firming.
Anyway, sorry if I seem pushy! I just think too many women overlook this simple..oh so simple...practicality in their dieting programs! And really miss out an a very simple way to lose those pounds and firm up!
...It's hard to be humble when you own a Rottweiler...
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Kit Sober
When my oldest son was in high school, he made the comment that, "of all the girls he knew I was the only one that wasn't on a diet."
And I had done a lot of different weight loss diets with my friends, such as WW, Atkins and others, but when I went on a diet, with the added stress of thinking about food so much I just gained weight.
Recently the same thing happened when I joined the 24-hour fitness health club. My trainer gave me the spiel about eating right things at the right time, and I gained 6 pounds right off the bat.
The best way of eating for me is to make sure I have good stuff in the house, and eat as carefully as I can. I try to think of birds that fly, they are resting on the breath of the wind.
I try to live by Holy Spirit. (He is always capital to me!)
And glean the best of each of the diet experts.
Flying with you,
Kit Sober
I love to hear you laugh -- God
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Wacky Funster
Hi Dot.
I've never found in my reading that Atkins doesn't promote veggies and fruits!!! That is a misconception.
The first 2 weeks are strict on proteins and fats, but, then starting the 3rd week he advocates adding green leafy veggies...pee on the pee sticks (so you know what the safe carbo intake for YOUR body is)...then from the 4th week on, it's maintenance and FINDING THE BALANCE of protein and carbs for YOUR PARTICULAR BODY.
People read him wrong.
And...recent research has praised him...and he's been on all the talk shows recently readvocating his findings.
He's not unhealthy.
Atkins is no different from the zone...it just gives you a jump start.
I am on day 3. I'm getting the carbo cravings now, and am resisting like all get out.
Did anyone mention the 10 glasses of water a day? Aerobic exercise is needed too...and anaerobic so all the inchage of skin doesn't turn to a flabby muck...heheheheheh
Those pee sticks are the trick tho.
They make or break the diet for me.
Happy Eating!!!
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The Adkins Diet...
Be careful. If you are prone to heart problems I would not suggest it.
I don't know all the details. Maybe I'll have my wife post.
I do know that exersice is key. Stay active and the wieght training even in lite doses works as rottie has said.
Finding the time to exersice is tough at times I know.
Maybe try dancing, like swing or something. Believe it or not it builds stamina and is a serious aerobic workout, and it is fun.
Good luck all and have fun!
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Dot Matrix
Kit and Lindy - thanks!
Wacky Fun:
I must have missed that chapter or flipped past it....pee sticks? Where do you buy them and what are they called? WOW! I have been peeing right in the toliet no sticks here! Bad Bad Dot!
His fruit stuff is so small though -- like a 1/4 cup of berries -- what is that? 8 berries?
I am a big fruit consumer -- I miss my banana and strawberry, OJ smoothie!
You were very clear. I was just ignoring the weight thing because I am lazy and do not want to do that. You are not pushing. I am pretending I do not have to do any excercise
and Weight lifting sounds like something that committed gym people do. I am so not into it. Rottie I am not like you. I hate to sweat.
I know that is part of the problem but I guess I do not want to look at it right now. I even have purple little dumb bells and wrist weights.
You are wonderful Rottie! I am a bad girl!
Dot Matrix
[This message was edited by Dot Matrix on January 20, 2003 at 13:03.]
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Wacky Funster
Sure, Dot...you're gonna have to sacrifice your smoothies...
In fact, that smoothie is probably 4x the intact of carbos you need for one day, not to mention all the sugar!!!
Fruit is nice...but...it's fattening for certain body types.
pee sticks = urine reagent strips
You can get those at any local pharmacy. They're rather expensive, about $12 for a month or 2 suppy. It measures the ketone in your urine. The darker the color of the stick (after you've peed on it), the more fat you are burning...
When you start to add the carbos slowly, it will register EXACTLY what amount of carbo intact you can take in and not gain weight.
They are the key to this diet, if you make this diet (which eventually turns into the Zone diet) a way of life. Atkins teaches you how to stay in YOUR zone. Everyone's zone is different, that's why the strips are so valuable. I, for one, feel much more vital and happy when I eat high protein. Starch seems to weight me down.
Atkins in a minute: (plus mega liters of water)
Phase 1: 2 weeks- below 20 grams of net carbs per day. Eat lots of meat and fats.
Phas 2: Ongoing weight loss- gradually increase your carbo intake in increments of 5 grams (non starchy veggies, berries)
The first week here, moveup to 25 grams of net carbs per day. If the strips tell you you are still losing weight, increase to 30 grams and so forth until weight loss stops for a few days in a row.
Stay at this level until 5-10 pounds from your target weight.
Phase 3: Pre Maintenance. When within 5-10 pounds of your target weight, each week, add more grams (as much as 10 carbs)...gradually introduce other fruits, grapefruit, kiwi, melon, whole grains and yams...
Maintain this for a month til you have gradually lost those last few pounds.
Phase 4: Stay within this 40-120 gram range as a way of life. Increased physical activity will allow you to raise the amount.
I am on day 5 right now...the first few days are murder, because you crave carbos mucho. But, today I'm barely hungry. Just had a can of white albacore tuna and mayo...yummmmmmm
I have sprained my foot, so can't exercise along with it. The strips aren't measuring me losing weight yet, but...it's coming.
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4 words. Eat less Exercise more
Every diet that works boils down to that.
An interesting perspective on same is in the book Dr Shapiro's Picture Perfect Weight Loss: The Visual Program for Permanent Weight Loss
Before you buy it - look at it in a bookstore. You might be surprised at what you find. I was.
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Dot Matrix
Thanks Wacky and my 3 cents!
Dot Matrix
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I think a big difference may have to do with the prevalence of a single food item in American culinary culture--french fries. In the Weight Watchers POINTS book, you can eat two whole Wendy's "Single" hamburgers for less points than one Single and an order of fries. Potatoes of any sort send your blood sugar higher than if you ate pure table sugar itself, (i.e., potatoes and white rice both have a glycemic index greater than 100) and to add all the grease from frying to that is just asking for trouble.
Unfortunately, like all good little Americans, I love the damned things. It's the hardest food for me to cut out when I'm dieting, but also the food whose removal causes the most dramatic effect on my weight. I lost 15 lbs in 3 months just by switching to Diet Coke and cutting out fries at lunch.
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Dot you're funny!
:)--> I hate working out too. And I hate ankle weights. The reason I liked weight machines is cause I'm lazy too when it comes to working out, and you don't have to do much to see results quickly. The machines really do a lot of the work for you. Even the old ladies do them! I'm talking like 20 minutes 3 times a week. At a family gym, not Bally's thank you.
Anyway I just had to add that! LOL. Good luck whatever you decide on! PS. I like Richard Simmons also cause he has normal people on his show, not beauty queens, and he does seem sincere!
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Don't listen to Rottie and whatever you do, don't look at the "deep fried hot dogs" thread.
To every man his own truth and his own God within.
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Dot Matrix
Wacky It has now been a week for me. Monday thru Monday. Aren't I suppose to see some movement on the scale? GEEZ!
Sudo- How are you doing so far? Are you peeing on sticks?
Act2 - I am A= blood. I think I am eating too much meat on this Atkins for me. But I am giving it at least 2 weeks to see about it.
I reread this thread looking for the candy bar and can not find it. IT was good and low carbs? I was going to write that person and ask where to buy it -- now I have to ask you to repeat its name as well!
Abagail - I have been avoiding the hot dog thread.
Dot Matrix
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Wacky Funster
Golly Gee, Dot...I just lost 6 pounds in 6 days!!! I'm sure it's all water, and I can't exercise at the moment, but, I have 15 to go...the toning is the key, for me.
I find the longer I eat meat, the less I crave food period.
Today I had cream with diet polar double chocolate fudge soda. It's a real treat and zero carbs.
Anyone have any special food concoctions to help us through the tough times?
Keep doing, Dot...one day at a time. Have you done ham and swiss cheese roll ups yet? Yummmm
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Dot Matrix
God I suck!
I have not lost an ounce! I am doing it all correctly including the water!
I eat tuna with mayo no bread. I have steak with buttered mushrooms and a green salad with oil and vinegar, omlete's with cheese and sausage -- I use splenda! I have not found any no carb soda -- I drink water and decaf coffee.
Oh my God! I am really upset right now!
Congrats on the 6 pounds, I'll be back after I slit my wrist..........
What am I doing wrong?
Dot Matrix
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Dot: Don't lose heart. Regardless of what plan you're on, if you do not reduce your TOTAL calorie intake, you aren't going to lose weight fast. Instead of no-fat or no-carb or all-meat diets, you might try a more balanced approach like the Zone diet.
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I'm such an Atkins fan. I'm preparing to start the diet too. Have been trying to get motivated since the beginning of the month. It looks like I'll be starting the beginning of next month.
It seems so easy for me, once I get started. To me, the first few days are the hard part. It seems like it's all downhill from there for me.
I love to scramble a couple eggs and top them wiht shredded cheese and a Tblsp of salsa for breakfast. I either have bacon or sausage with the eggs every other day or so, for variety.
For lunch I like to either roll up a slice of roast beef, ham or turkey with a slice of cheese in a romaine lettuce leaf. Three of those satisfies me quite nicely. Otherwise, I have a salad with the meat cut up in it with a little fat-full dressing, (watching the carbs). Sometimes I'll eat a half can of tuna with my salad instead of the sliced meat.
If I'm still hungry in the afternoon after drinking two glasses of water in a row, I have another meat and cheese rollup.
For supper I alternate between either two cheeseburgers, pork chops, or a steak and chicken breasts. Depending on my carb count, I really enjoy a baked chicken breast with spinach covered by a slice of provolone.
I'm a diet pepsi drinker, so I have a couple glasses a day, but I make sure to drink 8-10 glasses of water every day. This diet is the only time I ever needed help keeping things moving along, if you know what I mean.
I also drink a cup of coffee most every day, black when I'm on the diet.
For me, the first couple weeks seem to fly by, cause I'm in my glory eating all that meat.
Dot, don't worry about how much you haven't lost yet. You really will, by the end of your second week. I've seen that happen before several times, to ladies. Don't give up. If you've made it through a whole week of the Atkins plan, you are so on your way!
I know the pee sticks are a good visual aid, but for me, the ultimate proof before I start feeling my clothes loosening, is the breath. There is a distinct odor to the breath when one is in ketosis, which I find unpleasant, but it smells like success to me, so I live with it. The Wrigley's sugarfree gum in the bright blue pack has 2 grams of carbs per slice, and I figure that into my daily count. I usually chew a half slice at a time...
I've discussed this diet with a few doctors, who have advised me that it's not the best they can think of, but since I can really stick to this plan, as long as I don't go past 6 months of this plan, it's okay for me.
I have no trouble with kidney stones or high blood pressure.
I definitely recommend keeping at least one of Dr. Atkins' books around at all times while on the diet. There is so much info in them!
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Dot Matrix
Thanks Zix and Bow
I am going to give Atkins a shot. Then, I may check the Zone as people are saying it is similar but better.
Okay, I will not get on the scale until next week. Maybe that will help me.
Can I take diet pills on this?
Dot Matrix
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Wacky Funster
NOOOOOOOOO...NO PILLS!!!! They'll kill ya, I tell ya!!!
Dot...don't lose heart...those last 10 pounds are the hardest...You're doing good if you lose 1/2 pound a week for that.
Sorry, Zix...balanced diets don't work for alot of women. I hear ya, but, it just doesn't work.
You may wanna break up that salad...
Are you exercising too?
Don't lose heart, Dot, or slit your wrists...actually, the slower you lose, the better it is for you anyways, and the more likely you'll be able to keep it off.
What's your hurry?
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