This thread should be titled: "Would you diet for your beliefs?"
I see you've found Atkins. Suddenly a lot of science is backing up what he has said all along. Marilu Henner has some great books out too. She discusses the way foods interact when eaten together, something most other diets neglect. Plenty of science to back it up, too. She's not just another celeb with a gimmick. My dad has used a combination of the two for years, and very successfully when he has kept with it. Good luck.
Dot, the Atkins diet works mostly for those who have type O blood. They are the meat eaters of the world anyway. Go to Yahoo or Google and type in 'blood type diet' and look for the site by Dr. Peter J. D'Adamo. It has to do with the right foods for YOUR blood type. It is very informative. It will help you lose weight and not be hungry because you are eating food that is right for you. He also has a few books. I checked out "Eat right for your type" from the library but bought "Cook right for your type" so I could have the recipes. My husband lost weight w/o trying when he ate what he was supposed to. Let me know what you think. Becky
How many fat Japanese people do you see? They eat carbs, lots of rice, etc. and still are not usually fat.
My wife and I have been eating steamed rice a lot with other food. Carbs are not a bad thing, and I think that Atkins guy is still a quack, even if you get results from his diet (I don't think it's healthy, even though you lose weight.) Anyway, here's a typical day of food in the Pmosh household.
Breakfast: Toast, with juice, sometimes yogurt (for the wife, I hate the stuff), and sometimes fruit.
Lunch: Steamed rice with either chicken, shrimp, or just vegetables alone. Sometimes sushi instead if we go out to eat. The other alternative for lunches will be something like a hot sandwich with turkey or turkey-ham.
Supper: We go out to eat a few nights a week, generally to nice places or Souper Salad. Other nights we stay at home and have something similar to what was listed as lunch meals.
The main key is to avoid fried foods, lots of red meat, and that's about it. We take vitamins to make sure we have all of that we need, but we eat healthy fruits, vegetables, juices, etc. just to make sure. We mostly eat seafood and chicken when we do have meat.
A huge key in losing weight is exercise. My wife and I will be starting exercising again soon, so I will have to start upping my complex carbohydrates quite a bit as well as the protein. I used to lift weights before, so I do know enough about the diet to gain muscle and lose weight. My wife just wants to lose weight so she won't be eating exactly the same as me.
Anyway, there are lots of factors to go into dieting that can't be addressed here. Your age, sex, weight, willingness to exercise, etc. all factor in. If you can work out and raise your metabolism, you won't have to eat some weirdo starvation diet like the Atkins one.
After having my second c-section, I thought I would never get my body back. Here are a few things which worked for me.
1. Watch the salt, you will lose water weight.
2. I don't recommend eliminating carbs, they give you energy and are a needed element. However, reducing them is usually helpful. Eat fruits and vegetables, they are good for you. Stay away from white carbs - they send your blood surgar soaring. That means pasta's, potatoes, white bread etc. If you can, use brown rice instead of white. The more the food has been processed, the more unhealthy and fattening it will be.
3. QQ is right about food combinations as well. Try to eat your carbs with a healthy fat, it slows down the sugar boost. Healthy fats are fats from nuts, olive oil, etc. Stay away from animal fats as much as possible.
4. Reduce overall fat intake as much as possible without eliminating it altogether, because it is also a necessary element of nutrition.
5. Eat slowly, you will feel satisfied after eating less this way.
6. Instead of eating three meals a day, try five small ones. This way you do not get full, then become hungry and tempted to snack on junk food. It also keeps your blood sugar levels more stabalized.
7. Drink lots of water between meals. Not only is the water good for you, but it will help reduce hunger.
8. As much as possible try to find healthy replacements for your favorite snack foods. Example, I am a salt freak and love chips. However, now instead of eating chips when I am craving salt, I use air popped popcorn.
9. For the sweet tooth I will occasionally treat myself to a small taste of something absolutely horrible for me.
10. My step-mom taught me a "lady" never eats anything on her plate. So at dinner time I pretend I am a lady. (in reality that is a questionable label - lol).
11. This was probably the biggest for me. I decided I was no longer going to let food or my cravings for food control me, I was going to be in control of what I eat and when. I feel better about myself when I have the will power to say "no" to something unhealthy.
12. Instead of trying to change your eating habits all at once, which can be overwhelming and discouraging, pick one or two of the easier things. Then when you are no longer craving those foods, eleminate/replace a few more.
To every man his own truth and his own God within.
Serotonin-altering antidepressants like Prozac, Paxil, Effexor, etc., can curb carbohydrate cravings.
Start with small changes rather than going whole-hog to start. Skip the fries, switch to diet drinks, leave the cheese off that hamburger. If you get a baked potato, use the sour cream and throw away the butter. You're much more likely to have success with gradual eating habit changes than sudden ones.
Don't eat when you aren't hungry. Don't watch the clock for lunchtime, let your stomach tell you. If you get hungry at 10am, eat a snack, then go to lunch at 1 or 2.
Half a piece of pie tastes exactly the same as a whole piece of pie.
The Weight Watchers POINTS system can really work, but you have to be willing to keep up with the record-keeping and the cost.
Great point about diet pop. I also use nutrasweet instead of sugar in my coffee. I have some great low fat, low sugar recipes for baked goods as well. The basic idea being you use apple sauce instead of oil.
I knew a girl who worked in a convenience store and drank a lot of pop. She switched to diet pop, changed nothing else in her diet, lost about 30 lbs.
To every man his own truth and his own God within.
[This message was edited by Abigail on January 21, 2003 at 23:57.]
How about that? I had gained 10 lbs just since Thanksgiving by pigging out like there was no tomorrow, so, I started Atkins' diet last Thursday and have already lost that first 5lbs of water. I'll stay on it for about two months and hopefully drop about 25 lbs. I did this low carb thingee nearly 20 years ago and it does work. Thing is.. I'm convinced it's a terrible way to eat for a lifetime.
Mr. P-Mosh, I like the way you think. If we see a population of thin people, then it makes sense to see what their diets are like. I wonder what those Japanese do to make sumo wrestlers? They're about the only fat Asians one sees isn't it?
Mr. P-Mosh, I like the way you think. If we see a population of thin people, then it makes sense to see what their diets are like. I wonder what those Japanese do to make sumo wrestlers? They're about the only fat Asians one sees isn't it?
Sumo wrestlers traditionally eat this type of stew that is very filling. I've never tried it, but it's got a lot of stuff in there to help make you fat. A friend who seems to know more about them than I says they eat this meal once per day, but I don't know if that's true or not.
Also, if you look at asians, they are not fat there, but there are many fat asian people in the U.S., so that helped me deduce that it was not genetic.
Also, I can't eat bread usually because it always gives me hiccups. I have a hard time enjoying a hamburger most of the time anymore. However, I can eat stuff like rice all day, so it made sense to me to try and modify my diet to include rice rather than bread. The whole thing just fell together from there.
It's definitely how American food is constituted. I had a friend in college from Italy, and he looked like a GQ model. That boy could go into a restaurant and eat three complete meals with dessert. (no lie--I saw him do it.) He could eat an entire loaf of sandwiches. I outweighed him by 50 pounds, but I couldn't keep up in sheer consumption. He wasn't particularly athletic, although he did play rugby from time to time.
Giulio said they ate like that all the time in Italy. By the time I left college though, he'd gained forty pounds. The difference between Italian and American foods did him in.
Dot: You may want to try some light weight training. Muscle burns calories, even if your not doing anything.
Now ya got me wondering about Sumo wrestlers. I had somebody tell me that they actually wake up in the middle of the night to eat.
You know, this may sound silly, but I've always loved Richard Simmons. I swear I watch his infomercials and I cry. I wish he would come out for something for smoking!
You bring up another valid point that may tie in with the blood type concept. One theory I have read says we should eat the traditional foods of the culture we come from, i.e., Japanese, Italian, German, Irish.
Perhaps our bodies have a genetic predisposition to utlizing the foods from the lands of our heritage?
To every man his own truth and his own God within.
[This message was edited by Abigail on January 22, 2003 at 0:00.]
I diet on big buckets of ice cream (I've found the full-fat version of Pralines and Cream keep me thin and trim). I eat anything and as much as I want, and still weigh within 10 pounds of what I weighed in High School. I can't seem to keep weight on, no matter how hard I try.
I hate exercise with a passion. Plus, I look like hell in aerobic tights.
So tell me, how come all you women are so fat?
[This message was edited by Larry P2 on January 15, 2003 at 12:54.]
One secret to losing pounds and keeping them off is to prepare your own food. Last fall I lost 7 pounds without even trying simply by avoiding the cafeteria at work. Lord knows what they put in some of that stuff!
When I bring my own food I know what is in it. Avoiding prepared food will help. Even the stuff called "Healthy Choice" is full of salt and who knows what else. As I've heard, "Eat food that has been alive RECENTLY."
I'm not real picky about organic foods, but organic peanut butter is a world apart from the regular kind. And it really fills you up. Has fat but it is the good kind, and no hydrogenated fat. Thats the stuff that will kill you.
Exercise helps. I don't know if you like classes, but I recently joined a 3 times a week Jazzercize class and it is a blast. It's fun and people are friendly. I find the gym crowd in my area kind of snooty and competetive. And Lord knows I will never ever ever go to a Bally's!! :D-->
It is interesting to read the comments on this thread. What works, what doesn't, lots of ideas. Good luck!
You bring up another valid point that may tie in with the blood type concept. One theory which I have read says we should eat the traditional foods of the culture we come Japanese, Italian, German, Irish.
Perhaps our bodies have a genetic predisposition to utlizing the foods from the lands of our heritage?
To every man his own truth and his own God within.
To every man his own diet and his own metabolism within.
I will prolly so Atkins for 2 months and give it a shot and yes, Sudo I do not think it is a good diet for the long haul.
PMosh - I do like the Japanese style eating so maybe I will adapt that after the weight is off.
Act 2 - I am an A+ and apparently that IS the Japanese kind of eating!!!
Abagail- I threw out my salt shaker about 9 years ago. I like the idea of 5 small meals a day rather thatn 3 larger ones - thanks! I do drink LOTS of water! I love your step #10. At dinner I try to be a lady... I love it! Cause around pizza I think I have not been ladylike but rather I eat a "Jethro" size portion!
Zix- How true to wait until one is actually hungry. I do think eating has become mechanical to me. I like the half a piece of pie tastes as good as a whole one!
Also, do you think it is all the preservatives in American food vs. Italy? I can not drink beer in the USA as I turn red and find it hard to breath. But in Canada I can drink a LaBatt's and I am fine. Someone there told me we put preservatives in our food/drinks that other countries BAN the use of! That some cerial companies in the US actually make a different cerial to be exported! I do not know if all that is true. All I know is I can drink beer in Canada.
Rottie I love Richard Simmons 'cause he is so real. He does not have a bunch of slender models exercising but he has real people. He has some huge woman out there sweating to the oldies that can not do some great "Hollywood" type dancing. I do like his stuff. Maybe I will get his video. I have also thought about yoga. Has is that for weight loss? I figure if it is relaxing and I can loose weight iit would be like a 2 birds-- 1 stone type of thing.
Simpleton- That site reminds me of a book I read about 20 years ago called "Sugar Blues"
I will reread the info on your site. Sounds a little like Atkins about sugar.
Thank you
Larry P - Well, your weight maybe the same because of all the head hair you lost...
(Why are woman so fat? Grrrrrrrr)
Ex- I will help you kick his ars... :)-->
Bookworm - you are right about that! Whenever I get lazy and eat lunch out at work -- I have horrible weight gaining results. Just gets so time consuming making it all -- ya know? But yeah, that is a great point.
I do not have any kids. But I know when hubby has one meatball left -- rather than toss it or take the time to wrap it up-- I am tempted to and have eaten it!
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This thread should be titled: "Would you diet for your beliefs?"
I see you've found Atkins. Suddenly a lot of science is backing up what he has said all along. Marilu Henner has some great books out too. She discusses the way foods interact when eaten together, something most other diets neglect. Plenty of science to back it up, too. She's not just another celeb with a gimmick. My dad has used a combination of the two for years, and very successfully when he has kept with it. Good luck.
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Dot Matrix
I am laughing! That was really funny!!!!
Dot Matrix
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Dot, the Atkins diet works mostly for those who have type O blood. They are the meat eaters of the world anyway. Go to Yahoo or Google and type in 'blood type diet' and look for the site by Dr. Peter J. D'Adamo. It has to do with the right foods for YOUR blood type. It is very informative. It will help you lose weight and not be hungry because you are eating food that is right for you. He also has a few books. I checked out "Eat right for your type" from the library but bought "Cook right for your type" so I could have the recipes. My husband lost weight w/o trying when he ate what he was supposed to. Let me know what you think. Becky
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Mister P-Mosh
Eat like you're Japanese.
How many fat Japanese people do you see? They eat carbs, lots of rice, etc. and still are not usually fat.
My wife and I have been eating steamed rice a lot with other food. Carbs are not a bad thing, and I think that Atkins guy is still a quack, even if you get results from his diet (I don't think it's healthy, even though you lose weight.) Anyway, here's a typical day of food in the Pmosh household.
Breakfast: Toast, with juice, sometimes yogurt (for the wife, I hate the stuff), and sometimes fruit.
Lunch: Steamed rice with either chicken, shrimp, or just vegetables alone. Sometimes sushi instead if we go out to eat. The other alternative for lunches will be something like a hot sandwich with turkey or turkey-ham.
Supper: We go out to eat a few nights a week, generally to nice places or Souper Salad. Other nights we stay at home and have something similar to what was listed as lunch meals.
The main key is to avoid fried foods, lots of red meat, and that's about it. We take vitamins to make sure we have all of that we need, but we eat healthy fruits, vegetables, juices, etc. just to make sure. We mostly eat seafood and chicken when we do have meat.
A huge key in losing weight is exercise. My wife and I will be starting exercising again soon, so I will have to start upping my complex carbohydrates quite a bit as well as the protein. I used to lift weights before, so I do know enough about the diet to gain muscle and lose weight. My wife just wants to lose weight so she won't be eating exactly the same as me.
Anyway, there are lots of factors to go into dieting that can't be addressed here. Your age, sex, weight, willingness to exercise, etc. all factor in. If you can work out and raise your metabolism, you won't have to eat some weirdo starvation diet like the Atkins one.
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After having my second c-section, I thought I would never get my body back. Here are a few things which worked for me.
1. Watch the salt, you will lose water weight.
2. I don't recommend eliminating carbs, they give you energy and are a needed element. However, reducing them is usually helpful. Eat fruits and vegetables, they are good for you. Stay away from white carbs - they send your blood surgar soaring. That means pasta's, potatoes, white bread etc. If you can, use brown rice instead of white. The more the food has been processed, the more unhealthy and fattening it will be.
3. QQ is right about food combinations as well. Try to eat your carbs with a healthy fat, it slows down the sugar boost. Healthy fats are fats from nuts, olive oil, etc. Stay away from animal fats as much as possible.
4. Reduce overall fat intake as much as possible without eliminating it altogether, because it is also a necessary element of nutrition.
5. Eat slowly, you will feel satisfied after eating less this way.
6. Instead of eating three meals a day, try five small ones. This way you do not get full, then become hungry and tempted to snack on junk food. It also keeps your blood sugar levels more stabalized.
7. Drink lots of water between meals. Not only is the water good for you, but it will help reduce hunger.
8. As much as possible try to find healthy replacements for your favorite snack foods. Example, I am a salt freak and love chips. However, now instead of eating chips when I am craving salt, I use air popped popcorn.
9. For the sweet tooth I will occasionally treat myself to a small taste of something absolutely horrible for me.
10. My step-mom taught me a "lady" never eats anything on her plate. So at dinner time I pretend I am a lady. (in reality that is a questionable label - lol).
11. This was probably the biggest for me. I decided I was no longer going to let food or my cravings for food control me, I was going to be in control of what I eat and when. I feel better about myself when I have the will power to say "no" to something unhealthy.
12. Instead of trying to change your eating habits all at once, which can be overwhelming and discouraging, pick one or two of the easier things. Then when you are no longer craving those foods, eleminate/replace a few more.
To every man his own truth and his own God within.
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Serotonin-altering antidepressants like Prozac, Paxil, Effexor, etc., can curb carbohydrate cravings.
Start with small changes rather than going whole-hog to start. Skip the fries, switch to diet drinks, leave the cheese off that hamburger. If you get a baked potato, use the sour cream and throw away the butter. You're much more likely to have success with gradual eating habit changes than sudden ones.
Don't eat when you aren't hungry. Don't watch the clock for lunchtime, let your stomach tell you. If you get hungry at 10am, eat a snack, then go to lunch at 1 or 2.
Half a piece of pie tastes exactly the same as a whole piece of pie.
The Weight Watchers POINTS system can really work, but you have to be willing to keep up with the record-keeping and the cost.
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Great point about diet pop. I also use nutrasweet instead of sugar in my coffee. I have some great low fat, low sugar recipes for baked goods as well. The basic idea being you use apple sauce instead of oil.
I knew a girl who worked in a convenience store and drank a lot of pop. She switched to diet pop, changed nothing else in her diet, lost about 30 lbs.
To every man his own truth and his own God within.
[This message was edited by Abigail on January 21, 2003 at 23:57.]
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How about that? I had gained 10 lbs just since Thanksgiving by pigging out like there was no tomorrow, so, I started Atkins' diet last Thursday and have already lost that first 5lbs of water. I'll stay on it for about two months and hopefully drop about 25 lbs. I did this low carb thingee nearly 20 years ago and it does work. Thing is.. I'm convinced it's a terrible way to eat for a lifetime.
Mr. P-Mosh, I like the way you think. If we see a population of thin people, then it makes sense to see what their diets are like. I wonder what those Japanese do to make sumo wrestlers? They're about the only fat Asians one sees isn't it?
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Mister P-Mosh
If you're ok with that, it's good, but nutrasweet is a chemical combination that has adverse reactions in some people, such as myself.
If someone takes nutrasweet and gets migraines or dizziness, you should stop taking it immediately.
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Mister P-Mosh
Sumo wrestlers traditionally eat this type of stew that is very filling. I've never tried it, but it's got a lot of stuff in there to help make you fat. A friend who seems to know more about them than I says they eat this meal once per day, but I don't know if that's true or not.
Also, if you look at asians, they are not fat there, but there are many fat asian people in the U.S., so that helped me deduce that it was not genetic.
Also, I can't eat bread usually because it always gives me hiccups. I have a hard time enjoying a hamburger most of the time anymore. However, I can eat stuff like rice all day, so it made sense to me to try and modify my diet to include rice rather than bread. The whole thing just fell together from there.
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It's definitely how American food is constituted. I had a friend in college from Italy, and he looked like a GQ model. That boy could go into a restaurant and eat three complete meals with dessert. (no lie--I saw him do it.) He could eat an entire loaf of sandwiches. I outweighed him by 50 pounds, but I couldn't keep up in sheer consumption. He wasn't particularly athletic, although he did play rugby from time to time.
Giulio said they ate like that all the time in Italy. By the time I left college though, he'd gained forty pounds. The difference between Italian and American foods did him in.
Food for thought,
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Dot: You may want to try some light weight training. Muscle burns calories, even if your not doing anything.
Now ya got me wondering about Sumo wrestlers. I had somebody tell me that they actually wake up in the middle of the night to eat.
You know, this may sound silly, but I've always loved Richard Simmons. I swear I watch his infomercials and I cry. I wish he would come out for something for smoking!
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You bring up another valid point that may tie in with the blood type concept. One theory I have read says we should eat the traditional foods of the culture we come from, i.e., Japanese, Italian, German, Irish.
Perhaps our bodies have a genetic predisposition to utlizing the foods from the lands of our heritage?
To every man his own truth and his own God within.
[This message was edited by Abigail on January 22, 2003 at 0:00.]
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This is a pretty cool website:
Pretty Impressive
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Great link, that is exactly the idea.
To every man his own truth and his own God within.
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Larry P2
I diet on big buckets of ice cream (I've found the full-fat version of Pralines and Cream keep me thin and trim). I eat anything and as much as I want, and still weigh within 10 pounds of what I weighed in High School. I can't seem to keep weight on, no matter how hard I try.
I hate exercise with a passion. Plus, I look like hell in aerobic tights.
So tell me, how come all you women are so fat?
[This message was edited by Larry P2 on January 15, 2003 at 12:54.]
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One secret to losing pounds and keeping them off is to prepare your own food. Last fall I lost 7 pounds without even trying simply by avoiding the cafeteria at work. Lord knows what they put in some of that stuff!
When I bring my own food I know what is in it. Avoiding prepared food will help. Even the stuff called "Healthy Choice" is full of salt and who knows what else. As I've heard, "Eat food that has been alive RECENTLY."
I'm not real picky about organic foods, but organic peanut butter is a world apart from the regular kind. And it really fills you up. Has fat but it is the good kind, and no hydrogenated fat. Thats the stuff that will kill you.
Exercise helps. I don't know if you like classes, but I recently joined a 3 times a week Jazzercize class and it is a blast. It's fun and people are friendly. I find the gym crowd in my area kind of snooty and competetive. And Lord knows I will never ever ever go to a Bally's!!
It is interesting to read the comments on this thread. What works, what doesn't, lots of ideas. Good luck!
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dear larryp
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Mister P-Mosh
To every man his own diet and his own metabolism within.
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Larry P2
What? Did I say something offensive, Ex?
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Dot Matrix
Thanks for all the good hints and tips.
I will prolly so Atkins for 2 months and give it a shot and yes, Sudo I do not think it is a good diet for the long haul.
PMosh - I do like the Japanese style eating so maybe I will adapt that after the weight is off.
Act 2 - I am an A+ and apparently that IS the Japanese kind of eating!!!
Abagail- I threw out my salt shaker about 9 years ago. I like the idea of 5 small meals a day rather thatn 3 larger ones - thanks! I do drink LOTS of water! I love your step #10. At dinner I try to be a lady... I love it! Cause around pizza I think I have not been ladylike but rather I eat a "Jethro" size portion!
Zix- How true to wait until one is actually hungry. I do think eating has become mechanical to me. I like the half a piece of pie tastes as good as a whole one!
Also, do you think it is all the preservatives in American food vs. Italy? I can not drink beer in the USA as I turn red and find it hard to breath. But in Canada I can drink a LaBatt's and I am fine. Someone there told me we put preservatives in our food/drinks that other countries BAN the use of! That some cerial companies in the US actually make a different cerial to be exported! I do not know if all that is true. All I know is I can drink beer in Canada.
Rottie I love Richard Simmons 'cause he is so real. He does not have a bunch of slender models exercising but he has real people. He has some huge woman out there sweating to the oldies that can not do some great "Hollywood" type dancing. I do like his stuff. Maybe I will get his video. I have also thought about yoga. Has is that for weight loss? I figure if it is relaxing and I can loose weight iit would be like a 2 birds-- 1 stone type of thing.
Simpleton- That site reminds me of a book I read about 20 years ago called "Sugar Blues"
I will reread the info on your site. Sounds a little like Atkins about sugar.
Thank you
Larry P - Well, your weight maybe the same because of all the head hair you lost...
(Why are woman so fat? Grrrrrrrr)
Ex- I will help you kick his ars...
Bookworm - you are right about that! Whenever I get lazy and eat lunch out at work -- I have horrible weight gaining results. Just gets so time consuming making it all -- ya know? But yeah, that is a great point.
Anymore diets?
Dot Matrix
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Dot Matrix
I reread it. Ya know I may wantto get ny thyroid checked as she did at the end of the article.
She looks great! Even at a size 14 I think she said she is.
Dot Matrix
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I would add to Abi's:
Don't eat the food that the kids leave on the plate! It's a good thing I have only one kid still at home. :-)
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Dot Matrix
I do not have any kids. But I know when hubby has one meatball left -- rather than toss it or take the time to wrap it up-- I am tempted to and have eaten it!
Dot Matrix
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