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What time is it?


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I noticed today that when I logged in, the board clock was an hour off on my screen (it showed an hour behind real time). I do not know how long this has been the case. I looked in "My controls" and found I had the correct time zone chosen there, and "Adjust for DST". I finally had to uncheck that box and unselect "DST is in effect". It now displays the correct time, but what's up with that?

Is it a problem with the board clock or on my computer? My computer's clock had to be manually adjusted when the time chaged a few weeks ago, and I turned of "autoadjust for DST" there at that time.


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If you had to manually adjust you PC, then it would throw off what you're seeing on the board also. Basically you PC is set to the wrong time zone now because DST is in effect but your PC isn't using it.

After Sunday at 2:00 am, you can turn DST back on (since that is the former date for DST) and you should have the correct time again.

Or you could apply the DST patches so you PC knows about the changes in the DST dates. For Windows XP, go to update.microsoft.com. Apple has their own for Macs. Ditto for Linux and Solaris.

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thanks for the revelation dear Excat!

yeah thanks Greasetech, that is what i figured. I think I will live with it, cuz I don't feel like patching this old Win98 machine (if there even is a patch). I won't own it by the next time change anyway. I just read the system requirements for Turbotax, and it doesn't even list win 98.

This self-built thing has been so stable, I dread putzing with it, and dread more giving it up for the unknown, but it is time.


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Microsoft didn't provide a patch for Windows 98 since they don't support it anymore. Since Microsoft doesn't support it anymore, most software companies will not either.

There is an unofficial patch you can use (basically makes a registry change). You can find it at Windows 98, ME DST Patch

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