I Love You my brother; and may I call you some names that really apply, Please?:
You are: Dear, Loving, Harmless, Blameless, Compassionate, Kind, Gentle, Pure Hearted, Forebearing, Forgiving, Faithful, Enduring, Worthy of Love and Respect and to be heard!
Your other name callers might do well to brush up on I Corinthians: 13: 1-13...Just for starters!
"Name callers just exactly what makes You better than anyone who ever hurt you?....Do You not act the same as them?
Why I post when I been called every name in the book.
Why I do not get mad is because if they are attacking me they are leaving some other person alone. Its better to yell at me than a family member that the pain could push two apart.
Sure it has hurt my heart from time to time when some play their foolish games but by not letting that stop me I was able to learn more about how God loves us.
(snip parts as you see)
That statement about someone leaving another alone if they are attacking you is something I'm not sure I've ever heard before and what it told me was you are even more incredible than I thought you were before.
Every once in awhile I'll go peek in on you over at JWO to see how they're treating you. It hurts my heart to think someone would hurt you and I wish I had your capacity to forgive and forget.
Beloved ChattyKathy, coolchef, Tom Strange, and ChasUFarley
God loves you all my dear friends
ChattyKathy - it took time to be capacity to forgive and forget -- and I still get mad here and there but I am learning the greater value which is to live love -- yours words have blessed me and thanks for the deepest love I love you too
coolchef - yes peace and thanks you are wonderful too my friend
Tom Strange - yes looking at the heart will save us money -- and it would of saved us from listen to some leaders of the Way
ChasUFarley - I like the way that guy moves - yes rudeness is all ways totally uncalled for so thanks for going to bat for me -- you are refreshing too my friend
From the very first post that I made her in GS you have been kind, insightful and helpful, but most of all you listened. That is a rare and treasured quality.
Each and everytime I see one of your posts it makes me smile, perhaps not because of the content of the post but because of your closing line;
"with love and a holy kiss blowing your way ".
I can feel the love in that little line. Your heart overflows my friend, and I am very, very happy that I have the privilage and joy of knowing you just the little bit that we do here in cyberspace.
God Bless you Roy, and a holy kiss back at you!
(And if people want to call you names...well blow them a kiss too! The reactions are always a blast (especially on the freeway).
Sheesh. I don't see how people couldn't like you Roy, even if they had a difference of opinion..
Because they have issues and they feel better if they attack the pure of heart. It somehow makes them feel worthy. I went to JWO knowing that Roy would have posted this very same thing there and the first reaction was a poster with obvious issues telling him f@&* you. Which just revealed they are not worth the sweat off of Roy's brow.
I agree waysider. It throws them off balance and if you get to watch it's actually fun. Although this pure hearted one here would never derive enjoyment from it I know. But as to me, well I certainly have. <_<
Yr 2027 I thank you for being here, you have provided me with many moments of deep thought and inspiration, not to mention the intrigue you provoked within this community. I applaud your efforts even tho I disagree with your pov sometimes.
Roy inspite of the preponderance of G'spotter's benign neglect of your issues and our apparant indifference to your concerns I assure you we are looking into these matters with renewed vigor and hope to publish a thoroughly vetted document shortly detailing the results of our study with recomendations for the future. In the mean time welcome bro you are among friends.
(and I especially like this reply you got from Kent, England):
Hay Roy, I replied to you over at jwo. Here is what I wrote:
Roy I love your posts. Sometimes I don't read all of them, because I am not interested in christianity. But you have a wonderful way of expressing yourself, and you do come across as enlightened. I have to say I've never met another person like you, and I'm so glad that I get to see your posts. I know sometimes i've made jokes when you've posted, but I haven't meant it in a way to hurt your feelings. I hope it never came across that way to you.
Apart from your christian message, i find you very inspiring. Please don't stop posting.
I still think of your life story that you posted once, and i'm glad that i got to read it. I asked you at the time if you minded if i kept it, and you said no, just to let you know i still have it.
The way you speak is kind of what I learnt recently on a course i did, called The Landmark Forum. It is not religous, it is a self-development course. You may have heard about it, it is worldwide. I shared what I got from that course on Thomschat recently, you may be interested in reading it.
The reason I mention it, is because you talked about sharing, which is a whole lot better than preaching. Because people can then choose to be inspired or not by your message then. Instead of feeling forced to hear someones preachy message, which would obviously make most want to close their ears to the message.
So although I'm not interested in Jesus, Christianity or religion as a whole, I am inspired by your message, and think it's a wonderful way for any Christian or non-Christian to view the world!
Roy-man. You reminded me of something - way back when, on WayDale, I started surfing around and found a discussion board, very old one, that I decided to post to. It was just a general discussion-community. People from all over the world, no religious connection or basis at all, just a discussion board and a very active community.
They had a writing board, and people would post their stories, etc. The moderator of the Writers forum was a writer, pretty good as I recall, working on a novel. So after awhile I posted the first part of a story I'd been working on. It was sort of comical, and as I found out very "American", in that the whole basis for it was built around characters I styled after Disney and other comic charactiers, like Mickey and Minnie Mouse, and Tom and Jerry. They worked for a "Korporation", Kompany that produced technology and video game systems. The title was "Kudos".
So I post it, like a parent showing their first child's picture, hoping to get some good feedback and even more that people would like it. I liked it, but it wasn't exactly Shakespeare. Just my stuff, right?
Well, got some good feedback, some friendly criticism too. Couple people really liked it. No biggie.
Then the Forum moderator got to it and ripped it a new one. Said it was incomprehensible to anyone that wasn't American, that it made no sense.
Which was probably one of it's weaknesses, true - but I wasn't writing a novel for publication, just having some creative fun-time. Well, they panned it. Bad. No good. Other comments to the effect that it, in a word, sucked. Big eggs.
Some response form others came back to that, saying "Whuuuuuut?????" and there was a little tiff going for a bit between a couple posters who had a history on the board. And I got emails saying "don't feel bad, the Moderator does that to anyone new who's stuff is liked".
So I responded and pret' near soon bowed out off the board. Kept emails going with a couple people for awhile. But that was that.
I didn't really feel bad, but I didn't see why or how a "Writers Forum" would benefit from the Moderator just ripping a new contributor like that. Figure - if they're such an accomplished writer, why attack a guy just trying stuff out?
And - I did send the story out to others and got some good feedback, based on what it was, not what it wasn't. And one of our own contributors here reminded me that to write is to edit - take out some of the dead weight, stay on the story. Good criticism, kindly, considering they've got a bona fide Black Belt in writing.
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I Love You my brother; and may I call you some names that really apply, Please?:
You are: Dear, Loving, Harmless, Blameless, Compassionate, Kind, Gentle, Pure Hearted, Forebearing, Forgiving, Faithful, Enduring, Worthy of Love and Respect and to be heard!
Your other name callers might do well to brush up on I Corinthians: 13: 1-13...Just for starters!
"Name callers just exactly what makes You better than anyone who ever hurt you?....Do You not act the same as them?
Love You Year2027, RainbowsGirl
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God first
Beloved RainbowsGirl
God loves you big my dear friend
Thank you because you have put my heart in the clouds - cloud number seven the perfect one
you have blessed my heart
thanks for the hugs
thank you
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
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(snip parts as you see)
That statement about someone leaving another alone if they are attacking you is something I'm not sure I've ever heard before and what it told me was you are even more incredible than I thought you were before.
Every once in awhile I'll go peek in on you over at JWO to see how they're treating you. It hurts my heart to think someone would hurt you and I wish I had your capacity to forgive and forget.
My deepest love and admiration for you,
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my freiend Roy
has anyone called you wonderful yet?
you certinaly are
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Tom Strange
"Look at the heart, not the label"
...good advice for life and it will save you money at the store as well...
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I second that motion!
I know there's posters here who don't "get" you - they're too shallow - and I took one to task on his rudeness to you, which was totally uncalled for.
You are you. You are true. And you are refreshing.
Edited by ChasUFarleyLink to comment
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God first
Beloved ChattyKathy, coolchef, Tom Strange, and ChasUFarley
God loves you all my dear friends
ChattyKathy - it took time to be capacity to forgive and forget -- and I still get mad here and there but I am learning the greater value which is to live love -- yours words have blessed me and thanks for the deepest love I love you too
coolchef - yes peace and thanks you are wonderful too my friend
Tom Strange - yes looking at the heart will save us money -- and it would of saved us from listen to some leaders of the Way
ChasUFarley - I like the way that guy moves - yes rudeness is all ways totally uncalled for so thanks for going to bat for me -- you are refreshing too my friend
thank you
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
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From the very first post that I made her in GS you have been kind, insightful and helpful, but most of all you listened. That is a rare and treasured quality.
Each and everytime I see one of your posts it makes me smile, perhaps not because of the content of the post but because of your closing line;
"with love and a holy kiss blowing your way ".
I can feel the love in that little line. Your heart overflows my friend, and I am very, very happy that I have the privilage and joy of knowing you just the little bit that we do here in cyberspace.
God Bless you Roy, and a holy kiss back at you!
(And if people want to call you names...well blow them a kiss too! The reactions are always a blast (especially on the freeway).

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Sheesh. I don't see how people couldn't like you Roy, even if they had a difference of opinion..
Edited by Mr. HammeroniLink to comment
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God first
Beloved Eyesopen and Mr. Hammeroni
God loves you my dear friends
Eyesopen - thanks for the holy kiss back at me - your words have blessed my heart
Mr. Hammeroni - your words have blessed me too
now look I am a lost for words you guys have blessed my life
thank you
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
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Because they have issues and they feel better if they attack the pure of heart. It somehow makes them feel worthy. I went to JWO knowing that Roy would have posted this very same thing there and the first reaction was a poster with obvious issues telling him f@&* you. Which just revealed they are not worth the sweat off of Roy's brow.
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Holy hugs,Bro.
"Heap coals of fire" on them
No!! I mean really heap ACTUAL coals of fire on them!!!
Just kiddin', Roy.
Kill them with that same kindness that defines the Roy we have all come to know and love.
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I agree waysider. It throws them off balance and if you get to watch it's actually fun. Although this pure hearted one here would never derive enjoyment from it I know. But as to me, well I certainly have. <_<
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God first
Beloved ChattyKathy and waysider
God loves you my dear friend
I look at things like that has nothing but for the most part over there its not like that but it is from time to time
DMiller goes there a lot too
yes it throws them off balance
its good to joke around
thank you two
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
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Thank you and with love and a holy kiss blowing your way also Roy.
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polar bear
Dear Roy-You have a wonderul heart. I'm sure most here agree.
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Yr 2027 I thank you for being here, you have provided me with many moments of deep thought and inspiration, not to mention the intrigue you provoked within this community. I applaud your efforts even tho I disagree with your pov sometimes.
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God first
Beloved ChattyKathy, polar bear, and herbiejuan or M
God loves you my dear friends
You have a wonderul heart too - polar bear
herbiejuan - thank you for being here too
thank you
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
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Hiya Roy! I don't go there so much (these days),
but they are a fun read every once in a while. :)
There's getting to be too much "He said ... She said ..." stuff for me.
But regardless of that -- You've won their hearts, if not their souls.
(Well -- except for Craw, Dave 2002, and ShoeSqueaker maybe -- the *heart part*).
You're a treat to many boards (the one's you and I share at any rate).
Cast dust and make tracks from those that shun you.
'Nother words --- keep on keeping on!
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Roy inspite of the preponderance of G'spotter's benign neglect of your issues and our apparant indifference to your concerns I assure you we are looking into these matters with renewed vigor and hope to publish a thoroughly vetted document shortly detailing the results of our study with recomendations for the future. In the mean time welcome bro you are among friends.
Oh wait this isn't the political forum....
Never mind :)
Peace and Blessings One and All
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(and I especially like this reply you got from Kent, England):
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God first
Beloved DMiller
God loves you my dear friend
Hi my dear friend
I bet some like wind miss you
I seem to be on 25 boards these days
yes I will " keep on keeping on"
yes I was blessed to get that reply - thanks for sharing it here
thank you
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
Beloved herbiejuan or M
God loves you my dear friend
I do not understand what "preponderance of G'spotter's benign neglect of your issues " is saying
yes peace and blessing
but I look forward to "results of our study with recomendations "
thank you
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
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Roy-man. You reminded me of something - way back when, on WayDale, I started surfing around and found a discussion board, very old one, that I decided to post to. It was just a general discussion-community. People from all over the world, no religious connection or basis at all, just a discussion board and a very active community.
They had a writing board, and people would post their stories, etc. The moderator of the Writers forum was a writer, pretty good as I recall, working on a novel. So after awhile I posted the first part of a story I'd been working on. It was sort of comical, and as I found out very "American", in that the whole basis for it was built around characters I styled after Disney and other comic charactiers, like Mickey and Minnie Mouse, and Tom and Jerry. They worked for a "Korporation", Kompany that produced technology and video game systems. The title was "Kudos".
So I post it, like a parent showing their first child's picture, hoping to get some good feedback and even more that people would like it. I liked it, but it wasn't exactly Shakespeare. Just my stuff, right?
Well, got some good feedback, some friendly criticism too. Couple people really liked it. No biggie.
Then the Forum moderator got to it and ripped it a new one. Said it was incomprehensible to anyone that wasn't American, that it made no sense.
Which was probably one of it's weaknesses, true - but I wasn't writing a novel for publication, just having some creative fun-time. Well, they panned it. Bad. No good. Other comments to the effect that it, in a word, sucked. Big eggs.
Some response form others came back to that, saying "Whuuuuuut?????" and there was a little tiff going for a bit between a couple posters who had a history on the board. And I got emails saying "don't feel bad, the Moderator does that to anyone new who's stuff is liked".
So I responded and pret' near soon bowed out off the board. Kept emails going with a couple people for awhile. But that was that.
I didn't really feel bad, but I didn't see why or how a "Writers Forum" would benefit from the Moderator just ripping a new contributor like that. Figure - if they're such an accomplished writer, why attack a guy just trying stuff out?
And - I did send the story out to others and got some good feedback, based on what it was, not what it wasn't. And one of our own contributors here reminded me that to write is to edit - take out some of the dead weight, stay on the story. Good criticism, kindly, considering they've got a bona fide Black Belt in writing.
Differnt strokes fo' different folks.
What're ya gonna do, y'know?
Don't sweat it, GS digs ya!
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I agree with Mr. Hammeroni on this Roy...
And I think polar bear put it very well also!
I'm glad you're here, Roy!
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