While we are on a side track here, I'll sneak this in.
I remember hearing dr. Wierwille retell of a personal event that involved his children when they reached school age.
It seems that the authorities insisted they(the children) have their shots before allowing them admittance.
VPW resisted their efforts by insisting that God would protect his children, not a series of shots.
Eventually he "decided" that if God could protect them from disease, he could protect them from effects of shots as well.
(My wife, upon hearing the story, said it sounded like a case of old fashioned rationalization.)
Anyway, he went on to say that we should NOT stop taking meds. until our healing was completed and the meds. themselves caused us ill effect. In some convoluted way, I thought there might be some logic to that. Afterall, The man speaking it had already established a level of credibility in my thinking.
Years later, right here on GSC, I learned that this teaching came on the heels of a tragic event in which a believer had stopped taking meds. and died as a result.So you see, this "advise" was not some special wisdom bestowed upon the chosen ones. It was an example of how a shrewd business man can sieze an opportunity to cover his own arse and look like a wiseman in the process.
quote: For some perhaps. I don't paint all psychologists or therapists as evil though..
I'm sure many have been helped by therapy and many people who become therapists really want to do good. I think many professional fields have that danger in them.
Lawyers are like auto mechanics in that, nobody wants to spend the money; it usually means trouble, but if you NEED either of those 2, no substitute will do. Not so psychotherapists.
Modern day psychoanalysis is basically a counterfeit of religion, IMO. Freud had many bigotted things to say about all religion and that was from just one essay of his I read. Those people have to hunt for their prey more than lawyers and auto mechanics, who can predictably wait for people to come to them, although those 2 can also be corrupt.
Going back to your original question. Yeah, TWI needs to be good. If TWI is to live up to its claims that it had the "rightly divided word" or at least more of the rightly divided word than any other ministry on earth - then Yes, it has to be good.
There is no logic or reason to the notion that the only ministry with the rightly divided word was lead by a man who committed adultery and rape. There is no logic or reason behind the notion that an all loving, all knowing, all powerful God would subect those who are truly searching for Him to that. I don't buy that VPW was the only man on earth, or even the best man at that time, to bring us all this information that had been "hidden" or "lost" for years. That is just plain crap. I don't buy that there weren't other men or women living in VPW's day, who were hungry for God and who would never for a second consider rape or adultery as acceptable behavior.
Some of you can sit back and say "yes, but I got this good thing from TWI - I learned all this really cool stuff." And while you were sitting back and learning all that cool stuff, your sisters were being raped. Not just by VPW, but by others in the ministry as well.
The only way it makes sense, is that it wasn't from God at all and if it wasn't from God at all, then people like John and Jean would have to sit down and rethink their belief systems. They would have to acknowledge they were conned. It is much much easier (and lazier) to dismiss those who were abused as liars - to minimize the damage done to their sisters, to pull peole like David out of context and say see, David sinned (never mind that David didn't claim to be THE MAN OF GOD FOR OUR DAY AND TIME - that David didn't claim to be the only person with the "rightly divided word.")
They minimize, rationalize and justify because it is the lazy and easy way out - intelectually, emotionally, and spiritually lazy.
The only way it makes sense, is that it wasn't from God at all
So you're admitting that twi needs to be bad. One man's sins overthrow the savior from sin? Jesus died in vain? There is condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus? Christ's resurrection accomplished nothing? Christ isn't coming back? All because one guy sinned 2000 years after we were sealed till the day of redemption? Yeah, I'm lazy all right. Like the bumper sticker says: I may be slow, but I'm ahead of you.
The only way it makes sense, is that it wasn't from God at all
So you're admitting that twi needs to be bad. One man's sins overthrow the savior from sin? Jesus died in vain? There is condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus? Christ's resurrection accomplished nothing? Christ isn't coming back? All because one guy sinned 2000 years after we were sealed till the day of redemption? Yeah, I'm lazy all right. Like the bumper sticker says: I may be slow, but I'm ahead of you.
I am not a Christian, John.
Nor did I say TWI NEEDS to be bad, it simply IS bad - there is a difference. BTW, are you saying VPW was IN Christ Jesus when he was raping young women? I'm not arguing about whether or not he was born again - that I will leave to him and God. But TWI taught that being IN Christ Jesus meant you were in fellowship, not sinning, doing The Word. Likewise, being born again was no guarantee you would walk with God, according to TWI - walking with God required a person deciding to renew their mind. Was the, VPW acting with the renewed mind when he did those things?
Sounds a bit schizophrenic to me - the whole thing does. One minute he is one person, walking with the renewed mind and In Christ, the next he is raping someone.
The only way it makes sense, is that it wasn't from God at all
So you're admitting that twi needs to be bad. One man's sins overthrow the savior from sin? Jesus died in vain? There is condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus? Christ's resurrection accomplished nothing? Christ isn't coming back? All because one guy sinned 2000 years after we were sealed till the day of redemption? Yeah, I'm lazy all right. Like the bumper sticker says: I may be slow, but I'm ahead of you.
John, your logic is so flawed it's laughable. The redemption of Christ has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that vee pee was a dirty, rotten scoundrel who was NO "man of God". Just because you believe what you do about JC does not excuse the horrific crimes vee pee committed.
Furthermore, you're a perfect example of what Rascal asked in her first post. You do have to make great leaps of logic - go to great pains to ignore, justify and rationalize the pure evil of vee pee and much of the entire organization, otherwise, you have to admit we were duped and gave much of our lives to the little man behind the curtain. Keep on posting.... you're making the point a living, breathing, shining example right before our eyes.
And don't even get me started on your flawed views of psychotherapy. You obviously have no idea what you're talking about. :
Does TWI NEED to be good??? Well, that depends on the person you're talking to at the time. For some folks, right after they've left after ten plus years of service....well maybe for them there is a deep need that TWI was good so that they can feel like they didn't waste their time.
Also, if the person in question is very smart and finds themselves wondering how they got so tricked for so long.
Or if the person just has a need to be right. Afterall, if TWI was bad and they stuck with it - then they must be wrong, or stupid - so TWI must have been good.
Then there's the opposite question: Does TWI NEED to be bad?
Again, there are different reasons for choosing this;
This choice makes all the other wrong choices easier to live with. (If it's bad then it wasn't my fault.)
The person has an easier time saying that they walked away from whatever ties they had to TWI if they can say that it was all bad all the time.
I think that the main thing to see here is that TWI doesn't "NEED" to be bad or good. It is what it is and was what it was. I also believe that a healthy way to view those years involves putting the facts together honestly as well as forgetting some things. Forget - not in the sense of glossing over - but in the sense of not letting those things have a place in your life to the extent that TWI is still a part of your life.
It is possible to have left TWI and still have never left at all. The doctrine may be different but it is also possible to be stuck in many of the same thought processes and be unaware of it.
And don't even get me started on your flawed views of psychotherapy. You obviously have no idea what you're talking about
Is that so. I relate a personal experience and I don't know what I'm talking about? That sounds eerily familiar. Women post on GSC claiming to have had personal experience with VPW. Others downplay that personal experience and you get all up in arms about that, but somehow it's OK for you to downplay my personal experience. Nice double standard.
John, I'll go back and read your post - but I didnt' see an experience with psychotherapy there. I did see you avoiding psychotherapy. You seem to have had good reason so that comment is not meant to be a criticism - just an observation.
Other than a bad experience with an overzealot social worker - is there something I missed???
quote: For some perhaps. I don't paint all psychologists or therapists as evil though..
I'm sure many have been helped by therapy and many people who become therapists really want to do good. I think many professional fields have that danger in them.
Lawyers are like auto mechanics in that, nobody wants to spend the money; it usually means trouble, but if you NEED either of those 2, no substitute will do. Not so psychotherapists.
Modern day psychoanalysis is basically a counterfeit of religion, IMO. Freud had many bigotted things to say about all religion and that was from just one essay of his I read. Those people have to hunt for their prey more than lawyers and auto mechanics, who can predictably wait for people to come to them, although those 2 can also be corrupt.
There was not much available to help people who were genuinely mentally ill in the 1800s. So some were treated cruelly. The name Dorothea Dix comes up in my memory. Can't remember exactly what she did. Freud was a pioneer. But now it's a billion dollar industry. They need job security and if there aren't any genuinely mentally ill people they will MAKE them. They make them by a) messing them up by what they tell them so their patients will have to keep on coming back to them and never be cured (assuming they really had any problems before beginning therapy), and b) giving them drugs they will have to take for the rest of their life. Heroin dealers are more humane than some of those doctors IMO. Like I said, they need their job security and routinely go hunting for it....from you and me. Nice.
More than 10 yrs ago Jean and I locked horns with an overly aggressive social worker. We had our children at home with a midwife. Still had to deal with social workers. They didn't like people having their kids at home so they tried to hijack our family. We called a lawyer. The lawyer we called is now a juvenile court judge appointed by the governor himself. She had experience with that social worker. Called her "rabid". I kid you not.
The social worker wanted me and Jean to have a psych evaluation. We called the lawyer again. I told her I didn't want the psych evaluation because I knew that no matter what I said they could make me ANYTHING from perfectly normal to borderline psychotic. Like I said, it's a scam job. Didn't have to go. Very soon afterward, social worker out of our lives. And you are correct in assuming that we used every resistance tactic dealing with the social worker that we use here when harassed.
I believe this is the personal experience. (The second half anyway - the first half still appears to be opinion.) If there's another, please help me find it.
John I don't see social workers in the same vein as pschotherapists. They are usually overworked and underpaid. Their job description may not be limited to addressing potentials for problems, but many of them only choose to pick that battle. I have know many a social worker to really fight for what is right. I have also seen the system get bogged down with red tape and overzealous, cranky people trying to clear their files.
Sounds a bit schizophrenic to me - the whole thing does. One minute he is one person, walking with the renewed mind and In Christ, the next he is raping someone.
Someone posted that they had known VP and they related a story about him. Something about them sitting and have a normal conversation, talking, laughing what have you...then some corps person walks past and VP gets up and screams in their face dressing them down so to speak. When the corps person leaves VP sits back down and says something to the effect of "I've got to teach these kids the right way" or something like that. Then returned to a normal conversation. The person that related this story got the impression that it was all just an act. VP's "spiritual" walk in Christ, his love for the believers...all of it just an act. (Sorry for my fragmented memory here...just cant remember which thread it was on, hope I got the gist right)
I didn't know him well enough to make such a determination. Neither am I a phychiatrist or phycotherapist (sp?) But could a schizo do this? Or is this a sign of schizo? It almost, and I do mean almost sounds like multiple personality disorder, but...I've never met one of those that could switch so smoothly, take that back, I did HEAR one once but the two personalities sounded different. So I am reluctant to attribute that to VP. He displayed two personalities that were such polar opposites...?
Mind you I am NOT trying to make excuses for his behavior...just trying to figure out WTF. It just keeps running in my head, on one side he is the loving, caring man that loved the household, and on the other side is the motocoach. Then there is Mrs. W saying "He was a mean mean man"
Are there any psych majors in the house? Isn't there a disorder that has something to do with sadistic behavior?
OR...Was he just a really good Used car salesman?
Things that make you go...Hmmmm?
Just thinking.
love ya'll
p.s. Sorry Rocky, why is it that I am always asking questions that would potentially derail your thead? Hmmm? I love you!!
I didn't know him well enough to make such a determination. Neither am I a phychiatrist or phycotherapist (sp?) But could a schizo do this? Or is this a sign of schizo? It almost, and I do mean almost sounds like multiple personality disorder, but...I've never met one of those that could switch so smoothly, take that back, I did HEAR one once but the two personalities sounded different. So I am reluctant to attribute that to VP. He displayed two personalities that were such polar opposites...?
I wasn't trying to imply VPW was schizophrenic, it was meant as a figure of speech.
I wasn't trying to imply VPW was schizophrenic, it was meant as a figure of speech.
Oh Abi sweetie I wasn't implying anything at all like that, I was just thinking out loud. I was neither agreeing nor disagreeing, just wondering if a schizo could or would be able to turn things off and on like that. I really don't know all of the schizos that I have had contact with had other issues like paranoia or worse that changes their reactions. I've never met one that had just the one problem. Just trying to hash it out...not that puting a lable to it would make it any better for me. Your comment just got me to thinking thats all.
I love ya darlin' forgive me for not making myself more clear. I thought that I had covered my ignorance when I said I wasn't a psychiatrist or psychotherapist (wow I think I spelled it right that time). But obviously I did not. I'll do better next time.
Oh Abi sweetie I wasn't implying anything at all like that, I was just thinking out loud. I was neither agreeing nor disagreeing, just wondering if a schizo could or would be able to turn things off and on like that. I really don't know all of the schizos that I have had contact with had other issues like paranoia or worse that changes their reactions. I've never met one that had just the one problem. Just trying to hash it out...not that puting a lable to it would make it any better for me. Your comment just got me to thinking thats all.
I love ya darlin' forgive me for not making myself more clear. I thought that I had covered my ignorance when I said I wasn't a psychiatrist or psychotherapist (wow I think I spelled it right that time). But obviously I did not. I'll do better next time.
No need to apologize - I was just clarifying, in case there was a misunderstanding. Beyond that, I would agree it is unlikely someone with that disorder could turn it off or on. I think sociopath would be the closest call, if I were to guess at a label. :)
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While we are on a side track here, I'll sneak this in.
I remember hearing dr. Wierwille retell of a personal event that involved his children when they reached school age.
It seems that the authorities insisted they(the children) have their shots before allowing them admittance.
VPW resisted their efforts by insisting that God would protect his children, not a series of shots.
Eventually he "decided" that if God could protect them from disease, he could protect them from effects of shots as well.
(My wife, upon hearing the story, said it sounded like a case of old fashioned rationalization.)
Anyway, he went on to say that we should NOT stop taking meds. until our healing was completed and the meds. themselves caused us ill effect. In some convoluted way, I thought there might be some logic to that. Afterall, The man speaking it had already established a level of credibility in my thinking.
Years later, right here on GSC, I learned that this teaching came on the heels of a tragic event in which a believer had stopped taking meds. and died as a result.So you see, this "advise" was not some special wisdom bestowed upon the chosen ones. It was an example of how a shrewd business man can sieze an opportunity to cover his own arse and look like a wiseman in the process.
Any light bulbs starting to glow?
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Psychotherapy? Did someone say Melanie?......
Artist or band: Safka Melanie
Oh mine eyes have seen the glory of the theories of Freud,
He has taught me all the evils that my ego must avoid.
Repression of the impulses resuling paranoid
As the id goes marching on.
Glory glory psychotherapy, glory glory sexuality,
Glory glory now we can be free as the id goes marching on
There was a man who thought his friends to him were all superior
And this complex he imagined made life drearier and drearier
Till his analyst assured him that he really was inferior
As the id goes marching on.
Glory glory psychotherapy, glory glory sexuality,
Glory glory now we can be free as the id goes marching on
Do you drown your superego in a flood of alcohol - or something else -
And go running after women till you're just about to fall.
You may think you're having fun but you're not having fun at all
As the id goes marching on.
Glory glory psychotherapy, glory glory sexuality,
Glory glory now we can be free as the id goes marching on
Oh sad is the masochism, the vagaries of sex
Have turned half the population into total nervous wrecks.
But your analyst will cure you, long as you can pay the check's
As the id goes marching on.
Glory glory psychotherapy, glory glory sexuality,
Glory glory now we can be free as the id goes marching on
Is your body plagued by aches and pains that you can't understand
Compound fractures ingrown toenails, floating kidneys, trembling hands,
There's a secret to your trouble: you're in love with your old man
As the id goes marching on.
Glory glory psychotherapy, glory glory sexuality,
Glory glory now we can be free as the id goes marching on
Freud's mystic world of meaning needn't have us mystified
It's really very simple what the psyche tries to hide:
A thing is a phallic symbol if it's longer than it's wide
As the id goes marching on.
Glory glory psychotherapy, glory glory sexuality,
Glory glory now we can be free as the id goes marching on.
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That was sweet WD!
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Its not the religion its the people running it. We are all fallen angels.
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quote: For some perhaps. I don't paint all psychologists or therapists as evil though..
I'm sure many have been helped by therapy and many people who become therapists really want to do good. I think many professional fields have that danger in them.
Lawyers are like auto mechanics in that, nobody wants to spend the money; it usually means trouble, but if you NEED either of those 2, no substitute will do. Not so psychotherapists.
Modern day psychoanalysis is basically a counterfeit of religion, IMO. Freud had many bigotted things to say about all religion and that was from just one essay of his I read. Those people have to hunt for their prey more than lawyers and auto mechanics, who can predictably wait for people to come to them, although those 2 can also be corrupt.
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John you read one essay
now we are suppose to think you have any good to say.
WOW. I bet your main reason you don't like them is because
VP said he didn't.
God help you are your family If you should ever need a Dr.
I know just believe and every thing will just be alright.
I would like to like you but man you are one SCARY dude.
John you are very intolerant.
Tell me what do you think of people of color?
I already know what you think of Jesus Christ you never
mention him which speak for itself.
Let me ask since VP is dead and he took place for the absent Christ
Like does his books and thing fill the void?
John while i'm asking like what do you think about whores and drug dealers
pubicans tax colectors and all the kind of people that Jesus hung with?
Really John give me some straight forward answers so I can understand.
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Going back to your original question. Yeah, TWI needs to be good. If TWI is to live up to its claims that it had the "rightly divided word" or at least more of the rightly divided word than any other ministry on earth - then Yes, it has to be good.
There is no logic or reason to the notion that the only ministry with the rightly divided word was lead by a man who committed adultery and rape. There is no logic or reason behind the notion that an all loving, all knowing, all powerful God would subect those who are truly searching for Him to that. I don't buy that VPW was the only man on earth, or even the best man at that time, to bring us all this information that had been "hidden" or "lost" for years. That is just plain crap. I don't buy that there weren't other men or women living in VPW's day, who were hungry for God and who would never for a second consider rape or adultery as acceptable behavior.
Some of you can sit back and say "yes, but I got this good thing from TWI - I learned all this really cool stuff." And while you were sitting back and learning all that cool stuff, your sisters were being raped. Not just by VPW, but by others in the ministry as well.
The only way it makes sense, is that it wasn't from God at all and if it wasn't from God at all, then people like John and Jean would have to sit down and rethink their belief systems. They would have to acknowledge they were conned. It is much much easier (and lazier) to dismiss those who were abused as liars - to minimize the damage done to their sisters, to pull peole like David out of context and say see, David sinned (never mind that David didn't claim to be THE MAN OF GOD FOR OUR DAY AND TIME - that David didn't claim to be the only person with the "rightly divided word.")
They minimize, rationalize and justify because it is the lazy and easy way out - intelectually, emotionally, and spiritually lazy.
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Very well put.
One day I will write well.
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You are fine just the way you are Danny.
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The only way it makes sense, is that it wasn't from God at all
So you're admitting that twi needs to be bad. One man's sins overthrow the savior from sin? Jesus died in vain? There is condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus? Christ's resurrection accomplished nothing? Christ isn't coming back? All because one guy sinned 2000 years after we were sealed till the day of redemption? Yeah, I'm lazy all right. Like the bumper sticker says: I may be slow, but I'm ahead of you.
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I am not a Christian, John.
Nor did I say TWI NEEDS to be bad, it simply IS bad - there is a difference. BTW, are you saying VPW was IN Christ Jesus when he was raping young women? I'm not arguing about whether or not he was born again - that I will leave to him and God. But TWI taught that being IN Christ Jesus meant you were in fellowship, not sinning, doing The Word. Likewise, being born again was no guarantee you would walk with God, according to TWI - walking with God required a person deciding to renew their mind. Was the, VPW acting with the renewed mind when he did those things?
Sounds a bit schizophrenic to me - the whole thing does. One minute he is one person, walking with the renewed mind and In Christ, the next he is raping someone.
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Thank you Abigail.
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John, your logic is so flawed it's laughable. The redemption of Christ has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that vee pee was a dirty, rotten scoundrel who was NO "man of God". Just because you believe what you do about JC does not excuse the horrific crimes vee pee committed.
Furthermore, you're a perfect example of what Rascal asked in her first post. You do have to make great leaps of logic - go to great pains to ignore, justify and rationalize the pure evil of vee pee and much of the entire organization, otherwise, you have to admit we were duped and gave much of our lives to the little man behind the curtain. Keep on posting.... you're making the point a living, breathing, shining example right before our eyes.
And don't even get me started on your flawed views of psychotherapy. You obviously have no idea what you're talking about.
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I'm going to back up a bit..
Does TWI NEED to be good??? Well, that depends on the person you're talking to at the time. For some folks, right after they've left after ten plus years of service....well maybe for them there is a deep need that TWI was good so that they can feel like they didn't waste their time.
Also, if the person in question is very smart and finds themselves wondering how they got so tricked for so long.
Or if the person just has a need to be right. Afterall, if TWI was bad and they stuck with it - then they must be wrong, or stupid - so TWI must have been good.
Then there's the opposite question: Does TWI NEED to be bad?
Again, there are different reasons for choosing this;
This choice makes all the other wrong choices easier to live with. (If it's bad then it wasn't my fault.)
The person has an easier time saying that they walked away from whatever ties they had to TWI if they can say that it was all bad all the time.
I think that the main thing to see here is that TWI doesn't "NEED" to be bad or good. It is what it is and was what it was. I also believe that a healthy way to view those years involves putting the facts together honestly as well as forgetting some things. Forget - not in the sense of glossing over - but in the sense of not letting those things have a place in your life to the extent that TWI is still a part of your life.
It is possible to have left TWI and still have never left at all. The doctrine may be different but it is also possible to be stuck in many of the same thought processes and be unaware of it.
I'll have to clarify later...
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And don't even get me started on your flawed views of psychotherapy. You obviously have no idea what you're talking about
Is that so. I relate a personal experience and I don't know what I'm talking about? That sounds eerily familiar. Women post on GSC claiming to have had personal experience with VPW. Others downplay that personal experience and you get all up in arms about that, but somehow it's OK for you to downplay my personal experience. Nice double standard.
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John, I'll go back and read your post - but I didnt' see an experience with psychotherapy there. I did see you avoiding psychotherapy. You seem to have had good reason so that comment is not meant to be a criticism - just an observation.
Other than a bad experience with an overzealot social worker - is there something I missed???
This is a genuine queston BTW.
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This is your personal experience?
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I believe this is the personal experience. (The second half anyway - the first half still appears to be opinion.) If there's another, please help me find it.
John I don't see social workers in the same vein as pschotherapists. They are usually overworked and underpaid. Their job description may not be limited to addressing potentials for problems, but many of them only choose to pick that battle. I have know many a social worker to really fight for what is right. I have also seen the system get bogged down with red tape and overzealous, cranky people trying to clear their files.
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Someone posted that they had known VP and they related a story about him. Something about them sitting and have a normal conversation, talking, laughing what have you...then some corps person walks past and VP gets up and screams in their face dressing them down so to speak. When the corps person leaves VP sits back down and says something to the effect of "I've got to teach these kids the right way" or something like that. Then returned to a normal conversation. The person that related this story got the impression that it was all just an act. VP's "spiritual" walk in Christ, his love for the believers...all of it just an act. (Sorry for my fragmented memory here...just cant remember which thread it was on, hope I got the gist right)
I didn't know him well enough to make such a determination. Neither am I a phychiatrist or phycotherapist (sp?) But could a schizo do this? Or is this a sign of schizo? It almost, and I do mean almost sounds like multiple personality disorder, but...I've never met one of those that could switch so smoothly, take that back, I did HEAR one once but the two personalities sounded different. So I am reluctant to attribute that to VP. He displayed two personalities that were such polar opposites...?
Mind you I am NOT trying to make excuses for his behavior...just trying to figure out WTF. It just keeps running in my head, on one side he is the loving, caring man that loved the household, and on the other side is the motocoach. Then there is Mrs. W saying "He was a mean mean man"
Are there any psych majors in the house? Isn't there a disorder that has something to do with sadistic behavior?
OR...Was he just a really good Used car salesman?
Things that make you go...Hmmmm?
Just thinking.
love ya'll
p.s. Sorry Rocky, why is it that I am always asking questions that would potentially derail your thead? Hmmm?
I love you!!
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I wasn't trying to imply VPW was schizophrenic, it was meant as a figure of speech.
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Oh Abi sweetie I wasn't implying anything at all like that, I was just thinking out loud. I was neither agreeing nor disagreeing, just wondering if a schizo could or would be able to turn things off and on like that. I really don't know all of the schizos that I have had contact with had other issues like paranoia or worse that changes their reactions. I've never met one that had just the one problem. Just trying to hash it out...not that puting a lable to it would make it any better for me. Your comment just got me to thinking thats all.
I love ya darlin' forgive me for not making myself more clear. I thought that I had covered my ignorance when I said I wasn't a psychiatrist or psychotherapist (wow I think I spelled it right that time). But obviously I did not. I'll do better next time.
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No need to apologize - I was just clarifying, in case there was a misunderstanding. Beyond that, I would agree it is unlikely someone with that disorder could turn it off or on. I think sociopath would be the closest call, if I were to guess at a label. :)
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where is that post about sunesis not being a credible poster ?
i just wanted to say how far that is from the truth
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They (the iams) have both claimed repeatedly that sunesis isn`t reputable because they cannot handle what she shared about how vpw operated.
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