Thanks everyone! It's funny I have never told that story like that. I told a watered down one once, but I "minimized" the "event". I never told my parents who were also in TWI. They were so proud of their daughter in the Corps. Then I came home early, didn't finish and wouldn't tell them why. They knew I was angry...everyone knew I was angry. I cut all my hair off. I stopped wearing pretty girl clothes. I stopped being nice to anyone I hadn't known most of my life. I stopped being daddies little girl, because she was weak and vulnerable. I stopped being me.
I don't blame anyone for that. After all some good came of it. I left TWI. Oh I hovered close by to keep an eye on my parents and when my father fell asleep I held the eulogy. No-one from TWI came. I stopped any association with them when they kicked mom out of twig because she would not disown me. (She told me that it was all her children, but I knew it was me they wanted to isolate) When my mom fell asleep eleven years later we had Bill Schly run the eulogy. I just couldn't do this one. Lots of ex-TWI came.
After that I decided I might try to stop being so angry. So I googled, that was 2001. The year of major change in my life. I read somewhere, I think it was here or Way Dale, don't remember that LCM was out something in my heart just let go. I cried nearly as hard as when mom passed, because I was free. God had kept his promise! or Karma had caught up...whatever! It didn't matter how, or the details, it only mattered that he had lost everything he held dear, just like I thought I did that interum year out WOW. I didn't do anything to him at all, but it happened all the same.
It was not until that moment with me sitting alone in front of my computer that I realized just how angry I was at LCM for not protecting me, like he had promised as an ordained minister and final word on the Corps. He had thrown me to the wolves and I had gotten chewed up. I remember asking him to interveen, but he wouldn't. At the time I was too depressed to care what he said anymore. I never realized how angry it had made me.
But I still don't blame him. I don't blame anyone...there is no profit to God in doing so. But I had changed.
Writing this I realize that my parents raised a very intelligent naive girl. They sent her to ROA '82 to go out WOW for the first time. I had a great time with two great guys and a lovely little 12th corps girl who's boyfriend had been sent to Reno, near my parents. It made for some wonderful phone calls. Time passed...I went into the corps and when I went home in July '87 the little girl was no longer naive she was in fact quite nearly dead. How my parents must have cried to see the anger etched in my face. I wish I had told them everything.
Throughout all of this and many more "grand" adventures I have learned how to forgive others for their trespasses, and here in this thread I have learned how not to make excuses for them while I am forgiving them.
Anyway, Rascal, lady you are a doll! Once again thanks for starting this thread, sorry if I derailed it yet again.
Sunesis, Your heart is as gentle and warm as a morning sun.
Word Wolf, You always have the right knowledge for the right moment. Kinda like a big brother.
And Johniam, When I wrote that post I nearly didn't send it. I didn't know what to expect from other posters since I really did go off topic, and now I did it again. But I really didn't expect what you wrote. When crap started to fly I turned towards God as my parents had taught me. My first thought (no inference intended) was to go to Thessalonians because it was the first written and hence, in my thinking would be the epistles most likely to give comfort to the young Christian. I was not wrong. The hope is for everyday maintenance of the renewed mind. Without the hope there is no goal to aspire to attain. The hope is like a mega bright light bulb, without it you easily get lost in the dark. Anyway I don't always agree with what you say, most of the time you're pretty rude to lots of people, but sometimes you toss out a gem. God loves ya bro.
And I love all of you and everyone else who has taken the time to come to GS. Having wallowed in my anger and mistrust for so long I had forgotten that the household of God has lots of love in it, and his children love to share it.
Let's see, VPW comes on to me in the motorcoach. Tells me in graphic detail what he wants to do, and why his wife cannot have sex with him. Also told me, I was the only person he had ever told this too, I better not ever tell anyone this. In disgust I leave, figuring, it must be just a one off weird thing. Years later, I learn this was the standard line he gave all of his prospects.
LCM visiting Emporia, twice I had to walk out of his room.
One of my best friends in an early corps, VP set his eyes on her, and had to have her. He sent on of his early corps girls to go make friends with her. It took almost all year, before they finally talked her into it.
It was all about lock-box, those who were "spiritual enough" to handle it.
They probably knew you would never go for this Jean, so obviously you were never approached, and had no clue, and they made sure you never would.
When this same friend told me in candor, all the corps women VP had, plus all of the women in other towns and cities as he traveled around - the number is huge - this was no small time thing. VP had a woman in every port. When he tired of them, they were passed to Howard and Dean. When I took the blinders off and realized what had been going on, I literally felt sick - nauseaous, sick to my stomach. I believe it was God taking the blinders off.
When VP went to California in the '60s to get a piece of the Jesus movement for himself, on his off time, he would go to the infamous SF porno movie theaters. I talked about it with the Rev. who accompanied him. He wondered why VP loved the porno stuff so much, but figured it was a boys will be boys thing.
VP looked up one specific leader in SF, because he thought that one was a regular orgy goer. VP discussed with him, how it was ok from the Word and was looking for other Christians who were into it.
VP, screwing a little 16 year old groovy christian of Rye girl in the early days in NY. She tried to make it through the corps, but never did.
All of this is the tip of the iceberg.
These are first hand accounts.
Ever wonder about DM's best friends, all ladies? You did not become her friend, unless you had been with VP. I call it, the sex club. Of course they stuck together, who else would "understand" or could they talk about it with?
If you were not in the "inner circle" you would not know.
As far as I'm concerned, VP was a sick puppy, a sexual predator who was like a Rooster in a hen house. I do not believe he was born again. He was a wolf in sheep's clothing, satan's angel of light masquerading as a minister of God.
No wonder he started saying a year before he died, I wish I were the man I knew to be. Too late.
Johniam's Post # 184 has got to be one of the most offensive things I've ever heard – and wouldn't think of repeating it here nor responding in kind…I read it this morning and have given it some thought on why it bothers me so. And in reviewing this thread from the beginning one of the things that occurred to me was how much post # 184 reminded me of TWI's two-faced mentality – typically being nice to people until their theology is challenged – then the arrogant venom is launched. It has the effect of blind-siding someone not prepared – I guess that's me.
I think such an adamant and haughty attitude may indicate a deeper problem – perhaps TWI's toxic mindset still thrives within. It goes back to what Rascal said at the start of the thread:
Do I so badly need twi to some how be right or have virtue because I cannot handle being wrong myself?
Do we have to imbue vpw or his doctrine or his ministry with a goodness because some how it ties in to how we feel about ourselves?...
...Is our need to not feel foolish or decieved what prevents us from honestly examining our involvement our doctrine, and our understanding of how God and the universe work?
We have trained our minds for decades to steer away from the negatives, not contemplate the implications of the fruit, form new opinions. To do so, is viewed as an unsavory thing.
So that is my question...Do we need twi to be right and spiritually healthy in order to feel good or confident in ourselves? DO we not think about what happened in order to avoid the implications of the spiritual darkness of this groups leaders?
Talking about the shock and denial that hits ex-TWI folk in my post # 165 goes along with what Rascal said in post # 1 – not sure if it's the next step [you psyche majors chime in please] but I think recovery, healing, understanding, growth…is impossible without ACCEPTANCE – realizing you were deceived. Realizing to some extent and for whatever reason you turned off your intellect and conscience. In my opinion those who have left TWI but want to defend it or throw a dreamy gauze over the lens to soften and sweeten everything – are still [at best] in the denial phase.
When something really bothers me – and I feel I must respond – I usually let it sit awhile and try to figure out what is the appropriate Christian response. Things like love your enemies and pray for your fellow believers comes to mind. Though post # 184 was not directed to me – I am bothered by it. I know we're all adults here – and after coming to GSC awhile you develop a thick skin – even so I think a little encouragement now and then does the soul some good – I would like to thank WordWolf, Rascal and Sunesis for your input on GSC. Since I've been coming here I find myself drawn to and affected by your posts. Keep on with the keeping on.
Trust me, I am neither of the two.(whiney nor female)
Heck, I'm not even bitter or angry. It's been too long ago.
Why are there so many women here? Think logical for a moment ,John. What gender comprises the majority of victims of the offence being discussed?
Sometimes I think it is not TWI that you and some other posters are trying to defend,it is that doubt that lingers deep inside but refuses to come to the surface. It has to be justified in order for its presence to be tolerable.
Does TWI need to be "good"?
TWI was NEVER "good".
There were some good people. There was some good Bible taught. There were some good times.
But the organization itself? Nope. Don't see it.
Now along comes someone who chimes in"Oh Yeah! Well I learned about the lost piece of silver coin in TWI!"
Just remember that while someone was learning about finding the lost coin, someone else may have been learning what it meant to lose a an irreplacable part of their innocence both physically and mentally, not to mention the spiritual innocence that was sacrificed on the alter of self serving hypocrites. Does that sound like anger or bitterness? It's not. It's just the ability to look an ugly truth straight in the eye.
Bring on the blowtorch. (Application of heat is a tried and true method of bringing a festering boil to a head.)
...If it's so irrelevant hows come you had to pounce on it?
Wow – is that eerie or what? I can still hear that oddball phrase “hows come” in ol’ VPW’s voice. But that’s ingredients for a whole new thread: Does the grammar of TWI need to be good? …or should I use “gooder” – oh geez – I still need deliverance!
I've been "shaking things up" off and on for 7 years. You ever notice that if you see a fight in progress you can't determine who really started it? What you're telling me is that I'm better at expressing my view which disagrees with the 'mainstream' than others who slink away when the pressure comes. There are other posters like me. This website, especially in this forum, is dominated by emotionally out of control women who believe it is their birthright to 'club men into submission'.
Men like me who resist this are targetted and labelled immediately. I can't shake up that which is already shook up. Some men here function as stooges. An articulate stooge is a stooge, nonetheless.
I will say only this John. You are a sick man with a huge problem with women. I don't know who did this to you because your wife seems like such a sweet strong lady. But I have to say I feel sorry for your wife and any daughter's you might have. I can ignore you but those poor ladies have to live with you. It's people like you that take down perfectly good threads and people like you that make others leave GSC because they don't need or want your drama. You are what you accuse these women of and you need to get a life instead of trying to fulfill you enjoyment in life by trying to stir people up in serious conversations.
jean don't defend him because it won't go anywhere. He admitted to his agenda and it's not a good one.
Wow – is that eerie or what? I can still hear that oddball phrase “hows come” in ol’ VPW’s voice. But that’s ingredients for a whole new thread: Does the grammar of TWI need to be good? …or should I use “gooder” – oh geez – I still need deliverance!
You know I was thinking about this very thing just yesterday. Why is it that even though we are "out" and about now when we get together even here in cyberspace the old habits and words and "Way" phrases start nagging at the edge of my brain as if they are caged animals nawing on the bars trying to escape into my mouth and onto the page? :huh: Wow that was a long sentence...sorry. But does this happen to any of you? Maybe for another thread?
Edited 'cause I can't spell at this time of the morning...ah heck I can't spell worth dange!
quote: I will say only this John. You are a sick man with a huge problem with women. I don't know who did this to you because your wife seems like such a sweet strong lady.
That phrase I used, "emotionally out of control"...I think some of you think it's a redundant statement. Emotionally...? Out of control...? You only needed to say it once, John, hee hee. Like they mean the same thing. If men lose control of THEIR emotions, gawd, lock them up and throw away the key, but women...? Hey, we're "blessed", we're "emotional creatures", we can do whatever we want, right?
All my life I"ve been brainwashed to buy into this: snaps and snails and puppy dog tails compared to sugar and spice and everything nice. ROTFLMAOPIMP!!! Or how about...sticks and stones will break my bones, but names will never hurt me. Sticks and stones symbolizing physical force (mens' strength), and names symbolizing verbal communication/abuse (womens' strength). Very subtle. I dare say that each of you if you were to think of the most scarring things that ever happened to you, it would be what someone SAID more than what someone DID.
Even my mom used to play games with my head. She says when I'm 10 or so that Shakespeare wrote, "Hell hath no fury greater than a man scorned". She knew the truth. You women enjoy a sizeable advantage over us men here. Enjoy it.
I posted this on another thread, but just for the record, Jean really has been laughing all night off and on over Suneisis' remark about "that's what happens when a woman submits to a man who hates women" or what ever it was.
the playing field is level...your team just has less players
Ok Oak I'll buy that, Maybe... :unsure: Maybe we have more players they just are not on your turf........ YET! either way at least the conditions are not favorable we'll say when you have 15 or twenty people posting at you and you are trying to keep up. I suppose that there are less players due to the nature of the place, the greasespot membership is a very small part of the total exway community most have moved on in life to other adventures that leaves the others who need a support board to congregate here while evaluating their next move. I don't expect to find a majority of posters that have moved on to other things as they are most likely busy with those things. most of them have resolved their exway issues and left them in the past they don't have a need to rehash the "good ole days" They don't have a need to make TWI good or bad it was what it was for each of them, for most a mix, Much like not sitting around talking about the place where you used to work, most just went out and got a new job instead. There are other things on the menu here as well prayer threads, politics, music threads, a place to connect with old friends and lest we forget food fights, these also draw people here from time to time. I don't expect the balance of the board to change anytime soon nor do I expect the opinion to change either but just because a small percent of a large group think one way does not make it truth either. A majority here is a drop in the bucket in the exway community, looks are deceiving because those of the same opinion have congregated in one place.
I guess it all in ones perspective.....if one ignores what happened, if one buries the past, I think that leaves a lot of unresolved issues...If one does not realise that they have been taught wrongly, that their thought patterns aquired in twi are unhealthy, that their expectations based on their belief system are unrealistic..if one does not come to gripe with the source of the information...then one continues to believe that they are right and do not recognise the need to change.
There have been some AWSOME points made on this thread.....more later....I have to leave now, but just know please.....all of you that ..... please know that your input here has been really apreciated.....that you guys have helped me so much in understanding some important concepts that I was struggling with.
quote: I will say only this John. You are a sick man with a huge problem with women. I don't know who did this to you because your wife seems like such a sweet strong lady.
That phrase I used, "emotionally out of control"...I think some of you think it's a redundant statement. Emotionally...? Out of control...? You only needed to say it once, John, hee hee. Like they mean the same thing. If men lose control of THEIR emotions, gawd, lock them up and throw away the key, but women...? Hey, we're "blessed", we're "emotional creatures", we can do whatever we want, right?
All my life I"ve been brainwashed to buy into this: snaps and snails and puppy dog tails compared to sugar and spice and everything nice. ROTFLMAOPIMP!!! Or how about...sticks and stones will break my bones, but names will never hurt me. Sticks and stones symbolizing physical force (mens' strength), and names symbolizing verbal communication/abuse (womens' strength). Very subtle. I dare say that each of you if you were to think of the most scarring things that ever happened to you, it would be what someone SAID more than what someone DID.
Even my mom used to play games with my head. She says when I'm 10 or so that Shakespeare wrote, "Hell hath no fury greater than a man scorned". She knew the truth. You women enjoy a sizeable advantage over us men here. Enjoy it.
I posted this on another thread, but just for the record, Jean really has been laughing all night off and on over Suneisis' remark about "that's what happens when a woman submits to a man who hates women" or what ever it was.
Funny - I never took your words to mean anything the way you expected them to be interpreted.
Emotionally out of control - First emotions are a part of the human condition. We have them. They should not rule our lives - but everyone lets their emotions get the best of them from time to time. I'll submit that constantly controlling ( as in supressing) one's emotions is just as bad as not controlling them at all. BTW - I don't see emotionally out of control women here in this thread. I do see women allowing themselves to work through their emotions on some painfull subjects. IMHO - that 's healthy. And Yes, I've seen emotions out of control in both genders - sometimes it's a good thing - other times not.
The sugar and spice/ snaps, snails contrast. Hmmmmmm - I never put much weight in that poem - what it meant to me is that boys liked to play with gross ( in reality COOL!) stuff more while some of the girls liked tea parties, and frills. ( Although I was always right there with the boys catching frogs and bugs.)
Sticks and stones.... YOU read that as a male/ female commentary???!!! When my Mom taught it to me she was trying to teach me how to just shrug off words. It's true that words do a lot of damage ( witness the last comment in your post regarding how your mother misquoted that sentence.) but - I was taught that you walk away from words instead of using your fists.
Here is what i did find on that quote - FYI:
While many attribute the quote to William Shakespeare, it actually comes from a play called the "The Mourning Bride" (1697) by William Congreve. The complete quote is "Heaven has no rage like love to hatred turned / Nor hell a fury like a woman scorned." (
I suppose that there are less players due to the nature of the place, the greasespot membership is a very small part of the total exway community most have moved on in life to other adventures
I'd say that's true of a number of those who don't post here-
but many never came here because they've cocooned themselves in a twi bubble.
Meanwhile, a number of us here have resolved all our twi issues and are here
having fun and otherwise interacting.
There's no correlation one to the other.
that leaves the others who need a support board to congregate here while evaluating their next move.
See my previous point.
I don't expect to find a majority of posters that have moved on to other things as they are most likely busy with those things. most of them have resolved their exway issues and left them in the past they don't have a need to rehash the "good ole days" They don't have a need to make TWI good or bad it was what it was for each of them, for most a mix, Much like not sitting around talking about the place where you used to work, most just went out and got a new job instead. There are other things on the menu here as well prayer threads, politics, music threads, a place to connect with old friends and lest we forget food fights, these also draw people here from time to time.
That last line agreed with one of my points-
posters here post for different reasons.
Some are Never-Been-Way, if you never noticed.
Makes it hard to have unresolved twi issues that way.
I don't expect the balance of the board to change anytime soon nor do I expect the opinion to change either but just because a small percent of a large group think one way does not make it truth either. A majority here is a drop in the bucket in the exway community, looks are deceiving because those of the same opinion have congregated in one place.
SOME of the people of similar opinion are in one place.
Where's the guarantee the rest of the population isn't all agreeing with that?
Not that any of us guaranteed numbers=truth,
but if almost everyone examines the facts and comes to the same conclusion,
that should be sufficient reason to consider that they might be seeing something
that the exceptions are missing.
I've noted that consideration is lacking among some people,
who object even to DISCUSSION of the facts, let along CONSIDERATION of them.
I had always felt sorry for johniam's wife, but now I see it was totally unnecessary as he married a female version of himself. God help the rest of their family.
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Thanks everyone! It's funny I have never told that story like that. I told a watered down one once, but I "minimized" the "event". I never told my parents who were also in TWI. They were so proud of their daughter in the Corps. Then I came home early, didn't finish and wouldn't tell them why. They knew I was angry...everyone knew I was angry. I cut all my hair off. I stopped wearing pretty girl clothes. I stopped being nice to anyone I hadn't known most of my life. I stopped being daddies little girl, because she was weak and vulnerable. I stopped being me.
I don't blame anyone for that. After all some good came of it. I left TWI. Oh I hovered close by to keep an eye on my parents and when my father fell asleep I held the eulogy. No-one from TWI came. I stopped any association with them when they kicked mom out of twig because she would not disown me. (She told me that it was all her children, but I knew it was me they wanted to isolate) When my mom fell asleep eleven years later we had Bill Schly run the eulogy. I just couldn't do this one. Lots of ex-TWI came.
After that I decided I might try to stop being so angry. So I googled, that was 2001. The year of major change in my life. I read somewhere, I think it was here or Way Dale, don't remember that LCM was out something in my heart just let go. I cried nearly as hard as when mom passed, because I was free. God had kept his promise! or Karma had caught up...whatever! It didn't matter how, or the details, it only mattered that he had lost everything he held dear, just like I thought I did that interum year out WOW. I didn't do anything to him at all, but it happened all the same.
It was not until that moment with me sitting alone in front of my computer that I realized just how angry I was at LCM for not protecting me, like he had promised as an ordained minister and final word on the Corps. He had thrown me to the wolves and I had gotten chewed up. I remember asking him to interveen, but he wouldn't. At the time I was too depressed to care what he said anymore. I never realized how angry it had made me.
But I still don't blame him. I don't blame anyone...there is no profit to God in doing so. But I had changed.
Writing this I realize that my parents raised a very intelligent naive girl. They sent her to ROA '82 to go out WOW for the first time. I had a great time with two great guys and a lovely little 12th corps girl who's boyfriend had been sent to Reno, near my parents. It made for some wonderful phone calls. Time passed...I went into the corps and when I went home in July '87 the little girl was no longer naive she was in fact quite nearly dead. How my parents must have cried to see the anger etched in my face. I wish I had told them everything.
Throughout all of this and many more "grand" adventures I have learned how to forgive others for their trespasses, and here in this thread I have learned how not to make excuses for them while I am forgiving them.
Anyway, Rascal, lady you are a doll! Once again thanks for starting this thread, sorry if I derailed it yet again.
Sunesis, Your heart is as gentle and warm as a morning sun.
Word Wolf, You always have the right knowledge for the right moment. Kinda like a big brother.
And Johniam, When I wrote that post I nearly didn't send it. I didn't know what to expect from other posters since I really did go off topic, and now I did it again. But I really didn't expect what you wrote. When crap started to fly I turned towards God as my parents had taught me. My first thought (no inference intended) was to go to Thessalonians because it was the first written and hence, in my thinking would be the epistles most likely to give comfort to the young Christian. I was not wrong. The hope is for everyday maintenance of the renewed mind. Without the hope there is no goal to aspire to attain. The hope is like a mega bright light bulb, without it you easily get lost in the dark. Anyway I don't always agree with what you say, most of the time you're pretty rude to lots of people, but sometimes you toss out a gem. God loves ya bro.
And I love all of you and everyone else who has taken the time to come to GS. Having wallowed in my anger and mistrust for so long I had forgotten that the household of God has lots of love in it, and his children love to share it.
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Dot Matrix
I can validate her story, as I have similar ones.
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Dot Matrix
My heart bleeds for you. Those pieces of crap
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I love you sis!
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Johniam's Post # 184 has got to be one of the most offensive things I've ever heard – and wouldn't think of repeating it here nor responding in kind…I read it this morning and have given it some thought on why it bothers me so. And in reviewing this thread from the beginning one of the things that occurred to me was how much post # 184 reminded me of TWI's two-faced mentality – typically being nice to people until their theology is challenged – then the arrogant venom is launched. It has the effect of blind-siding someone not prepared – I guess that's me.
I think such an adamant and haughty attitude may indicate a deeper problem – perhaps TWI's toxic mindset still thrives within. It goes back to what Rascal said at the start of the thread:
Talking about the shock and denial that hits ex-TWI folk in my post # 165 goes along with what Rascal said in post # 1 – not sure if it's the next step [you psyche majors chime in please] but I think recovery, healing, understanding, growth…is impossible without ACCEPTANCE – realizing you were deceived. Realizing to some extent and for whatever reason you turned off your intellect and conscience. In my opinion those who have left TWI but want to defend it or throw a dreamy gauze over the lens to soften and sweeten everything – are still [at best] in the denial phase.
When something really bothers me – and I feel I must respond – I usually let it sit awhile and try to figure out what is the appropriate Christian response. Things like love your enemies and pray for your fellow believers comes to mind. Though post # 184 was not directed to me – I am bothered by it. I know we're all adults here – and after coming to GSC awhile you develop a thick skin – even so I think a little encouragement now and then does the soul some good – I would like to thank WordWolf, Rascal and Sunesis for your input on GSC. Since I've been coming here I find myself drawn to and affected by your posts. Keep on with the keeping on.
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Thanks to all who've appreciated my posts.
I'd like to add, you'd never SEE my posts, because there would BE no posts,
if PAWTUCKET hadn't set up the GSC in the first place,
and kept it up since then.
I've learned a lot here, and posted a lot here in that time.
So, I'd like to thank PAW once again.
How anyone could know PAW runs this place and claim it was dominated by women
is beyond me-if they're trying to be HONEST.
under the offensive posting, please remember that this is not entirely the
result of someone just acting out.
These are the result of dysfunctional thought patterns inflicted in twi,
which are still in effect, never having been replaced by different
cognitive processes.
He's a VICTIM of vpw, TOO. His WOUNDS haven't healed, EITHER.
Even if HE can't find sympathy for his fellow victims,
that doesn't mean WE can't find sympathy for ALL vpw's victims,
even when they are inflammatory.
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John, John, John-----------
Whiney women are all that frequent this thread?
Trust me, I am neither of the two.(whiney nor female)
Heck, I'm not even bitter or angry. It's been too long ago.
Why are there so many women here? Think logical for a moment ,John. What gender comprises the majority of victims of the offence being discussed?
Sometimes I think it is not TWI that you and some other posters are trying to defend,it is that doubt that lingers deep inside but refuses to come to the surface. It has to be justified in order for its presence to be tolerable.
Does TWI need to be "good"?
TWI was NEVER "good".
There were some good people. There was some good Bible taught. There were some good times.
But the organization itself? Nope. Don't see it.
Now along comes someone who chimes in"Oh Yeah! Well I learned about the lost piece of silver coin in TWI!"
Just remember that while someone was learning about finding the lost coin, someone else may have been learning what it meant to lose a an irreplacable part of their innocence both physically and mentally, not to mention the spiritual innocence that was sacrificed on the alter of self serving hypocrites. Does that sound like anger or bitterness? It's not. It's just the ability to look an ugly truth straight in the eye.
Bring on the blowtorch. (Application of heat is a tried and true method of bringing a festering boil to a head.)
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quote: He certainly wouldn't fog issues with vague insults meant to add irrelevant digressions,
when we're discussing those who committed offences against the little ones.
If it's so irrelevant hows come you had to pounce on it?
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Wow – is that eerie or what? I can still hear that oddball phrase “hows come” in ol’ VPW’s voice. But that’s ingredients for a whole new thread: Does the grammar of TWI need to be good? …or should I use “gooder” – oh geez – I still need deliverance!
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I`ll pray for you brother :)
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"Hows come"?
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I will say only this John. You are a sick man with a huge problem with women. I don't know who did this to you because your wife seems like such a sweet strong lady. But I have to say I feel sorry for your wife and any daughter's you might have. I can ignore you but those poor ladies have to live with you. It's people like you that take down perfectly good threads and people like you that make others leave GSC because they don't need or want your drama. You are what you accuse these women of and you need to get a life instead of trying to fulfill you enjoyment in life by trying to stir people up in serious conversations.
jean don't defend him because it won't go anywhere. He admitted to his agenda and it's not a good one.
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You know I was thinking about this very thing just yesterday. Why is it that even though we are "out" and about now when we get together even here in cyberspace the old habits and words and "Way" phrases start nagging at the edge of my brain as if they are caged animals nawing on the bars trying to escape into my mouth and onto the page? :huh: Wow that was a long sentence...sorry. But does this happen to any of you? Maybe for another thread?
Edited 'cause I can't spell at this time of the morning...ah heck I can't spell worth dange!
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quote: I will say only this John. You are a sick man with a huge problem with women. I don't know who did this to you because your wife seems like such a sweet strong lady.
That phrase I used, "emotionally out of control"...I think some of you think it's a redundant statement. Emotionally...? Out of control...? You only needed to say it once, John, hee hee. Like they mean the same thing. If men lose control of THEIR emotions, gawd, lock them up and throw away the key, but women...? Hey, we're "blessed", we're "emotional creatures", we can do whatever we want, right?
All my life I"ve been brainwashed to buy into this: snaps and snails and puppy dog tails compared to sugar and spice and everything nice. ROTFLMAOPIMP!!! Or how about...sticks and stones will break my bones, but names will never hurt me. Sticks and stones symbolizing physical force (mens' strength), and names symbolizing verbal communication/abuse (womens' strength). Very subtle. I dare say that each of you if you were to think of the most scarring things that ever happened to you, it would be what someone SAID more than what someone DID.
Even my mom used to play games with my head. She says when I'm 10 or so that Shakespeare wrote, "Hell hath no fury greater than a man scorned". She knew the truth. You women enjoy a sizeable advantage over us men here. Enjoy it.
I posted this on another thread, but just for the record, Jean really has been laughing all night off and on over Suneisis' remark about "that's what happens when a woman submits to a man who hates women" or what ever it was.
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Ok Oak I'll buy that, Maybe... :unsure: Maybe we have more players they just are not on your turf........ YET! either way at least the conditions are not favorable we'll say when you have 15 or twenty people posting at you and you are trying to keep up. I suppose that there are less players due to the nature of the place, the greasespot membership is a very small part of the total exway community most have moved on in life to other adventures that leaves the others who need a support board to congregate here while evaluating their next move. I don't expect to find a majority of posters that have moved on to other things as they are most likely busy with those things. most of them have resolved their exway issues and left them in the past they don't have a need to rehash the "good ole days"
They don't have a need to make TWI good or bad it was what it was for each of them, for most a mix, Much like not sitting around talking about the place where you used to work, most just went out and got a new job instead. There are other things on the menu here as well prayer threads, politics, music threads, a place to connect with old friends and lest we forget food fights, these also draw people here from time to time. I don't expect the balance of the board to change anytime soon nor do I expect the opinion to change either but just because a small percent of a large group think one way does not make it truth either. A majority here is a drop in the bucket in the exway community, looks are deceiving because those of the same opinion have congregated in one place.
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I guess it all in ones perspective.....if one ignores what happened, if one buries the past, I think that leaves a lot of unresolved issues...If one does not realise that they have been taught wrongly, that their thought patterns aquired in twi are unhealthy, that their expectations based on their belief system are unrealistic..if one does not come to gripe with the source of the information...then one continues to believe that they are right and do not recognise the need to change.
It`s called denial.
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There have been some AWSOME points made on this thread.....more later....I have to leave now, but just know please.....all of you that ..... please know that your input here has been really apreciated.....that you guys have helped me so much in understanding some important concepts that I was struggling with.
You guys are just too cool!
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I dunno. I took this statement like, they have fewer marbles in their corner..
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I dont know what it is but somehow that just sounds funnier when I hear it coming out of a squirrel!
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Funny - I never took your words to mean anything the way you expected them to be interpreted.
Emotionally out of control - First emotions are a part of the human condition. We have them. They should not rule our lives - but everyone lets their emotions get the best of them from time to time. I'll submit that constantly controlling ( as in supressing) one's emotions is just as bad as not controlling them at all. BTW - I don't see emotionally out of control women here in this thread. I do see women allowing themselves to work through their emotions on some painfull subjects. IMHO - that 's healthy. And Yes, I've seen emotions out of control in both genders - sometimes it's a good thing - other times not.
The sugar and spice/ snaps, snails contrast. Hmmmmmm - I never put much weight in that poem - what it meant to me is that boys liked to play with gross ( in reality COOL!) stuff more while some of the girls liked tea parties, and frills. ( Although I was always right there with the boys catching frogs and bugs.)
Sticks and stones.... YOU read that as a male/ female commentary???!!! When my Mom taught it to me she was trying to teach me how to just shrug off words. It's true that words do a lot of damage ( witness the last comment in your post regarding how your mother misquoted that sentence.) but - I was taught that you walk away from words instead of using your fists.
Here is what i did find on that quote - FYI:
While many attribute the quote to William Shakespeare, it actually comes from a play called the "The Mourning Bride" (1697) by William Congreve. The complete quote is "Heaven has no rage like love to hatred turned / Nor hell a fury like a woman scorned." (
I'm a sucker for context..
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I'd say that's true of a number of those who don't post here-
but many never came here because they've cocooned themselves in a twi bubble.
Meanwhile, a number of us here have resolved all our twi issues and are here
having fun and otherwise interacting.
There's no correlation one to the other.
See my previous point.That last line agreed with one of my points-
posters here post for different reasons.
Some are Never-Been-Way, if you never noticed.
Makes it hard to have unresolved twi issues that way.
SOME of the people of similar opinion are in one place.
Where's the guarantee the rest of the population isn't all agreeing with that?
Not that any of us guaranteed numbers=truth,
but if almost everyone examines the facts and comes to the same conclusion,
that should be sufficient reason to consider that they might be seeing something
that the exceptions are missing.
I've noted that consideration is lacking among some people,
who object even to DISCUSSION of the facts, let along CONSIDERATION of them.
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I had always felt sorry for johniam's wife, but now I see it was totally unnecessary as he married a female version of himself. God help the rest of their family.
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Eyesopen, it must be my high squeaky voice..
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Here is a point to consider.
I have three family members who would likely post here IF they had access to the internet.(which they do not)
Others here could likely speak of similar circumstances.
Soooo------To compare the number of players on team x to the number of players on team y is a moot point.
If only TWO people posted, the CONTENT of the posts would still be at the heart of the importance of having a place to do so.
Just my 2 cents. Probably inflated at that!
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