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I had a great conversation the other day about twi. A few years ago with lcm in full power it was a very

cut and dry twi. Bold full in your face screaming by way corp, fellowship cords spying on you. A good friend

was hard to find because if they rolled you under the bus they were safe for a while.

lcm lost power the fox came in and when she was given the title it was procfied she would heal the twi.

Now here they are several years later and its a kinder gentler way. It really is in my area others may be

diffrent. The local way corp drink the cool aid non stop but they are not like the way corp of old in the late


My point is lcm was so far out there with extremes and yelling and spitting people followed or were abused.

The fox is evil and has a plan to put us to sleep and kill us with kindness. Then she will reel everyone in.

Control is the name of the game and I wonder how long it will take till she gets off the nice kick and takes the twi

in the direction she wants.

A change has to come, there has to be a shakeup. Numbers are dropping, money is drying up. There is no

showman like vp or lcm anymore, the STS are very lack luster compared to days of old by current followers.

I heard very boring by several people. I actually heard one where the focal point to get your attention and draw

you in with a story was a sewing emergency, could not get a double stich down. Please do not have another

husband wife combo teaching these are long and people fall asleep.

I know there are several people burned by her at the cafe, I think very little of her and have seen damage she

has done to people that only God could heal. My context is to her being the spokeswoman for the twi. She has an agenda

and I wonder how much time is on the clock because it is ticking.


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I think they are waiting for their kids to "mature"..

Those who have stuck around, and haven't run for their lives are the likely candidates who have properly hardened themselves with vey dogma and opinion.

The old guard is just too old and tired to be as mean as they once were. I don't think it's that they have really changed, they just don't have the stamina that they used to.

I think the next generation will bring back the harshness. Their pinkys will be heavier than Rosie's loins..

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I thought about the kids taking it to the next level.

I know vp built the machine and lcm thought in his own twisted way with present

truth, homo purge and no debt he really belived he was making it better.

Under lcm we had 3 fellowships a week, one night to witness some really important

meeting once a week and other things to keep us busy. On average it was 5 nights a week of twi.

We were under a lot of pressure then but felt the need to serve the greater good of God and twi.

Half the time we hated it but not doing it was not an option.

The fox has not given us busy work, to much idle time will distact us from twi.

That in combo with awful STS people are not as tapped in to the root as they used to be.

My family has friday movie nights every week and the kids can now play sports.

We have time for ourselves and family. When we are at the kids events we do not feel like

we have to witness like we used to.

The fox let us breath and now the level of commitment is way down. We enjoy this and as a result no

new people for 2 years.

I believe every leader wants to be remebered for something.

VP built it in his own mind turned the world upside down.

LCM confronted the world with the word and showed the world how screwed up they were.

LCM lost tens of thousands of people but what was left would drink kool aid for him. They loved him.

His books are still being used and he is seen as a fallen one not a cop out.

The fox brought a chance to take a breath.

That is not what she wants to be rembered for. At this rate the twi will be reduced to 500 people

nationwide in 10 years. She has a plan.


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That is not what she wants to be rembered for. At this rate the twi will be reduced to 500 people

nationwide in 10 years. She has a plan.

Perhaps she has a plan, but I wonder how much good it will do.

I question whether she will be remembered by anyone, even ten years after she's gone. Well, except for the few staffers who have had direct involvement with her.

Maybe they'll put up a memorial in the woods, which no one will be able to visit, or care to, for that matter.

I think the very few who will remember her will remember her as an enabler of a sex-crazed, arrogant and abusive madman, no matter what she may or may not do for the corporation in the next year or so.

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The Fox has no plan. The Fox is not that foxy.

  Mr. Hammeroni said:
I think they are waiting for their kids to "mature"..

Those who have stuck around, and haven't run for their lives are the likely candidates who have properly hardened themselves with vey dogma and opinion.

The old guard is just too old and tired to be as mean as they once were. I don't think it's that they have really changed, they just don't have the stamina that they used to.

I think the next generation will bring back the harshness. Their pinkys will be heavier than Rosie's loins..

They are not caring for the next generation. The leadership is too stupid and careless to do such a thing.

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Copenhagen(or is it Officer Flanigan), did you say the Fox has a plan? Well, I am the Hunter. Horace, don't bug me boy, But Unk, I know that the Fox is deceptive. oops, thought this was Cartoon Network/Boomerang Channel. :biglaugh::biglaugh::biglaugh::offtopic:

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now that I think of it more the fox began her presidency saying she didn't want a ministry of "yes" men. However, while at the gulog, she would do reproofs, they typical "You've all screwed some little thing." I don't think she's necessarily given us breathing room. She's doing the same stuff, but in a old lady way. lcm played football, he did things that way.

Vp, lcm, and the fox are all the same ideologically (power hungry) but only different in personality. There's no plan. It's the same thing. We're just not seeing its full effect yet.

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Funny - I just emailed someone and told them that there's not too much about TWI that hasn't been discussed on GS - and nothing new has happened for quite a while. Here's what I wrote to them:

I think they've gotten very quiet and probably won't do anything crazy enough to attract attention to themselves. There are no more megalomaniac leaders like LCM or new, controversial teachings anymore. I think they're maintaining the status quo and living off the rewards of the past. If their lifestyle doesn't get too extravagant - they'll be able to live very well for many years

Then I suggested that it might be a good topic!! LOL!! Guess someone beat me to it.

The internet is too powerful for TWI to hide from. It's what brought them down in the first place. Waydale showed anyone who had internet access the truth about LCM and VPW and their perversions. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe it was less than a year from the time the first law suit was brought to light until LCM resigned -- perhaps less than 6 months. Anything they do now, anyone they've recently wronged, can post it for all to see -- not just here, but on blogs and MySpace as well. No wonder they're acting nicer and boring and bland (oh my!). There's nothing to discuss about today's TWI other than it'll put you to sleep!

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As a mature disciple one should be able to self discipline oneself and always be excited about the truth of God's Word, which He has magnified above His Holy Name. One should not need charismatic teachings, for the Truth that is presented in a logical :yawn1: and powerful manner is enough to excite. . :yawn1: :yawn1: :yawn1: a true disciple of . . . :sleep1: :sleep1: :sleep1: :sleep1: :sleep1:

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The excitement of word over the world from the mid seventies is over.

As has been mentioned, the charismatic leaders are gone and they are left with a dull and boring Rosie...

In my wildest imagination, I can't understand what could possibly draw and hold a person to twi today. They are less than a shadow of what they once were. I think that Rosie is simply maintaining the legal necessities to keep their tax exempt status with the IRS as a religious organization...they are financially secure in terms of their own retirement and present lifestyle...and are probably content with maintaining an organizational front.

They have enough history behind them and enough doctrinal publications and classes to keep the fires burning for a long time to come...they are no longer an active evangelical ministry...they are a preservation society...with the sole purpose of maintaining their existance for their own self serving purposes.

The future?...When Rosie finally retires ( or croaks), there will be a power struggle and another bunch of "administrators" and pencil pushers will arise and latch on to the "twi gravy train" that is fueled by the ABS of years gone by and the investments made of that money...

...it's become an institution of self perpetuating mediocrity that feeds off the weak and bullies the naive.

Edited by GrouchoMarxJr
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there are those still at the cabinet level with real minister experience. The Fox is adding young blood to the cabinet. I think there are plenty still in power without the greed of their predecessors, and with the memory of the past mistakes.

I have no reason to believe The Way will not experience another explosion (maybe not as big, and probably not soon) if left alone. When the old crones leave with their soy bean ways and the younger guys (that can operate a computer) take the reins.

Edited by Bolshevik
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  GrouchoMarxJr said:
The excitement of word over the world from the mid seventies is over.

The charismatic leaders are gone and they are left with a dull and boring Rosie...

...it's become an institution of self perpetuating mediocrity that feeds off the weak and bullies the naive.

Well said Groucho, it is amazing to me to see how TWI has changed. In my mind it plays like a color to black and white before and after scenario. My memories include a huge gathering of excited loving people at an ROA in full technocolor, but now I am handed this new picture of a sparse gatering of a few highly starched people listening to the droning monolog of an miserly, selfish old crone.

I missed the majority of the 90's. I was involved only on the fringe and only because my Mom was still active. So I missed Rosie, and the majority of LCM's crap. Then I did not have any contact after my mom was kicked out by my brother and his TC because she wouldn't denounce me and my other siblings. (How can a "loving" ministry do that to an old woman? How could my brother do that to his own mother? It still boggles the mind. ) So in my mind TWI made this change overnight.

I am not holding my breath waiting for TWI to make a comeback. In my mind it is dead I just need to bury it.

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there are those still at the cabinet level with real minister experience

Bolshevik, just wonder.. who are they? I know of half a dozen or so they've chased off..

Is it REAL minister experience, or in-house TWI minister "experience"?

I'm not trying to be critical or funny (an exception to the rule here :biglaugh:)

Just want a little clarification.

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