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Happy Birthday Dear Eyesopen


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Happy Birthday Dear Eyesopen!Thank You for gracing this place with your beautiful heart. May all Your wishes and dreams come true!"Here's wishing you the top o' life without a single tumble.Here's wishing you the smiles o' life and not a single grumble.Here's wishing you the best o' life and not a claw about it.Here's wishing you the joy in life and not a day without it.""Dreams are illustrations from the book your soul is writing about you."(Marsha Norman)"There are some people who live in a dream world, and there are some who face reality; and then there are those who turn one into the other"(Dougias H. Everett)I have a list of folks I know,All written in a book..And every now and thenI go and take a look.That is when I realizeThese names...they are a part,Not of the book they're written in,But taken from my heart.For each name stands for someoneWho has crossed my path some time,And in that meeting they've have become,The reason and the rhyme.Although it sounds fantasticFor me to make this claim,I really am composed ofEach remembered name.Although you're not awareOf any special link,Just meeting you has shaped my life..More than you could ever think.So, please don't think my greetingAs just a mere routine.Your name was NOT forgottenIn between.For when I send a greetingThat is addressed to you,It's because you're on that listOf folks I'm indebted to.Whether I have known youFor many days or few...In some ways you have a partIn shaping things I do.I am but a totalOf many folks I've met,And you are one I would prefer..Never to forget.Thank you for being my friend.Author Unknown Love You Eyesopen, RainbowsGirl

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You are all so very kind! And I love each and everyone of you. I feel like having one big HUGE birthday group hug! :knuddel: Then we can all toast life together with our favorite libation! :drink: (The squashed one...that was me last night!)

Thank you all for your kind wishes and the beautiful pics, poems, and song! I look forward to someday meeting you all at the Bema? If its true :rolleyes: ...if not how about meeting in Chicago...or better yet Paris? Anyplace but New Knoxville. :biglaugh:

Really you all make this place ROCK!! I'm so glad your here and I'm here and were all here together...did that make any sense? :wacko: :biglaugh: Ok so maybe I still got a little extra "libation" still in me. :P

Rainbow- Never fear my dear...I can read anything as long as I have my contacts in right! :blink:

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