Hi, I Just joined the GreaseSpot Cafe last night so I'm new to the forum.
My husband and I have been happily married for 25 years. We met in The Way Corps (9th) and were married in the Corps weddings in 1981. We didn't know each other very well when we got married but I was sure that God had spoken to me and that he was the right man for me. Well God was right. I believe that we were meant to be together. We left TWI ,I believe, in 1987. God has been good to us and I'm thankful for a great marriage to a wonderful man. I really believe that the reason I was blessed to marry the right man is that I surrendered the decision to God in prayer. I remember a time when I was crying on my bed in the dorms at Emporia, crying out to the Lord and telling him that I would never be married if He didn't do it for me. That was during the 1st year in the Corps. Then, shortly before Christmas break of my 3rd year at Emporia I believe that I heard from the Lord. It was out of the blue but I heard distinctly in my spirit that I was going to be proposed to over the Christmas break and that I should accept the proposal. I knew it was from the Lord because I didn't even have a boyfriend at the time and I had no idea who would propose to me. But sure enough, when I was at my Dad's house for the break, I got a call from California from a guy that I had only seen once (for only a few minutes) in a year and a half and we had only been on one "date" a year and a half ago. I was able to accept the proposal because I had been forewarned by the Holy Spirit that it was coming. So we were married and 25 years later we have two great kids and are truly blessed.
Morning! Congratulations to all those celebrating anniversaries, and encouragement to those who look forward to a marriage with someone they love.
Technically, my wife and I didn't meet "in" TWI so I hesitated to post on this fine thread. We have been married since we were young and are about to celebrate our 36th aniversary. All of the time we were involved in the Way we were married. We have two children, now 25 and 23. Everything we've done in our adult lives has been together, married.
We married because we were in love and wanted to be together for life. I was talking to someone about this this week. When I asked my wife to marry me it was "forever", and at that point if you'd asked me if we'd be together in 36 years I'd have said "Of course! I love her!" But at 20 you don't know what year 2 or 12 or 32 is going to be like. You have a plan but the plan boils down to something like this in reality, I think - live and love today and live and love tomorrow. That's 1 + 1 = 2. Ya got 2 days now. Then do it again and again and again. To get to day 12,236, or any day, you just live each day as it comes and make it as good as you can and look forward to more.
Being friends, close, supportive to each other makes it work I think. I'm her biggest fan. If something's good for her, it's good for me, is the way I see it and vice versa. However a couple wants to define it if they marry for "love" and make that their industry they'll be happy with the result. I'm still crazy about her and after 36 years with me she's got to be crazy, so it seems to be a match made in heaven.
That was a great post for someone who has just joined. Thanks for sharing that with us.
Even though twi was screwy to say the least, God still works with people who trust Him.
I don't get a lot of revalation but God did work in my heart to help me see that the woman I was interested in would be one that I could enjoy life with. It worked too.
At first I didn't quite believe it and ran around asking everyone what they thought. When it all comes down to it though you have to make the decision based on good friendship and compatability. I'm glad God knows our hearts. I certainly would have screwed up.
Just wanted to say that I know of some great marriages that have lasted from Way days. Sorry to hear about all the broken ones. Since I'm new here I thoght it was a nice prompt for believer marriages that have lasted and one I could respond to positively.
My wife and I met in the 11th, Fell in love, got married in the corps wedding and we have been "Soul Mates" ever since. We love each other and that is what makes our life together so so nice.
Just wanted to say that I know of some great marriages that have lasted from Way days. Sorry to hear about all the broken ones. Since I'm new here I thoght it was a nice prompt for believer marriages that have lasted and one I could respond to positively.
hey thanks
plus you're allowed to post negatively when you feel the inkling
Tomorrow is The Day for us. 36 years, and counting. 3/27.
I've never quite understood how the image of the husband (or wife I guess but usually it's the guy) forgetting the anniversary got so ingrained in modern society. We were talking about it and can't remember a year when either one of us "forgot" about it. That would be weird. But I guess it could sneak up on me, that's happened a time or two. Maybe it's because it would be so weird that its makes for such outlandish comedy. Dunno.
I've been working on a song, a poem really, for a long time. Part of it is from a card that my wife gave me the day we got married, so I guess I've been toying with the idea of it being part of a song for that long and until this last week it never quite came together. I don't know why but it's come to be one of those things that I keep stored in the back of my brain and fiddle with all the time. I've even posted parts in my Signature, so I could see what it looked like. I asked a few years ago and Ted Ferrel through down an entire songs worth of lyrics 'like that' (and that's Ted) and I think a line or two of that and what ChattyK-ski might have posted at that time are rolling around in it.
It finally fell into place. I'm still fiddling with it but the idea is finally in words. They're not incredibly anything but they're what I would want to say about our marriage. I ended up titling it "How Could I have Known" and this seemed a nice place to put it, if you don't mind I will put it here.
How ironic to come across this thread.......... My wife and I were married in '86, right after POP was released at Corps Week. We have gone through an incredible amount of grief over the ministry, my health (I'm the one with all the brain surgeries in my past) and now, after 20 years... we will be divorced this June.
Last Fall, she approached me with her delima. She was over stressed and it was starting to affect her health. After visits to a few doctors and counselors, she arrived at the conclusion it was our marriage and my inability to remember things in the financial realm that had her the most stressed.
After my 3rd surgery, she had to take over the finances in the home. She has been very good at it. She raised our credit rating to an outstanding level simply by never being late on a bill. I can't even balance a check book. No doubt, that would stress out anyone. I rarely know the date unless someone tells me and then I won't remember the next day.
After months of deliberation, she approached me in October and said, "I figure I've got about 25 years left. And I just don't think I want to spend them married to you."
I grinned and said, "OK." She met with lawyers in December and served me papers in February
We aren't bitter. In fact, as serious as this is, I'm still making her laugh about it. She is even allowing me to stay in the house until I'm ready to move. It has taken a lot of work to set myself up to be able to survive financially without her.
We are going through an incredibly friendly divorce. I'm disappointed things are at this point.... but I fully understand that for her, its about survival.
If I were her, I would leave me, too.
We seem to still like each other which is great imho.
Happy Anniversary to Socks and Mrs. Socks. Bet your song will really knock her socks off! I can't think of a better anniversary gift to receive than a song from the heart.
((Yidontgotochurch)), So sorry about your news. A divorce must be painful, no matter how amicable it is. Both of you are in my prayers.
My hubby and I have been together for 20 years this August. We met at Emporia and became good friends. We got married after graduation. We promised to each other that we would never bring up the word, "Divorce" and we haven't. We have two kids, one is about to graduate high school and the other doing well in school. We are both sold out on God and His Word and we can't stand religion. Have a great day everyone and smileeeeeeeeeeeee
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Attack Gypsy
I said that to my wife a few months back. That "I wasn't the man you married" anymore.
To which she replied "Of course not, jack***! If you were, you'd be a virgin thats always broke!"
Gods, I love this woman. September was 17 years we've been married, and still very happy.
The one, and thankfully only,
Attack Gypsy
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good for you and your bride Gyp!
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Hi, I Just joined the GreaseSpot Cafe last night so I'm new to the forum.
My husband and I have been happily married for 25 years. We met in The Way Corps (9th) and were married in the Corps weddings in 1981. We didn't know each other very well when we got married but I was sure that God had spoken to me and that he was the right man for me. Well God was right. I believe that we were meant to be together. We left TWI ,I believe, in 1987. God has been good to us and I'm thankful for a great marriage to a wonderful man. I really believe that the reason I was blessed to marry the right man is that I surrendered the decision to God in prayer. I remember a time when I was crying on my bed in the dorms at Emporia, crying out to the Lord and telling him that I would never be married if He didn't do it for me. That was during the 1st year in the Corps. Then, shortly before Christmas break of my 3rd year at Emporia I believe that I heard from the Lord. It was out of the blue but I heard distinctly in my spirit that I was going to be proposed to over the Christmas break and that I should accept the proposal. I knew it was from the Lord because I didn't even have a boyfriend at the time and I had no idea who would propose to me. But sure enough, when I was at my Dad's house for the break, I got a call from California from a guy that I had only seen once (for only a few minutes) in a year and a half and we had only been on one "date" a year and a half ago. I was able to accept the proposal because I had been forewarned by the Holy Spirit that it was coming. So we were married and 25 years later we have two great kids and are truly blessed.
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Morning! Congratulations to all those celebrating anniversaries, and encouragement to those who look forward to a marriage with someone they love.
Technically, my wife and I didn't meet "in" TWI so I hesitated to post on this fine thread. We have been married since we were young and are about to celebrate our 36th aniversary. All of the time we were involved in the Way we were married. We have two children, now 25 and 23. Everything we've done in our adult lives has been together, married.
We married because we were in love and wanted to be together for life. I was talking to someone about this this week. When I asked my wife to marry me it was "forever", and at that point if you'd asked me if we'd be together in 36 years I'd have said "Of course! I love her!" But at 20 you don't know what year 2 or 12 or 32 is going to be like. You have a plan but the plan boils down to something like this in reality, I think - live and love today and live and love tomorrow. That's 1 + 1 = 2. Ya got 2 days now. Then do it again and again and again. To get to day 12,236, or any day, you just live each day as it comes and make it as good as you can and look forward to more.
Being friends, close, supportive to each other makes it work I think. I'm her biggest fan. If something's good for her, it's good for me, is the way I see it and vice versa. However a couple wants to define it if they marry for "love" and make that their industry they'll be happy with the result. I'm still crazy about her and after 36 years with me she's got to be crazy, so it seems to be a match made in heaven.
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Greetings, Wrdsandwrks
Welcome to GSC
Making a marriage work for 25 years(TWI or not) is not always an easy task.
Congratulations to you both. May the future hold 25 more.
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polar bear
Dear Wdsandwks-
Welcome to the cafe.
That was a great post for someone who has just joined. Thanks for sharing that with us.
Even though twi was screwy to say the least, God still works with people who trust Him.
I don't get a lot of revalation but God did work in my heart to help me see that the woman I was interested in would be one that I could enjoy life with. It worked too.
At first I didn't quite believe it and ran around asking everyone what they thought. When it all comes down to it though you have to make the decision based on good friendship and compatability. I'm glad God knows our hearts. I certainly would have screwed up.
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what the hell's a soul mate ?
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Well, ya see, that would depend on where you put the comma.
For example, "What the hell's a soul, mate?", which seems to indicate you might be having a theological discussion with someone from Down Under.
We now return you to your scheduled programming.
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ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha good one !!!!! thank you so much !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
or thank you, so much !!!!! you're too much !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
or are you so much ????
those damn commas
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oh ((((((((((((soggy))))))))))
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god had me hear a special song on the radio
oh i'm divorced too
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Just wanted to say that I know of some great marriages that have lasted from Way days. Sorry to hear about all the broken ones. Since I'm new here I thoght it was a nice prompt for believer marriages that have lasted and one I could respond to positively.
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Glad you responded. Welcome aboard!
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Out There
My wife and I met in the 11th, Fell in love, got married in the corps wedding and we have been "Soul Mates" ever since. We love each other and that is what makes our life together so so nice.
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hey thanks
plus you're allowed to post negatively when you feel the inkling
big ;)
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Love...is a good thing.
Tomorrow is The Day for us. 36 years, and counting. 3/27.
I've never quite understood how the image of the husband (or wife I guess but usually it's the guy) forgetting the anniversary got so ingrained in modern society. We were talking about it and can't remember a year when either one of us "forgot" about it. That would be weird. But I guess it could sneak up on me, that's happened a time or two. Maybe it's because it would be so weird that its makes for such outlandish comedy. Dunno.
I've been working on a song, a poem really, for a long time. Part of it is from a card that my wife gave me the day we got married, so I guess I've been toying with the idea of it being part of a song for that long and until this last week it never quite came together. I don't know why but it's come to be one of those things that I keep stored in the back of my brain and fiddle with all the time. I've even posted parts in my Signature, so I could see what it looked like. I asked a few years ago and Ted Ferrel through down an entire songs worth of lyrics 'like that' (and that's Ted) and I think a line or two of that and what ChattyK-ski might have posted at that time are rolling around in it.
It finally fell into place. I'm still fiddling with it but the idea is finally in words. They're not incredibly anything but they're what I would want to say about our marriage. I ended up titling it "How Could I have Known" and this seemed a nice place to put it, if you don't mind I will put it here.
How Could I Have Known
If all of the time
In all the world
Were in my hand, please understand
The moment I'd relive again and again is
The one when we first said
It was so very long ago
That we first met and said "Hello".
Little did I know that day
That you would steal my heart away.
How could I have known
The way the years would pass
I only knew for sure
My love would last
Through every year, but grow so fast?
How could I have known what you'd mean to me?
How could I have seen the woman that you'd be?
The girl I loved so easily.
You were everything and more to me.
How could I have known there'd be so much more?
Now, if all our tomorrows were never to come
I'd be happy with all that we've done.
Loving you is
The best thing I've done.
I'll always know loving you
Is the best thing I've done.
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Kit Sober
I was going to post something, but your song leaves me without words.
Thank you for the kindness you have brought (and continue to bring) into the world.
Happy Anniversary to you and Mrs. Socks.
From my viewpoint, you both are right next to the Lord.
Thanks, again,
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Happy anniversary Socks(and Mrs. Socks!)
Enjoyed the lyrics very much (though you may want to toss in a " Yo--Yo--Yo" here and there just to "keep it real".
Just funnin'----Have a great anniversary!
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Socks, that was beautiful. I'm sure you two will have a wonderful anniversary together and may you have many more.
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How ironic to come across this thread.......... My wife and I were married in '86, right after POP was released at Corps Week. We have gone through an incredible amount of grief over the ministry, my health (I'm the one with all the brain surgeries in my past) and now, after 20 years... we will be divorced this June.
Last Fall, she approached me with her delima. She was over stressed and it was starting to affect her health. After visits to a few doctors and counselors, she arrived at the conclusion it was our marriage and my inability to remember things in the financial realm that had her the most stressed.
After my 3rd surgery, she had to take over the finances in the home. She has been very good at it. She raised our credit rating to an outstanding level simply by never being late on a bill. I can't even balance a check book. No doubt, that would stress out anyone. I rarely know the date unless someone tells me and then I won't remember the next day.
After months of deliberation, she approached me in October and said, "I figure I've got about 25 years left. And I just don't think I want to spend them married to you."
I grinned and said, "OK." She met with lawyers in December and served me papers in February
We aren't bitter. In fact, as serious as this is, I'm still making her laugh about it. She is even allowing me to stay in the house until I'm ready to move. It has taken a lot of work to set myself up to be able to survive financially without her.
We are going through an incredibly friendly divorce. I'm disappointed things are at this point.... but I fully understand that for her, its about survival.
If I were her, I would leave me, too.
We seem to still like each other which is great imho.
Go out on top and always leave 'em laughing.
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Happy Anniversary to Socks and Mrs. Socks. Bet your song will really knock her socks off! I can't think of a better anniversary gift to receive than a song from the heart.
((Yidontgotochurch)), So sorry about your news. A divorce must be painful, no matter how amicable it is. Both of you are in my prayers.
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Yidon't --- My wife and I parted ways peacefully too.
We're still friends today. But it still hurt when realization set in.
That was 20 years ago. I still find myself (these days) wondering what if ------????
You're in my prayers.
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My hubby and I have been together for 20 years this August. We met at Emporia and became good friends. We got married after graduation. We promised to each other that we would never bring up the word, "Divorce" and we haven't. We have two kids, one is about to graduate high school and the other doing well in school. We are both sold out on God and His Word and we can't stand religion. Have a great day everyone and smileeeeeeeeeeeee

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