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Ms. Shroyer on Depression

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Lord forgive me for believing that load of crap from

such wicked people.

If Lord I was so blind and so intolerant Lord look over

my sin.

You law to love I missed. I am the one who did not obey.

I pray i did not hurt someone so blindly in their time of


To think a person who needs understanding and is

marked unfit.

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Robin- I think its valiant the way you brought this situation to the forefront on behalf of Carol and in the means of your own self respect..I never understood what BiPolar was about. Maybe, In the future I will meet someone who has it, I will be stronger to help...I think knowledge and wisdom bridges the gap between listening and not knowing..

Likeaneagle of Goldsboura

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"may" be.. I wonder how many spirits they now "may" see under a rock.. I really would be sad to see them go down that path.

casting out "devils" that are not there to begin with probably won't give the "victim" a very good impression, to say the least.

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God first

Beloved John Shroyer

God loves you, your family and the people in your group called Christian Family Fellowship my dear friends.

I written you because what I read on Grease Spot Café about what your member may of or may not of said. I hope she was missed understood so I put it in your hands.


Title -Ms. Shroyer on Depression, You may be possessed!!!!

Link - http://www.greasespotcafe.com/ipb/index.ph...=13605&st=0

A friend of mine who recently returned from a CFF women's advance in N.C. heard Tonya Shroyer remark in a teaching that people who are depressed may be possessed.

As someone who has struggled with depression, I am aghast at the dark stigma that Ms. Shroyer seems to want to perpetuate at those of us who get up every day, take our meds, function at our jobs and contribute to the well being of our communities. Just when the public attitude toward mental illness seems to be changing by degrees, even if ever so slightly, because of recent observable scientific evidence of physical causes of mental illness, such a priori statements as Tonya Shroyer's cast a pall over the progress that has been made and seems to look fondly back upon the Dark Ages.

This post has been edited by oenophile: Mar 19 2007, 09:24 PM


I can only hope she was missed understood or took out of context because the possession card is Way Ministry name calling thing.

Now I think this needs to be addressed because if she said it she needs to rethink her ideal and if she was missed understood she needs to try to help others she what she was trying to say.

Because pointing fingers with labels is wrong we are here to help one another and not to label each other.

Statements like that need to be clear up because that can bring a cloud of suspicion on people who may get depressed from time to time a feeling because of things either controllable or un controllable

while a cloud of suspicion is a devil spirit possession but depression is not

depression is a sign of a need for help a call for help some times heard some times not

what possession is ?

It’s the ideals the imaginations get that are not out of Godly love for one another

the me wants, the me control, the me take, the endless me’s

Jesus Christ talk to the ideal the imaginations to the sin and it was the sinner mouth that spoke

now some say I saw devils cast out and the person throw up which is nothing more nothing less than the manifestation of their belief to changed

the outward picture helps them changed if they are willing

now a little more about devil spirits we are not to live in fear of getting possessed but build each other up in the love that overcomes all things

now because I believe what I wrote may help others dealing with labels like Bi-Polar like myself I will post this E-mail on the board

I deal with it by written as God moves me on many boards because now I see it more as a label because of needs, life style, or what ever

And I believe we all need to find a way to deal with depression a natural feeling that can be overcome with love -

For me depression is overcome by loving others

thank you

with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy

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Wow, Roy, that's great you wrote JS. Would you let us know if you hear a response from him?

I don't understand all these teachings on how to tell if someone if possessed or not. I don't remember Christ or Paul or anyone in the Bible teaching this. I do remember Christ and Paul warning about religious leaders, though.

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God first

Beloved VeganXTC

God loves you my dear friend

yes I will let you know if he writes me back

I hoping he will reply on this tread

yes I do not recall reading on any book outside the bible or in the bible on how to tell if someone is possessed that was inspiration from God

I believe is a step by step walk on how to help others with God's love

or how to deal with thier persons innerself

thank you

with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy

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Oenphile I hear you. Roy you are such a blessing, I trust you get a reply,

After reading this, I have to say you are in my prayers, all of you that have suffered with this in one way or another. There is a light at the end of the tunnel, there is hope. My husband has dealt with depression for over 15 years now. It can be a rough road, I have chosen to help him and understand as best I can.

I found a book called A More Excellent Way-Be In Health by Henry W. Wright. It deals Spiritual Roots of Disease, Pathways to Wholeness. I stumbled across this, believe it or not at an apple orchard in Wisc. Hey what can I loose. I just wanted to be informed. It is a very helpful book. As I look inside again I realize this could be of a benefit to some.

So with that in mind I give you the information on how to obtain your own copy. Henry is a pastor @ Pleasant Valley Church in, Thomaston, Ga. Never heard of him till I got this book so that is all I can vouch for. The information is awesome to say the least. Check it out. Here is a website: www.pleasantvalleychurch.net. I cheer you all on, in your way to wholeness. :eusa_clap: :wub:

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God first

Beloved Ca_dreaming

God loves you my dear friend

you are a blessing to us too and you are in our the BiPolar group prayers or at least most of us

yes I like that group and I believe they will want others to not be hurt but only time will tell but I love that group and believe in them doing what is best

thank you

with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy

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  oenophile said:
It depended on which side of the bed VPW got out of bed that day that determined if he was the going to be soft, cuddly figure that you fondly recall or the foaming one who lambasted any perceived weakness in people as having demonic origins. How come you don't remember that?


Jeez, put your six guns down and re-read what I said, you misinterpreted my meaning.

I said:

Even vpw spoke on casting out of devil spirits being in the category of healing, and not used to club someone over the head with. Anything in the sickness category, even depression, can be either organic or spiritual, how come no one ever remembers that?

I said “EVEN” vpw spoke of casting out spirits being in the category of healing and was not supposed to be used to club someone over the head with….in opposition to blanket statements declaring that depression is possession while establishing an air of intimidation and of the wearing of a scarlet letter. vpw was wrong on a lot of things, but even he got that right. Get it?

And, he also spoke of sickness being organic (natural), or can have spiritual cause. How is it that people in the old twi never remembered those things and there are some that still don’t, people are still elevating spirit worship and carnality above service, love, peace kindness, gentleness etc.

People did and are still, as we see in the latest happenings in CES, globbing on to the absolute worst way of thinking regarding people and caring for them. That used to irritate me to no end in twi days. I would always remind those who ignorantly jumped to the wrong, fleshy, carnal, lockstep, knee jerk reaction of, “they must be possessed” by repeating what I wrote above about what vpw said because they would conveniently forget that part and quote me something from some vpw class that would substanciate their point of view, and insist they were right ! It still amazes me that people pick out what’s expedient for them and use what they say is God’s Word as a projectile to wound others. How do some read the same bible I do and not see the heart behind it?

And lastly, it doesn’t matter who said it, whether it was vp or not. Believe me, it makes me sick to think of how vpw harvested us and sifted us as wheat and took us all away from our true course.    

Sadly, no, I actually do remember that.

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Could the removal of possible spiritual causes also cause damage to those rare individuals who don't find the help they need from medicine? Because someone doesn't like the terms used should everyone stop using those terms? The hopeless often tend to try to remove hope from others. Could there be the possibility that what was intended isn't to condemn; but to give hope for deliverance?

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  Ductape said:
Could the removal of possible spiritual causes also cause damage to those rare individuals who don't find the help they need from medicine?

What an intriguing question Ductape. Are you stating that by possibly removing some sort of "spiritual" cause, the "patient" could be harmed?

As a person who has suffered severe, chronic illness (physical and mental) I know the feeling of always trying to be "fixed." It sucks...really, really sucks!!!! There were times when I thought, "Hell, nothing works for me. I'm a moron, a defective moronic piece of crap. Why does this stuff work for other people and not for me. WTF is wrong with me!!!"

(Here is a bit of my health story: http://www.greasespotcafe.com/ipb/index.php?showtopic=10805 I have since revised and edited and trimmed it; but one can get the jist.)

I'm not suggesting people don't seek help in categories of illness (physical and mental); I sought help for decades....and finally got it via a mix of different stuff. I still have to deal with some leftover "symptoms" that will probably never go away. But, maybe they aren't symptoms. Maybe some of it is part of me, the way my soul is put together...and maybe I should honor it...so to speak. Allow it expression, if you will. (which I am doing a lot these days {allowing expression} from pen to paper to keyboard to cyberboard....and loving it! It feels like a new freedom found!)

I think I am finally getting to the point where I'm realizing I don't need fixing, damnit!!!!! :asdf:

One book I read about natural approaches to bipolar disorder relayed a case of a man who only got help by relocating from modern society to a tribal-like environment. In that type society the man functioned well. That sounds extreme, but living with bipolar is also extreme. Had he continued to try to be "fixed" within the accepted protocols, he may never have been able to function.

Point being: By trying to "fix" someone, can that person in the process suffer more damage than was/is brought on by a particular "illness"? I believe that yes, that is possible and probably happens a lot more than we realize or are willing to accept.

Well, I hope some of that made sense. :wave:

btw: I saw a guy on Letterman that made all sorts of stuff out of ductape....even tennis shoes that could actually be worn!!! lololol

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In light of this subject and my last post, I will now exhibit some of my insanity. :biglaugh::biglaugh:

Yup, tis poetry/prose :rolleyes: ... so if your bored by such, then skip it. :wink2:

I do not think tis off topic....but if so, my humble apologies. :who_me:

And damn it, don't try to fix me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :evildenk: :D


I feel entrapped.

Wearied I am.

Yet nothing I've done to be weary.

Snap these invisible bonds!

Catapult self-righteous demands

to the farthest breadth.

I desire rest



But all I feel are these jumbling torrents.

Venomous words run through my head.


I cry to no avail.

Emotional masochist that I am.

This insanity within..

Do others know it too?

Let me run naked through the woods

Live among the wild beasts..

O survival!!!

To live by instinct.

I am too cush in my middle-class life

Bound by society's standards.

Does it not make brute beasts of us all?

january 2007

Approval No Longer the Master

I despise these f***ing standards

I wish I could simply erase

This god-damned approval addiction

Decades fed with perfectionism

Self blame a constant companion

Yet the guilt does not all lie with me

Perhaps it is the warped standards

Of a false-sterile society

I've grown to detest sterility

A playground for deception

It breeds a disease in secrecy

Murdering individuality

How can I grow beyond it

Without loosing a ravenous beast

Whose been chained and finally tastes freedom

With a lusting impulse to feast

Upon the cravings denied it

Starved the freedom to feel

Do I allow the beast expression

Therein will its soul be healed

Will the ravenous desire to feed

Meet its soul companion

Freedom to express, to feel,

The famine put out to pasture

Approval no longer the master.

march 14, 2007

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Blarney, read the effin thread! Bagpipes provided the story (she was the friend Oneophile mentioned) and explanation.

Looks like you're much quicker to judge without having the whole story than the person you accused (if she ever did so). Rev. Shroyer didn't label and did offer a solution. Whatcha got to say for that?

My wife (Bagpipes) has dealt with more physical and mental health problems than 98% of the population. She was not labeled by Tonia or anyone else with CFF when she was ministered to and healed on a couple of occassions by CFF ministers.

Get the facts before jumping to a TWI conclusion!

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Hey Blarney, I spoke harshly as an emotional response. (I have much good to say about CFF - but that's not a group I'm

pushing on anyone). My apology for being hard on you.

Hoping for peace here. My bad for not being more considerate of my words.

Hope your day/life is grand.

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Not to worry. I only know people who've known people in CFF. Perhaps that's why I was so soon to judge. Their experience with CFF was mixed -- good and bad.

To insert myself into this discussion like I did was probably not a wise thing to do.

My reactions to certain issues come from my experience with the way and from hearing about the experience of other people in other religious groups.

My best,


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I was told this morning by a GSC'er following this thread that maybe I should consider going to God about my depression to get the spiritual cause removed. I thought I did that 17 years ago when the twi doctor I was seeing suggested I see the BC in my area of Hollywood, Florida. The BC told me that I didn't need therapy / meds all I needed was get more involved in twi and write my goals down. Two years later my situation deteriorated to the point that I could no longer do the job that I used to be able to do by the seat of my pants. In addition, the illness took it's toll on my marriage which ended in divorce in a few years after that. Ofcourse, she got custody of my son and successfully petitioned the court to allow her to move out of state with him to take a job offer.

Some other sanctimonious soul suggested that my depression was a result of inter-generational sin. What happened to JC abolishing the curse because of his substitution..."cursed is he who hangs on a tree."

Thanks for the advice. I will keep taking my meds.

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  I Love Bagpipes said:
What an intriguing question Ductape. Are you stating that by possibly removing some sort of "spiritual" cause, the "patient" could be harmed?

No I was implying removing hope for the person suffering and for some reason the medical profession can't help.

But I have to agree that some of the well meaning "fixers" do more damage than fix things.

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God first

Beloved oenophile

God loves you my dear friend

After reading "I was told this morning by a GSC'er following this thread that maybe I should consider going to God about my depression "

this all most gets me to write a joke

that I understand that just do not understand about depression

what works for one might not work for another

I am glad pills work for you

pills only make me super hight like I could do anything but the doctors here do not listen

I do not like being that high and that uncontrolable

so when I get depression I find some one to talk to and God as blessed me with many friends

I know when I am depression talking about is the first thing I do

today depression comes very little

this place has help me over the Way the cause of part of my depression

others parts I got over by writen my life story and facing my past

while going to God helps I find it not the best words to tell another person with depression

because most have went to God and most go to God daily

the key I believe is write your life story and then you can face things that happen to you like the divorce I am sure is now in your past and you are over now and not part of your depression but only you know for sure

My young years in school were holding me back the fear of what others might say but I am over that

here is the joke I was going to write

ok for fun because we both deal with depression

Maybe you went to God in the wrong group

and maybe if you do 500 Hail Mary's and then things would be better

thank you

with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy

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  oenophile said:
Thanks for the advice. I will keep taking my meds.

Take your meds. Become more educated about how to spot and deal with the issues that cause the depression. For instance, low levels of Omega 3 EFA's will aggravate depression. I am able to control my bi-polar through supplements and learning how to control my thoughts, which control my moods. When I was taking meds, I had to carefully monitor them because too much of one kind would put me in the manic end and I was a raging manic. Too much of the other kind put me into the dysphoric end and I am an end-it-all low ender. I take things slower. I try not to react to things. And I really try not to personalize things.

I discovered what triggered my episodes was the absence of boundaries in my life, particularly my work life. It was a rough couple of years establishing and protecting my boundaries. I lost several clients, CES being one of them, because I put a stop to the continual crossing of boundaries. I wasn't a good 'vendor' because I hated going there, but I couldn't say enough. Finally I just started doing everything they wanted and billed them for every minute of my time, and they were appalled that I did that. I heard the 'we're a financially struggling ministry' line and I countered with I'm a human being that doesn't deserve to be woken up at 6:30 on a Sunday morning by a raging Jeff because he's been screwing around with the web site again and locked himself out and that somehow it was my fault. Or it was my fault because he couldn't understand the concept of a tape backup. When I confronted him about his behavior, I was possessed. I wasn't possessed. I was mad. Then I was done. It was only a matter of time because Jeff had Dan's ear and Dan had Mark's ear. I've found it amusing, if not ironic that they have suffered the meltdown and that I wasn't nearly the problem Jeff made me out to be.

The problem with many fringe ministries is they are led by people who are seriously in need of services and who attract people who have even deeper problems. Once I realized they caused more problems in my life than joy, I was able to disengage and move on.

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This has been helpful for me..I actualy met a very young girl,age 21, 2wks ago here at work. She is a student nurse here on leave from school. I found her in the ladies room here at work crying her eyes out and I had to approach her to find out why and to see if I could help..she said, she was overwhelmed with dropping out of school, work, trying to refinance her home that she inherited from her father passing..Her father was BiPolar and he commited suicide 6 months ago..We have been meeting for lunch for about a week now and I stop by her desk about once a day. She has opened up to me because her mom has been tranquilized because of the tragedy and her parents were divorced. I am refinancing her house at 5% lower than her current rate of 12% interest to help her better afford this life she now has to manage. It's hard to see the pain on her young heart...I pray for her also.

So please take your meds..

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