today i heard one that just gave me horrible chills
Girl Finds Her Dog's Severed Head In 'Present'
(AP) ST. PAUL, Minn. A 17-year-old girl who spent weeks looking for her missing dog was horrified when she unwrapped a box left on her doorstep and found her dog's severed head inside.
Homicide investigators were looking into the case because of the "implied" terroristic threat, St. Paul Police Sgt. Jim Gray said. The Humane Society of the United States said Wednesday that it was offering a reward of up to $2,500 for information leading to an arrest and conviction.
"This was extraordinarily heinous," said Dale Bartlett, the Humane Society's deputy manager for animal cruelty issues. "I deal with hundreds and hundreds of cruelty cases each year. When I read about this case, it took my breath away. It's horrible."
Sending the dog's head to the teen was malicious, Bartlett said.
"That level of depravity is beyond belief," Bartlett said.
After Crystal Brown's 4-year-old Australian shepherd mix wandered away last month, she peppered the neighborhood with "missing" posters, and went door to door looking for him. She called the St. Paul animal shelter and rode the bus there several times.
"I felt empty," Crystal said. "I couldn't talk to anyone. He was my dog. It was just me and him. ... I told him everything and he never shared any of my secrets."
Two weeks ago, a gift-wrapped box was left at the house Crystal shares with her grandmother. The box had batteries on top, and a note that said "Congratulations Crystal. This side up. Batteries included."
Crystal opened the box and found her dog's head inside. The box also contained Valentine's Day candy.
Crystal screamed when she saw her dog's face.
"She was just hysterical," said Crystal's grandmother, Shirley Brown. "She was screaming. She said, 'Grandma, it's my dog's head.'
"I said, 'no it can't be.'"
Authorities say the case is an isolated incident and the suspect likely knew the family. A motive is unclear.
"This was so cruel," Crystal said. "This is one sick, twisted person."
It's possible the police won't take action due to being sued but they should not have allowed the dogs to destroy the animal. What would animal control done if they showed up in time, do you know Dot? I wonder if authority could be given to the police via radio so they could take actions to stop things of such extremes. Poor Lucas.
They HAD to call Animal Control, they arrived an hour later. The pits were already moving on. The neighbors had to keep an eye on them without getting attacked, and gude AC to get the dogs.
I have no idea what AC would have done, but I would have SHOT or tazarred (having both) the pits
The law here is you cannot shoot an animal who is killing another animal. Only if it attacks a human. Did they obey the law? Yes. Is the law a bad law in this situation? I believe so. I would have been a cop on report -- I would have shot the dang dogs
I think I would've shot the damn pits myself before the cops got there.
I have a coworker friend who is very proanimal and even she doesn't like pit bulls, says they have been through the years specifically bred to fight and kill and thinks the breed should be stopped from reproducing. I expect the young men who are breeding these dogs will probably own some eventually who do kill a child. My grandson weighs 50 lb. Two pit bulls could shred him with no trouble a'tall.
Sometimes this world just sucks like an open chest wound. I think I'm going to go cry for a while. Kids and pets murdered for pleasure byvicious perverts. I can't handle any more of this right now.
Here is my take on raising the dogs to attack animals and humans. I do not believe it is just for "fights" like cock fighting. I believe the pits will help the criminal when the police dogs are sent in, the pit will win, or if you have a dog and they want to rob you? Throw a pit in the house first, or bring it with you on a home invasion.
The gang problem is sweeping this country and some problems are now global. A handful of police can not fight huge organized evil, then marches in an almost military stratagy. Like "Blood Diamond" someone will go into a town with an AK47 and go after the whole town -- taking it over. And, although more covert, this seems to be happening here in the good old USA.
The owner of Lucas went to a crime watch meeting in the SAME county where I live. They told them they do not have the man power to help and to GET A DOG.
It doesn't help when trained attack dogs are walking around with the "gang".
I have been crying for two days over little Lucas. But it is representative of a larger problem. Lucas being the normal person just trying to make the world a better place, being faced with organized evil, trying to pervert and assasinate good.
Once upon a time I was a "good little girl" and I tried to obey my leaders. When I saw them doing things that were just "wrong" I was sick but most of the time I stayed in line. Then, I woke up to seeing a bigger deal good vs. evil and fought in the corps against what I would deem "crimes".
I bet the police would have been sued by the GANG members. But like they told us, do not fear, you can not live in fear of retaliation, you need to STAND UP for yourselves and what is right, blaa- blaa -blaa.
Oh really? Then start by example. The neighbors would have backed them for doing the RIGHT thing. Shoot the pits.
Before our lifetime is over Marshall Law will be a reality and in the process the innocent will be harmed. But the innocent are being harmed now aren't they. Sadly though the passive eyes will view Marshall Law as just another gang and probably become none the wiser until perhaps their child or spouse is innocently killed.
seems to me not so long back, I saw a story on courttv website (which I admit I read almost religiously) about some biker gang (hell's angels? Outlaws?) that succesfully sued police for shooting their dogs during some drug raid. I'll have to google it to find it. I believe they got some settlement.
BTW Dots do you remember Patton, the pit bull mix who some cop shot a couple years ago that was with a family in their car. The family left their wallet on top of the car and money was flying out , and someone called 911 and some dispatcher said it was some getaway robbery (with money flying OUT OF THE CAR?) and the freaking Barney Fife cop stopped the poor family, ordered the people out of the car and the dog came bounding out to greet the cop and the cop blew the dog away.
It's stuff like this that makes me think that certain patrol cops should only be allowed clubs and tazers while on duty.
Here around Atlanta there was a cop whose neighbor had a pit. No fence just tied to a stake in the yard. The dog got free and mauled the cops daughter, primarily her face. The daughter lived. When she came home from the hospital, she had nightmares, she afraid to go outside as the neighbor's still had the pit, still did not have a fence, and it was still tied to a stake in the ground.
The cop finally could not take it anymore, watching his daughter quiver and scream in fear. He went next door and shot the dog to death. He was fired and in some real trouble.
BTW Chatty, I am not sure I understand your reference.
Before our lifetime is over Marshall Law will be a reality and in the process the innocent will be harmed. But the innocent are being harmed now aren't they. Sadly though the passive eyes will view Marshall Law as just another gang and probably become none the wiser until perhaps their child or spouse is innocently killed.
What are you saying?
I am not for Marshall law because I feel two dangerous dogs who were ripping a family pet in half should be shot.
I am unsure of your reference, thank you for explaining it.
I do think Marchall law will and would be awful. What is that old saying about if you sacrifice freedom for saftey you have neither.
I am speaking of a neighborhood pet being ripped apart, infront of the neighbors, and the police did nothing. The pits were not wagging their tails, they were bred to attack and were doing so. They were as vicious as if an AK47 were being directed at the neighborhood. The only reason a little girl isn't dead is the bravery of that dog.
Law is a funny thing, something always seems to sqeeze by that makes us think the opposite. Like Rottie's example of the dog wagging its tail and was shot, I thought cops should not be allowed to shoot pets. Now, this happens and I think cops should have shot them. It depends on the situation. Cops need to be allowed to think. But then when we let them "think" they called that one family dog vicious and shot him, when the video clearly shows there was nothing wrong with that dog.
I guess our country needs a dose of ethics and integrity. Do not raise dogs to kill people, do not shoot dogs who are wagging their tails in a friendly manner, do shoot dangerous dogs ripping apart a family pet. I think much of this would end up being "done correctly" if we just had some ethics, empathy, integrity etc. But we make laws that prevent us from making judgements.
In Georgia, if someone pulls a gun on you, you were required to RUN AWAY, and not allowed to shoot at them. This law allowed people to be shot in the back while fleeing. Now, we have a stand your ground law where if someone pulls a gun on you, you have a right to protect yourself and are not required to run. But wouldn't common sense have worked here if we were permitted to think?
Funny, I keep hearing Andrea Crouch singing "Jesus is the Answer for the World Today...."
My friend, in the entertainment business, has a pit bull, his name is Jake. Here is her respose to the Lucas story:
Jake was a Bait Dog which is the kind they throw in the ring to get the dogs "going"
He has a HUGE scar on his neck from being bitten open.
Then he was hit by a car and left for dead so we think bc he had a broken hip we and leg.
He happened to be limping across the railroad tracks from gang-banger central and in the direction of the film set my husband was working on.
He collapsed there and everyone, including the actors, pitched in to have one of the stand-ins take him to the doggy ER.
He was too weak to take X rays but they gave him shots and medicine and said he needed to be nursed back to health. That meant chicken breasts and rice hand-fed bc he couldn't walk. Any takers........of course Tom and I took him in. I had to hand-feed this dog 4 times a day and I was 6 months pregnant with Adam!
Jake has been the best dog! He is the total nanny dog. He protect all the kids on the block and just watches from the front gate.
I wish that they would ban the breed. They are great dogs but like all things when they fall into the wrong hands, like idiot gang members and other low-lifes, they are dangerous. Even if they aren't gang-bangers they can be dangerous---especially if they are in a "pack" like 2 pits. I have heard that if the alpha pit is aggressive the other will "follow orders" and attack.
I also wish they would ban them on sheer knowledge that they fight them. You know the loser dog gets shot? Or made to eat gun-powder and then shot so it "blows up." It is gross and considered torture but LA has other gang problems to worry about so none of these guys get punished.
Jake is on his last legs......he is old and getting more and more lame. He is just the best dog you could have.
Poor Jake-- when I think of the life he had. Poor Lucas, in the same hands as Jake except not being a Pit he didn't have a chance to fight back.
It is a sad story. I get sick when I read them. Literally. Gangs, whether people want to admit it or not, have been growing steadily. In a NJ State Police report (2004), gangs from North Jersey and Northern PA were moving further into NJ. Listed below are some statistics from the NJ State Police. If you want to see the full report, click on the website link at the end of the list.
Unfortunately, as society becomes more and more a single parent household, gangs are providing the nurturing environment that the children crave from a 2 parent/loving home: caring, respect, protection, love, belonging, etc. The bad side to the gangs is the criminal activity - of course, it's too late for the gang members to leave because the "operant conditioning" phases have been completed.
So, in the long run, whose fault is it? It is not the gangs, not the neighborhood, not the police, not the school administrators/teachers, etc. but it is the changing of the family dynamics that has lead to the spiraling breakdown of our society today. For example:
1. Gang members can discipline their members while parents can not;
2. Gang members are taught to "respect" within the group while disrepecting their parent(s) who are not in the group;
3. Gangs work together and learn through each other while a parent may be too busy working, etc. to devote time to the relationship with their child.
I could go on and on (as you can see).
"Table 3. Gangs Mentioned by Multiple Jurisdictions
2001 2004
Gang Name # Jurisdictions # Jurisdictions
18th Street Gang 8 25
Bloods 28 110
Breed MC Club -- 18
Crips 14 80
Dominicans Don't Play 6 11
Five Percenters 6 22
Hells Angels MC Club -- 15
La Mugre 10 10
Latin Kings 34 78
MS-13 20 36
Neta 22 22
Pagans MC Club -- 36
Vatos Locos 8 18
Warlocks MC Club -- 12"
- Table from the NJ Division of Law and Public Safety report on gangs at
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these things make me so sick
today i heard one that just gave me horrible chills
sorry not to derail
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Dot Matrix
That is horrible.
The police should shoot the pit bulls and the pig who sent that box to that young girl
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i can't fathom such cruelty
children (well, adults too) love their pets like family. they reallly do
i've seen my son cry and hold on to minnie and / or buddy for comfort in heartache times
i did the same when i was little
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Dot Matrix
There were two brothers sentenced to prison for cooking a puppy in the oven.
here in Atlanta
Lucas was such a great dog, why the police did not help him is beyond me.
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shame on those pigs woops i meant angles of the law
they should be put in a pit with a dozen mean pits
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Dot Matrix
That is how I feel, it is inhumane to stand and watch this and do nothing.
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It's possible the police won't take action due to being sued but they should not have allowed the dogs to destroy the animal. What would animal control done if they showed up in time, do you know Dot? I wonder if authority could be given to the police via radio so they could take actions to stop things of such extremes. Poor Lucas.
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Dot Matrix
They HAD to call Animal Control, they arrived an hour later. The pits were already moving on. The neighbors had to keep an eye on them without getting attacked, and gude AC to get the dogs.
I have no idea what AC would have done, but I would have SHOT or tazarred (having both) the pits
The law here is you cannot shoot an animal who is killing another animal. Only if it attacks a human. Did they obey the law? Yes. Is the law a bad law in this situation? I believe so. I would have been a cop on report -- I would have shot the dang dogs
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Until they can be protected from our zealous sue society I doubt they would take actions on their own. I'm guessing here though.
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Watered Garden
I think I would've shot the damn pits myself before the cops got there.
I have a coworker friend who is very proanimal and even she doesn't like pit bulls, says they have been through the years specifically bred to fight and kill and thinks the breed should be stopped from reproducing. I expect the young men who are breeding these dogs will probably own some eventually who do kill a child. My grandson weighs 50 lb. Two pit bulls could shred him with no trouble a'tall.
Sometimes this world just sucks like an open chest wound. I think I'm going to go cry for a while. Kids and pets murdered for pleasure byvicious perverts. I can't handle any more of this right now.
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(((watered garden)))
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Dot Matrix
Here is my take on raising the dogs to attack animals and humans. I do not believe it is just for "fights" like cock fighting. I believe the pits will help the criminal when the police dogs are sent in, the pit will win, or if you have a dog and they want to rob you? Throw a pit in the house first, or bring it with you on a home invasion.
The gang problem is sweeping this country and some problems are now global. A handful of police can not fight huge organized evil, then marches in an almost military stratagy. Like "Blood Diamond" someone will go into a town with an AK47 and go after the whole town -- taking it over. And, although more covert, this seems to be happening here in the good old USA.
The owner of Lucas went to a crime watch meeting in the SAME county where I live. They told them they do not have the man power to help and to GET A DOG.
It doesn't help when trained attack dogs are walking around with the "gang".
I have been crying for two days over little Lucas. But it is representative of a larger problem. Lucas being the normal person just trying to make the world a better place, being faced with organized evil, trying to pervert and assasinate good.
I am sick for Lucas.
I am sick for us.
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Dot Matrix
Once upon a time I was a "good little girl" and I tried to obey my leaders. When I saw them doing things that were just "wrong" I was sick but most of the time I stayed in line. Then, I woke up to seeing a bigger deal good vs. evil and fought in the corps against what I would deem "crimes".
I bet the police would have been sued by the GANG members. But like they told us, do not fear, you can not live in fear of retaliation, you need to STAND UP for yourselves and what is right, blaa- blaa -blaa.
Oh really? Then start by example. The neighbors would have backed them for doing the RIGHT thing. Shoot the pits.
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Before our lifetime is over Marshall Law will be a reality and in the process the innocent will be harmed. But the innocent are being harmed now aren't they. Sadly though the passive eyes will view Marshall Law as just another gang and probably become none the wiser until perhaps their child or spouse is innocently killed.
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I`ll bet if it had been a police dog attacked, the officers would have reacted differently. They should have done what was right.
I wonder what would have happened if one of the civilians had shot the dogs.
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Good question.
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seems to me not so long back, I saw a story on courttv website (which I admit I read almost religiously) about some biker gang (hell's angels? Outlaws?) that succesfully sued police for shooting their dogs during some drug raid. I'll have to google it to find it. I believe they got some settlement.
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I think one of the dogs was a rottweiler too.
BTW Dots do you remember Patton, the pit bull mix who some cop shot a couple years ago that was with a family in their car. The family left their wallet on top of the car and money was flying out , and someone called 911 and some dispatcher said it was some getaway robbery (with money flying OUT OF THE CAR?) and the freaking Barney Fife cop stopped the poor family, ordered the people out of the car and the dog came bounding out to greet the cop and the cop blew the dog away.
It's stuff like this that makes me think that certain patrol cops should only be allowed clubs and tazers while on duty.
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Dot Matrix
Yes, I recall that. The dog was wagging his tail and being friendly. So they shhot him.
These pits are ripping a pet in half and they do nothing.
Go friggin' figure
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Dot Matrix
Here around Atlanta there was a cop whose neighbor had a pit. No fence just tied to a stake in the yard. The dog got free and mauled the cops daughter, primarily her face. The daughter lived. When she came home from the hospital, she had nightmares, she afraid to go outside as the neighbor's still had the pit, still did not have a fence, and it was still tied to a stake in the ground.
The cop finally could not take it anymore, watching his daughter quiver and scream in fear. He went next door and shot the dog to death. He was fired and in some real trouble.
BTW Chatty, I am not sure I understand your reference.
What are you saying?
I am not for Marshall law because I feel two dangerous dogs who were ripping a family pet in half should be shot.
I am unsure of your reference, thank you for explaining it.
I do think Marchall law will and would be awful. What is that old saying about if you sacrifice freedom for saftey you have neither.
I am speaking of a neighborhood pet being ripped apart, infront of the neighbors, and the police did nothing. The pits were not wagging their tails, they were bred to attack and were doing so. They were as vicious as if an AK47 were being directed at the neighborhood. The only reason a little girl isn't dead is the bravery of that dog.
Law is a funny thing, something always seems to sqeeze by that makes us think the opposite. Like Rottie's example of the dog wagging its tail and was shot, I thought cops should not be allowed to shoot pets. Now, this happens and I think cops should have shot them. It depends on the situation. Cops need to be allowed to think. But then when we let them "think" they called that one family dog vicious and shot him, when the video clearly shows there was nothing wrong with that dog.
I guess our country needs a dose of ethics and integrity. Do not raise dogs to kill people, do not shoot dogs who are wagging their tails in a friendly manner, do shoot dangerous dogs ripping apart a family pet. I think much of this would end up being "done correctly" if we just had some ethics, empathy, integrity etc. But we make laws that prevent us from making judgements.
In Georgia, if someone pulls a gun on you, you were required to RUN AWAY, and not allowed to shoot at them. This law allowed people to be shot in the back while fleeing. Now, we have a stand your ground law where if someone pulls a gun on you, you have a right to protect yourself and are not required to run. But wouldn't common sense have worked here if we were permitted to think?
Funny, I keep hearing Andrea Crouch singing "Jesus is the Answer for the World Today...."
(I was in the Jesus movement proir to TWI.)
edited for typos
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What I thought it meant was folks taking the law into their own hands. Sorry for the confusion dear.
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Dot Matrix
My friend, in the entertainment business, has a pit bull, his name is Jake. Here is her respose to the Lucas story:
Chatty that would be a Vigilante.
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Dot Matrix
My cousin's response. She lives in Jersey.
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Thank you Dot.
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