Wife & I gonna see the third movie of LOTR... as if JRRT really meant it to be on screen and not in your mind.. but what the hey... it's on the big screen... Charles Heston would have also been a wonderfull grey and white hair...
I asked a W.O.W. to minister to me. Just flu - like symptoms... This W.O.W prayed for me and thanked God for my sore throat to be healed. I thanked the W.O.W. and left.
I laughed in my car about the throat deal... my throat was not sore... what a haox of bs... a few days later my throat was sore...
Song was being sarcastic, or so it seems, but it raises an interesting question...has anyone here literally raised someone from the dead, or caused a blind man (or woman) to see?
Sore throat...wicked karma, bro'
In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice...but in practice there is
quote:Ya know mabe we are just tapping into a resource that has always been within us since we were born... but how to utilize such a resource that has always been in our dna is just what I need to find out how to walk on the water.
Awesome. And then some. :)-->
Within each of us is the power of light, air, water, fire, lightning, earth, vegetable and animal. Like a garden of Eden, complete with hookah-smoking caterpillars and smiling cats. ;)-->
IMO, the best way to walk on water/get out of the water is to become a fish and get eaten by a duck. Though part of ya gets pooped back out, part of ya becomes the duck. :P--> Viola! - Evolution/revolution.
We wrestle not against flesh and blood, right?
IMO, its because we wrestle so hard against being born again of pneuma hagion. We resist death unto our death, just as a baby often tries NOT to come out.
I think the physical healing of blindness and raising from the dead is reserved as a sign of those who walk a path quite beyond the usual experiences (even if ours are bonified glimpses of the supernatural). Maybe that's why it hasn't happened often enough to finally escape the realm of myth and legend and heresay and enter into the realm of "science" and rational provable fact. What else is new?
But I think any occurance or experience of it serves to illustrate that greater sense of death and blindness, as in how Lightside expressed it so clearly, which is the sense that matters forever (if it has, indeed, even happened to any of us, in that fuller, most-often sought after sense).
Blessed is the one whose healing is also a sign of much greater things.
And who knows? Maybe DS did these wonderful things too. And he really is walking in the shoes of the apostles. I still long for the day to meet such a man, myself. Jesus had said that they could follow him, as he showed himself again. Just as one of the apostles did to John at Patmos. Walking, talking guy from "the other side."
Also, I've read of men and women from all over the world who minister genuine healing, but who do not read the Bible or use the English words "Christ" or "God." As well as tongues, interpretation and the rest of the Pauline "mannies."
When it comes to spirit, Love is more reliable than scripture.
I had a twig leader in the 70s who claimed she raised her ex husband from the dead. He was choking and he turned blue. She prayed over his "dead body". When he didn't rize she pounded his chest, he then puked and woke up.
It's a miracle!!!!
Well, it was actually a heimlich maneuver of sorts, but dam if she didn't tell everyone that she raised him from the dead.
Everyone was so dam blessed that no one questioned it.
Ya know mabe we are just tapping into a resource that has always been within us since we were born... but how to utilise such a resource that has always been in our dna is just what I need to find out how to walk on the water.
Thanks for sharing the leg story. That's awesome (in the true sense of the word). Funny how often we beat our heads against a problem until we rememberthat God wants to help. Then we ask for help and voila! Problem solved.
God is wonderful isn't He?
The fact that these supernatural solutions are so often preceded by prayer puts a little dent in the dna theory though, doesn't it? :-D
Sirguessalot --- yep, a compass is a wonderful thing. Only problem is it shows you a way to go, and it doesn't always get you through.
It is worse if you have a 4-wheel drive vehicle, cause then you are stuck way out in the middle of nowhere, and in worse shape than if you had 2-wheel drive, and no compass.
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Dig it,,,
Wife & I gonna see the third movie of LOTR... as if JRRT really meant it to be on screen and not in your mind.. but what the hey... it's on the big screen... Charles Heston would have also been a wonderfull grey and white hair...
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Just the other day I was thinking about posting a "where are you firebee" thread and a birthday call comes up!!!
Now what do i think?
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I asked a W.O.W. to minister to me. Just flu - like symptoms... This W.O.W prayed for me and thanked God for my sore throat to be healed. I thanked the W.O.W. and left.
I laughed in my car about the throat deal... my throat was not sore... what a haox of bs... a few days later my throat was sore...
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I have more experiences to prove the Word Of God Is True to those who believe such a thing except one thing...
Has anyone raised a blind man from the dead???
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I was dead in trespasses and sin.
and blind in my understanding of God and His Chirst.
Then, God raised me up to a newness of life and opened the eyes of my understanding, so I could see my Christ.
Yep, been dead, been blind, but now I see.
Now I have LIFE
Yes, a blind man, me, was raised from among the dead to life
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Song was being sarcastic, or so it seems, but it raises an interesting question...has anyone here literally raised someone from the dead, or caused a blind man (or woman) to see?
Sore throat...wicked karma, bro'
In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice...but in practice there is
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I think Dale Sides did, raised someone from the dead.
He saw multiple miracles when he went to India.
Wouldn't be surprised if he (DS) healed someone of blindness.
I saw DS calm a storm (Cape Cod, 1977)
Also a instantaneous healing of a broken finger, same year.
If there was ever anyone with the belief that God can do anything, it was DS
Any followers of DS know?
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Nice thread Song. You rok.
A few thoughts...
Awesome. And then some.Within each of us is the power of light, air, water, fire, lightning, earth, vegetable and animal. Like a garden of Eden, complete with hookah-smoking caterpillars and smiling cats.
IMO, the best way to walk on water/get out of the water is to become a fish and get eaten by a duck. Though part of ya gets pooped back out, part of ya becomes the duck.
:P--> Viola! - Evolution/revolution.
We wrestle not against flesh and blood, right?
IMO, its because we wrestle so hard against being born again of pneuma hagion. We resist death unto our death, just as a baby often tries NOT to come out.
I think the physical healing of blindness and raising from the dead is reserved as a sign of those who walk a path quite beyond the usual experiences (even if ours are bonified glimpses of the supernatural). Maybe that's why it hasn't happened often enough to finally escape the realm of myth and legend and heresay and enter into the realm of "science" and rational provable fact. What else is new?
But I think any occurance or experience of it serves to illustrate that greater sense of death and blindness, as in how Lightside expressed it so clearly, which is the sense that matters forever (if it has, indeed, even happened to any of us, in that fuller, most-often sought after sense).
Blessed is the one whose healing is also a sign of much greater things.
And who knows? Maybe DS did these wonderful things too. And he really is walking in the shoes of the apostles. I still long for the day to meet such a man, myself. Jesus had said that they could follow him, as he showed himself again. Just as one of the apostles did to John at Patmos. Walking, talking guy from "the other side."
Also, I've read of men and women from all over the world who minister genuine healing, but who do not read the Bible or use the English words "Christ" or "God." As well as tongues, interpretation and the rest of the Pauline "mannies."
When it comes to spirit, Love is more reliable than scripture.
Though a compass works better with a map.
Sorry so rambling, all.
Ramble on.
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Georgio Jessio
I had a twig leader in the 70s who claimed she raised her ex husband from the dead. He was choking and he turned blue. She prayed over his "dead body". When he didn't rize she pounded his chest, he then puked and woke up.
It's a miracle!!!!
Well, it was actually a heimlich maneuver of sorts, but dam if she didn't tell everyone that she raised him from the dead.
Everyone was so dam blessed that no one questioned it.
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Thanks for sharing the leg story. That's awesome (in the true sense of the word). Funny how often we beat our heads against a problem until we rememberthat God wants to help. Then we ask for help and voila! Problem solved.
God is wonderful isn't He?
The fact that these supernatural solutions are so often preceded by prayer puts a little dent in the dna theory though, doesn't it? :-D
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Unless DNA is able to be "re-written" by thought, purpose and intent.
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Amen to that Todd! Love is the catalyst of deliverance.
Peace and love.
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And I'd rather have a compass than a map, any day.
Because a map can only take you to where dragons wait on the edge of the wilderness.
A compass can lead you into and through the wilderness.
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OK. This thread chugs along for about a week, adding about a page a day. Hot topic...all that. I luv the subject.
Then I post a few thoughts, and hear crickets for a night and a day.
Was it that bad?
Do I sound like an a$$ or sumthing?
Is it B.O.?
Is there a booger on my face?
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how much information does it take to make an ordinary field mouse?
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What language?
Hi, Song!
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I have nothing to add...just wanted to say hi to Sir G.
Nice to see you my friend!
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Hi sirguessalot!!!
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Ah! The flute player! Hello, Karmic!
I will be in Tucson for an art show on the weekend of the 25th. I'll email ya. Maybe we can find room for a coffee?
Hi, Roy
Hey Song, re: the field mouse, are you talking about information as in from an alphabet of only 4 letters?
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I'm sorry folks, I must inform you, this is not a Way-specific doctrine or topic.
You're gunna have to move this on over to a more appropriate forum.
I'm just sorry I let it get this far. 9 pages?
Someone should have stopped this earlier.
Again, my apologies.
Who's your daddy?
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I'm sorry lindyhopper, I must inform you, your post is not an S.I.T. topic.
You're gunna have to delete it or move it on over to a more appropriate thread.
I'm just sorry I let your post sit on this thread this far before squawcking and frittering myself into a fit.
Someone should have stopped this earlier.
Again, my apologies.
God is my daddy!
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Sirguessalot --- yep, a compass is a wonderful thing. Only problem is it shows you a way to go, and it doesn't always get you through.
It is worse if you have a 4-wheel drive vehicle, cause then you are stuck way out in the middle of nowhere, and in worse shape than if you had 2-wheel drive, and no compass.
gotta love em anyway!!!
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God is YOUR daddy?!?!
I love that Guy!
Don't worry about the fit. I have some extra diapers right here.
You see that!!!!!?????
You see this face!!!!????
I was kidding!!
a ha ha
a ha ha
a ha
I'm sorry for derailing this inappropriate, ill-placed topic.
Continue your offensiveness...
Who's your daddy?
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you might want to get a paternity test done, Mike.
these days you never can tell.
See, there I go again.
Who's your daddy?
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