Whats weird is that even after 20 years of that stuff I find myself sit when I least expect it. Its out of habit of so many years of twi. I don't believe in it now.
Ok!! I will not try to be a nice person...ok? I will not!!
Bless you, May our Heavenly Father bless you in everyway, in the wonderful name of His son and our brother Jesus.
ET1 SS - USN Retired,
Pilgrim of the Ancient Arabic Order Nobles of the mystic shrine.
'University of Life' Alumni
"I live in the spirit of prayer. I pray as I walk, when I lie down, and when I rise. And the answers are always coming. Tens of thousands of times have my prayers been answered. When once I am persuaded that a thing is right, I go on praying for it. the great point is never to give up till the answer comes. The great fault of the children of God is, they do not continue in prayer, they do not persevere. If they desire anything for God's glory, they should pray until they get it." - George Mueller
I never could stay my mind on speaking in tongues,and whatever it was I was speaking in tongues for at the same time,unless I was speaking in tongues audibly,which I wouldn't do in public because it wasn't decent and in order and it might've made me look foolish....
So very much has been written about S.I.T's here on GSC, but I just had to write about it again.
My tongue is so advanced in its fluency. I can make it sound any accent i am familair with and continue its verbal display as long as i wish.
If there were to ever be a SIT contest, beleive me, a yodeler, double talker, and auctioneer would be embarassed my talent SIT.
Now of course when i interpret, its as long as my tongue in the english language. I just can not imagine what an interpretation would be like for those who are multi-lingual.
SIT's is certainly a consideration of thought if it's real or not. I can not tell you how many hours upon hours i have practiced this type of thing. I mean hours of hours and minutes upon minutes of this silent and verbal expression a language i have no understanding ... I guess i have the 'gift of tongues'
Oh man. I don't know about you guys but I was making it up the whole time. I started a thread about this on waydale a long time ago.
I started speaking in tounges when I was 5. When I did it out loud for the first time people cried. They were so moved. They also must have been seriously brainwashed because my "tounge" consisted of two syllables repeated over and over. How could these people actually believe that I was speaking in tounges? Not only that but my SIT with interpretation was identical every time. Clearly I was making it up. As I got older, the pressure to continue to SIT AND the pressure to fit in AND the pressure to seem holy had me making up a more elaborate "tounge".
I later found out that many of my Junior Corps friends were also making it up. I also made up elaborate interpretations and words of prophecy that made leaders think I was really "in tune". What a crock.
I'm not saying you all made it up, but I KNOW some people did. Assuming SIT is real, I also would assume that not everyone can do it.
And session 12 newbies made it up all the time. It's THE graduation requirement. You pay for this long class and at the end everyone SIT's. You really think VPWs success rate was really 100%? Come on now.
Anyone here care to admit that they made it up? Come on, set yourself free!
I have done it recently to show my wife what I used to do.
I just wrote a lot about this on the "How can we know" thread, but when I tried to post it, it vanished into cyber-space never to be seen again.
Are you serious Song? I sense a tinge of sarcasm maybe.
that is too funny. I also started when I was five. The next day I went to all the neighbors saying look I can SIT and rattle a little off for them. I was mostly the same phrase repeated over and over again, as it was for every first-timer I ever heard.
There was a lot of preasure for those new pfal students. I remember one twelve year old crying because she couldn't do it. This was at the time when you would go off with a grad and do it for the first time with them instead of in a group. That must have been the Martindale class. She finally did say something, I don't know if she knowingly made it up but it was repetative and she could have made it up very easily.
I think that is what a lot of people did. Made it up without really knowing that they were making it up. I know I decided I needed to make my tounge more "versitile". I think anyone who did one of those practice sessions where they went through the alphabet knowingly made up the sound of the first syllable. Why weren't they making the rest of it up as well? I know a lot of people had a "la shanta" or similat sounding "word" in their tongue. I seem to remember VP saying that in the class when he gave us a little sample.
My tongue was like Song's, very lagit sounding and versitile. Because I practiced a lot.
Its the stories like Dots that I don;t totally understand. What it is, that is.
I had a thread on SITing a while back with a bunch of questions that no one ever answered. Seems to happen to me a lot. Oh well.
A tid bit from that other thread.
Speaking in a "tongue" has been practiced throughout many cultures and contries, non-Christian ones. Of course, one that truly believes what they are doing is in-spirit-action won't accept that what they are doing is the same as Glossolalia, but it is very intrigueing for everyone else.
I don't know of any language that "improves" if you go down the alphabet and add each letter to your "tongue".
sorry Mr.. Burton.
I'll tell you what else never made a lick of sense:
"your tounge should be equal in length to your interpretation"
Not all languages use the same syllables or chronological time to say the same thing! For example if I say "hola" , "hi" and "aloha" they all mean the same thing. But they are 2,1 and 3 syllables respectively. So how would a paragraph be equally long in all "tongues"?
I actually asked that once and was (guess what) REPROVED.
"I don't know of any language that "improves" if you go down the alphabet and add each letter to your "tongue"."
I thought that it was simply a way of getting people away from the "La Shanta" thing, assuming that they were not 'faking'.
"Not all languages use the same syllables or chronological time to say the same thing! For example if I say "hola" , "hi" and "aloha" they all mean the same thing. But they are 2,1 and 3 syllables respectively. So how would a paragraph be equally long in all "tongues"?"
I think that both views are correct to a point, here.
Granted languages are not going to match-up perfectly syllable for syllable, however a full 2 minute dialog is not going to be translated in one word either. Which was where I thought they were going in those 'Exceler' sessions. People got to lighten up. . .
?I actually asked that once and was (guess what) REPROVED. How asinine.?
Agreed, again they really needed to lighten-up sometimes.
We are all one-body working together, some with strengths here others with strengths there. The ?need? to scream in your face, publicly humiliate and insult someone, does not knit us closer as a family. Though it did seem that such technique was taught those in the Way-Corpse.
quote: "I don't know of any language that "improves" if you go down the alphabet and add each letter to your "tongue"."
I thought that it was simply a way of getting people away from the "La Shanta" thing, assuming that they were not 'faking'
So if you were deciding to say the "F" sound how were you not deciding to make the rest of the sounds? Many times it was just the same word starting with a different letter for a lot of people that I noticed.
At the pentecostal group I check out in my search, people had to sit in a chair, close their eyes and say Jesus over and over as fast as they could and when it all jumbled together, people were told keep going keep going, and it did break into an odd sounding language.
I have no idea if they ever really SIT or are as confused as some that went through the "breath it in!" the class taught.
I have no problem with believing I did SIT as I explained I did it before.
I HAVE trouble thinking I ever gave forth an interpetation....
I think I said "Do not turn to the left or the right but keep your eyes steadfastly on me" about 10,000 times.....
Hmmmm, wow maybe I should have listened to that... Now looking back.
La shanta la shanta la shakada la fanta la canta la hanta para bilar la bomba.
My children know that I am the lord thy God. Do not look to the left or the right but stay steadfastly on me. For I have a wall of fire protection around each and every one of you. I will souround you with a hedge of protection. Fear not the advisary for I am the lord thy God.
Why does God speak to me in old elnglish?
Also the tounge was of men or angels yet we all must have spoken the tounges of angels because no one I know ever spontaniously spoke Russian or any other language of man. And it was a message from or for God, right? Ever hear the message FOR God?
I DID once hear a guy interpret in the 2nd person. He was praised for being so "on". All he did was say "he" instead of "I".
I still SIT after all these years and think that was one of the crown jewels of TWI-1. Thankful for J.E. Stiles and Victor Paul Wierwille for the meticulous teaching...
"Anyone here care to admit that they made it up? Come on, set yourself free!"
Georgio J. ,
Yo, GJ, I do admit the first times in excellor sessions while practicing SITWI I did fake a few rounds of Interpretaion upon my turn. I was told how wonderful my Intepretations were. I finally fessed up during the excellor session that I faked it. I thought it was prettty smart of me and humbling to admit in front of about 20 people. The 'leader' said let's try another 'round and he called upon the guy next to me who was a WOW. He SITWI and I distincly remember this part of the interpretation : "...my thoughts are higher than your thoughts and my ways past finding out..."
Well I asked to be next. I SIT'd and something was different about the way I intepreted. It seemmed to flow without thought, first drop , second drop and then the faucet was on : "...I am the lord your God. Harken unto me my children... etc..." . I was stunned that it 'really' happened. I asked to go again and another time and said, "I think I got it down." Well that was back in '76. I never made the stuff up again.
At that time I was convinced, but looking back and now back here in the present, all I can say is that I don't know that I know that I know anymore. I can not prove it works and that's honest for me. But believe me I can SIT like a house on fire and Interpret and Phrophecy anytime I want. It's too natural a thing for me to fake it.
"Are you serious Song? I sense a tinge of sarcasm maybe."
Well, yes lindy there was a sence of being facetious when I said, "...I guess I have the 'gift of tongues." But other than that, I just wonder from time to time what this deal may be, what it may mean to others here, and if some have changed their minds regarding previous threads enteraining this subject.
I have met many a people who have SIT's since childhood, during the teens, or before they were involved in TWI, as well as evidenced here. I SITs before I took the pfal in Spring '76. Of course I was just about everyday with the WOWS since 9/75 and had a voracious apetite for the Word. I had heard them SIT and I & P, and I wanted that. I sat on my bed and asked God to show me the trip. I breathed in and did it. And shut up real quick about it. Informed the WOW's my experience and they wished to hear me. I hesitantly performed, but was encouraged, and it just flowed without repetition. I was told to add letters, which I thought was rather silly, but I did. Then I took the class and of course passed with flying tongues, but the person next to me passed out on the floor. I just kept on according to the Teacher and ignored the the person on the floor because I knew the Class Co (WC Patty E**n) would be there for that kind of thing, and she was.
Now the "practice" part becomes a little muddy here. I would just let the 'tongue' go anyway it wished to twirl, but the strange thing in the 'practice' would be the adding of letters or accents just for the versatile element that I could interject with the tongue whirling away under my control. I would sing with it, pray silently while someone was praying for anything at twig. Sunup, in bed for rest to the soul, on the can, in the shower, while people were talking with me. I was in competition with the Apostle Paul his declaration, "...I speak in tongues more than you all..." I SIT's as much as one possibly could. You can bet I am not being sarcastic about those statements.
Just the mere mention of the manifestation has thoughts such as:
Let it fly, Malichi Out of your belly shall flow.................RIVERS OF LIVING WATER........
Hi TheSongRemainsTheSame
Yes I still do all the time
I certainly do.
I SIT all the time. Still works.
quote:do you still perform , practice S.I.T.?
I still SIT after all these years and think that was one of the crown jewels of TWI-1. Thankful for J.E. Stiles and Victor Paul Wierwille for the meticulous teaching...
Whats weird is that even after 20 years of that stuff I find myself sit when I least expect it. Its out of habit of so many years of twi. I don't believe in it now.
i myself am not sure.
So many a thought. I myself am not sure. Plots I thinks ya summarised this episode another thread SIT.
& Bring it on any other thoughts anyone has to think regarding this thread...
I'm just a simple guy...
Rok It
[This message was edited by TheSongRemainsTheSame on January 05, 2004 at 19:53.]
Last July, my sister was in Jane Brown hospital, R.I starting her chemo. She had AML, things did not look good.
I went to R.I. to visit her and in the conversation, we agreed on a couple of things. First, that she would see her only daughter get married. Second that she would see ALL her grandchildren. Third that God is good, He loves us; and He can do anything, all things are possible with God. Fourth, that God wants to heal her.
Than I made a bold statement. I said that Jesus said that if two agree concerning any matter, when they pray, God will do it for them.
I then told my sister that I would pray for her all night; and God will heal her and show her that she was in His hands.
Let me tell you, I was determined to see God do his part; and man, my part was so simple.
Just pray, it's like childs play.....
So I prayed in the spirit, making intercession for my sister, from 10:00pm that night until 6:30am that morning. I mean nonstop, total renewed mind, stayed mind. Man, this was life or death. If there ever was a time to get clear and concerned about life, it was now.
That morning, I drove back to the hospital to see my sister. What I saw next was enlightening. My sister was full of a joy and peace that I had never seen in her before. I asked what happened?
She said that she felt the glory of God all around her and God spoke to her and told her that she was made whole and to be patient, that she was in His hands. Don't worry anymore.
I said via the spirit: "Leslie, your faith hath made you whole".
The next day the tests came back: no cancer in the blood. The next day the bone marrow test came back: no cancer in the marrow.
When my sister was made whole, it was a complete healing, body, soul and spirit.
Not only was she healed of the dis-ease, but her mind and heart were healed. She was a changed person, full of joy and peace, willing to pray, willing to learn more of this Jesus, unafraid of life, ready to walk with God and with big plans for the future.
It was a complete healing, in every way.
What did this experience do for me. It strengthened and verified to me that we have something very special with this gift of Holy Spirit and the power of Speaking in tongues.
Please don't take this like it is ego or a headtrip, but it was a very humbling experience, that showed me that God really wants us be like Jesus, act like him, have compassion like him and heal others, like he did.
When I got back to my home town, I went to church and one man with a bad back, that I did not know about, came up to me and hugged me. About a hour later, he came back up to me and said: "You know, when I hugged you, my back was healed that very instant."
What am I trying to say? God gave us this powerful prayer life ability, via Speaking in tongues, so we could be like our saviour. Read it for yourself in the gospels, how many times Jesus just touched a person or they just touched him and they were healed.
From what I understand, Jesus didn't have the Adam nature, we do and at times it stinks.
God gave us this wonderful gift of Holy Spirit with an ability, via speaking in tongues, to burn up the chaff in our lives, fill us to overflowing with Holy Spirit, so we too, man or woman, can walk like Him, in His love, His compassion, and His power. Man, its Christ in you, the hope of glory.
I pray that God shows you too what great power he has given you, via the Holy Spirit. Please examine and read how Jesus healed the sick. He only was the master and perfector of walking in the Holy Spirit. Follow his ways, it's right there in the Word. God gave us what Jesus had, Holy Spirit so we too can heal the sick and give glory to God, our father.
Do I recommend Speaking in tongues??
A resounding YES!!!
[This message was edited by Lightside on January 05, 2004 at 20:50.]
Hmmmmm most likely dead. It is the one thing that keeps me sane in this world today.
Mabey I am a simpleton for believing so, but I still see it (SIT) as my one ROCK-SOLID CONNECTION with the Father, and His Son Jesus Christ.
It does give me comfort, I know I am praying for others when I do it in their behalf, and NOOOOO -- it is NOT prerequisite to receiving rvelation.(What a crock that was!!!).
If you want to know more about length of interpretation, etc. etc. etc., then go to the new CES site, Truth or Tradition.
Last time I looked, there was plenty there about this very subject.
PS -- as a bluegrass banjo picker, the letters SIT usually meant Stay In Tune! :)-->
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since you asked i decided to do it right now
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Out of your belly shall flow...................
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Whats weird is that even after 20 years of that stuff I find myself sit when I least expect it. Its out of habit of so many years of twi. I don't believe in it now.
Ok!! I will not try to be a nice person...ok? I will not!!
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i myself am not sure
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I certainly do.
Bless you, May our Heavenly Father bless you in everyway, in the wonderful name of His son and our brother Jesus.
ET1 SS - USN Retired,
Pilgrim of the Ancient Arabic Order Nobles of the mystic shrine.
'University of Life' Alumni
"I live in the spirit of prayer. I pray as I walk, when I lie down, and when I rise. And the answers are always coming. Tens of thousands of times have my prayers been answered. When once I am persuaded that a thing is right, I go on praying for it. the great point is never to give up till the answer comes. The great fault of the children of God is, they do not continue in prayer, they do not persevere. If they desire anything for God's glory, they should pray until they get it." - George Mueller
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you would
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I never could stay my mind on speaking in tongues,and whatever it was I was speaking in tongues for at the same time,unless I was speaking in tongues audibly,which I wouldn't do in public because it wasn't decent and in order and it might've made me look foolish....
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I know...
So very much has been written about S.I.T's here on GSC, but I just had to write about it again.
My tongue is so advanced in its fluency. I can make it sound any accent i am familair with and continue its verbal display as long as i wish.
If there were to ever be a SIT contest, beleive me, a yodeler, double talker, and auctioneer would be embarassed my talent SIT.
Now of course when i interpret, its as long as my tongue in the english language. I just can not imagine what an interpretation would be like for those who are multi-lingual.
SIT's is certainly a consideration of thought if it's real or not. I can not tell you how many hours upon hours i have practiced this type of thing. I mean hours of hours and minutes upon minutes of this silent and verbal expression a language i have no understanding ... I guess i have the 'gift of tongues'
okay whoops
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Hey, pretend you are in a french restaurant and ordering from the menue..
Pretend you are in Istanbul and need directions
Just add and develope your tounge what G O D lays on ya... its real simple... all ya gotta do is move your lips and stammer a little bit...
oh my god
Have you ever tried to teach someone to SIT and convince them you are convinced tongues of angels or men???
Bring it on...
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I SIT all the time. Still works.
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Georgio Jessio
Oh man. I don't know about you guys but I was making it up the whole time. I started a thread about this on waydale a long time ago.
I started speaking in tounges when I was 5. When I did it out loud for the first time people cried. They were so moved. They also must have been seriously brainwashed because my "tounge" consisted of two syllables repeated over and over. How could these people actually believe that I was speaking in tounges? Not only that but my SIT with interpretation was identical every time. Clearly I was making it up. As I got older, the pressure to continue to SIT AND the pressure to fit in AND the pressure to seem holy had me making up a more elaborate "tounge".
I later found out that many of my Junior Corps friends were also making it up. I also made up elaborate interpretations and words of prophecy that made leaders think I was really "in tune". What a crock.
I'm not saying you all made it up, but I KNOW some people did. Assuming SIT is real, I also would assume that not everyone can do it.
And session 12 newbies made it up all the time. It's THE graduation requirement. You pay for this long class and at the end everyone SIT's. You really think VPWs success rate was really 100%? Come on now.
Anyone here care to admit that they made it up? Come on, set yourself free!
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Dot Matrix
I spoke in tongues before TWI. I spoke in tongues the first time in my bedroom when I cried out to God for help!
I told him "I beleive Jesus is Lord, I believe he got up from the dead, I believe, I believe - but what f'ng good has it ever done me?"
I had serious problems as we had recently buried my Mom. I was 17.
And the room seemed to get brighter and I did speak in tongues. LATER, I found out what it was.
And yes, I still do it.
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I have done it recently to show my wife what I used to do.
I just wrote a lot about this on the "How can we know" thread, but when I tried to post it, it vanished into cyber-space never to be seen again.
Are you serious Song? I sense a tinge of sarcasm maybe.
that is too funny. I also started when I was five. The next day I went to all the neighbors saying look I can SIT and rattle a little off for them. I was mostly the same phrase repeated over and over again, as it was for every first-timer I ever heard.
There was a lot of preasure for those new pfal students. I remember one twelve year old crying because she couldn't do it. This was at the time when you would go off with a grad and do it for the first time with them instead of in a group. That must have been the Martindale class. She finally did say something, I don't know if she knowingly made it up but it was repetative and she could have made it up very easily.
I think that is what a lot of people did. Made it up without really knowing that they were making it up. I know I decided I needed to make my tounge more "versitile". I think anyone who did one of those practice sessions where they went through the alphabet knowingly made up the sound of the first syllable. Why weren't they making the rest of it up as well? I know a lot of people had a "la shanta" or similat sounding "word" in their tongue. I seem to remember VP saying that in the class when he gave us a little sample.
My tongue was like Song's, very lagit sounding and versitile. Because I practiced a lot.
Its the stories like Dots that I don;t totally understand. What it is, that is.
I had a thread on SITing a while back with a bunch of questions that no one ever answered. Seems to happen to me a lot. Oh well.
A tid bit from that other thread.
Speaking in a "tongue" has been practiced throughout many cultures and contries, non-Christian ones. Of course, one that truly believes what they are doing is in-spirit-action won't accept that what they are doing is the same as Glossolalia, but it is very intrigueing for everyone else.
Oh and Yes, English, French, and Spanish.
It don't mean a thing, all you gotta do is swing.
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Georgio Jessio
haha thank you lindyhopper!
I don't know of any language that "improves" if you go down the alphabet and add each letter to your "tongue".
sorry Mr.. Burton.
I'll tell you what else never made a lick of sense:
"your tounge should be equal in length to your interpretation"
Not all languages use the same syllables or chronological time to say the same thing! For example if I say "hola" , "hi" and "aloha" they all mean the same thing. But they are 2,1 and 3 syllables respectively. So how would a paragraph be equally long in all "tongues"?
I actually asked that once and was (guess what) REPROVED.
How asinine.
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"I don't know of any language that "improves" if you go down the alphabet and add each letter to your "tongue"."
I thought that it was simply a way of getting people away from the "La Shanta" thing, assuming that they were not 'faking'.
"Not all languages use the same syllables or chronological time to say the same thing! For example if I say "hola" , "hi" and "aloha" they all mean the same thing. But they are 2,1 and 3 syllables respectively. So how would a paragraph be equally long in all "tongues"?"
I think that both views are correct to a point, here.
Granted languages are not going to match-up perfectly syllable for syllable, however a full 2 minute dialog is not going to be translated in one word either. Which was where I thought they were going in those 'Exceler' sessions. People got to lighten up. . .
?I actually asked that once and was (guess what) REPROVED. How asinine.?
Agreed, again they really needed to lighten-up sometimes.
We are all one-body working together, some with strengths here others with strengths there. The ?need? to scream in your face, publicly humiliate and insult someone, does not knit us closer as a family. Though it did seem that such technique was taught those in the Way-Corpse.
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So if you were deciding to say the "F" sound how were you not deciding to make the rest of the sounds? Many times it was just the same word starting with a different letter for a lot of people that I noticed.
It don't mean a thing, all you gotta do is swing.
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I confess, my first time session 12 it was all a lie. I started rambling and words came out.
I have doubted my tongues experience from time to time.
I can still do it, but it sound so fake.
As for my interpretation and prophecy, I tried to be genuine, but there was so much crap how am I to know?
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Dot Matrix
At the pentecostal group I check out in my search, people had to sit in a chair, close their eyes and say Jesus over and over as fast as they could and when it all jumbled together, people were told keep going keep going, and it did break into an odd sounding language.
I have no idea if they ever really SIT or are as confused as some that went through the "breath it in!" the class taught.
I have no problem with believing I did SIT as I explained I did it before.
I HAVE trouble thinking I ever gave forth an interpetation....
I think I said "Do not turn to the left or the right but keep your eyes steadfastly on me" about 10,000 times.....
Hmmmm, wow maybe I should have listened to that... Now looking back.
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Georgio Jessio
La shanta la shanta la shakada la fanta la canta la hanta para bilar la bomba.
My children know that I am the lord thy God. Do not look to the left or the right but stay steadfastly on me. For I have a wall of fire protection around each and every one of you. I will souround you with a hedge of protection. Fear not the advisary for I am the lord thy God.
Why does God speak to me in old elnglish?
Also the tounge was of men or angels yet we all must have spoken the tounges of angels because no one I know ever spontaniously spoke Russian or any other language of man. And it was a message from or for God, right? Ever hear the message FOR God?
I DID once hear a guy interpret in the 2nd person. He was praised for being so "on". All he did was say "he" instead of "I".
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I still SIT after all these years and think that was one of the crown jewels of TWI-1. Thankful for J.E. Stiles and Victor Paul Wierwille for the meticulous teaching...
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"Anyone here care to admit that they made it up? Come on, set yourself free!"
Georgio J. ,
Yo, GJ, I do admit the first times in excellor sessions while practicing SITWI I did fake a few rounds of Interpretaion upon my turn. I was told how wonderful my Intepretations were. I finally fessed up during the excellor session that I faked it. I thought it was prettty smart of me and humbling to admit in front of about 20 people. The 'leader' said let's try another 'round and he called upon the guy next to me who was a WOW. He SITWI and I distincly remember this part of the interpretation : "...my thoughts are higher than your thoughts and my ways past finding out..."
Well I asked to be next. I SIT'd and something was different about the way I intepreted. It seemmed to flow without thought, first drop , second drop and then the faucet was on : "...I am the lord your God. Harken unto me my children... etc..." . I was stunned that it 'really' happened. I asked to go again and another time and said, "I think I got it down." Well that was back in '76. I never made the stuff up again.
At that time I was convinced, but looking back and now back here in the present, all I can say is that I don't know that I know that I know anymore. I can not prove it works and that's honest for me. But believe me I can SIT like a house on fire and Interpret and Phrophecy anytime I want. It's too natural a thing for me to fake it.
"Are you serious Song? I sense a tinge of sarcasm maybe."
Well, yes lindy there was a sence of being facetious when I said, "...I guess I have the 'gift of tongues." But other than that, I just wonder from time to time what this deal may be, what it may mean to others here, and if some have changed their minds regarding previous threads enteraining this subject.
I have met many a people who have SIT's since childhood, during the teens, or before they were involved in TWI, as well as evidenced here. I SITs before I took the pfal in Spring '76. Of course I was just about everyday with the WOWS since 9/75 and had a voracious apetite for the Word. I had heard them SIT and I & P, and I wanted that. I sat on my bed and asked God to show me the trip. I breathed in and did it. And shut up real quick about it. Informed the WOW's my experience and they wished to hear me. I hesitantly performed, but was encouraged, and it just flowed without repetition. I was told to add letters, which I thought was rather silly, but I did. Then I took the class and of course passed with flying tongues, but the person next to me passed out on the floor. I just kept on according to the Teacher and ignored the the person on the floor because I knew the Class Co (WC Patty E**n) would be there for that kind of thing, and she was.
Now the "practice" part becomes a little muddy here. I would just let the 'tongue' go anyway it wished to twirl, but the strange thing in the 'practice' would be the adding of letters or accents just for the versatile element that I could interject with the tongue whirling away under my control. I would sing with it, pray silently while someone was praying for anything at twig. Sunup, in bed for rest to the soul, on the can, in the shower, while people were talking with me. I was in competition with the Apostle Paul his declaration, "...I speak in tongues more than you all..." I SIT's as much as one possibly could. You can bet I am not being sarcastic about those statements.
Just the mere mention of the manifestation has thoughts such as:
Let it fly, Malichi Out of your belly shall flow.................RIVERS OF LIVING WATER........
Hi TheSongRemainsTheSame
Yes I still do all the time
I certainly do.
I SIT all the time. Still works.
quote:do you still perform , practice S.I.T.?
I still SIT after all these years and think that was one of the crown jewels of TWI-1. Thankful for J.E. Stiles and Victor Paul Wierwille for the meticulous teaching...
Whats weird is that even after 20 years of that stuff I find myself sit when I least expect it. Its out of habit of so many years of twi. I don't believe in it now.
i myself am not sure.
So many a thought. I myself am not sure. Plots I thinks ya summarised this episode another thread SIT.
& Bring it on any other thoughts anyone has to think regarding this thread...
I'm just a simple guy...
Rok It
[This message was edited by TheSongRemainsTheSame on January 05, 2004 at 19:53.]
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Oh my God, if we only knew what power we have!!!!
Last July, my sister was in Jane Brown hospital, R.I starting her chemo. She had AML, things did not look good.
I went to R.I. to visit her and in the conversation, we agreed on a couple of things. First, that she would see her only daughter get married. Second that she would see ALL her grandchildren. Third that God is good, He loves us; and He can do anything, all things are possible with God. Fourth, that God wants to heal her.
Than I made a bold statement. I said that Jesus said that if two agree concerning any matter, when they pray, God will do it for them.
I then told my sister that I would pray for her all night; and God will heal her and show her that she was in His hands.
Let me tell you, I was determined to see God do his part; and man, my part was so simple.
Just pray, it's like childs play.....
So I prayed in the spirit, making intercession for my sister, from 10:00pm that night until 6:30am that morning. I mean nonstop, total renewed mind, stayed mind. Man, this was life or death. If there ever was a time to get clear and concerned about life, it was now.
That morning, I drove back to the hospital to see my sister. What I saw next was enlightening. My sister was full of a joy and peace that I had never seen in her before. I asked what happened?
She said that she felt the glory of God all around her and God spoke to her and told her that she was made whole and to be patient, that she was in His hands. Don't worry anymore.
I said via the spirit: "Leslie, your faith hath made you whole".
The next day the tests came back: no cancer in the blood. The next day the bone marrow test came back: no cancer in the marrow.
When my sister was made whole, it was a complete healing, body, soul and spirit.
Not only was she healed of the dis-ease, but her mind and heart were healed. She was a changed person, full of joy and peace, willing to pray, willing to learn more of this Jesus, unafraid of life, ready to walk with God and with big plans for the future.
It was a complete healing, in every way.
What did this experience do for me. It strengthened and verified to me that we have something very special with this gift of Holy Spirit and the power of Speaking in tongues.
Please don't take this like it is ego or a headtrip, but it was a very humbling experience, that showed me that God really wants us be like Jesus, act like him, have compassion like him and heal others, like he did.
When I got back to my home town, I went to church and one man with a bad back, that I did not know about, came up to me and hugged me. About a hour later, he came back up to me and said: "You know, when I hugged you, my back was healed that very instant."
What am I trying to say? God gave us this powerful prayer life ability, via Speaking in tongues, so we could be like our saviour. Read it for yourself in the gospels, how many times Jesus just touched a person or they just touched him and they were healed.
From what I understand, Jesus didn't have the Adam nature, we do and at times it stinks.
God gave us this wonderful gift of Holy Spirit with an ability, via speaking in tongues, to burn up the chaff in our lives, fill us to overflowing with Holy Spirit, so we too, man or woman, can walk like Him, in His love, His compassion, and His power. Man, its Christ in you, the hope of glory.
I pray that God shows you too what great power he has given you, via the Holy Spirit. Please examine and read how Jesus healed the sick. He only was the master and perfector of walking in the Holy Spirit. Follow his ways, it's right there in the Word. God gave us what Jesus had, Holy Spirit so we too can heal the sick and give glory to God, our father.
Do I recommend Speaking in tongues??
A resounding YES!!!
[This message was edited by Lightside on January 05, 2004 at 20:50.]
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where would i be without SIT
Hmmmmm most likely dead. It is the one thing that keeps me sane in this world today.
Mabey I am a simpleton for believing so, but I still see it (SIT) as my one ROCK-SOLID CONNECTION with the Father, and His Son Jesus Christ.
It does give me comfort, I know I am praying for others when I do it in their behalf, and NOOOOO -- it is NOT prerequisite to receiving rvelation.(What a crock that was!!!).
If you want to know more about length of interpretation, etc. etc. etc., then go to the new CES site, Truth or Tradition.
Last time I looked, there was plenty there about this very subject.
PS -- as a bluegrass banjo picker, the letters SIT usually meant Stay In Tune!
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soooo veryyyy cooooool!!!!!!!! :P
Awesome!! You are right -- God is the ULTIMATE in renewable resources.
TAP INTO THE POWER !!!!!!!!!!!!!
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