For especially the beautiful rainbow birthday banner and all the great wishes! I wish you all could have been here. Josh and I had a grreat time! He is a party dude! He loves cake, music and people; especially ladies. He sure amazes me with his charisma. He has a girl in every store in town bringing him homemade treats..and most of them are married. Their husbands don't even mind...for a guy who mostly signs. he does right well in his communications; at time far better than me! Thank You again! It will be nice getting to know you and everyone here as well!
Thanks for the Birthday wishes. It truly is my pleasure to know such outstand people! I enjoy all of your thoughts and wisdom and I admire your love and strength. I feel somewhat like a misfit in ways yet, as I only have known the truth about TWI for about 2 months. In ways I am still reeling and shocked! Thanks for welcoming me!
Hehehe, unlike dm...I don't have goodies in my signature line! And just because I should be doing homework and am not...I will procrastinate just a little more and tell you that my birthday's in January...A winter girl, me. I'll send the date itself along later.
That was so great and so well done! Is that you with the fiddle? We love music....and if we could.. let me know if it is for sale and how to get it. Josh's avenue for knowing God is through Godly music....and I will play that for him tomorrow! Thanks for the birthday treats!
Everything I know on the PC I learned by trial and error! I can't wait to learn how to make animated things and have goodies in my signature line...Hey at least you're well ahead of me with the UTube! That all impresses me so much. Thanks...Have a Great Night and don't work too hard!
I now thanks to you share your love and admiration for his music. I would like to hear you play... I'll bet your very very good,,cuz the fiddle is quite a challenge to play! Hope You...Hide more treats so we can hear You play!
My best Birthday wishes to you too! I hope your birthday was realistically Ideal...Like mine was! I am exhausted now...I had far more candle to blow out than You Lindy so I'm going to bed now...Goodnight All!
Wow, don't know how I missed a birthday greeting. We're both fairly new here so I will dispense with the "welcome" but I will say that I love reading your posts. Happy belated birthday!
AAAAh Wow Thank You both for Your lovely hearts and thoughts and rememberance...(((((((((((((((((((((Kathy & Eyes & Suda))))))))))))))))))))! The Irish are so witty and wise...I really like! I am glad to know you all!!!!!!!!!!
Hey if my Birthday is being resurrected, I think I should have another partyLOL...... ahhh Wait Here's a better idea Let's all get ready for Our Sweet Hearted and Very Dear Chattykathy's Birthday, which is tommorrow! So Everyone get ready for a real great Birthday bash! Pssst if anyone wants to teach me how to insert a card for her plzzzzzzzzzzz pm me
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I'll second that, David...
Happy Birthday, dear Rainbow' glad you arc'd over our way!
Yours festiviously,
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Thank You dmiller,
For especially the beautiful rainbow birthday banner and all the great wishes! I wish you all could have been here. Josh and I had a grreat time! He is a party dude! He loves cake, music and people; especially ladies. He sure amazes me with his charisma. He has a girl in every store in town bringing him homemade treats..and most of them are married. Their husbands don't even mind...for a guy who mostly signs. he does right well in his communications; at time far better than me! Thank You again! It will be nice getting to know you and everyone here as well!
Love You dmiller, RainbowsGirl
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Thank You soooo much Quiet Thinker.
Thanks for the Birthday wishes. It truly is my pleasure to know such outstand people! I enjoy all of your thoughts and wisdom and I admire your love and strength. I feel somewhat like a misfit in ways yet, as I only have known the truth about TWI for about 2 months. In ways I am still reeling and shocked! Thanks for welcoming me!
When is your birthday QT and dm?
Love You Quiet Thinker, RainbowsGirl
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RainbowsGirl --- click on my signature line.
It's a live link, and says purt near everything I believe (these days),
about life, and how to handle it. ;)
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Hehehe, unlike dm...I don't have goodies in my signature line! And just because I should be doing homework and am not...I will procrastinate just a little more and tell you that my birthday's in January...A winter girl, me. I'll send the date itself along later.
Yours not-doing-homeworkly,
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Wow dmiller,
That was so great and so well done! Is that you with the fiddle? We love music....and if we could.. let me know if it is for sale and how to get it. Josh's avenue for knowing God is through Godly music....and I will play that for him tomorrow! Thanks for the birthday treats!
Love You dm, RainbowsGirl
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Dear Quit Thinker,
Everything I know on the PC I learned by trial and error! I can't wait to learn how to make animated things and have goodies in my signature line...Hey at least you're well ahead of me with the UTube! That all impresses me so much. Thanks...Have a Great Night and don't work too hard!
Love You, RainbowsGirl
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HA!!! Not hardly!!
That was Sam. And in the Bluegrass genre, there is only ONE Sam.
Sam Bush. Master of fiddle and mandolin.
Born the same year I was, and not 100 miles away from me,
he's been a dedicated musician,and devoted his life to it.
He never got caught up in a cult, like you and I.
I used to have that intensity when playing,
but never learned all the licks he did.
He's one of the most entertaining folks to ever grace a stage. ;)
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Hey we share a birthday. Far out.
Hope you had a good one.
Happy birthday.
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Hey dmiller,
I now thanks to you share your love and admiration for his music. I would like to hear you play... I'll bet your very very good,,cuz the fiddle is quite a challenge to play! Hope You...Hide more treats so we can hear You play!
Love You, RainbowsGirl
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Thanks Lindyhopper!
My best Birthday wishes to you too! I hope your birthday was realistically Ideal...Like mine was! I am exhausted now...I had far more candle to blow out than You Lindy so I'm going to bed now...Goodnight All!
Love You, RainbowsGirl
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Hey girl you and your boy have a great day. I will try and call later. Wow it's your birthday!
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polar bear
Can't believe I missed your birthday post.
Glad you are here.
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hope you had a great day!
wishing you a wonderfuf year
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Thank You Coolchef,
I hope that I have the right recipe this year!
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God first
Beloved RainbowsGirl
God loves you my dear friend
Happy Birthday RainbowsGirl
thank you
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
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Thank You Roy!
I'm a blowin' You a birthday kiss and a holy kiss back Roy!
Love You Roy, RainbowsGirl
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Happy belated birthday and welcome to GSC!
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Thank You Dear Suda,
Those lovely sentiments really touch my heart!
Love You Suda, RainbowsGirl
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Wow, don't know how I missed a birthday greeting.
We're both fairly new here so I will dispense with the "welcome" but I will say that I love reading your posts. Happy belated birthday!
As the Irish say:
May you live as long as you want
and never want as long as you live.
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AAAAh Wow Thank You both for Your lovely hearts and thoughts and rememberance...(((((((((((((((((((((Kathy & Eyes & Suda))))))))))))))))))))! The Irish are so witty and wise...I really like! I am glad to know you all!!!!!!!!!!
Hey if my Birthday is being resurrected, I think I should have another partyLOL...... ahhh Wait Here's a better idea
Let's all get ready for Our Sweet Hearted and Very Dear Chattykathy's Birthday, which is tommorrow! So Everyone get ready for a real great Birthday bash! Pssst if anyone wants to teach me how to insert a card for her plzzzzzzzzzzz pm me 
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The more I know of you the more I am touched you have included me in your world of friends dear heart.
(but can I get younger rather than older perhaps
oh heck the alternative is much worse)
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Belated happy birthday to yah, RainbowsGirl – and thanks for putting me on your friends list.
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