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God first

wrote 03-05-2007

Here I sat talking to Christ about the three parts of man and what the meaning of three parts are and the understanding of each part in part but first God loves us all my friends.

In the beginning God form, made, and created man so he could be born into a man of that could one day grow into God’s children.

The part that was form was the body which was formed of three kinds of dust. Dust that was and is dry like sand, dust that was and is hard like a rock, and dust that was and is wet like water.

The part that was made was the soul which was and is breath life which was first created in animal life then re-made for mankind this kind is in the blood. This soul life or breath life is of three parts the air that comes in to renew itself, the air the flows through the body to give life to all its many parts, and the air that leaves the body as waste.

The part that was created was the image which is known as the spirit the part that was created in the image of God-kind the part that looked like God himself. The spirit was created of three kinds the spirit that is visible to God only the part that words can not picture the spiritual body the part that grows, the part that shines truth like a great light the part that gives spiritual life to the spiritual body the spiritual soul or breath life, and there is the kind that one day knows as he is known that will be only known when Christ comes back for to help us see our new image at his return.

But there is more to this great three part of the body, soul, and spirit. The are the three ways each part grows.

The body life grows in three ways like a plant as it take in dust in many forms it grows in size, it grows in age, and it grows in decay.

The soul life or breath life grows in three ways like a animal its grows in strength, its grows in fleshly wisdom, and it grows closer to its death.

The spirit life grows in three ways in three ways like God himself in true awareness, in true wisdom, and to without a end.

Now because I can only receive in part of these truths I share with you what I hear and see but I look for what Christ will tell you so we can get a bigger picture of the truth about the many three parts.

Thank you, with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy.

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It's funny. I just finished writing a reply to Twinky's post on the "Judging the Dead" thread, and then this deals with the same issue - TWI's definitions of body, soul, and spirit.

As I wrote to Twinky, if you study it carefully you'll find that "soul" in the Bible is not primarily the "breath life" that makes one alive. Genesis 2:7 says that God breathed into man's nostrils the breath of life and man became a living soul. It doesn't say man HAD a soul, but that he WAS a soul. Also, the word spirit is not used exclusively of the spirit of God. The spirit of man is what the Bible calls the breath life.

I wrote about it in more detail on my website here.

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God first

Beloved Mark Clarke

God loves you my dear friend

your study is good and I will read in more detail later

yes twi definitions on many things I question too

I believe adam was form as a egg or seed form to grow like a plant life and then planted in the waters to be made like animals then birth and then created image of spirit too

I believe mankind has a plant growth like image

I believe mankind has animal breath life with thinking, walking and etc like image

I believe mankind has spirit life or God like kind image

Now I believe the devil is not spiritually but only fleshly

at times when devils are called evil spirits it could be better translated evil images to me

Bio-Image is a good study to look into

which to me is the image the flesh cast off - the heat, the air it cast off, and so on

I been thinking about replying to "Judging the Dead"

another word twi missused was created

thank you

with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy

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  year2027 said:
Now I believe the devil is not spiritually but only fleshly

at times when devils are called evil spirits it could be better translated evil images to me

Roy, as you believe that a holy spirit whom we call God exists, what is so hard about also believing that an unholy spirit whom we call the devil also exists? And that lesser unholy spirits also exist (rather than are just "evil images" or perhaps bad thoughts?

(Just musing)

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God first

Beloved Twinky

God loves you my dear friend

sorry I did not see your reply earier

I believe the devil or devil images exists but not as spirits but as fleshly images in the form of a animal being

When the devil trick Adam into killing his spiritual image it did not changed the devil

he was created greatest of all flesh images but Adam was created in the image of God

Adam only brought himself down to the lever of flesh image which did not uplift the devil

the devil claim leader of flesh over man thinking he could over power but God put him in his place

yes devils are bad thoughts, evil ideals, evil dreams, evil images in our mind

thank you

with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy

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