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John 10:10

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If one thinks of these illustrations as the actions in the mind

they take on a whole new perspective

rather then pitting people against people

which was the old testament, a shadow of the new

and breaking up thoughts to rebuild them is not a bad idea

just like breaking up religions isn't either

as Danny, the one you can't see, pointed out

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In my opinion, division wouldn't be a huge issue if Christian groups would give up the idea that that their particular doctrine is the Great All truth and everyone else is Wrong.

Look around, there are many different doctrines under the Christian umbrella. Who would ever have the length of life and resources to sift through each and every one and evaluate them? They didn't pick different doctrines for no reason--there was thought of some sort behind it. Maybe they have good reasons for their particular differences.

Edited by Bramble
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I think christianity has and does separate people from people both now and in their teachings of heaven and hell. For the most part they teach that some go to heaven and some go to hell. Bunch of Baloney. So what makes this New Testament so different.

Why is that there were so many changes? Why would this man have to be beaten to near death then nailed to a tree and hang till he gave his life? Because of what Adam did? Does that really make sense? All of sins past present future gathered together in one moment of time. Taken on by one man.

What is the thief going to steal kill and destroy? Our awareness of it. Much more our living reality of living without sin. O and someone comes along and says 'everyone sins'. I say 'yeah, take it up with the one who took them from me'. Never meant to be a reason to sin more but to be thankful that each day, each moment is new and endless possibilities. It was done and will be done in us for our good.

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