The neighbor said Jake was on the ground for THREE days, she kept trying to get help legally i.e., the proper channels to no avail. She then called Dogs deserve better and Tammy got involved.
I believe somewhere in there it said the vet gave him steriod shots to help his back. So, there was something the owner could have done. The owner just did not do it.
It is easy for the owners NOW to claim they intended to do something -- like euthanize or whatever. But to let Jake get into that condition when Tammy's vet fixed him up and the Vet did sign something saying the dog was neglected, leds me to believe they were just going to turn their backs (as the history) and let him die.
We get people at the vet's who say they do not want to pay for euthanizing, they would just let the dog go under a bush and die. Our vet then paid for the euthanizing. We had one AZZ whose dog had parvo, he was going to stomp him to death... as he was not going to pay to treat the parvo or put him down. He said to me, "I gots to do what I gots to do."
As far as the dog pacing, I think the camera filming him probably frreaked him, it does my dogs, and they try to walk away from me when I hold it, I follow them, then they turn the other way and walk in that direction.
It looks to me like this dicotomy (either animal rights OR human rights) is a false question in this discussion.
IF the question is an animal's "rights" to life without abuse/neglect vs. a human's PROPERTY rights, THAT is CRAP.
IF the question is an animal's right to be guarded from or rescued from a harmful situation and in doing so a human in put at risk of ILLNESS, INJURY or DEATH, of course the person is the priority.
BUT is that REALLY what is at issue in this scenario? I doubt it.
IF, as it appears, this debate is over whether the human's property rights are (or are at risk of) being sacrificed to rescue an animal, then to H3LL with the right of the person to have the animal and be "free" to mistreat the animal.
I do NOT believe there is anywhere (or should be anywhere) the right of anyone in the US to be free to abuse and neglect an animal, especially a pet.IF the abuse/neglect of a pet or stray animal is being done by a child/teen, then our society demands that child be evaluated for potential to commit violent crimes against other people. Why should that NOT be the case if the perp is an adult?
Rottie, glad you like Duc perhaps you can tell him how he comes across sometimes, as he obviouly got under your skin. It seems, if someone does not agree with him they are extremists. Or "unblanaced" I think anyone who could turn their back on a dog flopping on the ground, barely moving for three days would be pretty unbalanced themselves. There are rights involved but nobody has the right to (negelcet to the point of) abuse a pet.
There is a blance to everything.
If a dog is in the rain, and someone takes him, that is not right. But if one is neglected or abused to the point this one was, something needs to be done. We have a neighbor who rescued a Greaat Dane being used to teach pitbulls how to attack. They used him as bait, tied to a tree and let the pits go after him. PEOPLE stepped in to rescue him and my neighbors took the dog in.
Another neighbor heard a dog screaming for about three days until she could track where it came from. The dog was left in the yard as the people went away for the weekend. He had jumped the fence and was hanging somehow by his tail or something that caught. She took the dog to the vets. Told the neighbors, they paid for the vet bill and all is fine. Sometimes you have to get involved. Sometimes not.
It is a journey.
I do not fault Tammy for her ability and courage to step in when she felt she was suppose to -- in this situation.
I'm not going to fight with duct anymore (since I know who he is! and he's really a nice guy) but I will tell you this. I might go to jail for a dog, depending on the circumstance or cause! and I don't care if someone thought I was nuts or not.
I feel that Jesus was a non-conformist, and that given the circumstance he would do some things that would probably tag him as a left wing liberal. In fact, that's probably what certain people thought of him, which was far from what he was.
Reading your stories, confirms my belief that I could NEVER do what you do, and I applaud the people who can work with animals, either on a volunteer basis or for the severely underpaid salaries they usually get. It truly is a calling.
Of course, what I'm learning is that we all have callings, what God puts dear on our hearts, because he knows that we have the compassion within us to carry out our part. Which is why we should never look down on another persons calling.
Reminds me of this lady I met at a CES camp back in 2000. She had a huge heart for animals. She took in stray cats, and her on/off again boyfriend who was some ex-wayfer-offshooter, who had absolutely no heart for people, told her that she should be saving souls not animlas. What a jerk.
I suppose the Christian thing to do would be to let the animals starve to death in the street.
The thing is, in America, animal control is so good, it's almost invisible. If you took a trip to some other countries, you see starving dogs in the streets everywhere. You see the consequenses of irresponsiblity. Over here you really don't see it, because the dogs get picked up and put to sleep.
Anway, I'm choo chooing again. But I wanted to add my 2 cents before I get ready for work. 40 degrees today! Get out the bikinis!
PS. When I was a kid my dad took in our neighbor's dog when it was raining and let him sleep at our house overnight! LOL. I know, different circumstance but I hadn't thought of that in 30 years.
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rottie, i didn't get my dog (buddy) married either, but i got him a dog (minnie) -- they just live together
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Seriously though that's great he's got a companion and you have a house full of loven
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You two are adorable.
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Thanks Chatty, that's sweet of you to say that! But I think we're just nuts.
btw if Minnie got pregnant would you send her away for 6 months? It's bad enough they're living in sin but geez.
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Dot Matrix
The neighbor said Jake was on the ground for THREE days, she kept trying to get help legally i.e., the proper channels to no avail. She then called Dogs deserve better and Tammy got involved.
I believe somewhere in there it said the vet gave him steriod shots to help his back. So, there was something the owner could have done. The owner just did not do it.
It is easy for the owners NOW to claim they intended to do something -- like euthanize or whatever. But to let Jake get into that condition when Tammy's vet fixed him up and the Vet did sign something saying the dog was neglected, leds me to believe they were just going to turn their backs (as the history) and let him die.
We get people at the vet's who say they do not want to pay for euthanizing, they would just let the dog go under a bush and die. Our vet then paid for the euthanizing. We had one AZZ whose dog had parvo, he was going to stomp him to death... as he was not going to pay to treat the parvo or put him down. He said to me, "I gots to do what I gots to do."
As far as the dog pacing, I think the camera filming him probably frreaked him, it does my dogs, and they try to walk away from me when I hold it, I follow them, then they turn the other way and walk in that direction.
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Dot Matrix
Rocky said:
Rottie, glad you like Duc perhaps you can tell him how he comes across sometimes, as he obviouly got under your skin. It seems, if someone does not agree with him they are extremists. Or "unblanaced" I think anyone who could turn their back on a dog flopping on the ground, barely moving for three days would be pretty unbalanced themselves. There are rights involved but nobody has the right to (negelcet to the point of) abuse a pet.
There is a blance to everything.
If a dog is in the rain, and someone takes him, that is not right. But if one is neglected or abused to the point this one was, something needs to be done. We have a neighbor who rescued a Greaat Dane being used to teach pitbulls how to attack. They used him as bait, tied to a tree and let the pits go after him. PEOPLE stepped in to rescue him and my neighbors took the dog in.
Another neighbor heard a dog screaming for about three days until she could track where it came from. The dog was left in the yard as the people went away for the weekend. He had jumped the fence and was hanging somehow by his tail or something that caught. She took the dog to the vets. Told the neighbors, they paid for the vet bill and all is fine. Sometimes you have to get involved. Sometimes not.
It is a journey.
I do not fault Tammy for her ability and courage to step in when she felt she was suppose to -- in this situation.
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That makes sense as to the pacing with the camera.
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I'm not going to fight with duct anymore (since I know who he is! and he's really a nice guy) but I will tell you this. I might go to jail for a dog, depending on the circumstance or cause! and I don't care if someone thought I was nuts or not.
I feel that Jesus was a non-conformist, and that given the circumstance he would do some things that would probably tag him as a left wing liberal. In fact, that's probably what certain people thought of him, which was far from what he was.
Reading your stories, confirms my belief that I could NEVER do what you do, and I applaud the people who can work with animals, either on a volunteer basis or for the severely underpaid salaries they usually get. It truly is a calling.
Of course, what I'm learning is that we all have callings, what God puts dear on our hearts, because he knows that we have the compassion within us to carry out our part. Which is why we should never look down on another persons calling.
Reminds me of this lady I met at a CES camp back in 2000. She had a huge heart for animals. She took in stray cats, and her on/off again boyfriend who was some ex-wayfer-offshooter, who had absolutely no heart for people, told her that she should be saving souls not animlas. What a jerk.
I suppose the Christian thing to do would be to let the animals starve to death in the street.
The thing is, in America, animal control is so good, it's almost invisible. If you took a trip to some other countries, you see starving dogs in the streets everywhere. You see the consequenses of irresponsiblity. Over here you really don't see it, because the dogs get picked up and put to sleep.
Anway, I'm choo chooing again. But I wanted to add my 2 cents before I get ready for work. 40 degrees today! Get out the bikinis!
PS. When I was a kid my dad took in our neighbor's dog when it was raining and let him sleep at our house overnight! LOL. I know, different circumstance but I hadn't thought of that in 30 years.
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