I looked out my front door just now .. this is what I saw David. We're at a chilly 70 degrees today.
LOL. Anyone feel like a game of basketball? OK, I'll be good. David knows I couldn't let a good one like this pass by without teasing my favorite tall person!
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Here's a couple more.
I hope the boss understands why I might be a bit late .........
View from above, of the area of all the pics previously shown --
on that little *finger of land* you see past the clock tower.

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I'm glad you finally got your snow. But wow! So much at once! Were you able to go out 4-wheeling?
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I would be so worried with all that snow on the roof of my house..wow...Im a native Chicagoian and have never seen that much snow.
beautiful pics..thanks:)
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is it me?
i couldn't get the pics in your first post up!!??
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I saw them all at first...now they appear to be gone!
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Wow -- What happened here????? They ARE all gone! :(
All the url's are still there. Let's see if this works--------
(edited to say ---)
Nope -- they aren't showing up. Back to square one. :(
Strange that two of them stayed up, but not the others.
Let me go back to the files where I have them, and try again.
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(WOW!!! I'm almost done!!!)
(I knew I shouldn't have parked here.)
(Hmmmmmm. I think I'll use the back door!)
(Neither rain, nor sleet, nor snow ......)
(Open your front door, and what do you see???)
There's five of them, right above this sentence
Let's see if they show up.
If not, I'm baffled as to why they don't.
Edited -----
I think I know what happened. These should stay like the other two up there.
and not disappear on us this time. Let me retrieve the captions for the photos here.
It really WAS a wild time here last Thursday and Friday.
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Here are the others from the original posting ---
(Hmmmm. I think my lost ski is r-i-g-h-t a-b-o-u-t H-E-R-E!!!)
(Do we measure up??)
(There's a street out there somewhere!)
And then there's always some who have fun, regardless. :P
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all i can say is..wow..
i remember 1 or 2 like that in maine.
you can have it
on the upside....no black flies
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I looked out my front door just now .. this is what I saw David. We're at a chilly 70 degrees today.
LOL. Anyone feel like a game of basketball? OK, I'll be good. David knows I couldn't let a good one like this pass by without teasing my favorite tall person!
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