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Another benefit of being out of twi-an honest obit

Kit Sober

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Reading the obit for Dr Rawlins I almost wanted to gag.

She was a good woman and a good doctor, but there was something so syrupy about the way her obit was worded that seemed too gooey and more like a propoganda for twi's ugly as sin "household of der veg."

And I guess it comes from having the blessing of being around so many honest heartfelt memories shared in the Greasespot Cafe in Memorium threads.

Even reading the memorial threads over where Dr Rawlins' obit is placed, there are other "normal" obits whichare in such contrast to Dr Rawlins' -- honest, heartfelt, grieving, compassionate, memories of people. Whereas, behind the syrupy goop of Dr Rawlins' obit was that hypocritical (and heartless) stuff with a smiley cloying face. Ugh!

Another reason I am so glad to be out of that twi place.

(Did I ever say that lcm kicked me out, and I owe him a debt of thanks for that.)

There but for the grace of God is myobit, written by twi staff.

I sure hope to be remembered with some real heart -- hate me or like me, I am so thankful no one will write (I hope), "Kit Sober remained a faithful member of the twi household." Hallelujah!

(Please don't even think of it.)

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I wouldn't be happy with TWI "writers" giving some kind of historic revision of my life either.

Or slandered, like I lot of folks have had done to them.

I wouldn't consider writing some articles for der veq mag hardly looking good on a resume.. no less an obituary.

So.. what do I want on my tombstone?

I'll take some ham, mushrooms, pepperoni..


Might be all I can get..

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Hmm, yes. Noticed the exclamation point after a certain sentence about having "changed her life!" Not usually seen in obits, no? Syruppy, yes. Not willing to speak ill of the dead in her obit thread, I posted the positive side of life with doctor. The truth be told, the dark underside of "The Household of The Way" so brightly mentioned in her obit began to turn Carolyn's giving side to a dark razor sharp edge against anyone "not" kosher mit der veg.

I worked as a childbirth educator and a doula for women who were a part of Rawlins' practice. One lady in particular had been a part of TWI but had left it, and was now pregnant. I was her doula and cbe. When she went into labor, during a vaginal exam, Rawlins was particularly unnecessarily rough with this woman physically. And when her patient cried out in pain, Rawlins' statement to her was "Remember, I only have to be particularly good to the household."

Yes she did.

Kid you not.

Unethical, and physically and emotionally abusive. Not what you would expect from a physician who is supposed to set personal issues aside, or from a fellow of Psychosomatic Medicine, who truly knew exactly what she was doing emotionally to a woman who at the time was in the most physically and emotionally vulnerable position of her life. That was inexcusable.

She by her own unethical, cruel, and inhumane actions lost every bit of my respect for her at that point.

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What an obit! They just can't stop, gotta advertise TWI everywhere, even when someone's dead. This is pathetic.

Catcup - how awful! I hope that poor woman was all right.

TWI just turned people into monsters. Hey, they're copouts - God doesn't love them, why should I? Just took away people's humanity.

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Pretty psycho to take that moment of vulnerability to *punish* someone.

If she didn`t feel that she could be *good* to someone outside of the household, she had no damned business accepting the patient in the first place.

How horrifying to realise at that moment, in active labor, when you are trapped and cannot leave.... that the person in whom you must place the trust for your life and that of your child, really doesn`t like or care about you. That is really frightening.

Makes you wonder if the doc hadn`t been saving that particular little gem for just such an occasion.

Cat I am glad that you were there.

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  rascal said:
How horrifying to realise at that moment, in active labor, when you are trapped and cannot leave.... that the person in whom you must place the trust for your life and that of your child, really doesn`t like or care about you. That is really frightening.

You might add that the offender is up to her wrist in your most private of sexual parts. I will leave it up to you to imagine what that comment could do to a person who may have been sexually molested at least once in her life.

It wasn't just her trust that was violated.

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Given enough time you can make anybody mean and nasty,Thank God for his forgiveness and mercy.

We all do hurtful things at times,The way in its latter years revelled in it Ie not of the household..

M@a ect.. ad nauseum....

I have been to several of funerals the way leader spoke over,it always turns into promoting said organization.

Conclussion?Aslong as they are speaking they are promoting..for the greater good ya know.

I am glad to be out of said cult,Hell they will do me a favor by not showing up for my funeral in the first place!

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having suffered trauma during childbirth (and the childhood stuff catcup referred to), i can't imagine the horror of what happened to that lady

the only thing that might come a little close would be having a father (spiritually speaking) betray your trust on a damn bus somewhere in the dark night on the way to the cornfields of ohio.....

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One sad day while in a 7th Corps brother was killed.

What a great time for now to get taught how to do a

memorial service. The whole teaching was basically

how to sell the cult.

Forget about being human and tears sell.

What a bunch of wackoooooos.

Sad bunch of wackoos.

You couldn't even have a funeral like the rest of the world you did

something special to sell the ministry.

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  frank123lol said:
Given enough time you can make anybody mean and nasty

Nobody had to make her mean and nasty, she did a good enough job all on her own.

This was not the only incident-- she was also mean and nasty to me. I had gone to see her for gyn care right after I first moved to Munster in 1989. During the exam she asked me what I thought of Craig's loyalty letter. When she did not like my response, she got up from her chair, looked at one of her nurses and said, "Give her the bum's rush!" and stormed out of the room. In seconds, I found myself on the sidewalk wondering what the hell happened.

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More about the labor in the aforementioned incident:

During the crowning, when the physician should be at the foot of the bed helping literally to support the tissues as the baby's head emerges, Rawlins stepped back, sat down in a visitor's chair with a couple of nurses and said "Let's watch this new procedure for crowning" leaving me as the only support for this woman until the head was fully out.

A doula is not supposed to actually birth the baby-- that is the job of the midwife or the physician. It is not something I am trained to do or within my legal description and responsibility to even attempt. And as such, my insurance forbade it

As a result, as the baby's head emerged, despite my efforts to help her control the crowning with breathing, this woman got a nice second to third degree tear in the perineum due to the fact that no one was helping support the perineum and surrounding tissues as the head emerged.

Then Carolyn had the gall to take me aside afterward and blame me for the tear. That was her decision, and her responsibility alone, both medically and legally.

As far as lawsuits, I couldn't tell you. But I can tell you this: Every year when it was time to renew her malpractice insurance, she would sit down and consider whether she wanted to retire or continue practicing. But of course, malpractice for ANY obgyn is astronomical.

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Makes me wonder how she could live with herself.

Loyal wayfer to the end, probably didn't have a tinge of guilt.

I know of an incident, a fairly well educated person, higher up in social services office, and higher up in the "ministry" in this area.. caused some REAL problems for an ex-wayer, who really needed some help. Since it's not my personal story, all I'll say is the person did some real unethical and harmful crap.

I think "these kind" of people live for those kind of moments.. to mete what they consider God's vengeance on humanity, or something like that..

They seem to enjoy their "job" too well.

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(Did I ever say that lcm kicked me out, and I owe him a debt of thanks for that.)

Funny how the same incident happened to me (but I am not talking here about when I was involved in TWI or being kicked out by LCM) but by a pastor of a local church that I attended at one time. I was also very active and involved in that church and I even served in that church for about a year. The following Sunday after the pastor expelled me he was back in the pulpit - he was up in front of his congregation preaching how he spared the flock of God - about how he "saved the sheep" from a "wolf". (Apparently this is a trait that is NOT exclusive to LCM or TWI but also exists in other churches as well.)

A person goes through some formal religious or bible training. They then graduate from that institution and someone puts a label on them (they may label them a MOG, a pastor, or something else biblically significant, etc.) and then that person ends up thinking that they are God's gift to the whole entire world. God forbid if someone has a different opinion or point of view then theirs on something. Eventually they will call you in for a "counseling session" and if you aren't willing to comply or meet their demands then they really have no other option except to get rid of you. Apparently you're of no value to them otherwise.

Just who do these people think they are?

I certainly know what they are not. They certainly aren't pastors or men of God. They are nothing but a bunch of clowns imposing their will on others. I am probably being too polite calling them clowns. The truth is they aren't anything but crooks! They just use people for their own ends and purposes. They certainly have no intention or any desire to change themselves, and a clown who refuses to change is nothing but a crook - they are no better than a crook! Well, what could one expect to find in a circus anyway? Just clowns and con-artists working a crowd.

Some even have the nerve to call themselves a "household" or the family of God. You don't kick someone out of your family. A REAL family doesn't do that. Who ever heard of anything so preposterous or ludicrous! You wouldn't expect that kind of behavior from a real pastor or a man of God, but one could expect it from a clown. I am not saying this out of anger or bitterness toward any of them - but saying it out of sadness. What is so sad is that I honestly looked up to some of them. Now I can't even stand to look at them.

But in some sick, perverted, twisted way they need that lie. They will continue to hang onto it for dear life because they find comfort in the lie. That lie makes them feel secure. It makes them feel significant and it even makes them feel spiritually superior to others. Some perhaps will say, "Well, that is just your opinion". Maybe to them it does sound kind of "whacko", but the truth is we all need to feel accepted. We all need to feel significant and secure. We all need to feel accepted, significant and secure just like we all need food and air to breath and to live. The only question is - where does one get their source or their sense of feeling accepted, significant and secure? Does it come from believing the truth - or does it come from believing something else? It's something for us to think very seriously about, because we are all susceptible to believing the lie - especially when it makes us feel secure, significant and superior over another brother or sister in Christ.

Edited by What The Hey
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I hate to speak ill of the dead, and I extend my condolences to her family if any read this site (and I hope they do.)

Since she still has family in TWI, it's likely that one of them wrote her obituary. So while it's sad that it appears TWI wrote it, it's even more sad that her family members may be responsible for their way-brain propaganda.

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