Actually, Mark – I start channeling Dilbert every time I watch Office Space…and God forbid word should get out that I often use a Jump-to-Conclusions-Mat when I’m in Doctrinal.
Grunchy Store - where one goes to get food for the family.
Frankenfood - What one can buy at the grunchy store.... Food derived from genetically modified plants and animals.
Seagull Manager - A manager who flies in, makes a lot of noise, craps on everything, and then leaves.
Blamestorming - Sitting around in a group discussing why a deadline was missed or a project failed and who was responsible.
Rectal Database - The very private location from which instantaneous answers to questions may be retrieved. "I pulled that one from my rectal database."
Attentional Blink - The momentary lapse in awareness that occurs after a stimulus catches the brain's attention.
"Corporate accounts, Nina speaking may I help you..........."
we don't have voice mail at work
so i suggested we answer the phone:
"company name, wilma flinstone....."
Cool…it looks like a conspiracy in the making…I like it…keep up the good work, ladies – I’m recommending you both for a raise and promotion…Of course your supervisors are gonna ask just who the he11 I am.
Seagull Manager - A manager who flies in, makes a lot of noise, craps on everything, and then leaves.
Blamestorming - Sitting around in a group discussing why a deadline was missed or a project failed and who was responsible.
Rectal Database - The very private location from which instantaneous answers to questions may be retrieved. "I pulled that one from my rectal database."
Attentional Blink - The momentary lapse in awareness that occurs after a stimulus catches the brain's attention.
Wow – those are all great, Belle – but these really spoke to my heart! Thanks!
I like all the car ones, everybody – thanks. And obviously I love any work references – anything that takes a stab at the system, man - is cool in my book…Really everyone had good stuff here – please continue – I just wanted to express my enjoyment of this thread and show my appreciation. I would like to thank all the little people – starting with that little kid on the left with the big hat and suspenders…I know what you’re thinking “This guy is full of himself” – while that’s true please keep in mind I’m only a half-pint bottle [just look at my avatar] .
Jam Session – time-frame allotted to cramming all the equipment of a five piece garage band into a 89 Geo Metro.
Orca-straight – to compose a musical piece for the sole purpose of sobering up a drunken Killer Whale.
Metro-gnome – The dwarf responsible for keeping mass transit systems running on time.
Socks-a-phone – A pat answer typically given to a technically challenging musical question -and refers to calling on one of the most qualified musicians at GSC. Typical usage, Question: "What alternate tuning should I use so my guitar will sound like a Mack Truck when I play an open E Chord?" Answer: "I dunno…give Socks-a-phone."
Wah-wah Peddle – the selling of fine whines to guitarists.
Base Guitar – an instrument of low value, with inferior properties and the most commonly used implement for composing songs of treachery, cruelty and greed.
Speaking in Drums – A miraculous language believed to have been given to drummers to fill the long hours of life on the road. Controversy surrounds the phenomena - a few drum scholars believe it was a cymbal of the devil's snare and is no longer practiced – while others say it is reserved for some future time – when the roll is called up yonder.
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good ones !!!!!
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T-Bone, you are obviously a Dilbert fan!!!
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Thanks for the compliment, I think...
Some of my "humor" has been so warped by vey speak, this is the only place on the planet that I can get a laugh at times..
My best friend here is only beginning to understand how getting the front parking spot at Walmart can be equated with spirituality..
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ROFLMAOPMP - that is so absolutely true!

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Actually, Mark – I start channeling Dilbert every time I watch Office Space…and God forbid word should get out that I often use a Jump-to-Conclusions-Mat when I’m in Doctrinal.
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My beloved Tonto has a long suit in revelation parking and shopping! I’m still trying to get my believing up to work miracles when the bills come.
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You guys are very funny!
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Microsoft Exploder
(also works for Ford Exploder)
I like to do it with car names, mostly...
Dodge Insipid
Ford ConFusion
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I drove a Heep Cherokee for years...
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I remember getting in trouble as a boy for referring to my uncle's Oldsmobile Cutless as an Oldsmobile Gutless...
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This whole thread has me a bit cornfused.
My granddaughter Clara-Belle( that's short for Helen) just informed me that is only 2/3 of a pun----------PU!
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I work in healthcare quality on the weekends... and my department is ALL female.
I call it Quality Miss Management...
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"Corporate accounts, Nina speaking may I help you..........."
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EXPERT- (pronounciation: ex- spurt) definition: a "has-been drip under pressure"
when given the choice between a title and a pay raise, I will take the pay-raise.
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Gay Builders and Fright Services
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we don't have voice mail at work
so i suggested we answer the phone:
"company name, wilma flinstone....."
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…and on the medical front…
See-sick – self-induced nausea by staring at ugly too long
Moe-shun Sickness – withdrawal symptoms after swearing off the Three Stooges
BlueCross BlueShield – psychiatric code for a depressed Christian Police Officer
Malpractice Suit – official uniform of a quack
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder – intense psychological pressure that comes from realizing what you posted on a thread makes absolutely no sense.
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Grunchy Store - where one goes to get food for the family.
Frankenfood - What one can buy at the grunchy store.... Food derived from genetically modified plants and animals.
Seagull Manager - A manager who flies in, makes a lot of noise, craps on everything, and then leaves.
Blamestorming - Sitting around in a group discussing why a deadline was missed or a project failed and who was responsible.
Rectal Database - The very private location from which instantaneous answers to questions may be retrieved. "I pulled that one from my rectal database."
Attentional Blink - The momentary lapse in awareness that occurs after a stimulus catches the brain's attention.
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Cool…it looks like a conspiracy in the making…I like it…keep up the good work, ladies – I’m recommending you both for a raise and promotion…Of course your supervisors are gonna ask just who the he11 I am.
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I like all the car ones, everybody – thanks. And obviously I love any work references – anything that takes a stab at the system, man - is cool in my book…Really everyone had good stuff here – please continue – I just wanted to express my enjoyment of this thread and show my appreciation. I would like to thank all the little people – starting with that little kid on the left with the big hat and suspenders…I know what you’re thinking “This guy is full of himself” – while that’s true please keep in mind I’m only a half-pint bottle [just look at my avatar]
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Anal Glaucoma - a condition causing statements such as "I just can't see my foot going to work today."
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Then you should go Egosurfing, my friend. That'll make you feel even better (or worse)...
Scanning the Net, databases, etc., for one’s own name.
But it sure as heck beats a salmon day any day!
The experience of spending an entire day swimming upstream only to get screwed in the end.
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Homer Simpson would say "that's a sexual in-your-end dohhh!!!" :o
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…and on the music front…
Jam Session – time-frame allotted to cramming all the equipment of a five piece garage band into a 89 Geo Metro.
Orca-straight – to compose a musical piece for the sole purpose of sobering up a drunken Killer Whale.
Metro-gnome – The dwarf responsible for keeping mass transit systems running on time.
Socks-a-phone – A pat answer typically given to a technically challenging musical question -and refers to calling on one of the most qualified musicians at GSC. Typical usage, Question: "What alternate tuning should I use so my guitar will sound like a Mack Truck when I play an open E Chord?" Answer: "I dunno…give Socks-a-phone."
Wah-wah Peddle – the selling of fine whines to guitarists.
Base Guitar – an instrument of low value, with inferior properties and the most commonly used implement for composing songs of treachery, cruelty and greed.
Speaking in Drums – A miraculous language believed to have been given to drummers to fill the long hours of life on the road. Controversy surrounds the phenomena - a few drum scholars believe it was a cymbal of the devil's snare and is no longer practiced – while others say it is reserved for some future time – when the roll is called up yonder.
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