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Imaginary problems, outlandish cures


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quote: But besides that, this boasting of being the best thing since the earth cooled- that was part of the marketing.

Marketing. How evil. or is it? The printing press was the first thing that allowed marketing beyond what Jesus and Paul did. And all that really did was save time. Radio added to that, then TV, then the internet. But we are a marketing society. You can't reach large numbers of people at the same time without it. It's a tool, not a virtue. IMO it was smart of VP to combine marketing principles with spiritual knowledge. He wasn't the only one either.

That 'I found it' seminar you could take in the 70s cost $600.00 for a weekend. Any college class cost more than pfal if you consider travel time and/or the longer duration of the class. I'm sorry that you feel pfal was more of a ripoff than anything else.

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J- Maybe that class was only $100. and there must have been some benefits for a lot of folks or else the ministry would never have grown. BUT - the cost in the long run for way, way too many folks was much more than the price of the class.

Yes, there were some truths, but how spoiling of the truth came from the evil deeds that were taught and covered up? Look up in the CES forum and you'll see that the plot has sickened and thickened......

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In the 70's (the nexus of this movement) we were in college living in a altered states due to drug use. The next phase for many of us in this altered state was to gravitate to drinking TWI's Kool Aid. Marketing is selling perception regardless of validity. In our altered hippy state we could not tell if it was real or memorex. The way I look at it is that it was just another phase of our generation. Thank goodness that phase is over.

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quote: I then pose this question to you, Mr. IamthatIaM. Religion has been around a LOT longer than Mr. Carlin, therefore, who do you think is staler?

Umm...religion also misrepresents God and Christianity. Mr. Carlin had facts to base his stupidity on...he just focusses on the wrong facts, like others, unfortunately.

quote: In our altered hippy state we could not tell if it was real or memorex

What is reality?

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In the 70's (the nexus of this movement) we were in college living in a altered states due to drug use. The next phase for many of us in this altered state was to gravitate to drinking TWI's Kool Aid. Marketing is selling perception regardless of validity. In our altered hippy state we could not tell if it was real or memorex. The way I look at it is that it was just another phase of our generation. Thank goodness that phase is over.

I was there, I would agree.


The first picture I saw of vp, his eyes were bugging out.. I wondered if the old guy was on LSD himself..

no kidding- I actually thought that at the moment.


"Marketing is selling perception REGARDLESS OF VALIDITY"

That is the whole point here. Make it look bigger than life, almost "legendary"..

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They were SO successful, some people STILL have a perception of vp that is "larger than life"

People still think he was an apostle, a prophet, a teacher.. and hold his "package" sacrosanct.

Even in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

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Charging for a bible class.. Some think it is appropriate, but I think it was part of the marketing scheme itself. I think the fee (or "donation") was used partly to suggest that the classes were actually worth it. You can take those "free" classes, but what do they know? "WE charge because this is a better product.."

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quote: What is Reality?

This was more of a rhetorical question than an interrogative one. It served me as a memory peg.

In post # 20 I said that I didn't need 2 yrs of college to learn that Freud was nothing more than a glorified religion bigot...and he WAS. He put all who believe in God under the blanket label of "delusional" in his 1930 essay called 'Civilization and its discontents'. He further called them "paranoid", "insane", and guilty of trying to "remould reality". Let me get this straight. This guy says others are "delusional" but he thought he knew what reality was for everybody on earth. What a maroon!

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He put all who believe in God under the blanket label of "delusional" in his 1930 essay called 'Civilization and its discontents'. He further called them "paranoid", "insane", and guilty of trying to "remould reality"

At times, my experience with "religion" tempts me greatly to come to the same conclusion Freud did..

Looky here:


Sometimes, I think I still believe in a God despite these idiots.

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Here is the other "personality" when he wasn't busy being Saul of Tarsus:


The scary part of it, is how many thousands of people did he get to go along with the gag?

Man Of Gawd for our Day and Time.. sheesh.

My "problems" are pretty small.. compared to this..

"paranoid", "insane", and guilty of trying to "remould reality" is a pretty apt description here..

in my personal opinion, anyway..

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