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What did the governor say? Did he declare an emergency? I'm supposed to have school tonight, but the cancellation isn't listed on channel 9's website. Guess, I'll have to call...

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Thanks. Yeah, I finally found the closing on channel 9 under "other". WooHoo! Another Snow day!

Thanks Kathy.

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Lousy weather here...icy roads, sleet, snow, wind...if everything in the state closes, I will STILL have to go to work!

My store never closes...ever.

driving to work this morning at 5:30 AM...I live on a dirt road that the snow plows do not even know exists...my driveway is 100 yards long of deep snow and ice...winding hills all the way into town (6 miles)...even my dogs don't like it. My electricity has gone off twice today...

Oh well...at least I don't live in New York state. :biglaugh:

Edited by GrouchoMarxJr
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Well, its been snowing here all day. It would snow heavy, then lighten up, then snow heavy again. During the breaks, the snow plows would come out, then the salt trucks. But that wind! It about blew my Saturn into outer space! I think we're getting more than the weathermen thought, but its not nearly as bad as what some of you are getting.

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It looks like we are going are going to miss some of the worst for tonight. The snow looks above us and the ice not as bad as it could be. Although ice is coming down now pretty heavy so that doesn't follow what the weather man just said.

I hope all that have this upon them are safe tonight and that power remains in your homes for warmth.

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  GrouchoMarxJr said:
It's nasty for sure...but I grew up on lake Erie...why, I used to walk barefoot to school in 10 feet of snow.

this ain't nothing.

Yep!----Spent my first 25 years on the banks of "The Burning River" before becoming a "Flavor" of Ohio back in '75. (currently residing in "The Birthplace of the tomato")

Were you still around for the blizzard of '78? That was one mean dog!

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Hey there, Thanks for the welcome Chatty Kathy! You are the first person to say hi to me here! Thank you. Umm. Let me see if I can make one of those hand waving things like you did. :doh: No wait. Wrong one. Umm :wave: There!

And hey Waysider, are you saying that you grew up on the banks of the Cuyahoga River, the one that actually caught fire one time because it was so polluted? I read about it back in high school in 1973 or so. But then again, maybe I have my dates wrong.


Edited by papa-gee
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My electricity JUST NOW came back on...it was off for about 2 hours...glad to say the heat kicked back on...it was down to about 58 inside...When I called the power company to report the outage, they told me that about 10,000 homes had no electricity (which is about 1/3 of the city)

Sure...I remember the storm of 1978...my friends and family told me all about it because I was living in Golden, Colorado that year... :biglaugh:

Gotta wait for the sun to come up so I can survey the damage outside...see if I can even drive outta here...my driveway is 100 yards long which leads to a dirt road (that the snow plows don't even know exists)...and then a mile drive to the nearest highway...I live in a log cabin in the middle of Bumfuk, Egypt...

...but not to worry, I am stocked well with food, beer and cigs...what else do I need?

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