Believer spends so much time cleaning leadership's home that believer has no time to clean own home. Leadership drops in on believer's dirty home and believer gets m&a'd.
Thanks – great posts everyone!...Yeah – speaking for myself – the reasons I joined and later left TWI revolve around some simple things I've been looking for on my life's journey. I was a Christian before joining TWI – and remained so after leaving TWI…I think for me it was like a gradual realization during the Patriarch aftermath – maybe becoming aware that my "internal compass" was indicating I've been way off course for awhile.
By "internal compass" I don't mean some guiding light from above – I think of it as more like a direction to head towards - which I already had set for myself. The more I compared the things I wanted in life with the way TWI encouraged followers to go about achieving them – minor differences grew into a huge canyon between my goals and TWI's process for reaching thosegoals. It became obvious – my goals and their goals were not even similar.
Alright – so what if my 12 year stint with them was a…magnificent diversion…I refuse to write it off as a total loss…I continue to draw on the whole experience for lessons learned…whether good or bad experiences…I think it takes humility and strength to learn from bad experiences. I've had several car wrecks in my life – each experience has motivated me to become a better driver, to be more aware of what other drivers are doing, to get better at thinking ahead, etc…And the good experiences – meeting my wife Tonto – and developing some great friendships over the years...I think of GSC as another good experience too – as something that was spawned by TWI – yes GSC IS an offshoot ! The people here are great – and our collective effort helps me continue to unravel the lessons bound up in my TWI experience.
1.For the hard work on teaching people day after day" the milk of the word" it was about time they found there own teet and did it themselves.
2.My Husband had a melt down that lasted 10 years.
3.So I would not have to clean my house so clean that if Jesus came by everything would be in order.
4. So I would not be under a microscope on how I raise my kids.
5. For all the work we did and supplied to others not a $ was given to offset the cost. Yes, I know that the Lord will bless me on those things, But the Way International could have cared less.
6. No more cookies, banana bread, etc. coffee and juice. to keep me awake each night. No more baking to hone in my cooking skills.
7. I am so happy I left..................
8. It's Word over me and my walk, not the walk of the World. Yes I believe evangalism is important but hand holding for 20 years is out of the question.
9. To grow and go where I am being led to go........
My first serious relationship was with another believer.
Why I quit?
Because the truth set me free!
I was in from 79-81, before it got really bad, but I could feel the control setting in. I also sensed that they just wanted me to go along with the program, not question what was taught. In their minds a "devils advocate" is posessed.
Funny…you both have stumbled onto a big secret at GSC…That exquisite cup of Joe is brewed right here – and just like this thread – is the reason people join or leave GSC .
T-Bone that looks so delicious! Stop teasing me, I'm a contractor on a very small island in the Marshall Islands...nothing like that to be had for thousands of miles. I think I'll print that pic, hang it on my wall and daydream! Next time I hit the mainland LOOKOUT! I'm gonna be a caffinated wreck.
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.........being tired of thanking God for being tired.
oh and wondering if there was another word for ''thank you Father'' in the dictionary.
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Reasons why people joined:
To have the corner market on "the truth"
To learn the word like it hadn't been taught since the first century
To have all the answers
To get that "more abundant" life that was promised
Ego & Pride
Reasons why people left:
To live the life you thought you'd be living when you got involved
Nobody acknowledges that you have the corner market on "the truth"
Others have also learned things that hadn't been taught since the first century - and they were never in TWI
Having all the answers comes with a really high price
If the right answer doesn't seem right it takes a lot of work to make it fit
You're not allowed to question the answers
Cleaning leadership homes and never having a spare minute to yourself gets old
Realizing that you're less and less "normal" gets rather unsettling
To achieve financial security
Desire for privacy and autonomy
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Reasons For Joining
1. More harmony in the home
2. Disciplines the mind by positive believing (can't remember the exact wording on that)
3. More people to hang around
4. Thought they were like family
5. Liked the genuine concern I saw
Reasons for Leaving
When the legalism hit, all of this as far as I was concerned went by the wayside.
There was no harmony!
What positive believing?
Who wants to hang people you don't feel comfortabe with?
They weren't like family anymore.
My own family was better than that!
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Regarding cleaning the leaderships' homes:
Believer spends so much time cleaning leadership's home that believer has no time to clean own home. Leadership drops in on believer's dirty home and believer gets m&a'd.
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my reason for joining:
to keep harmoney in the home
if i wouldn't have joined my marrage would have ended
it did any way 10 years of hell later
the up side? i got 4 great kids from the rocky road to hell marrage
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you join because you love god
you leave because you love god
oh i'm just being mushy moo
you join because you want to separate truth from error
you leave because you want to separte truth from error
you join because there's a real man of god in the world today
you leave because he's a scumbucket
can i say that on here paw ?
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You join TWI, or any group for that matter
Because there is a spot/spots in your heart that needs filling
You stay because the group either fills the spot/spots or you perceive that there is a possibility to fill the spot/spots
You leave when it becomes apparent that it isn't filling that spot/spots and never will fill that spot/spots
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Edited by templeladyLink to comment
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Edited by templeladyLink to comment
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Thanks – great posts everyone!...Yeah – speaking for myself – the reasons I joined and later left TWI revolve around some simple things I've been looking for on my life's journey. I was a Christian before joining TWI – and remained so after leaving TWI…I think for me it was like a gradual realization during the Patriarch aftermath – maybe becoming aware that my "internal compass" was indicating I've been way off course for awhile.
By "internal compass" I don't mean some guiding light from above – I think of it as more like a direction to head towards - which I already had set for myself. The more I compared the things I wanted in life with the way TWI encouraged followers to go about achieving them – minor differences grew into a huge canyon between my goals and TWI's process for reaching those goals. It became obvious – my goals and their goals were not even similar.
Alright – so what if my 12 year stint with them was a…magnificent diversion…I refuse to write it off as a total loss…I continue to draw on the whole experience for lessons learned…whether good or bad experiences…I think it takes humility and strength to learn from bad experiences. I've had several car wrecks in my life – each experience has motivated me to become a better driver, to be more aware of what other drivers are doing, to get better at thinking ahead, etc…And the good experiences – meeting my wife Tonto – and developing some great friendships over the years...I think of GSC as another good experience too – as something that was spawned by TWI – yes GSC IS an offshoot
! The people here are great – and our collective effort helps me continue to unravel the lessons bound up in my TWI experience.
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Temple Lady, that's more spots than you can find on a Dalmation..
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Only One Dalmation??????
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dear t-bone you are great
i'm just glad you are not taking driving lessons from the bus driver
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Thanks, Excathedra…I don’t think that bus driver would even have put me in charge of the bathroom on the bus.
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ex, I think that's beautifully profound and so true. :)
I also think it's "gem worthy".
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Amen, templelady! Thanks for that!!
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Reason I left the Way:
1.For the hard work on teaching people day after day" the milk of the word" it was about time they found there own teet and did it themselves.
2.My Husband had a melt down that lasted 10 years.
3.So I would not have to clean my house so clean that if Jesus came by everything would be in order.
4. So I would not be under a microscope on how I raise my kids.
5. For all the work we did and supplied to others not a $ was given to offset the cost. Yes, I know that the Lord will bless me on those things, But the Way International could have cared less.
6. No more cookies, banana bread, etc. coffee and juice. to keep me awake each night. No more baking to hone in my cooking skills.
7. I am so happy I left..................
8. It's Word over me and my walk, not the walk of the World. Yes I believe evangalism is important but hand holding for 20 years is out of the question.
9. To grow and go where I am being led to go........
10. Can't think of any thing else at the moment.
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Why I joined?
Because the truth would set me free!
Why I stayed?
My first serious relationship was with another believer.
Why I quit?
Because the truth set me free!
I was in from 79-81, before it got really bad, but I could feel the control setting in. I also sensed that they just wanted me to go along with the program, not question what was taught. In their minds a "devils advocate" is posessed.
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Welcome to Grease Spot Café, Wanderer! Glad you had enough sense to quit and that you wandered our way – let me buy the first round of cappuccino.
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TBone- Where do I get a cup of cappuccino that looks like that? YUM!!!!!!
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And judging from the looks of those beans, it's not decaffeinated!
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Funny…you both have stumbled onto a big secret at GSC…That exquisite cup of Joe is brewed right here – and just like this thread – is the reason people join or leave GSC
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T-Bone that looks so delicious! Stop teasing me, I'm a contractor on a very small island in the Marshall Islands...nothing like that to be had for thousands of miles. I think I'll print that pic, hang it on my wall and daydream! Next time I hit the mainland LOOKOUT! I'm gonna be a caffinated wreck.
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