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How to ... join the mile-high club


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I almost joined the Mile High Club, and, legitimately. I was flying back from the Rock to Alaska, and when I boarded in Seattle at SEATAC, I noticed that there were two blonde beauties in line to board. We didn't make eye contact then, but once aboard, I saw that they were five seats up from me and I had my eye on them. They were really cute and blonde. And after we got off, er, took off, I noticed that they kept looking back at me and I would smile at them. Finally, one of them, the taller one, came back and with a plastic pair of Alaska Airlines wings on her left upper breast pocket and said coquettishly; "Excuse me sir, but the Captain has asked that you join me and my sister for a drink up where we are sitting". Well now, mesmerized by her beauty, and that fact that a pretty woman was paying me such attention, I quickly accepted and went up forward and sat between them and drank a couple of screw drivers. And before I knew it, I was making out with the taller one who happened to be the older sister of the other one. And then out came the blanket and a very heavy covert and zesty session continued. And finally, with that much intense foreplay going on in such an exciting manner-in front of everybody, but NOT infront of everybody-I could stand it no more. And so, I asked her if she wanted to join the Mile High Club. She hadn't heard of it, but was really intrigued by the idea. I told her how it worked and how she would go back to the restroom, enter, and then I would discreetly follow, knock, and then enter (no pun intended) ;-)

She was totally hot to trot, wanted it, but then all of the sudden she frowned and said; "Dammit! We can't do it! Look at what I'm wearing!" And she was right. She was wearing a pair of 80's "parachute pants" that were like black coveralls with a zipper down the front. Incredibly sexy. I had already gotten that dang zipper down a ways, but, there was no way we were going to pull it off in that cramped and tiny bathroom like that. Dammit! And then she moans and whispers in my ear and says; "And to think that I was going to wear a mini skirt today, but decided on this! Dammit!" And so, we made out some more, exchanged phone numbers, but after that, the magic was gone. As I hobbled off the plane, the people in my Twig met me at the airport in Juneau, and even though I tried to pretend that I had not known the girls, they both came up to me, kissed me on either cheek and said; "We love Jonny! By Jonny!" My Twig folks, a married couple and some single people were like; "Who were those girls? They sure seemed to like you!" And I mumbled something about having "witnessed to them..."

And so ends the story of my one time opportunity to join the famous Mile High Club... :( :doh:

Edited by Jonny Lingo
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  FreeAtLast said:
Johnny, I love your stories!!!!

I never joined the club because of my air sickness problem but I think the most exotic place for me was that back seat of a car. Geeze I just haven't lived.

Back in the day...(when I was married... before 1994), which obviously was before 9/11... we (yes, with my now ex-wife, a couple of times) enjoyed a late evening tryst on an upper floor of a parking garage (outside the car) at Phoenix Sky Harbor... :D tremendous fun... easy to get isolated where no one else was around. I seriously doubt that would be a good idea anymore.

  dmiller said:
Jonny -- you are so FOS -- but I love it!! :eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap:

I agree 100% :biglaugh:

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Yes, definitely hilarious! Good one Cowgirl!

And yes, weightless sex, now that really would be interesting.

And, speaking of the Mile High Club, no doubt some of you have seen National Lampoon's Vegas Vacation with Chevy Chase? There is a scene in it where Chevy Chase and his wife (Beverly D'Angelo) try to make it into the Club. Really really funny, that scene...

Edited by Jonny Lingo
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Speaking of not liking to fly, the article has this at the end:

'We had one man who came with his girlfriend, a nervous flyer, but within a few minutes of take-off she had tapped me on the shoulder and said she was too scared and wanted to go back down again. The following week he turned up with another girl!'

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  markomalley said:
So I guess having sex in Denver (the mile high city) doesn't count?

It does if you have a PC running a flight simulator program at the time, Mark…but I wouldn’t use Microsoft’s version…think it would be counter-productive.

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So, one couple after another do it in that little plane with red carpet? No clean sheets or nothin?


I would imagine that, just like a good hotel they would take care of things like that. You have stayed in hotels before, haven't you? And if so, you can rest assured that thousands have preceded you, doing the Wild Thang in that very bed where you laid your little head to rest....

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  Jonny Lingo said:
I would imagine that, just like a good hotel they would take care of things like that. You have stayed in hotels before, haven't you? And if so, you can rest assured that thousands have preceded you, doing the Wild Thang in that very bed where you laid your little head to rest....

...a side note on that... NEVER, and I mean NEVER go anywhere near the bedpread at a hotel... first thing you should do is put your luggage down, take the bedspread by the edge (if you have some rubber surgical gloves put them on), and lift it from one side folding it over until it's out of the way... hopefully not touching it with any part of your body.

Bedspreads only get 'cleaned' once or twice a year (if you're lucky)...

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  Linda Z said:
Belle asked, "What happens if he starts to land too soon?"

I think they call that premature etaxication.

Geeze Linda I was trying to come up with some kind of comeback to that one. You hit the nail on the head.

  Tom Strange said:
Bedspreads only get 'cleaned' once or twice a year (if you're lucky)...

ewwww Now you have ruined me for hotels stays. My kids and I love to get a hotel in our town in the winter to swim and be pampered now all I will be able to think about is how the bed spreads haven't been washed. Yuck!!!

Thanks TS. lol

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quote: With some of these companies that will soon be offering space vacations, its bound to be on some agendas

Weightless sex----now that would be intriguing...

Reminds me of that Bond movie 'Moonraker' at the end when James is being intimate with Dr. Goodhead aboard a spaceship and it gets transmitted to TV and someone asks "007? What are you doing?" and M says, "I believe he's attempting reentry."

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  mstar1 said:
Wanna join the 62 Mile High Club ?

With some of these companies that will soon be offering space vacations, its bound to be on some agendas

Weightless sex----now that would be intriguing...

NASA astronauts first had Tang on Gemini flights in 1965. NASA astronauts first had poon tang on a space shuttle in 1983.

Edited by T-Bone
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