Dunno about pot, but smoking just ordinary cigarettes could get you kicked out (this is post-Fog).
No smoking allowed at all in res, whether on grounds or on leave - one girl who had graduated a few weeks earlier and never smoked in her in rez time was seen enjoying her first cig (being no longer in rez) - and for that reason was immediately DFAC'd and a big hoo-ha made of it. "What?" ranted LCM - "You spent all that time in rez and you never learned the self-control not to smoke?"
Darn -- where I was I think just about everyone smoked cigarettes
Early on (late 70's) a lot of people that I knew smoked pot frequently--not IN Classes or twig but about every other time--We even had people who backed it up with bible verses.... something about "the herbs of the field being for the healing of the nations" or something.
When I got involved with TWI, everyone smoked including VPW. Later it was made mandatory to stop because of the cost. I don't think it had to do with healthy living---it was about having more money to give to "Abundant Sharing"
Dunno about pot, but smoking just ordinary cigarettes could get you kicked out (this is post-Fog).
No smoking allowed at all in res, whether on grounds or on leave - one girl who had graduated a few weeks earlier and never smoked in her in rez time was seen enjoying her first cig (being no longer in rez) - and for that reason was immediately DFAC'd and a big hoo-ha made of it. "What?" ranted LCM - "You spent all that time in rez and you never learned the self-control not to smoke?"
Classic case of moving the goalposts - again.
Beautiful - LCM couldn't control his own thirst for power and the abuse of women but he could tell you why smoking is evil...
Like so many things. You agree to one thing and they strung it out evermore.
Intrigued by the pic mstar posted.
D'ya reckon Jesus would have smoked?
I reckon he would have gone around in jeans and a T shirt - and perhaps on a motorbike, if he were around today. Maybe he wouldn't smoke nowadays, since there's a big backlash against smoking.
But do you think he would have done if he had been a young man - 30 years ago? 50 years ago? When it was quite fashionable?
Can you imagine JC and his closest disciples sitting around on the shore of the sea of Galilee, having been fishing, having a cook-up, and kicking back with a ciggie?
D'ya reckon there would be anything (ahem) interesting in the ciggie?
Like so many things. You agree to one thing and they strung it out evermore.
Intrigued by the pic mstar posted.
D'ya reckon Jesus would have smoked?
I reckon he would have gone around in jeans and a T shirt - and perhaps on a motorbike, if he were around today. Maybe he wouldn't smoke nowadays, since there's a big backlash against smoking.
But do you think he would have done if he had been a young man - 30 years ago? 50 years ago? When it was quite fashionable?
Can you imagine JC and his closest disciples sitting around on the shore of the sea of Galilee, having been fishing, having a cook-up, and kicking back with a ciggie?
D'ya reckon there would be anything (ahem) interesting in the ciggie?
Right with you on that one Twinky - I always figured Jesus as kind of a "bad a$$" jeans, t shirt - and no one's wimpy fool
The image I had in my head of all of you (ex)TWIers as clean-living, born-again Christians is totally blown. :)
My ex-Way friend told me that the last time she smoked pot was with me 26 years ago, just before she went WoW and disappeared from my life. The next time she smoked was after we reconnected about a year ago. Don't ask me why.
I got in in the 70's and was aghast that after Fellowship, everyone would smoke pot. And this went on for some time.
When I was a WOW on the field, people were smoking and doing cocaine. I think back and the first time I went to an event, and everyone was out there smoking cigarettes....I asked someone about it and they said, well smoking has to do with your flesh, not with the spiritual and God doesn't care if you do or you don't. I had struggled with quitting smoking but had successfully done it for like almost 2 years before attending that event....but when I heard that I was like, well ok, I can go back to smoking again. (I will take full responsibility for that decision....but it should have been a "wake up" call that maybe I should reevaluate my involvement) And Then it was like almost everything, the pot, the sex, the drugs, the alcohol was somehow "OK" because it was of the flesh...and God dealt with the spiritual. Don't know if anyone else heard that explanation....But I did consistently. There was an answer for everything...a justifiable answer that just made you think, well I must be screwed up then....I know people felt that.
When I was a WOW, I noticed my WOW brother, the sweet quiet one, had some interesting little houseplants growing in a pot on his windowsill. "Is that what I think it is?" I inquired. He replied sheepishly that he'd never seen a pot plant and "just wondered what they looked like." I asked where he got the seeds and he said from someone on the campus of the nearby university.
Later our BL saw to it that they were destroyed.
I did bring a half full fifth of tequila from Texas to Fellow Laborers. I actually didn't drink or even own it, but it belonged to J**ie L**is who had left it there and I was of a mind to return to him next time I was at HQ. When I unpacked it, the house leader nearly had a stroke, and I informed her it wasn't mine, who it belonged to and why she should leave it alone. (No one had yet informed me Fellow Laborers were never under any circumstances to imbibe.) Later when we were actually being allowed out of prison to go to NK, I went to look for it and she had poured it down the sink. I was not pleased, but of course helpless in the face of her righteous indignation.
I remember a character who prayed for their pot before consuming it..
ROFLMAO!!! That is too damn funny! I remember my WOW sister and I putting aside a cigarette for our WOW brother for after his work shift. We all waited tables together. She said "M*rk will be blessed to have this cigarette." Another co-worker looked at us like we were nuts and said in huge question "He'll be blessed????" I understand it now.
I got in in the 70's and was aghast that after Fellowship, everyone would smoke pot. And this went on for some time.
When I was a WOW on the field, people were smoking and doing cocaine. I think back and the first time I went to an event, and everyone was out there smoking cigarettes....I asked someone about it and they said, well smoking has to do with your flesh, not with the spiritual and God doesn't care if you do or you don't. I had struggled with quitting smoking but had successfully done it for like almost 2 years before attending that event....but when I heard that I was like, well ok, I can go back to smoking again. (I will take full responsibility for that decision....but it should have been a "wake up" call that maybe I should reevaluate my involvement) And Then it was like almost everything, the pot, the sex, the drugs, the alcohol was somehow "OK" because it was of the flesh...and God dealt with the spiritual. Don't know if anyone else heard that explanation....But I did consistently. There was an answer for everything...a justifiable answer that just made you think, well I must be screwed up then....I know people felt that.
I remember that kind of BS excuse as well. It's typical cult mentality. They twist the Bible and their logic to meet their own agenda. VPW raped young girls. He was supposed to me a Man of God. Somehow he explained it away in his pee brain and then sold everyone who knew on the idea as well. Thus sex ran rampant in TWI.
I got in in the 70's and was aghast that after Fellowship, everyone would smoke pot. And this went on for some time.
When I was a WOW on the field, people were smoking and doing cocaine. I think back and the first time I went to an event, and everyone was out there smoking cigarettes....I asked someone about it and they said, well smoking has to do with your flesh, not with the spiritual and God doesn't care if you do or you don't. I had struggled with quitting smoking but had successfully done it for like almost 2 years before attending that event....but when I heard that I was like, well ok, I can go back to smoking again. (I will take full responsibility for that decision....but it should have been a "wake up" call that maybe I should reevaluate my involvement) And Then it was like almost everything, the pot, the sex, the drugs, the alcohol was somehow "OK" because it was of the flesh...and God dealt with the spiritual. Don't know if anyone else heard that explanation....But I did consistently. There was an answer for everything...a justifiable answer that just made you think, well I must be screwed up then....I know people felt that.
The explanation given (back in the mid-70's) was: "It's OK if you're *spiritually mature* enough to handle it".
When I got involved with TWI, everyone smoked including VPW. Later it was made mandatory to stop because of the cost. I don't think it had to do with healthy living---it was about having more money to give to "Abundant Sharing"
I remember him smoking vividly. I was looking at some old AC 79 pics I took, and one is of some folk with their heads in a cloud of cig smoke. I seem to recall a pic of VPW himself taking a puff while wearing the cap he liked to ride with. I think that was even in the mag.
In the 70's, breaks during PFAL were an opportunity for crowds to form outside the house for a smoke.
A number of the folk I knew (mostly musicians) were known to take a toke when they were not directly associated with a 'Ministry' function.
By the time I was WOW in '80, you were 'encouraged' to give up smoking. You had to buy your own butts out of your weekly allowance - at least in our 'family'. I can recall giving money to someone because she was broke and desperate.
It's all pretty much shunned in the way ministry II. Maybe it's from LCM's fire and brim stone, or may be not. But now a-days none of that is encouraged.
THere were lots of people smoking I would venture to guess 75 % of the general population smoked cigaretts in the 70's and 80's.. and I bet a good 50% of people my age smoked pot. as to it happening at TWI.. I still remember the entire wow family from Hawaii the year I went WOW spent their whole WOW year half or wholly baked and a good part of ROA in happy herbal bliss.
It ....ed me off because I felt it was wrong but the ministry at least at that time had not come out really against pot yet, at least to the general Way population.
When hubby and I got married at the LIMB of Idaho we had a couple of believers from our twig there and they were very into pot and offered me a Joint, which I turned down and walked away from them, they didn't make a scene just tried to slip it into my hand and I handed it back... later I got dressed down for not confronting them right then and there by my Limb leader D*n* Armst**ng.. IT was My wedding for God sakes They were new to the word believers, a sweet couple and very loving and kind. They were at our wedding becasue they loved us and wanted to celebrate with us. and honestly at that point I wasn't sure what the Minisries stand was on pot, people were smoking at ROA... hell a whole WOW family spent their whole WOW year high as a kite and I am suppposed to tell someone to not. I was informed that I should have yelled at them because they were making a mockery of the leaders ceremony..IT was the stupidest thing ever. THey had no idea it was wrong and were just doing what they did at probably every party or wedding they attended... and graciously offering the bride a generous gift of an entire joint.( a nice sized one too I might add. big as an index finger!
I still shake my head about it now.. the whole time I was In that was the only leader I heard say you should not be smoking pot. In fact more often I heard the whole if you are right with God and walking on the word you could even commite crimes and God would be okay with it.
I quit "smoking" back when buckskin jackets were all the rage. I smoked one more time in about 1980. Got sicker than a dog. I think it was that stuff that was treated with paraquat. That sealed the deal for me.
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Dunno about pot, but smoking just ordinary cigarettes could get you kicked out (this is post-Fog).
No smoking allowed at all in res, whether on grounds or on leave - one girl who had graduated a few weeks earlier and never smoked in her in rez time was seen enjoying her first cig (being no longer in rez) - and for that reason was immediately DFAC'd and a big hoo-ha made of it. "What?" ranted LCM - "You spent all that time in rez and you never learned the self-control not to smoke?"
Classic case of moving the goalposts - again.
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Not even cigarettes??
Darn -- where I was I think just about everyone smoked cigarettes
Early on (late 70's) a lot of people that I knew smoked pot frequently--not IN Classes or twig but about every other time--We even had people who backed it up with bible verses.... something about "the herbs of the field being for the healing of the nations" or something.
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Hmmmm----I guess I never gave much thought as to why they were called the "groovy" Christians of Rye.
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When I got involved with TWI, everyone smoked including VPW. Later it was made mandatory to stop because of the cost. I don't think it had to do with healthy living---it was about having more money to give to "Abundant Sharing"
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Broken Arrow
Edited by erkjohnLink to comment
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Beautiful - LCM couldn't control his own thirst for power and the abuse of women but he could tell you why smoking is evil...
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I can't resist!
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Excellent - thanks for posting it
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Sad but true, Rummie.
Like so many things. You agree to one thing and they strung it out evermore.
Intrigued by the pic mstar posted.
D'ya reckon Jesus would have smoked?
I reckon he would have gone around in jeans and a T shirt - and perhaps on a motorbike, if he were around today. Maybe he wouldn't smoke nowadays, since there's a big backlash against smoking.
But do you think he would have done if he had been a young man - 30 years ago? 50 years ago? When it was quite fashionable?
Can you imagine JC and his closest disciples sitting around on the shore of the sea of Galilee, having been fishing, having a cook-up, and kicking back with a ciggie?
D'ya reckon there would be anything (ahem) interesting in the ciggie?
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How about this one!
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Right with you on that one Twinky - I always figured Jesus as kind of a "bad a$$" jeans, t shirt - and no one's wimpy fool
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My early memories of twi in the mid seventies was that the official line was that smoking pot was "off the word" but many did it anyway...
...I know I did.
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soul searcher
The image I had in my head of all of you (ex)TWIers as clean-living, born-again Christians is totally blown. :)
My ex-Way friend told me that the last time she smoked pot was with me 26 years ago, just before she went WoW and disappeared from my life. The next time she smoked was after we reconnected about a year ago. Don't ask me why.
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My experience was like Twinky's but my thoughts are like Belle's...
No smoking... no drinking... no pot... no fun... "Where's your self control?" when the response should have been: "Where's yours, sir?"
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I tring to find a recipe for brownies? can anyone help?
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I got in in the 70's and was aghast that after Fellowship, everyone would smoke pot. And this went on for some time.
When I was a WOW on the field, people were smoking and doing cocaine. I think back and the first time I went to an event, and everyone was out there smoking cigarettes....I asked someone about it and they said, well smoking has to do with your flesh, not with the spiritual and God doesn't care if you do or you don't. I had struggled with quitting smoking but had successfully done it for like almost 2 years before attending that event....but when I heard that I was like, well ok, I can go back to smoking again. (I will take full responsibility for that decision....but it should have been a "wake up" call that maybe I should reevaluate my involvement) And Then it was like almost everything, the pot, the sex, the drugs, the alcohol was somehow "OK" because it was of the flesh...and God dealt with the spiritual. Don't know if anyone else heard that explanation....But I did consistently. There was an answer for everything...a justifiable answer that just made you think, well I must be screwed up then....I know people felt that.
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Watered Garden
When I was a WOW, I noticed my WOW brother, the sweet quiet one, had some interesting little houseplants growing in a pot on his windowsill. "Is that what I think it is?" I inquired. He replied sheepishly that he'd never seen a pot plant and "just wondered what they looked like." I asked where he got the seeds and he said from someone on the campus of the nearby university.
Later our BL saw to it that they were destroyed.
I did bring a half full fifth of tequila from Texas to Fellow Laborers. I actually didn't drink or even own it, but it belonged to J**ie L**is who had left it there and I was of a mind to return to him next time I was at HQ. When I unpacked it, the house leader nearly had a stroke, and I informed her it wasn't mine, who it belonged to and why she should leave it alone. (No one had yet informed me Fellow Laborers were never under any circumstances to imbibe.) Later when we were actually being allowed out of prison to go to NK, I went to look for it and she had poured it down the sink. I was not pleased, but of course helpless in the face of her righteous indignation.
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ROFLMAO!!! That is too damn funny! I remember my WOW sister and I putting aside a cigarette for our WOW brother for after his work shift. We all waited tables together. She said "M*rk will be blessed to have this cigarette." Another co-worker looked at us like we were nuts and said in huge question "He'll be blessed????" I understand it now.
I remember that kind of BS excuse as well. It's typical cult mentality. They twist the Bible and their logic to meet their own agenda. VPW raped young girls. He was supposed to me a Man of God. Somehow he explained it away in his pee brain and then sold everyone who knew on the idea as well. Thus sex ran rampant in TWI.
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The explanation given (back in the mid-70's) was: "It's OK if you're *spiritually mature* enough to handle it".
Dat's riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight, keeds.

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Kevin Fallon
I remember him smoking vividly. I was looking at some old AC 79 pics I took, and one is of some folk with their heads in a cloud of cig smoke. I seem to recall a pic of VPW himself taking a puff while wearing the cap he liked to ride with. I think that was even in the mag.
In the 70's, breaks during PFAL were an opportunity for crowds to form outside the house for a smoke.
A number of the folk I knew (mostly musicians) were known to take a toke when they were not directly associated with a 'Ministry' function.
By the time I was WOW in '80, you were 'encouraged' to give up smoking. You had to buy your own butts out of your weekly allowance - at least in our 'family'. I can recall giving money to someone because she was broke and desperate.
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It's all pretty much shunned in the way ministry II. Maybe it's from LCM's fire and brim stone, or may be not. But now a-days none of that is encouraged.
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THere were lots of people smoking I would venture to guess 75 % of the general population smoked cigaretts in the 70's and 80's.. and I bet a good 50% of people my age smoked pot. as to it happening at TWI.. I still remember the entire wow family from Hawaii the year I went WOW spent their whole WOW year half or wholly baked and a good part of ROA in happy herbal bliss.
It ....ed me off because I felt it was wrong but the ministry at least at that time had not come out really against pot yet, at least to the general Way population.
When hubby and I got married at the LIMB of Idaho we had a couple of believers from our twig there and they were very into pot and offered me a Joint, which I turned down and walked away from them, they didn't make a scene just tried to slip it into my hand and I handed it back... later I got dressed down for not confronting them right then and there by my Limb leader D*n* Armst**ng.. IT was My wedding for God sakes They were new to the word believers, a sweet couple and very loving and kind. They were at our wedding becasue they loved us and wanted to celebrate with us. and honestly at that point I wasn't sure what the Minisries stand was on pot, people were smoking at ROA... hell a whole WOW family spent their whole WOW year high as a kite and I am suppposed to tell someone to not. I was informed that I should have yelled at them because they were making a mockery of the leaders ceremony..IT was the stupidest thing ever. THey had no idea it was wrong and were just doing what they did at probably every party or wedding they attended... and graciously offering the bride a generous gift of an entire joint.( a nice sized one too I might add. big as an index finger!
I still shake my head about it now.. the whole time I was In that was the only leader I heard say you should not be smoking pot. In fact more often I heard the whole if you are right with God and walking on the word you could even commite crimes and God would be okay with it.
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the last time I smoked pot..
the walls started breathing..
it's not the same stuff your grandma smoked..
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I quit "smoking" back when buckskin jackets were all the rage. I smoked one more time in about 1980. Got sicker than a dog. I think it was that stuff that was treated with paraquat. That sealed the deal for me.
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