I work for our County Assessor. We sent out Notice of Value Cards this past week and have been bombarded with unringing phones this whole week. One guy came in to ask what programs we had to help people. We have one to help those over 65 and another to help widows/widowers/disabled. There are income criterias which have to be met in order to be eligible for these programs, but it is something. Our State's Legislators are the ones who make the criteria for these programs. Our office just implements them.
This guy was ticked because there was no program for him because he didn't have a job. He wouldn't be able to pay his taxes. He said it was like the mother devouring her young. If there were programs that paid you taxes because you were unemployed, there would be many more taking advantage of that scenario. I disagree with the mentality, but I am compassionate at the same time because I have been unemployed for a few months at a time in my life. I'm thinking this guy should go to some fast-food joint and make some money!!! His property taxes aren't so high he wouldn't be able to pay them with a minimal job. He should be happy he has a home to call his own. A lot of peple in this world don't. Devouring the young? I don't see it. Yes, there are many changes I see that can happen to lower taxes, but my office doesn't deal with taxes. They deal with valuation. If we valued the property lower, the taxing authorities would raise their tax rates to get the money they wanted. It is a vicious cycle.
Is there a side I'm not seeing in this scenario? I'm thinking the County is way more lenient than the IRS will ever be. I feel lacking in the compassion mode this week just because I have heard the same thing over and over and over. Hopefully this weekend will recharge me so I can go to work in a better mode next week.
I hope you get recharged too! :D
Now, I understand your situation. I spent 8.5 years as an accountant for the State of Arizona (you're in AZ, right?). It costs money to maintain civil society. THAT is WHY we pay taxes. Granted, hating taxes and our government is probably right at the top of everyone's list of favorite sports/pasttimes. But that doesn't change the economic realities. It costs money to maintain a police department (as imperfect as they invariably are), a fire department, to maintain roads, county health inspectors, etc. etc.
If people have a hard time paying their taxes, about all I would be able to tell them is "I understand. Please, you're welcome to talk to state lawmakers, city councils and country supervisors, because THEY made the rules. And if you get them to change the rules, I'll be at the front of the line to help you out... In the meantime, I have to do what I'm told. Sorry."
Of course, how you say things to irate citizens matters... and compassion probably goes a lot farther than aloofness in getting the job done without causing a ruckus...
Anyway, I understand and hope you feel better, ready and rare-ing to go by Monday. :)
I'm thinking this guy should go to some fast-food joint and make some money!!! His property taxes aren't so high he wouldn't be able to pay them with a minimal job. He should be happy he has a home to call his own.
The minimum wage must be very high where you live! A minimum wage job here would gross you about $204 a week. After the govenment takes their share your looking at about $174 a week. Certainly not enough to pay rent and utilities, transportation, and food! Heck even 2 full-time minimum wage jobs wouldn't support a family of 3 in our state. Maybe he was upset because he figures very soon he won't have a home to call his own.
The minimum wage must be very high where you live! A minimum wage job here would gross you about $204 a week. After the govenment takes their share your looking at about $174 a week. Certainly not enough to pay rent and utilities, transportation, and food! Heck even 2 full-time minimum wage jobs wouldn't support a family of 3 in our state. Maybe he was upset because he figures very soon he won't have a home to call his own.
That's likely the case, but there's STILL nothing Notawayfer can do about it...
notawayfer is in customer service and that is everybodys issue with customer service. everyne wants something for free.
I once had a guy bring a grill back in novemeber that had been used al year long and now he is telling me he wants his money back because it isnt the kind he wants. Im looking at pieces of chicken meat on the rack and seeing rust on the body and he tells me it has always been broke and
welll customer service sucks.
i am an awful customer now, after been in the business end of people and the problems they have.
maybe notforwafer can refer the people who can not pay their taxes to some agencys for consel. a list could be compiled of agencys willing to help those in need , red cross or a salvation army or welfare # can at least calm the situation and allow them to focus on another avenue.
he may have lost his job for a good reason I tell ya alot of nutty folks out there in society.
notawayfer is in customer service and that is everybodys issue with customer service. everyne wants something for free.
I once had a guy bring a grill back in novemeber that had been used al year long and now he is telling me he wants his money back because it isnt the kind he wants. Im looking at pieces of chicken meat on the rack and seeing rust on the body and he tells me it has always been broke and
welll customer service sucks.
i am an awful customer now, after been in the business end of people and the problems they have.
maybe notforwafer can refer the people who can not pay their taxes to some agencys for consel. a list could be compiled of agencys willing to help those in need , red cross or a salvation army or welfare # can at least calm the situation and allow them to focus on another avenue.
he may have lost his job for a good reason I tell ya alot of nutty folks out there in society.
Government employees who regularly have contact with the general public (NOT necessarily the same as a customer service job) do NOT have the discretion to offer any advice to an individual based on her/his own judgement. IF it's to be, it's going to have to be something the policy making body responsible for the function (i.e. city council, board of supervisors, state legislature) authorizes.
Government employees who regularly have contact with the general public (NOT necessarily the same as a customer service job) do NOT have the discretion to offer any advice to an individual based on her/his own judgement. IF it's to be, it's going to have to be something the policy making body responsible for the function (i.e. city council, board of supervisors, state legislature) authorizes.
Correct. I am not allowed to express my opionion about how to go about things. Howver, I can say that changes are made at the legislative level, and anyone who is passionate enough to go about it should do something to change the laws. Laws are made all day long without regard as to which government office is required to implement the laws and what it takes to impement those laws.
I hear veterans come to our state and complain there is no relief for veterans. I believe wholeheartedly there should be some break for them. You would think John McCain would have started something in Arizona. But nobody has. Or if it has been started, it never makes it to vote.
I hate legislators. Most are self-serving pompass jerks.
Correct. I am not allowed to express my opionion about how to go about things. Howver, I can say that changes are made at the legislative level, and anyone who is passionate enough to go about it should do something to change the laws. Laws are made all day long without regard as to which government office is required to implement the laws and what it takes to impement those laws.
Completely understandable. IF you WERE allowed to express your opinion, the best you could hope for is to only offend SOME of the people... much better just to not even get into it. :)
I hear veterans come to our state and complain there is no relief for veterans. I believe wholeheartedly there should be some break for them. You would think John McCain would have started something in Arizona. But nobody has. Or if it has been started, it never makes it to vote.
I hate legislators. Most are self-serving pompass jerks.
Well, I can't speak for the young vets, but as a Vietnam era vet who lived in AZ before enlisting, I had something to come home to regardless of any (or no) gov't involvement. I did use my GI Bill benefits to help me get through college (by no means was it enough on its own); bought my first house using a VA guaranteed mortgage, and now (in my 50s) get my medical care from the VA. I don't know what I would have done if I had no family when I came back... so, I won't comment on that. However, I have read reports indicating that the Bush administration has grossly underprepared for Iraq war vets returning with all of their war wounds (physical and emotional).
Having worked as a state accountant and for a newspaper covering our legislature, I've had opportunity to get to know many of them. There are most certainly some pompass jerks (like Jack Harper, Ron Gould, etc. ...isn't Ron Gould your state senator?). But my experience is that most of them are genuinely good people doing their level best to make a difference for good.
Two problems with that, that I'm aware of, are the vast range of beliefs and values which present honest disagreement on what that good would look like and; the fact that so many issues in society are so complex that permanently solving a problem is next to impossible... but I truly understand your frustration and your insight.
You wouldn't believe how many times I have heard "Shame on YOU!!!!" from taxpayers calling to see if there is a break for veterans. It's hard not to take it personally because personally I would jump through hoops to see that people get what is due to them. Most government works could care less. They would let the person complain and send them on their way. However, laws set by legislators are the ones who make the rules. People come in and don't see that. In their eyes, my office sets the laws, sets the tax rates, send the tax bills, and causes their pockets to be lempty no matter how much they smoke or drink. Our office does none of those things. In reality, we locate, identify, and value property. That's it. Trust me, if the valuations were lower, the taxing authorities will jack up their tax rate to get the budget they set. So in reality, our valuations don't really mean anything when it comes to a tax bill.
A few years ago there was a major flood along the Virgin River in the Strip Country of Arizona. It is north of the Grand Canyon. It is part of our county, but we have to drive through Nevada to get there. We went in and lowered values immediately to bottom low valuations. However, when tax bills came out, we got screamed at because the school district jacked up their tax rate to be able to function. Their taxes weren't cut to bottom of the barrel. I believe in education, and I don't think the school should have suffered just because the community did. That is an investment in our future. You would not believe the complaints I heard. "Well I don't have kids!! WHY should I pay???" I answered that I did not have kids either, and I am more than happy to pay toward education because our future needs them to be educated. Those kids are going to be adults some day, and their decisions will affect us as old people. We need to take care of them.
I would even jump through hoops for people if there were programs set up for those who became unemployed because of illness, layoff, or any other life catastrophies other than they just don't want to work. For those who can't afford their taxes. Yes, it is a shame.
My first question to those who can't afford their taxes because they don't work is "How much do you smoke?" I am referring to my town only. I see people who complain they can't afford all kinds of things, but they can afford to spend $4 to $5 on a pack of cigarettes or two each day. That would pay their for most of their taxes and then leave quite a bit left over. Sure, it's not my business on how they spend their money. But they can't expect to have habits like smoking and then expect others to pick up the tab on their property taxes because they can't afford them. I have an average home in my town, and my taxes were $650 this year. Most of those who complain there are not programs to help those who don't work would have tax bills amounting to approximately $300 if that because most live in mobile homes. It is hard for me to be sympathetic in this scenario.
I work for our County Assessor. We sent out Notice of Value Cards this past week and have been bombarded with unringing phones this whole week. One guy came in to ask what programs we had to help people. We have one to help those over 65 and another to help widows/widowers/disabled. There are income criterias which have to be met in order to be eligible for these programs, but it is something. Our State's Legislators are the ones who make the criteria for these programs. Our office just implements them.
This guy was ticked because there was no program for him because he didn't have a job. He wouldn't be able to pay his taxes. He said it was like the mother devouring her young. If there were programs that paid you taxes because you were unemployed, there would be many more taking advantage of that scenario. I disagree with the mentality, but I am compassionate at the same time because I have been unemployed for a few months at a time in my life. I'm thinking this guy should go to some fast-food joint and make some money!!! His property taxes aren't so high he wouldn't be able to pay them with a minimal job. He should be happy he has a home to call his own. A lot of peple in this world don't. Devouring the young? I don't see it. Yes, there are many changes I see that can happen to lower taxes, but my office doesn't deal with taxes. They deal with valuation. If we valued the property lower, the taxing authorities would raise their tax rates to get the money they wanted. It is a vicious cycle.
Is there a side I'm not seeing in this scenario? I'm thinking the County is way more lenient than the IRS will ever be. I feel lacking in the compassion mode this week just because I have heard the same thing over and over and over. Hopefully this weekend will recharge me so I can go to work in a better mode next week.
Dear Friend:
I can understand how frustrated you must get with all these phone calls, and hearing all the complaints that are directed to you can become overwhelming; you did not set the policy and you are helpless in assisting them.
The World is run by the prince of this world. It will try to cause all the havac it can to people. When these people call you, they are feeling helplessness in this situation in their lives, they don't know how they are going to make ends meet. Perhaps the best you can do for them is be a listen ing ear, try to show some encourgement to them some words of Hope. Pray for them.
I have been in terrible finacial situation in my life due to illnesess and unability to work. I took me two years to get Social Security Disability. If it were not for friends from our Church, we would have become homeless. We had a home on Cape Cod MA, I built it, had my own business as a barber, but then all these things happend in my life, and my wife is unable to work, and not eligible collect Social security Disability because she had not worked enough weeks or months...she had been on Staff at the Way for several years, and they didnt take our SSI from her paycheck of only $150.00 a month.
Whe she wanted to get car, she has to beg them to increase her wages to $300.00 a month, and they thought they were doing her a big favor.
She was overwroked in food services for many years. Her appretice year she worked as house elf for Donna Randal.
Well, anyway, because of my own personal experience, and do the the nature of my non pay working job of helping people via a Society that I belong to, Called, St. Vincent de Paul Society,( we help the poor by helping them get furniture, help with paying utilities, clothing etc.), I hear the same emtional needs and disparation. I treat them with the dignity befitting anyone who was made in the image of God. I am reminded by the word of Jesus,"whatsoever you do to the least of these my brothers, you do unto me".
They Way, taugth us a Calvanistic approach to things..During the Reformation, Calvin had the notion that everyone was predestioned to either be eternally dammned or have eternal life in Christ. Those that had money were blessed by God, and those that had not were like that because God willed it. Now take that notion and add the Ways Teaching on Beliving equals receiving, the aboundant sharing formula, and the only answer they thought of was make these poor slobs take the PFAL Class and teach them.
However, in the old and new Testament, God willed that people help the poor, the Word of God has so much about our responsibility to the poor, it is amazing that Churches like the Way ignore the mandates to help those in need. So what has happend is that one of the political parties took it upon itself to fight for the needs of the poor , but lost its soul on moral issues, such as abortion, gay rights, euthanasia, embrionic stem cell reseach , taking God out of the Schools, promoting all the sexual divient things that our sick society allows. The other party while claiming to be God Fearing People, shows a lack of concern for the poor and would end all social assistant programs to if it could. Radical Capitalism is just as bad as Communism.
Well, sorry if I carried on and on, but I am passionate about things at times.
Right now in Florida, there is a big hooohaa going on at the capital about property taxes.............people are losing their homes left and right, because on a 1200 sq ft home, their taxes are 8000, and their home owners insurance is about 8000~!!!!!!!
It's crazy in S. Florida right now :blink:
My parents mortgage (tax escrow) just went up $450 a month!
One of my friends who thankfully payed off his mortgage a while ago, said he still pays $1300 a month just for taxes and insurance.
All the teachers, firemen, middle class workers.............they are packing up and leaving, can't afford it. Soon, there won't be anyone to do any work in that town to cater to the ol' retirees.
The solution they are proposing is to cut prop taxes by 20% but raise the sales taxes to 8.5%.
That could hurt the renters..................and the poor.
Notawayfer............................keep on, keeping on. Life is not fair. Just pray for them in your own way, and have compassion, without the guilt.
I don't always agree with everything you post. In this case, however, I do. Oh, yes. I do.
I live in *big cough* the 4th nicest place to live in America, according to the an article on MSN yesterday. The mean income is about 150K.
I'm a full time student, work full time, and have two kids, one with serious special needs.
My income is than half the median income...
Ah well, I don't even want to do the math for everyone. It's too depressing. Post-divorce, I struggle to stay in this area, but, my kid needs his school.
Anyone wonder why, then, I've been up for two days straight trying to salvage my laptop-on-life-support?
i live in average house and my property taxes are about $5,000 a year. $650 ? maybe i should move to arizona !!!!!
edited to say they're almost $6,000
Can you stand the HEAT? Well, I live in a retirement community on an Indian Reservation (right next door to Snottsdale, er, Scottsdale). I do NOT have a mortgage, and my property tax bill last year was less than $100 (yes, one hundred dollars). However, 10 miles north, in newer Scottsdale areas, lots of celebrities, plenty of professional athletes... they, of course, pay much more in property taxes than I do.
BUT with that comes a whole lot of population growth, serious traffic problems, strained infrastructure, plenty dirty air (I know, as does just about every metropolitan area in the US), drought conditions (and impending water shortages)... but the winters are nice! ;)
Oh yeah... and what we don't pay in property taxes, we start to make up in summer electric bills... :blink:
WHAT does an average summer electric bill cost for, say, a 3-bedroom, split-level, 2-bath, living-room, family-room :) type house ?
less than $100 ? wowzer
Average summer electric bill/mo could easily top $200.00 and depending on other factors (such as shade trees or lack thereof/pool/how well insulated your home is/how frequently kids (or anyone else) might go in and out) could exceed $400.00 without a whole lot of effort.
When I had a regular single family, one-story, two BR/two BA detached house, I sometimes exceeded $150. BUT evap coolers can help a lot, except during the more humid summer months (monsoon runs roughly mid-July to mid-Sept). And in that house, my property tax bill was about $90/mo.
I'm just catching up here, and drinkin beer ... but what do you mean by radical capitalism? All that tax money is being spent by big government. If prices are going through the roof .. taxes shouldn't have to go up too?
There is too much money out there ... the rules for making money are the reason for the real estate bubble ... government is in charge of fake money (just look at your money, it is no longer money, just a note from the federal reserve ... yes I know, they are "private")
Anyway, I think socialistic policies work Ok till they kill off the capitalist host. But it may be the host is already dead, and the leeches are just borrowing against the still warm blood.
Those are expensive taxes you guys post about. Here in Northern Arizona, that would get you at least a $700K house, which would be almost cream of the crop. But then your electric bill would be expensive.
We have a $1,300 sq ft house and our electric bill is NEVER under $220 (closer to $300 in August) in the summers. We are on a plan with the electric company to pay the same amount each month for electricity so we can make up for the big usage times without feeling like we are broke.
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I hope you get recharged too! :D
Now, I understand your situation. I spent 8.5 years as an accountant for the State of Arizona (you're in AZ, right?). It costs money to maintain civil society. THAT is WHY we pay taxes. Granted, hating taxes and our government is probably right at the top of everyone's list of favorite sports/pasttimes. But that doesn't change the economic realities. It costs money to maintain a police department (as imperfect as they invariably are), a fire department, to maintain roads, county health inspectors, etc. etc.
If people have a hard time paying their taxes, about all I would be able to tell them is "I understand. Please, you're welcome to talk to state lawmakers, city councils and country supervisors, because THEY made the rules. And if you get them to change the rules, I'll be at the front of the line to help you out... In the meantime, I have to do what I'm told. Sorry."
Of course, how you say things to irate citizens matters... and compassion probably goes a lot farther than aloofness in getting the job done without causing a ruckus...
Anyway, I understand and hope you feel better, ready and rare-ing to go by Monday. :)
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The minimum wage must be very high where you live! A minimum wage job here would gross you about $204 a week. After the govenment takes their share your looking at about $174 a week. Certainly not enough to pay rent and utilities, transportation, and food! Heck even 2 full-time minimum wage jobs wouldn't support a family of 3 in our state. Maybe he was upset because he figures very soon he won't have a home to call his own.
Edited by AbigailLink to comment
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That's likely the case, but there's STILL nothing Notawayfer can do about it...
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notawayfer is in customer service and that is everybodys issue with customer service. everyne wants something for free.
I once had a guy bring a grill back in novemeber that had been used al year long and now he is telling me he wants his money back because it isnt the kind he wants. Im looking at pieces of chicken meat on the rack and seeing rust on the body and he tells me it has always been broke and
welll customer service sucks.
i am an awful customer now, after been in the business end of people and the problems they have.
maybe notforwafer can refer the people who can not pay their taxes to some agencys for consel. a list could be compiled of agencys willing to help those in need , red cross or a salvation army or welfare # can at least calm the situation and allow them to focus on another avenue.
he may have lost his job for a good reason I tell ya alot of nutty folks out there in society.
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Government employees who regularly have contact with the general public (NOT necessarily the same as a customer service job) do NOT have the discretion to offer any advice to an individual based on her/his own judgement. IF it's to be, it's going to have to be something the policy making body responsible for the function (i.e. city council, board of supervisors, state legislature) authorizes.
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Correct. I am not allowed to express my opionion about how to go about things. Howver, I can say that changes are made at the legislative level, and anyone who is passionate enough to go about it should do something to change the laws. Laws are made all day long without regard as to which government office is required to implement the laws and what it takes to impement those laws.
I hear veterans come to our state and complain there is no relief for veterans. I believe wholeheartedly there should be some break for them. You would think John McCain would have started something in Arizona. But nobody has. Or if it has been started, it never makes it to vote.
I hate legislators. Most are self-serving pompass jerks.
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Completely understandable. IF you WERE allowed to express your opinion, the best you could hope for is to only offend SOME of the people... much better just to not even get into it. :)
Well, I can't speak for the young vets, but as a Vietnam era vet who lived in AZ before enlisting, I had something to come home to regardless of any (or no) gov't involvement. I did use my GI Bill benefits to help me get through college (by no means was it enough on its own); bought my first house using a VA guaranteed mortgage, and now (in my 50s) get my medical care from the VA. I don't know what I would have done if I had no family when I came back... so, I won't comment on that. However, I have read reports indicating that the Bush administration has grossly underprepared for Iraq war vets returning with all of their war wounds (physical and emotional).
Having worked as a state accountant and for a newspaper covering our legislature, I've had opportunity to get to know many of them. There are most certainly some pompass jerks (like Jack Harper, Ron Gould, etc. ...isn't Ron Gould your state senator?). But my experience is that most of them are genuinely good people doing their level best to make a difference for good.
Two problems with that, that I'm aware of, are the vast range of beliefs and values which present honest disagreement on what that good would look like and; the fact that so many issues in society are so complex that permanently solving a problem is next to impossible... but I truly understand your frustration and your insight.
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You wouldn't believe how many times I have heard "Shame on YOU!!!!" from taxpayers calling to see if there is a break for veterans. It's hard not to take it personally because personally I would jump through hoops to see that people get what is due to them. Most government works could care less. They would let the person complain and send them on their way. However, laws set by legislators are the ones who make the rules. People come in and don't see that. In their eyes, my office sets the laws, sets the tax rates, send the tax bills, and causes their pockets to be lempty no matter how much they smoke or drink. Our office does none of those things. In reality, we locate, identify, and value property. That's it. Trust me, if the valuations were lower, the taxing authorities will jack up their tax rate to get the budget they set. So in reality, our valuations don't really mean anything when it comes to a tax bill.
A few years ago there was a major flood along the Virgin River in the Strip Country of Arizona. It is north of the Grand Canyon. It is part of our county, but we have to drive through Nevada to get there. We went in and lowered values immediately to bottom low valuations. However, when tax bills came out, we got screamed at because the school district jacked up their tax rate to be able to function. Their taxes weren't cut to bottom of the barrel. I believe in education, and I don't think the school should have suffered just because the community did. That is an investment in our future. You would not believe the complaints I heard. "Well I don't have kids!! WHY should I pay???" I answered that I did not have kids either, and I am more than happy to pay toward education because our future needs them to be educated. Those kids are going to be adults some day, and their decisions will affect us as old people. We need to take care of them.
I would even jump through hoops for people if there were programs set up for those who became unemployed because of illness, layoff, or any other life catastrophies other than they just don't want to work. For those who can't afford their taxes. Yes, it is a shame.
My first question to those who can't afford their taxes because they don't work is "How much do you smoke?" I am referring to my town only. I see people who complain they can't afford all kinds of things, but they can afford to spend $4 to $5 on a pack of cigarettes or two each day. That would pay their for most of their taxes and then leave quite a bit left over. Sure, it's not my business on how they spend their money. But they can't expect to have habits like smoking and then expect others to pick up the tab on their property taxes because they can't afford them. I have an average home in my town, and my taxes were $650 this year. Most of those who complain there are not programs to help those who don't work would have tax bills amounting to approximately $300 if that because most live in mobile homes. It is hard for me to be sympathetic in this scenario.
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Dear Friend:
I can understand how frustrated you must get with all these phone calls, and hearing all the complaints that are directed to you can become overwhelming; you did not set the policy and you are helpless in assisting them.
The World is run by the prince of this world. It will try to cause all the havac it can to people. When these people call you, they are feeling helplessness in this situation in their lives, they don't know how they are going to make ends meet. Perhaps the best you can do for them is be a listen ing ear, try to show some encourgement to them some words of Hope. Pray for them.
I have been in terrible finacial situation in my life due to illnesess and unability to work. I took me two years to get Social Security Disability. If it were not for friends from our Church, we would have become homeless. We had a home on Cape Cod MA, I built it, had my own business as a barber, but then all these things happend in my life, and my wife is unable to work, and not eligible collect Social security Disability because she had not worked enough weeks or months...she had been on Staff at the Way for several years, and they didnt take our SSI from her paycheck of only $150.00 a month.
Whe she wanted to get car, she has to beg them to increase her wages to $300.00 a month, and they thought they were doing her a big favor.
She was overwroked in food services for many years. Her appretice year she worked as house elf for Donna Randal.
Well, anyway, because of my own personal experience, and do the the nature of my non pay working job of helping people via a Society that I belong to, Called, St. Vincent de Paul Society,( we help the poor by helping them get furniture, help with paying utilities, clothing etc.), I hear the same emtional needs and disparation. I treat them with the dignity befitting anyone who was made in the image of God. I am reminded by the word of Jesus,"whatsoever you do to the least of these my brothers, you do unto me".
They Way, taugth us a Calvanistic approach to things..During the Reformation, Calvin had the notion that everyone was predestioned to either be eternally dammned or have eternal life in Christ. Those that had money were blessed by God, and those that had not were like that because God willed it. Now take that notion and add the Ways Teaching on Beliving equals receiving, the aboundant sharing formula, and the only answer they thought of was make these poor slobs take the PFAL Class and teach them.
However, in the old and new Testament, God willed that people help the poor, the Word of God has so much about our responsibility to the poor, it is amazing that Churches like the Way ignore the mandates to help those in need. So what has happend is that one of the political parties took it upon itself to fight for the needs of the poor , but lost its soul on moral issues, such as abortion, gay rights, euthanasia, embrionic stem cell reseach , taking God out of the Schools, promoting all the sexual divient things that our sick society allows. The other party while claiming to be God Fearing People, shows a lack of concern for the poor and would end all social assistant programs to if it could. Radical Capitalism is just as bad as Communism.
Well, sorry if I carried on and on, but I am passionate about things at times.
In God's love and peace,
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house elf !!!!! ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
i live in average house and my property taxes are about $5,000 a year. $650 ? maybe i should move to arizona !!!!!
edited to say they're almost $6,000
Edited by excathedraLink to comment
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Right now in Florida, there is a big hooohaa going on at the capital about property taxes.............people are losing their homes left and right, because on a 1200 sq ft home, their taxes are 8000, and their home owners insurance is about 8000~!!!!!!!
It's crazy in S. Florida right now :blink:
My parents mortgage (tax escrow) just went up $450 a month!
One of my friends who thankfully payed off his mortgage a while ago, said he still pays $1300 a month just for taxes and insurance.
All the teachers, firemen, middle class workers.............they are packing up and leaving, can't afford it. Soon, there won't be anyone to do any work in that town to cater to the ol' retirees.
The solution they are proposing is to cut prop taxes by 20% but raise the sales taxes to 8.5%.
That could hurt the renters..................and the poor.
Notawayfer............................keep on, keeping on. Life is not fair. Just pray for them in your own way, and have compassion, without the guilt.
JOE P~ you'll be in my prayers!!!!!!!!
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Ain't THAT the truth! (yes, it IS the truth)
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I don't always agree with everything you post. In this case, however, I do. Oh, yes. I do.
I live in *big cough* the 4th nicest place to live in America, according to the an article on MSN yesterday. The mean income is about 150K.
I'm a full time student, work full time, and have two kids, one with serious special needs.
My income is than half the median income...
Ah well, I don't even want to do the math for everyone. It's too depressing. Post-divorce, I struggle to stay in this area, but, my kid needs his school.
Anyone wonder why, then, I've been up for two days straight trying to salvage my laptop-on-life-support?
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Can you stand the HEAT? Well, I live in a retirement community on an Indian Reservation (right next door to Snottsdale, er, Scottsdale). I do NOT have a mortgage, and my property tax bill last year was less than $100 (yes, one hundred dollars). However, 10 miles north, in newer Scottsdale areas, lots of celebrities, plenty of professional athletes... they, of course, pay much more in property taxes than I do.
BUT with that comes a whole lot of population growth, serious traffic problems, strained infrastructure, plenty dirty air (I know, as does just about every metropolitan area in the US), drought conditions (and impending water shortages)... but the winters are nice! ;)
Oh yeah... and what we don't pay in property taxes, we start to make up in summer electric bills... :blink:
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i don't think i could stand the heat, rock
WHAT does an average summer electric bill cost for, say, a 3-bedroom, split-level, 2-bath, living-room, family-room :) type house ?
less than $100 ? wowzer
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Average summer electric bill/mo could easily top $200.00 and depending on other factors (such as shade trees or lack thereof/pool/how well insulated your home is/how frequently kids (or anyone else) might go in and out) could exceed $400.00 without a whole lot of effort.
When I had a regular single family, one-story, two BR/two BA detached house, I sometimes exceeded $150. BUT evap coolers can help a lot, except during the more humid summer months (monsoon runs roughly mid-July to mid-Sept). And in that house, my property tax bill was about $90/mo.
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my latest gas bill for heat was $350+
ps. i don't think your electric bills are so bad in the summer !!!!!!
am i living in the wrong place ? ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
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I'm just catching up here, and drinkin beer ... but what do you mean by radical capitalism? All that tax money is being spent by big government. If prices are going through the roof .. taxes shouldn't have to go up too?
There is too much money out there ... the rules for making money are the reason for the real estate bubble ... government is in charge of fake money (just look at your money, it is no longer money, just a note from the federal reserve ... yes I know, they are "private")
Anyway, I think socialistic policies work Ok till they kill off the capitalist host. But it may be the host is already dead, and the leeches are just borrowing against the still warm blood.
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you lost me rino except for
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Those are expensive taxes you guys post about. Here in Northern Arizona, that would get you at least a $700K house, which would be almost cream of the crop. But then your electric bill would be expensive.
We have a $1,300 sq ft house and our electric bill is NEVER under $220 (closer to $300 in August) in the summers. We are on a plan with the electric company to pay the same amount each month for electricity so we can make up for the big usage times without feeling like we are broke.
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