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Akiane Kramarik


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I'm gonna weigh in on this one.

She's talented - yes. VERY talented! I actually think that this publicity is going to hurt her. Sure she'll sell a lot of work and get on a lot of shows like Oprah. But in the long run, with this kind of attention so young, she's going to burn out early if someone doesn't step in and protect her. It happened with that Romanian prodigy a few years ago.

Her work is amazing for a girl her age. It is not yet at "Master Level." That being said, I'm not saying that I know it all - but I do know that if she were 18 and producing these same paintings, no one would be giving her a second glance.

I'd like to see everyone get out of her way and let her grow a bit more. Let her be a kid that paints instead of a child prodigy to be displayed for the world to see. In order for he work to have depth, she will need to have depth as well. Someone needs to be caring for the child in the genius instead of the genius in the child.

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Dooj, you've said so well, what I've been trying to find the words to say.

This little girl appears to be someone's commodity (I agree, Satori, about the exploitation). She needs time to be a child, an adolescent, a teenager, a young adult...in other words, she needs to learn about life by experiencing it, and as long as she's a commodity, she's not really experiencing it.

I still don't feel I'm expressing myself very well. In short, I feel sorry for the kid. I'm afraid she'll grow up like so many kids who spend too much time around adults--socially not terribly well adjusted. She could wake up at age 22 and realize she's been used. Sad.

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Hi Dooj!

Being that you are an artist and myself also, but my work is a bit different from what you do and by the way your paintings are wonderful. I've never taken a course so I don't know much of the "artist lingo" or the techniques they use, I just kind of let the creative juices flow and come up with some pretty neat stuff, so I have a question that has kinda bothered me for years which is.............who are these "people" who decide whether someone is at the "Master Level" or not? And what does it really matter, if people like the finished product they're going to hang it on their walls and they don't care if the artist has reached a certain level or taken a course or not. I've seen people's work where they have never taken a course in their life and the pieces they have turned out have been incredible and others that have taken courses for years and I wouldn't be hanging their stuff in my home, I guess beauty is in the eye of the beholder when it comes to art. I guess what I'm trying to say is I find that some artists get all hung up on the techniques and the lingo and the way a piece should be done instead of allowing freedom of expression and enjoying the piece as it is, instead of scrutinizing it.


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  Cowgirl said:
Just bringing this back up to the top, I was hoping Doojable could answer my question.



My reference to "Master Level" has more to do with the maturity of her style and some of her skills. She's young and is going for a realistic approach. Some of her drawing skills need work - but that's normal at any age.

My comment was more lamenting that all this attention could stall her instead of inspire her. The process of maturing and changing - she might feel the need to stay with a certain style because the public wants it or expects it. I'd like to see her grow and mature more - and develop herself even further.

Like I said - what she is doing is amazing for a 12 year old - but not so impressive for an adult. I'm more concerned for her growth all around and not the immediate fame she is seeing.

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