These are some of the passages that are used to say that being slain in the spirit is biblical: Gen.15, 17:1-3; Josh.5:13-15; Ez.1:28,43;1-5, 44:4; Mt.17:5-6; Rev.1:7, 7:11, 11:16-17; Acts 9.
Except for that small blip in PFAL where VPW talks about kicking people slain in the spirit, I've never really thought about it. To me, its kind of like raising holy hands. Its not for me, but I don't see any harm in it.
These are some of the passages that are used to say that being slain in the spirit is biblical: Gen.15, 17:1-3; Josh.5:13-15; Ez.1:28,43;1-5, 44:4; Mt.17:5-6; Rev.1:7, 7:11, 11:16-17; Acts 9.
Except for that small blip in PFAL where VPW talks about kicking people slain in the spirit, I've never really thought about it. To me, its kind of like raising holy hands. Its not for me, but I don't see any harm in it.
Thank you...I will check those scriptures out. I dont have a problem with raising holy hands or even saying an "Amen. brother" every so often. But to turn a sanctuary to a place where people are barking and howling and having convulsions all over the floor, I dont know...its just darn freaky.
I once was invited to a service where they did this and I was so freaked out that all I could do was curl into a ball in my seat and just speak in tongues. It was just freaky.
I had a short experience with an offshoot in Florida and they got into the barking and something they called "warrior tongue" which to me sounded like the sounds the girl from The Exorcist was making in the movie, and group called that warrior tongues to ward off devil spirits. Its was just weird.
Thanks for the scriptures, vegan. I appreciate them. :)
Do you know the persons name that spoke at your church?
Neighbors of mine are attending a week long ''barking, howling'' session in healing with a guy name Ted Shuttlesworth.
He's a Shambam protege, along with Kenneth Hagin.
They invited me of course.
My response, "no thanks."
The bottom line is to ask yourself.............''Does this behavior glorify GOD? or Man?"
How does barking and rolling give God glory? It's not praise, its ridiculous. I don't think it glorifies man either, so look at what they are teaching. Most are ''you are a god, God wants you to be rich and healed stuff......(man -centered).
Just google the guys name and check out the ''deception in the church'' or ''word faith'' sites, they have verses on the heresy they propound.
Check out the ''laughing" one, Rodney Howard-Browne........................
The Howard Browne "laughter" movement mass meetings were orchestrated. Planted, cooperative firestarters were strategically placed in the audience to get the laughter started.
Describes great rejoicing, great fear, grear sincerity, certainly it was no dull meeting with everyone sat there passively while a public speaker lectured them.
Acts 4 v 29-31.
Shaking. Bold speaking. Healing. Being filled with holy spirit. How could it be known they were filled with spirit unless there was some manifestation?
Acts 5 v 12.
Signs and portents.
Acts 6 v 8.
Great signs. Great portents. Certainly there must have been some visible evidence that some great power was at work, else how could anyone know anything was happening?
Acts 2 v 12-17.
This passage indicates that those Under the spiruits influence had an appearance as though they were drunk. Peters explains that, though they appear drunk, they are under the influence of spirit.
"Great rejoicing ...unspeakable and glorified joy."
One therefore wonders if there might have been laughter.
1 Corinthians 12 v 8-10
The signs listed there cannot be passive signs. Tongues, discernment of tongues, healing. Certainly these things must have been evidenced in their meetings.
Acts 9.
Paul is felled to the ground under spirit. He was blinded 3 days.
So these are the kinds of scriptures that will be quoted in support of the manifestations.
that regardless of where the term came from...or didnt come from
and regardless as to how it might be used to describe whatever this or that person or group is being or doing
to equate 'spirit' with 'death' is very a common archetypal pattern in every language
'spiritually dying,' or 'being spiritually slain,' was the bread and butter of most of the world's monks and saints and prophets and rabbis and such
the capacity to transform and change our perspectives without fear...
the capacity to authentically take and share our perspectives with others...
all hinged on our capacity to allow a layer of our own worldview to die..."to be slain as a sacrifice on the altar of God"
"dying" is the language they have and do commonly use when discussing each major step on journey of the human condition
only they often also describe it as a life of 'many small deaths'
we die to a layer of exclusivity with our identity...which is very easy to understate
dying was considered rebirth into a higher order
life after it often happens during life
ive seen and heard how life 'always gets spiritual' whenever we find ourselves "in the space between the rungs"
...whenever our worldview dramatically shifts...something dies and sheds
...this has already happened many times in each of our lives
to 'be in transition' is to find oneself in a liminal being on or near the threshhold of a wide open door
i would even go as far as to describe most common trait in old spiritual practice was the "the art of playing dead"
all dreaming
all envisioning
all meditation
all contemplation
all prayer
....all things you do with your eyes closed
....all things you can do naked and alone with God in the dark burying yourself like a seed in the ground of God...and practice waking up
all real ultra-ordinary stuff
for a circle of friends to become adept at "being slain the spirit together"
they might do some radical thing like spend 9 days 'playing dead as one' in a secluded temple
mostly not speaking, mostly not eating, eyes mostly closed, mostly not moving for long periods of time
yet...doing A LOT of work, paying very close attention to dreams, and actually practicing allowing the self liberating transformation of letting go within
the one might expect...stillness is ground of this kind of dying work
...silence is the language of it
the lofty goal was to 'practice dying' to our limited mortal bodily sense of self...while yet alive, by practice we can get out of our own way, and then get back into it again
a problem i see with modern so called we typically cant shut up and sit still longer than 30 seconds, let alone 40 days and nights
yet so many factions among us claim to be authorities as to what those radical ancients were feeling and experiencing when they describe spiritual death
i am guessing that to be 'slain in the spirit'...may be to shed an assumption of what 'spirit' means to shed a perspective that has met its end, and is no longer working
...from natural accidents to sophisticated art forms, the quantity and qualities of how all our dying happens varies wildly
like when a kid first realizes that its ok to flush...cuz he is not losing a piece of himself when he poops
...a small but important slaying of an old view of self...when an early layer of our reflective (spiritual) self dies
I would add to Sir Guess' thoughts that the element of "ectasy" may also play a part in the minds of Biblical writers/characters. Not the drug,
but an activity in the brain akin to it.
None of us were there when the prophets received their visions and revelations, when not a few were "caught away" in spirit, like Paul - whether in body - out
of body, - even they, of their own admission - couldn't tell! Being overcome, they experienced things they couldn't even put into words. Perhaps even went
into Joe Cocker-like fits, shaking and trembling and almost unable to contain the power which surged through them, on the verge of bursting as new wine might
an old wineskin. The prophets were an eccentric lot.
The receiving of their revelations and visions may have taken place at certain days of the year (The Theraputai also exercised their chanting and
prophetic utterances on Pentecost a spell before the occurance depicted in Acts 2).
Consider that the material comprising the canonical version also may have functioned toward the purpose of setting reins on any further revelations and writings, especially
those ideas and practices that didn't fit. Time to get everything under control.
Tongues? They cease.
Prophecies? They come to an end.
Knowledge (=gnosticism)? THere's no place for those icky gnostics.
This material in Corinthians might be seen as putting the lid on this new wine.
And/or phasing out the old.
Just as one might expect from a writing under the pseudonym of a legendary apostle jotted in the second century.
-- When I was in NC I went to a Full Gosepel Bussinessmen Fellowship I believe it was called and they was going to have a three day metting in a camp are.
I went and they got into what they call "slain in the spirit" while I have got to know many head leaders in my group . After talking to them personally and a few others I find out about 98% of the time its make believe because they think they have to.
I even had some who believe in it try to push me down by pushing on my head in other groups but to get to the heart of this story because some of the stories I believe were real.
I had to go to God in deep prayer.
The stories that seem real its was about receiving a power that they were not ready for and had a good feeling of joy plus.
After I talk with God the word virtue came to mind so I looked it up
Mark 5:30 And Jesus, immediately knowing in himself that virtue had gone out of him, turned him about in the press, and said, Who touched my clothes?
Luke 6:19 And the whole multitude sought to touch him: for there went virtue out of him, and healed them all.
Luke 8:46 And Jesus said, Somebody hath touched me: for I perceive that virtue is gone out of me.
Phil 4:8 Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.
2 Pet 1:3 According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue:
2 Pet 1:5 And beside this, giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue; and to virtue knowledge;
1 Pet 2:9 But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should show forth the praises (the word praises is the word virtue) of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light:
After studying these verses and there context I came to think "virtue going out" is what happens some of the time but they have label it "slain in the spirit"
now I do not believe a person can control this "virtue going out" but I do not know but I believe they reaching for what they saw before without understanding
but this is me
Now to understand "virtue going out" better think on a spiritual power leaving you for the better good and in most times its used to get a person to believe God is real or heal a person of sickness
one might think on fleshly power going out -- like when a your boy likes a girl but he is afraid to say anything and she lays a big kiss on him
its like receiving something good and not being ready for it
Now today if there is "virtue going out" or spiritual good power going out there may be bad spiritual good power going out
a bad fleshly fleshly good power going out would be like some one hiting you in the mouth without a warning or reason
I just do not know enough to write more but no matter what take your time because most these people are not at a point in their life were you can give them better truths
I have learn just to love them were they are and leave it there but for my own understanding I had to work "virtue going out"
I have never seen where it is OK to seek after this type of experience...sounds like a Rodney Howard-Browne meeting: out of control laughter, howling, animal sounds, drunkeness, crouching in a birth position to "give birth to something in the heavenlies." These are not mentioned as manifestations of the Spirit.
Paul was not slain, he was blinded and fell off his horse, but was in control of himself as best as he could be...Paul was a chosen vessel to the Lord and this is a special record of what happened to him. It is not doctrine.
I have a friend, newly into the Word (3 years), and she LOVES Howard-Browne. Unfortunately, she does not discern things too well even in her personal life, or with regards to worldly matters...she is gullible, and seeks after emotional experiences to supplement her Biblical studies.
Here is a link to Howard-Browne, though I do not know if that is where your husband was, it sounds eerily familiar to his meetings. You can also do a google on him.
I can see why your husband was upset....I've heard it said that it is like a zoo at these meetings, and they coerce you to stay and take part. If I were your husband I would never go back.
I am 3 days into The Healing Rooms ministry with guest Speaker C@l Pierce.
A few weeks back, after a seizure and a severe manic crisis in a loved one, I was picking up my stuffed animal (dog toys) all over the floor, and placing them into a basket, I have to keep the toys neat and collected.
I then, crumbled by the couch, in a lump of despair and told God, “I can’t do this anymore. I just cannot do this anymore.” Tears of hopelessness and bondage, to diseases in someone else, kept me bound to a life I had come to despise. And every moment I lived was a walking death. (and the loved ones life has been destroyed as well)
I lay before God, his humble daughter, seeking deliverance and direction. And in my cracked humility I begged God for help, as he was the only one who could help me.
The things God did:
1) He sent SOM to GSC; who ministered to me, and my husband. SOM got revelation and spoke it over the phone with hubs and I in the same room. That revelation was a saving grace to me, to foil a plan that was being laid to ruin me.
2) SOM called me with a group from an old Evangelist, John G. Lake. They had begun the healing rooms again.
3) I got prayed for at the healing rooms. It was right on the mark.
4) I tried out their church. They were spirit filled.
5) I signed up for a conference and found out that C@l P1erce was going to be the speaker
6) At the conference a woman named Marie, stood up with a word for two ladies at the conference.
She said she was in the plane on the way to the conference and God showed her a woman who was picking up stuffed animals, all over the floor and tossing them to clean them up.
Then, this woman, crouched down on the floor in front of the couch, and told God, “She just cannot do this anymore.”
She said, “God wants you to know he has seen your perseverance and has heard your words. He wants you to know HE loves you.”
Then, after a dynamic few teachings, one on soul-ties, and another on the end times, Cal did an impartation to the crowd. He walked among us and put on oil on everyone’s forehead and in each palm and said something I cannot recall.
Now, people were blessed, singing with the band that played in the background, and getting slain in the spirit. I, being an x-wafer, was very closed to this as I was taught it was not a good/God thing. And that VPW, after being in a meeting where they were “slain” gave people a kick and the people sat up and came out of the state they were in. (Paraphrase)
So, when I had the oil, be it God or my own obstinacy or wrong teaching, I did not go down. I continued to praise God and sing along with the band. I opened my eyes and saw many peaceful on the floor, as if being taken to a place and seeing marvelous things. Others, shook on the floor, as if they had small jolting convulsions.
I closed my eyes and still danced to the music, then by accident, I kicked a woman who was laying peacefully nearby. She did not awake, she did not flinch she remained in a smiling kinda sleep-state. I closed my eyes and danced again, and in advertently gave a dance kick to another, and they did not flinch or awaken either.
Then, I cried and asked God, could it be you? Everything else seemed so ordained by God. BUT, I did not want to do something from peer pressure, or demons. But the room was holy.
I called a trusted Christian friend, (X-TWI) and we discussed it. I needed some biblical basis for what I had seen.
Being on the cell phone and not having a zillion scriptures handy, off the top of his head he recalled this:
II Chronicles:5:19
2 Chronicles 5
1 When all the work Solomon had done for the temple of the LORD was finished, he brought in the things his father David had dedicated—the silver and gold and all the furnishings—and he placed them in the treasuries of God's temple.
The Ark Brought to the Temple
2 Then Solomon summoned to Jerusalem the elders of Israel, all the heads of the tribes and the chiefs of the Israelite families, to bring up the ark of the LORD's covenant from Zion, the City of David. 3 And all the men of Israel came together to the king at the time of the festival in the seventh month.
4 When all the elders of Israel had arrived, the Levites took up the ark, 5 and they brought up the ark and the Tent of Meeting and all the sacred furnishings in it. The priests, who were Levites, carried them up; 6 and King Solomon and the entire assembly of Israel that had gathered about him were before the ark, sacrificing so many sheep and cattle that they could not be recorded or counted.
7 The priests then brought the ark of the LORD's covenant to its place in the inner sanctuary of the temple, the Most Holy Place, and put it beneath the wings of the cherubim. 8 The cherubim spread their wings over the place of the ark and covered the ark and its carrying poles. 9 These poles were so long that their ends, extending from the ark, could be seen from in front of the inner sanctuary, but not from outside the Holy Place; and they are still there today. 10 There was nothing in the ark except the two tablets that Moses had placed in it at Horeb, where the LORD made a covenant with the Israelites after they came out of Egypt.
11 The priests then withdrew from the Holy Place. All the priests who were there had consecrated themselves, regardless of their divisions. 12 All the Levites who were musicians—Asaph, Heman, Jeduthun and their sons and relatives—stood on the east side of the altar, dressed in fine linen and playing cymbals, harps and lyres. They were accompanied by 120 priests sounding trumpets. 13 The trumpeters and singers joined in unison, as with one voice, to give praise and thanks to the LORD. Accompanied by trumpets, cymbals and other instruments, they raised their voices in praise to the LORD and sang:
"He is good;
his love endures forever."
Then the temple of the LORD was filled with a cloud, 14 and the priests could not perform their service because of the cloud, for the glory of the LORD filled the temple.
Something happened when the cloud filled the room – and we know it was the glory of the Lord.
But it does not say that they fell down.
I truly saw God in this conference, truly. But am unwilling to follow blindly my peers into a part of their service which may not be biblically based. I will continue at their church as it is almost like the “good old days” where the fruits of BG Leonard’s class were realized by many of us who took PFAL.
Jesus Himself, God in the flesh, walked this earth, and the people near Him did not fall down slain in the spirit. The reaction that Jesus got from His physical presence came from (1) a supernatural source, the demons and (2) a natural source, the hypocrites of His day. So if you are a demon or a hypocrite then you may fall down. Please! Note that Jesus also exercised power over death, disease, and nature itself in addition to demons.
Has anyone here been slain in the spirit and what can you tell me about it?
I want the DEEP things of the Lord. I told God I want to go in deep and to protect me, but I feel that SCRIPTURE protects us from things we should not do. (Such as having sex with an old man who tells us he is a moggie in TWI, or perhaps becoming a nun.)
So, I do believe these people LOVE GOD and do show many great things of God, but I have a problem with this aspect.
I am either one of the only ones screwed up there, or one of the only ones who has not allowed themselves to be tricked by a non-Biblical, popular thing going on.
Anyone know anything? I am not judging, but looking for Biblical truth… Trick me once shame on you, trick me twice shame on me.
The thing is, you shall know them by their fruits, and I believe I was in an orchard of plump ripe fruit trees.
Many say it is NOT of God, can anyone confirm that it is?
Funny, in ref. to your great post, the lady who followed C@l, then prayed for a sprit of bondage over me to be broken. I have been more in bondage to TWI and fear of devils, than bound to God. I thought I got rid of most of the "arms" of TWI thinking. But more crops up.
Okay, I will get out of the way...
But I am not barking, howling or growling as I do NOT believe that is of God
i'm delighted to hear of the lady describing you at home picking up the stuffed toys - that's extremely cool! No doubt God's smiling on you as you continue your journey!
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These are some of the passages that are used to say that being slain in the spirit is biblical: Gen.15, 17:1-3; Josh.5:13-15; Ez.1:28,43;1-5, 44:4; Mt.17:5-6; Rev.1:7, 7:11, 11:16-17; Acts 9.
Except for that small blip in PFAL where VPW talks about kicking people slain in the spirit, I've never really thought about it. To me, its kind of like raising holy hands. Its not for me, but I don't see any harm in it.
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Thank you...I will check those scriptures out. I dont have a problem with raising holy hands or even saying an "Amen. brother" every so often. But to turn a sanctuary to a place where people are barking and howling and having convulsions all over the floor, I dont know...its just darn freaky.
I once was invited to a service where they did this and I was so freaked out that all I could do was curl into a ball in my seat and just speak in tongues. It was just freaky.
I had a short experience with an offshoot in Florida and they got into the barking and something they called "warrior tongue" which to me sounded like the sounds the girl from The Exorcist was making in the movie, and group called that warrior tongues to ward off devil spirits. Its was just weird.
Thanks for the scriptures, vegan. I appreciate them. :)
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Do you know the persons name that spoke at your church?
Neighbors of mine are attending a week long ''barking, howling'' session in healing with a guy name Ted Shuttlesworth.
He's a Shambam protege, along with Kenneth Hagin.
They invited me of course.
My response, "no thanks."
The bottom line is to ask yourself.............''Does this behavior glorify GOD? or Man?"
How does barking and rolling give God glory? It's not praise, its ridiculous. I don't think it glorifies man either, so look at what they are teaching. Most are ''you are a god, God wants you to be rich and healed stuff......(man -centered).
Just google the guys name and check out the ''deception in the church'' or ''word faith'' sites, they have verses on the heresy they propound.
Check out the ''laughing" one, Rodney Howard-Browne........................
Hope this helps..
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Relevant verses?
1 Corinthians 14:32-33
New American Standard Bible (NASB)
"32and the spirits of prophets are subject to prophets;
33for God is not a God of confusion but of peace, as in all the churches of the saints."
New King James Version (NKJV)
"32 And the spirits of the prophets are subject to the prophets.
33 For God is not the author of confusion but of peace, as in all the churches of the saints. "
New International Version (NIV)
"32The spirits of prophets are subject to the control of prophets.
33For God is not a God of disorder but of peace. As in all the congregations of the saints,"
The prophet (the one who speaks for God) remains in control,
and is not possessed, under the control of, slain by, nor otherwise the puppet of, The Spirit.
If a bunch of people make a ruckus of a church meeting, that's not God's fault-
he's not a God of confusion or disorder.
I Corinthians 14:40.
New American Standard Bible (NASB)
"40 But all things must be done properly and in an orderly manner."
New King James Version (NKJV)
"40 Let all things be done decently and in order."
New International Version (NIV)
"40 But everything should be done in a fitting and orderly way."
Having a meeting devolve into a session where people are barking, laughing, swinging their
arms around, running around the room, throwing themselves on the floor,
or slamming their head into the wall (I've heard examples of each)
is not an orderly manner, and is neither fitting nor proper.
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The Howard Browne "laughter" movement mass meetings were orchestrated. Planted, cooperative firestarters were strategically placed in the audience to get the laughter started.
(Observed in RL at Howard Browne conventions)
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there aren't any verses to support slain the spirit.
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Acts 2 v 42-47.
Describes great rejoicing, great fear, grear sincerity, certainly it was no dull meeting with everyone sat there passively while a public speaker lectured them.
Acts 4 v 29-31.
Shaking. Bold speaking. Healing. Being filled with holy spirit. How could it be known they were filled with spirit unless there was some manifestation?
Acts 5 v 12.
Signs and portents.
Acts 6 v 8.
Great signs. Great portents. Certainly there must have been some visible evidence that some great power was at work, else how could anyone know anything was happening?
Acts 2 v 12-17.
This passage indicates that those Under the spiruits influence had an appearance as though they were drunk. Peters explains that, though they appear drunk, they are under the influence of spirit.
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1 Peter 1 v 6-8
"Great rejoicing ...unspeakable and glorified joy."
One therefore wonders if there might have been laughter.
1 Corinthians 12 v 8-10
The signs listed there cannot be passive signs. Tongues, discernment of tongues, healing. Certainly these things must have been evidenced in their meetings.
Acts 9.
Paul is felled to the ground under spirit. He was blinded 3 days.
So these are the kinds of scriptures that will be quoted in support of the manifestations.
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i just will not believe that people trembling,barking,howling or speaking in tongues
in away can magnify or give glory to God
surely that's not the way He intended it to be
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pardon the rant
but it seems to seem to me...
that regardless of where the term came from...or didnt come from
and regardless as to how it might be used to describe whatever this or that person or group is being or doing
to equate 'spirit' with 'death' is very a common archetypal pattern in every language
'spiritually dying,' or 'being spiritually slain,' was the bread and butter of most of the world's monks and saints and prophets and rabbis and such
the capacity to transform and change our perspectives without fear...
the capacity to authentically take and share our perspectives with others...
all hinged on our capacity to allow a layer of our own worldview to die..."to be slain as a sacrifice on the altar of God"
"dying" is the language they have and do commonly use when discussing each major step on journey of the human condition
only they often also describe it as a life of 'many small deaths'
we die to a layer of exclusivity with our identity...which is very easy to understate
dying was considered rebirth into a higher order
life after it often happens during life
ive seen and heard how life 'always gets spiritual' whenever we find ourselves "in the space between the rungs"
...whenever our worldview dramatically shifts...something dies and sheds
...this has already happened many times in each of our lives
to 'be in transition' is to find oneself in a liminal being on or near the threshhold of a wide open door
i would even go as far as to describe most common trait in old spiritual practice was the "the art of playing dead"
all dreaming
all envisioning
all meditation
all contemplation
all prayer
....all things you do with your eyes closed
....all things you can do naked and alone with God in the dark burying yourself like a seed in the ground of God...and practice waking up
all real ultra-ordinary stuff
for a circle of friends to become adept at "being slain the spirit together"
they might do some radical thing like spend 9 days 'playing dead as one' in a secluded temple
mostly not speaking, mostly not eating, eyes mostly closed, mostly not moving for long periods of time
yet...doing A LOT of work, paying very close attention to dreams, and actually practicing allowing the self liberating transformation of letting go within
the one might expect...stillness is ground of this kind of dying work
...silence is the language of it
the lofty goal was to 'practice dying' to our limited mortal bodily sense of self...while yet alive, by practice we can get out of our own way, and then get back into it again
a problem i see with modern so called we typically cant shut up and sit still longer than 30 seconds, let alone 40 days and nights
yet so many factions among us claim to be authorities as to what those radical ancients were feeling and experiencing when they describe spiritual death
i am guessing that to be 'slain in the spirit'...may be to shed an assumption of what 'spirit' means to shed a perspective that has met its end, and is no longer working
...from natural accidents to sophisticated art forms, the quantity and qualities of how all our dying happens varies wildly
like when a kid first realizes that its ok to flush...cuz he is not losing a piece of himself when he poops
...a small but important slaying of an old view of self...when an early layer of our reflective (spiritual) self dies
...or some such things
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Guess The key question is ---
Anywhere in scripture where such "Antics" are described after people were Healed--Cause it seems to me that if it is of GOD
that people healed like Job in the OT, or persons healed by Jesus, or the apostles should have been howling at the moon and doing cartwheels--
but that is just imo
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I would add to Sir Guess' thoughts that the element of "ectasy" may also play a part in the minds of Biblical writers/characters. Not the drug,
but an activity in the brain akin to it.
None of us were there when the prophets received their visions and revelations, when not a few were "caught away" in spirit, like Paul - whether in body - out
of body, - even they, of their own admission - couldn't tell! Being overcome, they experienced things they couldn't even put into words. Perhaps even went
into Joe Cocker-like fits, shaking and trembling and almost unable to contain the power which surged through them, on the verge of bursting as new wine might
an old wineskin. The prophets were an eccentric lot.
The receiving of their revelations and visions may have taken place at certain days of the year (The Theraputai also exercised their chanting and
prophetic utterances on Pentecost a spell before the occurance depicted in Acts 2).
Consider that the material comprising the canonical version also may have functioned toward the purpose of setting reins on any further revelations and writings, especially
those ideas and practices that didn't fit. Time to get everything under control.
Tongues? They cease.
Prophecies? They come to an end.
Knowledge (=gnosticism)? THere's no place for those icky gnostics.
This material in Corinthians might be seen as putting the lid on this new wine.
And/or phasing out the old.
Just as one might expect from a writing under the pseudonym of a legendary apostle jotted in the second century.
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God first
Beloved Ex_16th_MB
God loves you my dear friend
I going to begin with a story
-- When I was in NC I went to a Full Gosepel Bussinessmen Fellowship I believe it was called and they was going to have a three day metting in a camp are.
I went and they got into what they call "slain in the spirit" while I have got to know many head leaders in my group . After talking to them personally and a few others I find out about 98% of the time its make believe because they think they have to.
I even had some who believe in it try to push me down by pushing on my head in other groups but to get to the heart of this story because some of the stories I believe were real.
I had to go to God in deep prayer.
The stories that seem real its was about receiving a power that they were not ready for and had a good feeling of joy plus.
After I talk with God the word virtue came to mind so I looked it up
Mark 5:30 And Jesus, immediately knowing in himself that virtue had gone out of him, turned him about in the press, and said, Who touched my clothes?
Luke 6:19 And the whole multitude sought to touch him: for there went virtue out of him, and healed them all.
Luke 8:46 And Jesus said, Somebody hath touched me: for I perceive that virtue is gone out of me.
Phil 4:8 Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.
2 Pet 1:3 According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue:
2 Pet 1:5 And beside this, giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue; and to virtue knowledge;
1 Pet 2:9 But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should show forth the praises (the word praises is the word virtue) of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light:
After studying these verses and there context I came to think "virtue going out" is what happens some of the time but they have label it "slain in the spirit"
now I do not believe a person can control this "virtue going out" but I do not know but I believe they reaching for what they saw before without understanding
but this is me
Now to understand "virtue going out" better think on a spiritual power leaving you for the better good and in most times its used to get a person to believe God is real or heal a person of sickness
one might think on fleshly power going out -- like when a your boy likes a girl but he is afraid to say anything and she lays a big kiss on him
its like receiving something good and not being ready for it
Now today if there is "virtue going out" or spiritual good power going out there may be bad spiritual good power going out
a bad fleshly fleshly good power going out would be like some one hiting you in the mouth without a warning or reason
I just do not know enough to write more but no matter what take your time because most these people are not at a point in their life were you can give them better truths
I have learn just to love them were they are and leave it there but for my own understanding I had to work "virtue going out"
thank you
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
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So Mary, what was the verdict? Did they have good justification? How did you hold up?
I'm just curious. Personally I'd run far and fast. Your husband's reaction tells me all I need to know.
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Dear Mary,
I have never seen where it is OK to seek after this type of experience...sounds like a Rodney Howard-Browne meeting: out of control laughter, howling, animal sounds, drunkeness, crouching in a birth position to "give birth to something in the heavenlies." These are not mentioned as manifestations of the Spirit.
Paul was not slain, he was blinded and fell off his horse, but was in control of himself as best as he could be...Paul was a chosen vessel to the Lord and this is a special record of what happened to him. It is not doctrine.
I have a friend, newly into the Word (3 years), and she LOVES Howard-Browne. Unfortunately, she does not discern things too well even in her personal life, or with regards to worldly matters...she is gullible, and seeks after emotional experiences to supplement her Biblical studies.
Here is a link to Howard-Browne, though I do not know if that is where your husband was, it sounds eerily familiar to his meetings. You can also do a google on him.
And one on Slain in the Spirit to help you get moving.
Lots from a Google search, too.
I can see why your husband was upset....I've heard it said that it is like a zoo at these meetings, and they coerce you to stay and take part. If I were your husband I would never go back.
Good Luck,
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Dot Matrix
I have the same concern and similar experience:
I am 3 days into The Healing Rooms ministry with guest Speaker C@l Pierce.
A few weeks back, after a seizure and a severe manic crisis in a loved one, I was picking up my stuffed animal (dog toys) all over the floor, and placing them into a basket, I have to keep the toys neat and collected.
I then, crumbled by the couch, in a lump of despair and told God, “I can’t do this anymore. I just cannot do this anymore.” Tears of hopelessness and bondage, to diseases in someone else, kept me bound to a life I had come to despise. And every moment I lived was a walking death. (and the loved ones life has been destroyed as well)
I lay before God, his humble daughter, seeking deliverance and direction. And in my cracked humility I begged God for help, as he was the only one who could help me.
The things God did:
1) He sent SOM to GSC; who ministered to me, and my husband. SOM got revelation and spoke it over the phone with hubs and I in the same room. That revelation was a saving grace to me, to foil a plan that was being laid to ruin me.
2) SOM called me with a group from an old Evangelist, John G. Lake. They had begun the healing rooms again.
3) I got prayed for at the healing rooms. It was right on the mark.
4) I tried out their church. They were spirit filled.
5) I signed up for a conference and found out that C@l P1erce was going to be the speaker
6) At the conference a woman named Marie, stood up with a word for two ladies at the conference.
She said she was in the plane on the way to the conference and God showed her a woman who was picking up stuffed animals, all over the floor and tossing them to clean them up.
Then, this woman, crouched down on the floor in front of the couch, and told God, “She just cannot do this anymore.”
She said, “God wants you to know he has seen your perseverance and has heard your words. He wants you to know HE loves you.”
Then, after a dynamic few teachings, one on soul-ties, and another on the end times, Cal did an impartation to the crowd. He walked among us and put on oil on everyone’s forehead and in each palm and said something I cannot recall.
Now, people were blessed, singing with the band that played in the background, and getting slain in the spirit. I, being an x-wafer, was very closed to this as I was taught it was not a good/God thing. And that VPW, after being in a meeting where they were “slain” gave people a kick and the people sat up and came out of the state they were in. (Paraphrase)
So, when I had the oil, be it God or my own obstinacy or wrong teaching, I did not go down. I continued to praise God and sing along with the band. I opened my eyes and saw many peaceful on the floor, as if being taken to a place and seeing marvelous things. Others, shook on the floor, as if they had small jolting convulsions.
I closed my eyes and still danced to the music, then by accident, I kicked a woman who was laying peacefully nearby. She did not awake, she did not flinch she remained in a smiling kinda sleep-state. I closed my eyes and danced again, and in advertently gave a dance kick to another, and they did not flinch or awaken either.
Then, I cried and asked God, could it be you? Everything else seemed so ordained by God. BUT, I did not want to do something from peer pressure, or demons. But the room was holy.
I called a trusted Christian friend, (X-TWI) and we discussed it. I needed some biblical basis for what I had seen.
Being on the cell phone and not having a zillion scriptures handy, off the top of his head he recalled this:
II Chronicles:5:19
2 Chronicles 5
1 When all the work Solomon had done for the temple of the LORD was finished, he brought in the things his father David had dedicated—the silver and gold and all the furnishings—and he placed them in the treasuries of God's temple.
The Ark Brought to the Temple
2 Then Solomon summoned to Jerusalem the elders of Israel, all the heads of the tribes and the chiefs of the Israelite families, to bring up the ark of the LORD's covenant from Zion, the City of David. 3 And all the men of Israel came together to the king at the time of the festival in the seventh month.
4 When all the elders of Israel had arrived, the Levites took up the ark, 5 and they brought up the ark and the Tent of Meeting and all the sacred furnishings in it. The priests, who were Levites, carried them up; 6 and King Solomon and the entire assembly of Israel that had gathered about him were before the ark, sacrificing so many sheep and cattle that they could not be recorded or counted.
7 The priests then brought the ark of the LORD's covenant to its place in the inner sanctuary of the temple, the Most Holy Place, and put it beneath the wings of the cherubim. 8 The cherubim spread their wings over the place of the ark and covered the ark and its carrying poles. 9 These poles were so long that their ends, extending from the ark, could be seen from in front of the inner sanctuary, but not from outside the Holy Place; and they are still there today. 10 There was nothing in the ark except the two tablets that Moses had placed in it at Horeb, where the LORD made a covenant with the Israelites after they came out of Egypt.
11 The priests then withdrew from the Holy Place. All the priests who were there had consecrated themselves, regardless of their divisions. 12 All the Levites who were musicians—Asaph, Heman, Jeduthun and their sons and relatives—stood on the east side of the altar, dressed in fine linen and playing cymbals, harps and lyres. They were accompanied by 120 priests sounding trumpets. 13 The trumpeters and singers joined in unison, as with one voice, to give praise and thanks to the LORD. Accompanied by trumpets, cymbals and other instruments, they raised their voices in praise to the LORD and sang:
"He is good;
his love endures forever."
Then the temple of the LORD was filled with a cloud, 14 and the priests could not perform their service because of the cloud, for the glory of the LORD filled the temple.
Something happened when the cloud filled the room – and we know it was the glory of the Lord.
But it does not say that they fell down.
I truly saw God in this conference, truly. But am unwilling to follow blindly my peers into a part of their service which may not be biblically based. I will continue at their church as it is almost like the “good old days” where the fruits of BG Leonard’s class were realized by many of us who took PFAL.
I found this against slain in the spirit:
I found this:
Jesus Himself, God in the flesh, walked this earth, and the people near Him did not fall down slain in the spirit. The reaction that Jesus got from His physical presence came from (1) a supernatural source, the demons and (2) a natural source, the hypocrites of His day. So if you are a demon or a hypocrite then you may fall down. Please! Note that Jesus also exercised power over death, disease, and nature itself in addition to demons.
Has anyone here been slain in the spirit and what can you tell me about it?
I want the DEEP things of the Lord. I told God I want to go in deep and to protect me, but I feel that SCRIPTURE protects us from things we should not do. (Such as having sex with an old man who tells us he is a moggie in TWI, or perhaps becoming a nun.)
So, I do believe these people LOVE GOD and do show many great things of God, but I have a problem with this aspect.
I am either one of the only ones screwed up there, or one of the only ones who has not allowed themselves to be tricked by a non-Biblical, popular thing going on.
Anyone know anything? I am not judging, but looking for Biblical truth… Trick me once shame on you, trick me twice shame on me.
The thing is, you shall know them by their fruits, and I believe I was in an orchard of plump ripe fruit trees.
Many say it is NOT of God, can anyone confirm that it is?
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Love is the key Dot.
You will not find it in scripture.
You will find the Word in yourself when you let go of the bible.
The comforter will bring it to your remembrance, it cannot be force fed into you.
Relax, ok....
You already know plenty of scripture, let the Spirit work with it.
Get out of it's way. Quit thinkin so much and let that spirit work.
That's not to say there is something that you will be led to do wrong.
But you will know, without forcing the scripture when the Word, the Spirit leads you to a door.
It's in you, but you have to open the door, it's your decision to step into the Spirit.
And it may seem foolish, but it is not.
And I'm not talking about 'slain in the spirit'.
But being 'in the spirit'. Your will becomes Christ's will and change occurs.
Fear will make you hesitate, don't let that bother you, that's normal.
You will know when the time comes. Take it easy on yourself.
It's not your fault.
Love and Peace, hang on to them, you will need them.
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Thanks CMan. I needed to hear that too, different context but still well spoken!
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Dot Matrix
Funny, in ref. to your great post, the lady who followed C@l, then prayed for a sprit of bondage over me to be broken. I have been more in bondage to TWI and fear of devils, than bound to God. I thought I got rid of most of the "arms" of TWI thinking. But more crops up.
Okay, I will get out of the way...
But I am not barking, howling or growling as I do NOT believe that is of God
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Keep looking though, just take it easy on yourself.
There's quite a few here that can help also.
It's in listening and hearing the spirit speak.
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Dot Matrix
I like the church, with that one acception.
Maybe there is a spirit filled church that doesn't ...
I am going to go, just not do anything I am not comfortable doing
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i'm delighted to hear of the lady describing you at home picking up the stuffed toys - that's extremely cool! No doubt God's smiling on you as you continue your journey!
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Dot Matrix
wasn't that cool?
God is good
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Dot Matrix
What did BG think about Slain in the Spirit? Do you know?
Also anyone know what Joyce Meyer teaches? I tried to see her take on this and can't find anything.
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